Chapter 108 Why is Mother crying?

The sudden embrace made Luo You Leng’s heart tremble fiercely!

She was struggling!

But under this struggle, he did not use the slightest spiritual power.

As if she is now, she is no longer the palace master of the Ziyun Immortal Palace at the peak of the extreme god realm!

But an ordinary weak woman who has lost her cultivation base.

She didn’t use her spiritual power, and neither did Ling Ye!

If she uses her spiritual power, Ling Ye will use her spiritual power to force her after her!

Ling Ye grabbed her jade hand with one palm, and the other hand gently touched her.

Luo You Leng struggled slightly.

She raised her head, and on her beautiful face, she still carried that last touch of stubbornness: “Is this your tenderness?”

Are you gentle?

“Don’t move, just take it to satisfy Xin’er’s request!” Ling Ye said softly.

After saying this, his face was pressed up again, he leaned into Luo You Leng’s ear, and said softly, “It’s been hard work for the past five years!”

This voice is softer than ever before.

With all his apologies and love!

Ling Ye knew that Luo You Leng had indeed sacrificed a lot for him.

A person with a daughter, endured a lot.

He really owes Luo You Leng a lot!

He really should give Luo You Leng more!

He should really apologize to Luo You Leng.

This is the tenderness and care that a man should give his woman!

Ling Ye’s gentle voice and hug made De Luo You Leng give up struggling in an instant!

It’s just that my heart is shaking!

Her eyes were slightly moist, as if Ling Ye’s sudden embrace and tenderness made the grievances deep in her heart all flood up at this moment.

In the past five years, she alone gave birth to a child and raised her, although she did this completely willingly.

But in her heart…of course there are countless grievances!

When you are pregnant, the father of the child is not there!

When the child is born, the father of the child is not there!

For five years, the father of the child is not there!

She was always the only one to bear it all.

Yes, she can indeed afford it!

It wasn’t too difficult for her.

But the hard part is the heart!

She does all this, how much grievance she has to endure in her heart, only she knows!

Even after giving birth to the child, he did not dare to announce that the child belonged to her and Ling Ye!

Luo You Leng is indeed a strong woman!

But a strong woman is also a woman after all. As a woman, as a mother, she has indeed suffered a lot of grievances.

Besides, how did Ling Ye treat her in the first place? How did she get pregnant with Luo Xin?

Thinking of this, she is of course even more aggrieved!

Luo You Leng’s eyes were moist, her slender eyelashes fluttered slightly, and then, the crystal teardrops still fell down after all.

She deliberately buried her head slightly in Ling Ye’s arms, not wanting Ling Ye to see it!

“Mother? Are you crying?” But Luo Xin was the first to notice Luo You Leng’s tears.

Immediately, her big eyes were a little wet: “Mother, mother, don’t cry, why are you crying?

Seeing her mother like this, of course Luo Xin couldn’t help being anxious and sad.

You should be very happy, why are you crying?

At this time, the entire Ziyun Immortal Realm, Xun Ruyue and the others were all quiet, and everyone’s eyes were silently looking at Luo You Leng in Ling Ye’s arms.

The Palace Master has indeed endured too much in the past five years, and now that Ling Ye is finally back, of course she can’t help it!

“It’s okay, mother didn’t cry!” Luo You Leng quickly held back.

She didn’t want Luo Xin to worry about her.

At this time, Ling Ye also straightened up quickly and looked at the tears in Luo You Leng’s eyes.

When he noticed Ling Ye’s gaze, Luo You Leng hurriedly turned his head away, not wanting to see him!

Luo You’s cold appearance made Ling Ye’s heart soften again!

He put one hand on Luo You Leng, and raised the other hand gently, stroking her face.

Then, very gently, she wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes.

This sudden action made Luo You Leng a little unbearable, but the tears burst even more!

But she was still holding back, her lips trembling slightly!

That last bit of stubbornness, she still didn’t want to admit defeat in front of Ling Ye!

Seeing her like this, Ling Ye then hugged her tightly with both hands.

“Sorry, I will try my best to compensate you for the hard work over the years! I will do my best to give you everything!

Ling Ye’s gentle voice rang in Luo Youlen’s ears.

These words suddenly made Luo You Leng burst into tears again.

Hasn’t she always needed Ling Ye’s tenderness?

Don’t you just need Ling Ye’s Ahu?

Don’t you need Ling Ye’s attitude?

In Ling Ye’s eyes, he is not actually an object of use!

He is willing to love himself, take care of himself, and give himself everything!

These are what she has always needed the most!

All kinds of grievances in the past, at this moment, finally got an absolute response from Ling Ye, of course she couldn’t help crying.

“I don’t have Sword God Liquor and they worked hard~”!”

Luo You Leng said something with a bit of resentment in his trembling, choked voice.

When she said this, she seemed like a complete little woman!

Complaining about my man!

“You are different from them! You are the most special!” Ling Ye hugged Luo You Leng gently.

Baijiu has guarded the three thousand devil emperors for him, and Xiji will work hard for him and Ye Tian!

Luo You Leng was different from them.

Indeed, Baijiu paid for him, and Xiji also paid!

Even Zhuge Qingmu has it!

But Luo You Leng is different after all, Luo You Leng’s contribution is undoubtedly the biggest!

First of all, if it wasn’t for Luo You Leng, he wouldn’t have the chance to be reborn.

Furthermore, Luo You Leng gave birth to Xin’er, which is irreplaceable.

Ling Ye will not deny everything others have done for him, but Luo You Leng has done the most for him!

is incomparable to others.

Feeling Ling Ye’s embrace and Ling Ye’s gentle voice, Luo You Leng couldn’t hold back after all, and picked up her jade hand and hugged Ling Ye!

“I won’t forgive you just like that, absolutely not!”

Although she was already hugging Ling Ye tightly, her choked voice still carried her last stubbornness!

The corner of Ling Ye’s mouth smiled lightly without refuting anything.

Sometimes, I have to let her be a little bit, let her keep the last strength and the last dignity.

Both parties know it well, no need to expose it completely!

As a man, what’s the harm in letting his own woman treat her as pampering her?

Besides, no matter whether Luo You Leng forgives him or not, he will do his best to make up for Luo You Leng!

For her, but also for the heart.

The entire Ziyun Immortal Realm, before Huahai Immortal Palace, Ling Ye and Luo Youleng hugged each other like this!

Luo Xin is standing by the side!

This creates a warm picture,

In the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, it looks even more beautiful

Many goddesses in Ziyun Immortal Realm were all watching this scene at this time.

The Ziyun Immortal Realm was originally forbidden for men to enter, and any feelings are not allowed to be brought to Ziyun Immortal Realm to discuss!

But the palace lord broke this rule, no, to be precise, Ling Ye broke this rule!

No way, who made him the Blood Shadow Demon Lord?

Make him follow other people’s rules?

Is it possible?

But now, no one will care about this rule.

What they care more about is the happiness of the palace lord!

In the past five years, the palace lord has indeed endured a lot.

Now that they finally got the affirmation of this man, they are also happy for the palace master!

Happy for the heart too.

This family of three can finally come together, which is naturally the best ending.

Under everyone’s gaze, Ling Ye and Luo You Leng hugged tightly.

After a long time, it is slowly released!

This time, it can be regarded as an open heart, and we all get to know each other better!

“Mother, hug!”

As soon as Ling Ye and Luo You Leng let go, Luo Xin floated over and hugged Luo You Leng’s arms.

“Why are you crying, mother?” Luo Xin was very concerned, and her little hands gently wiped away the tears from Luo You Leng’s face.

“It’s okay! I’m sorry, I made Xin’er worry!” Luo You said coldly and softly.

“Xin’er doesn’t want to see her mother cry!” Luo Xin whispered.

Seeing Luo You Leng being sad, she would be sad too.

“Mother will not be like this in the future!” Luo You coldly said softly: “Crying for some people is not worth it at all!”

When speaking, she glared at Ling Ye fiercely.

Ling Ye just smiled lightly and didn’t say anything more.

Luo You Leng’s temperament is like this!

I don’t want to break her temperament, but this is a kind of damage to her!

Originally, she was the most perfect.

“Mother, why are you and Daddy like this? Aren’t you husband and wife? Aren’t you supposed to be very loving?” Luo Xin was a little puzzled.

Why are your parents different from others?

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng’s pretty face changed slightly!


Although he already has a child, his complicated relationship with Ling Ye is still far from being a husband and wife, right?

“We are already very affectionate, you are still young, you don’t understand this!” Ling Ye smiled softly.

“Who is in love with you?” Luo You Leng glared at him again.

Ling Ye smiled, then opened her hands: “Heart come here, Daddy hugs!”

“Mmmm! Luo Xinli” Ma floated over: “Daddy, don’t let your mother cry in the future, okay?”

“Don’t worry, Daddy will never make your mother sad! Daddy promises!” Ling Ye smiled softly.

“Mmmm! Dad should be very gentle with mother!” Luo Xin nodded.

“Then do you see Daddy being gentle?” Ling Ye asked.

“Well…very gentle!” Luo Xin nodded.

Indeed, judging from the picture just now, my father is indeed very gentle and doting on his mother!

“Even Xin’er can tell, you still say that I don’t understand gentleness?” Ling Ye’s eyes looked at Chao Luo You Leng.

Luo You Leng just snorted lightly, and after taking a look away from Ling Ye, she turned her head away!

Tenderness? I will never forget what you did the first time!

Will never forgive!

Ling Ye smiled and then said to Luo Xin: “Xin’er, Daddy will take a drop of blood from your body next! Okay?”

Now, he must activate the power of his bloodline as soon as possible!

Let your strength reach the limitless realm!

That way, it’s better to clean up the Void Clan!

In addition… that the rain will break a thousand, of course, it must be handled properly!

“To take blood? Will it hurt?” Luo Xin pouted.

“Of course not!” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

“Alright then!” Luo Xin nodded her head.

Ling Ye then looked at Chao Luo You Leng: “Find me a quiet place to retreat?”

Luo You Leng glared at him: “You can’t find it yourself?”

“Okay! Then I’ll go to your bedroom!” Ling Ye’s mouth twitched slightly.

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng frowned slightly and continued, “Do you know where my bedroom is?”

“Of course I don’t know, I can only find it casually. If it belongs to someone else, I can’t do anything about it!” Ling Ye smiled wickedly.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of many goddesses in Ziyun Immortal Realm changed slightly!

That can’t be done! How can the Demon Lord be allowed to enter the place where they rest?

Then the palace lord must not… be jealous?

Luo You Leng also frowned slightly, this bastard, what a bastard!

“The spiritual spring in my Ziyun Immortal Realm is relatively quiet!

Luo You Leng then said something, and then flew towards Huahai Immortal Palace.

Ling Ye smiled lightly, and immediately followed Luo Xin with her!

Leaving Xun Ruyue and the others standing in mid-air, looking at each other.

It was a good show just now!

The Demon Lord and the Palace Lord actually hugged each other?

Although the palace lord wept, but those tears must be sweet!

It’s so sweet, I want to see it again.

Xun Ruyue thought to herself, only Luo Xin could let them do this kind of thing!

Without Luo Xin, could they hug?

Absolutely impossible!

Well, what if Luo Xin asks them to kiss directly next time?

Xun Ruyue and the others were actually looking forward to those pictures.

The three of Ling Ye came to the clear spiritual spring in Huahai Immortal Palace.

The clear spring is clear, and it also carries a fragrance unique to the Ziyun Immortal Realm.

“””Say…is that where you usually bathe?”

As soon as it came, Ling Ye just asked a question.

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng gave him a hard look!

What if it is? What if it is not?

She does…like to bathe here.

This is a special cleaning place that belongs to her.

“No one will disturb you here!”

Luo You Leng then just said one sentence.

Thank you “Thank you!” Ling Ye smiled lightly, then put down Luo Xin; “Xin’er, close your eyes!”

“Hmm!” Luo Xin obediently closed her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Ye’s fingertips lightly tapped on Luo Xin’s small eyebrows.

Then, take a breath!

Immediately, the blood energy in Luo Xin’s body was flowing!

From her body, a drop of blood essence continued to gather towards the eyebrows!

Then, it was absorbed by Ling Ye.

This method of extracting blood essence will not have any effect on Luo Xin.

This is just a drop of blood essence, the power is naturally not strong, but the effect is particularly huge!

As long as he has this drop of blood essence, Ling Ye can activate the blood power of his body!

After a little retreat for a period of time, you can directly reach the half-step infinite realm!

By then, it will be much easier to deal with the Void Clan or something else!

“Okay, Xin’er, wait for Daddy outside!”

With the drop of blood essence floating on his fingertips, Ling Ye smiled at Luo Xin.

Luo Xin opened her big eyes and looked at Ling Ye: “Daddy will take a long time?”

“No, a few days is enough!” Ling Ye laughed.

As long as there is this drop of blood essence as an introduction, it won’t take long!

“How many days?” Luo Xin seemed to think that a few days were quite a long time.

But she still nodded her head obediently: “Then… after your retreat is over, will you take me out to play?”

“Of course! Good!” Ling Ye rubbed Luo Xin’s little head.

Then he said coldly to Luo You: “In the past few days, please take care of me, and don’t let anyone disturb me!”

“(Li’s Zhao) Aren’t you afraid that I will take the opportunity to kill you?” Luo You coldly looked at him with beautiful eyes.

“This is really… my chance!”

Ling Ye smiled and continued: “Then you have to seize this opportunity!

“Humph! You’d better not panic!” Luo You coldly snorted.

After saying that, he left here with Luo Xin.

In place, Ling Ye smiled lightly, and then, directly integrated that drop of blood essence into his body!

Then swept away, entered the spiritual spring, and retreated!

With the integration of blood essence, his entire body seemed to be ignited instantly!

The bloodline power that belongs to him is activated little by little!

As long as it takes a certain amount of time, he can once again reach the half-step infinity!

Until then, he is the original Blood Shadow Demon Lord again!

As for Luo You Leng wanting to kill him, of course he was relieved.

Luo You Leng has long lost his murderous intent towards him!

He had seen this five years ago.

Outside, Luo You Leng flew out with Luo Xin.

As soon as she came out, Luo Xin looked at Luo You Leng and shouted, “Mother, you just said you were going to kill Daddy? How could you kill Daddy?”

“I” Luo You Leng’s eyebrows straightened, and after thinking for a while, he replied, “Mother is joking!”

Of course, she has long since lost her desire to kill Ling Ye!

It is even more difficult to make Luo Xin feel that he has such thoughts.

Mother wants to kill father?

How much psychological shadow did it cause to Luo Xin?

“I see! Mother, are all the angry words you and Daddy said to you a joke?” Luo Xin asked curiously.

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng hesitated for a moment.

Those angry words were no joke.

She is really angry, she really has a complicated hatred for Ling Ye!

But she still nodded slightly: “Well… it’s all a joke!”

“Hee hee, I knew it! I knew father and mother were actually very loving!”

Luo Xin suddenly laughed happily.

Luo You Leng also smiled lightly, as long as it makes Xin’er happy, it doesn’t matter even if she is acting with Ling Ye.

That’s right, just pretend it’s all about acting!

It’s all for the heart!

It has nothing to do with your own intentions! Rank,

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