Chapter 109 Let everyone know who Xin’er’s parents are

On the other side, the void world of the Void Clan.

The seven Void Lords lead the only remaining Void army to curl up here.

Back then, the Blood Shadow Demon Lord killed their Void family out of ten!

Now, because of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, the only remaining air force has been directly damaged by more than half!

There are only ten Void Kings left, and now three more have been sacrificed!

That Blood Shadow Demon Lord is really the nemesis of his Void Clan!

“Damn! Why is he still alive? Why?”

Po Yan’s angry voice resounded in this void time: “Didn’t Ye Tian already kill him? Why is he still alive?”

They still can’t figure it out, what exactly does the Blood Shadow Demon Lord mean?

What the hell is going on in all this?

At the beginning, Ye Tian killed the Blood Shadow Demon Lord. This is recognized by the whole world, and everyone is 100% sure!

But why did he suddenly appear today?

Sudden resurrection?

If he didn’t die, where did the four years go?

Why don’t you come out today?

Could it be that they saw the plan of their Void Clan?

This time, if it wasn’t for Ling Ye, the Void Clan would definitely be able to get the trunk of the ancient blood tree Yang, and they would definitely be able to get the supreme divine pillar of Binhai!

Seeing that the Void Lord’s recovery is imminent, the Blood Shadow Demon Lord was killed at a critical moment, disrupting everything!

Killed their three Void Kings, and also killed half of the Void Army!

The overall strength of their Void Clan was already far less than it was in the past, and it is even worse now!

Now, it is not an exaggeration to say that all the remaining Void people are the only survivors!

Now, the Blood Shadow Demon Lord is resurrected!

Although he only has the strength of the peak of the extreme god realm, his body is as strong as the half-step infinite realm!

Furthermore, he was able to summon so many peak powerhouses in the extreme god realm at one time.

Jiang Yuan, Shura Kuang, Bai Jiu, Luo You Leng, Xi Ji, and the Tai Xu Patriarch will also take action!

Facing such a Blood Shadow Demon Lord, their Void Clan has absolutely nothing to do now!

“Is it possible that my Void family is going to escape back to the Void World?” Po Yan roared.

“With the temper of the blood shadow demon master, this time, I am afraid that we will never let us escape again!” Heiyue’s cold voice sounded.

Ling Ye said that this time, to kill them all outside, he will definitely do it!

Presumably, Ling Ye has already blocked the entrance to that void world now, right?

“Unfortunately, Qian Guang is also dead, how can we think of other ways to resurrect my lord?” Han Sha also said coldly.

Now, their Void Clan’s vitality is greatly damaged, and they are directly helpless!

The rest of them don’t know what to do next.

Face to face with the Blood Shadow Demon Lord?


Even if they can make the Blood Shadow Demon Lord’s vitality greatly hurt, the ending 510 must be that their Void Clan loses!

Resurrection of the Lord of the Void?


Because now they don’t even know how to resurrect!

Although they have four supreme pillars in their hands now, but… they are useless at all!

The other four are simply unavailable!

What can we do now?

They Void Clan, it seems that there is really no way to go!

Is it really only death?

They have no way to deal with Ling Ye at all!

The seven Void Kings fell silent, and the entire Void Army was even more silent.

Now, no one knows what to do!

After Po Yan thought for a moment, he said coldly: “Now, my Void Clan has only one way! That is to become stronger!”

All eyes are on him! How to get stronger? How to do it?

“We need more extreme gods! We need more Void Kings, we need more Void Kings!”

Po Yan continued: “So next! Kill! Lock on all the forces that do not exist in the extreme god realm, continue to swallow them, and do their best to improve the strength of my Void Clan!”

“Do your best to create the King of the Void!”

“Even if you pay the price! As long as more extreme gods can be born, I will do it!”

“How vast are the heavens and the myriad worlds? Powers without the realm of the extreme gods are everywhere! There are countless powers without the peak of the realm of the gods!”

“From now on, I, the Void family, have only one purpose, to kill!”

“Just treat it as… and the heavens and the world, completely tearing the face!”

The sound of breaking flames sounded in this void world.

Now, there really is only one way!

Only when more extreme gods are born, their Void family can deal with Ling Ye!

In any case, there is no other way to go than this one!

Therefore, next, the goal of their Void Clan will no longer be the Supreme Pillar!

It is all the middle and low-level forces in the heavens and the world!

Led by the King of Void personally, the army began to devour and slaughter in the heavens and the world!

It doesn’t matter if it’s hard work!

Because they have no choice!

“Let the heavens and myriad worlds have a good feeling, how terrifying my Void family is to be forced!”

Po Yan then gave an order: “The whole army obeys the order. From now on, everyone’s task is to devour the small forces of all parties in the heavens and the world, improve their strength, and create the king of the void!”


The entire Void army made an uproar.

Now, they have nowhere to go, they are already outlaws!

In the past four years, the main goal of the Void Clan has been the Supreme Divine Pillar.

And now, regardless of the Supreme Pillar, improving strength is the only way out!

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for them to confront the Blood Shadow Abandoned Lord head-on.

“Now… act!”

Po Yan then gave an order.


Immediately, the Void Army was scattered! It swarmed towards the heavens and the world.

After Po Yan and other seven Void Kings looked at each other, they all followed suit!

They will do their best to make the entire Void family give birth to more Void Kings!

In the past four years, they also have a basic understanding of the situation of the entire heavens and the world!

It is very clear which small forces can be targeted!

Today’s Void family is already at the end of the road.

Therefore, the only way to improve one’s overall strength is to go all out to devour other forces and the creatures of the heavens and the world!

Even if it is desperate, the Void family does not matter, as long as the King of the Void can be born, they are willing to work hard and are willing to fight all the army!

What they need now is no longer an army!

But more extreme god realm!

The former Heaven and Earth Alliance has become one of the most important targets of the Void Clan.

Because the former Heaven and Earth Alliance has now been disbanded, it is even better to start!

In the next time, the Void Clan will be madly fighting in the heavens and the world, constantly slaughtering

Ye Ziwei also returned to the Heaven and Earth Alliance at first, but seeing that the entire Heaven and Earth Alliance has been completely disbanded, she was also heartbroken!

Ye Tian’s once-kingdom hegemony is really nothing now.

Known as the strongest force in the heavens and the world, in one day, the whole disintegration!

In addition to being sad, Ye Ziwei only needs to take care of herself first, leave the alliance of heaven and earth, and leave the world of heaven and earth!

Ye Tian lost everything, now only she is left!

The same is true for her, she has long since lost everything, and now there is only Ye Tian, ​​whose life and death are uncertain.

Ling Ye’s resurrection has completely subsided the entire chaos of the heavens and the world, and the struggles of the major forces have almost ceased in one day!

But all the forces in the heavens and the world have calmed down, and the Void family is even more violent.

The Void family frantically slaughtered small and medium-sized forces from all sides. Sometimes they encountered powerful opponents. They retreated if they could not fight, and killed those who could fight!

This crazy behavior continued for about ten days.

Purple Cloud Immortal Realm.

Above the ancient trees in the sea of ​​flowers.

Luo Xin was sitting on a branch at this time, dangling two little feet, two little hands holding the cute little face, and two big blood-red eyes looking at the direction of Huahai Immortal Palace!

“Hmm. Why hasn’t Daddy come out yet? It’s been almost ten days!”

The little girl pouted her little mouth, and now she is a little depressed..

It will come out in a few days as promised, and there is no movement yet!

For the past few days, she has been waiting for Ling Ye outside, hoping that Ling Ye can come out earlier and take her out to play.

At this moment, Luo You Leng’s figure flew up from Huahai Immortal Palace and stood in front of Luo Xin.

“Mother? Hee hee!”

Luo Xin just sneered at Luo You and continued to wait.

Seeing Luo Xin like this, Luo You Leng shook his head helplessly.

Is this little girl really patient?

Waiting here every day!

Sure enough, she lacked the father’s love for four years, and she was really full of longing for this aspect.

Looking at Luo Xin’s little face, Luo You’s cold eyes also showed a hint of apology!

She didn’t give her children a complete home since she was a child, and she knew that she couldn’t be sorry for the children.

Then, she also sat gently beside Luo Xin.

The mother and daughter were sitting on the ancient tree in the sea of ​​flowers, shaking their feet gently.

This scene is flawless!

“Do you like Daddy so much?” Luo You asked coldly.

“Of course, that’s my dad!

Luo Xin nodded, and then suddenly thought of something: “By the way, mother, my father, who is he? I don’t even know his name!”


Luo You thought for a while, and then said: (afec) “He is… the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, his name is Ling Ye!”

It’s okay to say this.

“Blood Shadow Demon Lord? Ha! I know I know!”

Luo Xin was instantly overjoyed when she heard it: “The children in the academy said that the Blood Shadow Demon Lord is the strongest person in the heavens and the world! Daddy is indeed the strongest!

Of course, she still remembers what the children said when she was in the academy, when they said that the Blood Shadow Demon Lord was dead!

Then she also said that her father was more powerful than the Blood Shadow Demon Lord.

Who knew that the Blood Shadow Demon Lord was actually his father?

“Then… Mother, can I also be surnamed Ling?” Luo Xin then whispered.

“This… Luo You Leng frowned slightly.

This little girl is really, daddy is here, everything has to follow daddy?

“Also!” But Luo You Leng nodded.

After all, Ling Ye is indeed her father, so of course there is no problem with her surname Ling.

“Then I have two names, Luo Xin, Ling Xin! Hehe!” Luo Xinxiao had a bright smile on her face.

Looking at her cute little face, Luo You Leng raised her jade hand dotingly and pinched her little face!

To be able to give birth to such a lovely daughter, she is indeed very happy!

Although in the past five years, she has indeed endured a lot.

But… Now that Ling Ye is back, she won’t have any grievances.

The heart is the same!

With Ling Ye here, everything is complete for the mother and daughter.


At this moment, under the Huahai Immortal Palace, the place where Lingquan was located, suddenly made a whimper!

Luo You Leng and Luo Xin both quickly looked at it!

I saw there, a burst of blood rippling through the entire Ziyun Immortal Realm!

But soon, it was restrained.

After all, this is Ziyun Immortal Realm, and it is also where Luo Xin grew up. Of course, Ling Ye doesn’t want to cause damage here!

To be honest, he himself quite likes this unique and beautiful fairyland in the heavens and the world!

Just like Luo You Leng himself..


Immediately afterwards, under Luo Xin’s expectant gaze, Ling Ye’s figure shot straight up from the fairy palace!

Then, stop in mid-air.

At this moment, the corner of Ling Ye’s mouth slightly hooked into a smile and clenched his fist slightly!

Now, this pair of his body is truly complete!

It is a truly complete living body, not a puppet!

And it’s still half a step!

Exactly the same as five years ago!


When she saw Ling Ye come out, Luo Xin immediately flew up and fell into Ling Ye’s arms: “You finally came out, I’ve been waiting for you every day!”

As soon as she saw Luo Xin, Ling Ye also laughed instantly.

He raised his hand, pinched Luo Xin’s cute little face, and said with a smile, “Daddy’s words count, right?

“Mmmm! It’s really been a few days!

Luo Xin nodded: “Dad, can you take me out to play?”

“Okay! Where do you want to go?” Ling Ye asked.

“Can I go anywhere?” Luo Xin was very curious, and glanced at Luo You Leng as she spoke.

In the past, she could not go anywhere!

Besides Ziyun Immortal Realm, she has only one place to go, and that is Tianshu Academy!

Because Luo You Leng doesn’t allow her to run around!

“Looking at this, you are seriously restricting your daughter’s freedom?”

Perceiving Luo Xin’s expression, Ling Ye’s eyes were also looking at Chao Luo You Leng.

“Why do I limit her freedom, you don’t know it yourself?” Luo You coldly gave Ling Ye a look.

This is your daughter!

Do you know how many people have a deep hatred against you?

If too many people knew about Luo Xin’s existence and identity, how dangerous would Luo Xin be?

Ling Ye smiled and then said to Luo Xin: “It doesn’t matter, in the future when Daddy is here, you can go wherever you want!”

Mmmm “!” Luo Xin nodded happily, and continued, “Then I’m outside, do I want to call my father a master?”

As soon as these words came out, Ling Ye frowned slightly again.


“When I was outside, I always asked my mother to be my master! My mother said, this is to protect me!” Luo Xin continued.

Ling Ye immediately understood, and then looked at Chao Luo You Leng again with a bit of apologetic eyes.

When she was not there, Luo Xin didn’t even dare to call her mother in front of outsiders!

In the past five years, they have not received their own protection at all!

“Now that Daddy is back, there is no need to call Master!”

Ling Ye then said: “Just call me mother, just call me father! Let everyone know who Xin’er’s father and mother are! Do you understand?”

Now, he is, of course, no longer need to hide his identity.

It is completely open to let all the worlds know that Luo Xin is his daughter, the daughter of him and Luo You Leng!

Before Luo You Leng was alone, he was indeed afraid that he would not be able to protect Luo Xin!

But with him, everything will be fearless!

“Mmmm! I see! Hee hee!” Luo Xin smiled again.

Finally don’t have to be afraid of using the wrong name when you’re outside.

Luo You’s cold and beautiful eyes looked at Ling Ye and Luo Xin, and then she didn’t say anything more.

The world doesn’t know that she has a daughter. Since it is going to be public now, let it be public!

In the past, she was really afraid of not being able to protect Luo Xin, and she was also afraid that others would have some opinions on Luo Xin.

Now that Ling Ye is here, she really has nothing to be afraid of!

Although… she is still a little complicated to Ling Ye.

But I have to say, Ling Ye will have that absolute sense of security!

With him, we can support everything and face everything!

“Okay, where is Xin’er going now? Daddy will take you out for a walk! Let you take a good look at what is called the heavens and the world!” Ling Ye continued with a smile.

Luo Xin not only lacked fatherly love for more than four years, but also lacked freedom for more than four years!

Now that he is back, of course he will do his best to make up for Luo Xin!

“Well, go to Tianshu Academy first, I want everyone to see my father!”

Luo Xin’s first thought was to show off his father first!

“Okay!” Ling Ye nodded, holding Luo Xin and ready to act.

“Are you going?” His gaze, then looked at Chao Luo You Leng.

“I… Luo You Leng hesitated.

“Mother, can you come with us?” Luo Xin pleaded.

Luo You coldly looked at the father and daughter, and then nodded lightly.

Since my daughter is so happy, of course I can’t let her down!

Seeing Luo You coldly nodding, Luo Xin was overjoyed!

In this way, not only can you show off your father, but you can also show off your mother.

Let everyone know that she has parents!

“Let’s go then!

Ling Ye smiled lightly, then hugged Luo Xin in her arms with one hand, and stretched out the other hand towards Luo You Leng.

“Why?” Luo You Leng suddenly moved his eyebrows slightly.

Is he holding hands?

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