Chapter 107 Dad, would you like to hug your mother?

Ye Ziwei’s sudden appearance made everyone’s eyes look at her curiously!

Isn’t this Ye Tian’s sister?

Why did you come here all of a sudden?

And let Ling Ye save Ye Tian?

What’s the meaning?

What happened to Ye Tian?

Wasn’t he still in the Taixu Protoss before?

Under everyone’s attention, Ye Ziwei knelt down not far in front of Ling Ye.

She stiffened her neck, endured the fear of Ling Ye, and said, “Before, I accidentally broke into a space and met a person there..

Then, she said everything in the black rain space.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it!

The person who led the heavens and the world to fight against the Void family?

Is Ling Ye’s… a competitor?

And this person?

And the supreme artifact is not only the supreme divine pillar in all directions?

Before the Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar, are there still the top three supreme artifacts?

And that person, driving the third-ranked supreme artifact?

That is to say, in the black rain space that Ye Ziwei said, there is one, no, four to be exact!

Four beings who are about to reach the realm of infinity?

Realm of Promise! A total of four?

If such a person appeared in the heavens and the world, what kind of scene would the heavens and the world become?

What will happen to Ling Ye?

“Yu Duanqian? I didn’t expect that that guy is still alive?

Dollar’s eyes narrowed slightly: “I thought he died at the hands of the Void family back then, but I didn’t expect to find a place to hide?”

Back then, the countless powerhouses in the heavens and the world joined forces to fight against the Void Clan, and it was indeed Yu Duanqian who took the lead.

At that time, the heavens and the world were mainly divided into three directions!

One side is Yu Duanqian with many strong men, and the other side is some wandering strong men!

And the rest is Ling Ye who doesn’t associate with anyone!

Yu Duanqian has always believed that he occupies the dominant position in the heavens and the world!

After all, he did lead a lot of people.

But after many battles, both big and small, Yu Duanqian led many powerhouses, but it couldn’t keep up with Ling Ye’s role alone!

So, he really hated Ling Ye…

A self-proclaimed person, of course, dislikes others who are more capable than him!

Therefore, he deliberately targeted Ling Ye several times.

There is indeed a grudge against Ling Ye!

Jiang Yuan’s eyes turned to Ling Ye: “I didn’t expect that he would actually drive the third-ranked supreme artifact. If he succeeds in refining… it is the four infinite realms with four bodies and one heart, this can be a little troublesome!”

At this time, Ling Ye’s expression didn’t change much, instead he sneered: “Driving? He was just lucky, he just met the Heavenly Mie Sishen!

Do you need to drive to kill the four bodies that day?

In other words, anyone who meets them can be refined!

Indeed, in the void of all worlds, there are four supreme artifacts in total! Each is different.

The first indescribable beginning of the void of all worlds, once driven, it is omnipotent, creating and destroying everything in a single thought!

Ling Ye also tried to look for this first artifact, but there was never any clue.

It seems that the fusion of Myriad Realms and Void is the beginning of Myriad Realms Void 05!

This is also why the Void Clan tried their best to integrate the Void creatures with the creatures of the heavens and the world.

It is because once the fusion is successful, it will be able to touch the subtle power of the first divine weapon to a certain extent!

However, it did not succeed in the end.

The second-ranked Promise Origin also has special characteristics. The Promise Origin does not have any power and destructiveness, but it is a necessary introduction!

It is the introduction to the heavens and the world, and even the emptiness and the infinite realm!

If there is no existence of the source of the infinite, there will be no power of the infinite realm in this myriad world and the void, and there will be no existence of the infinite realm whether it is a person or a thing.

The source of the infinite is divided into two, one is in the void, and the other is in the ten thousand realms!

The two parts of the Promise Origin are born and die, and one of them will be destroyed, and the other will also be destroyed!

And back then, the Lord of the Void who was sealed by Ling Ye was the source of the infinite that condensed the Void World!

So Ling Ye didn’t kill him, just sealed him!

Because once the Promise Origin of the Void World is destroyed, the Promise Origin of the heavens and the world will also disappear!

At that time, there will be no infinite realm in the heavens and the world.

Ling Ye himself said that he was kind to the world, and he considered the future development of the heavens and the world, so he did not destroy the source of infinite.

This also led to the appearance of Ye Tian’s boundless realm!

If he had directly destroyed the source of infinite, there would be no infinite realm in the heavens and the world.

And the third place is Heaven Extinguishing Body!

The Heaven Extinguishing Four Body is the congenital Qi, which itself contains the power of the infinite realm. Once the melting is successful, the body of the smelter can be divided into four.

Whether it is strength or consciousness, the four bodies are the same existence!

But wholeheartedly!

But driving the Heaven Extinguishing Four Body, there are no requirements, anyone can do it.

On the contrary, the Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar, ranked last, has a very powerful suppressive power in itself!

If you want to drive Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar, you really need strength and ability to do it.

Therefore, it is not to say that driving the four bodies of Tianxie is more special than driving the Bafang Shenzhu!

Because there is no such thing as driving or not.

“Master Demon Lord, he… his consciousness can leave that space with the help of Brother Tian’s body!”

Ye Ziwei cried and said, “Lord Abandoned Lord, please save Brother Tian, ​​please save him, okay?”

Ling Ye looked at Ye Ziwei, but she didn’t mean to save Ye Tian at all!

Let him save Ye Tian?

Is it possible?

“Why do people who ask for help always kneel? Do you think someone else should help you when you kneel?” Ling Ye just said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, Yao Yao who was behind suddenly pursed her lips.

Aren’t they like that in the beginning?

So this Ye Ziwei kneeling in front of Ling Ye is of course useless.

Besides, who is Ye Tian?

It’s Ling Ye’s enemy!

How could Ling Ye be able to save him?

Ye Ziwei raised her head slightly, also stood up, and then looked at Ling Ye!

Listening to Ling Ye’s words, she didn’t know what to do at all.

After thinking for a while, she bit her lip lightly: “No matter what the conditions are, as long as the Lord Demon is willing to save him, I can do anything! I’m afraid that even if you serve Lord Demon forever in the future! If you need it, I can give it to you now. you!”

Ye Ziwei’s face at this time, with a touch of determination!

The determination to give everything for Ye Tian!

As soon as these words came out, Ling Ye hadn’t reacted yet, and Luo You Leng, who was behind, suddenly changed his face!

How beautiful are you thinking? Who do you think of Ling Ye?

Baijiu also frowned slightly. Although he and Ling Ye have a very simple relationship, subconsciously, he still cares about these things!

Will Ling Ye want Ye Ziwei? No?

Below, Zhuge Qingchan and Xiji were also surprised!

What did Ye Ziwei think?

She thought that Ling Ye meant what she said, what did she need to pay?

Or pay for it?

She really is…thinking beautiful?

We couldn’t get what we wanted, she thought she could use herself to negotiate terms with Ling Ye?

Above the sky, Ling Ye also smiled faintly: “You were very inferior just now, but now you are very confident?

As soon as these words came out, Ye Ziwei’s complexion changed a bit!

What does it mean?

Is he… looking down on himself?

If he uses himself to exchange for him, he still despise himself?

Still feel like you’re over the top?

Is this what you mean?

“I have no obligation to save anyone, let alone him?” Ling Ye then said lightly.

“But… Ye Ziwei bit her lip and continued: “But Brother Tian said, his life will be kept for you, waiting for you to take it!”

Didn’t Ling Ye want to kill Ye Tian?

How can you be willing to let Ye Tian die at the hands of others?

“I really want his life! But if he falls into the hands of Yu Duanqian like this, it also proves that he is nothing more than that! I don’t care!!

Ling Ye then said lightly: “It’s just a consciousness, even if it has the strength of half a step, it is only a consciousness after all!”

Others don’t know it, and the two broken thousand may not be clear either, but Ling Ye, who has reached the half-step and even the limitless state, is very clear!

If you want to invade the body of the peak of the extreme god realm and remove the consciousness of the original owner, it is actually very difficult to do half a step in the infinite realm!

This is more difficult than killing a pinnacle of the extreme gods!

After all, it is just a consciousness of Yu Duanqian!

Of course, if Ye Tian is really too fragile, it is still possible that Yu Duanqian will take his body away!

If Ye Tian didn’t even have this ability, then he would die if he died!

Although Ling Ye really wanted to kill Ye Tian with his own hands, this matter… he couldn’t control it.

In addition, he can’t make a shot!

That black rain space was created by Yu Duanqian smelting the four bodies of Heaven and Mie. Even if he went, he couldn’t do anything, and he wouldn’t be able to get out!

After all, he now only has the strength of the peak of the extreme god realm!

So, of course he won’t make a move.

“But… Ye Ziwei burst into tears again.

what to do?

If Ling Ye doesn’t take action, who can save Ye Tian?

What should we do now?

“Can you contact him?” At this moment, Ling Ye spoke again.

“Yes!” Ye Ziwei nodded quickly.

“You tell him! Come out alive to see me if you can!”

Ling Ye just said something lightly, and then waved his hand.

A huge blood-colored space distortion suddenly formed.

Then, just turned around and walked in!

In the back, Luo You Leng and the others all looked at Ye Ziwei and followed.

If Ling Ye doesn’t do anything about this, of course no one else can do it!

I don’t even have the ability to do it!

Of course there is no obligation to go!

“I am leaving, bye!”

Below, after Zhuge Qingchan and Xi Ji said a word, they also flew up quickly.

Follow Ling Ye.

Everyone brought by Ling Ye, as well as the three thousand devil emperors, all left at this time!

In mid-air, only Ye Ziwei and the Void Protoss on the opposite side were left.

“In any case, Alliance Leader Ye Tian has helped my Taixu Protoss. If it’s useful, Miss Ye will just say:” Taixu Patriarch said lightly to Ye Ziwei.

One yard to one yard, Ye Tian did help their Taixu Protoss.

They can shoot if needed.

Ye Ziwei was standing in the air crying and shaking her head: “No one can save Brother Tian except him!”

Only Ling Ye has that ability, others are impossible.

“In this case, there is nothing we can do!” The Taixu Patriarch only shook his head, and then left with the people of the Taixu Protoss.

If you can’t do anything, you can’t do anything!

In midair, only Ye Ziwei was left standing there, crying and despairing.

what to do?

What can we do now?

“Brother Tian, ​​what should I do, he refuses to take action, what should I do?” Ye Ziwei cried and contacted Ye Tian.

At this time, Ye Tian, ​​who was far away in the black rain space, heard this, and his heart sank immediately!

Ling Ye doesn’t make a move?

how is this possible?

Below this, there is a huge threat!

How could Ling Ye not take action?

“Ziwei, what did he say?” Ye Tian asked immediately.

“He said let you come out to meet him alive! He also said that if you die, it will prove that you are nothing more than this! What should I do?” Ye Ye was crying.

As soon as these words came out, Ye Tian in the black rain space suddenly thought.

Then he said: “It’s okay, Ziwei, since he said so, it proves that I may indeed be able to get out of here alive!”

It is impossible for Ling Ye to let a huge threat go unnoticed!

Maybe Ling Ye really doesn’t care about his life or death, but Ling Ye will definitely find a way to deal with the following person.

Not sure, Ling Ye already has a plan!

“Ziwei, don’t worry! During this time, protect yourself first!”

Ye Tian then said: “I will try my best to live!”

“But Brother Tian… Ye Ziwei doesn’t know what to do.

“Don’t worry, I will always keep in touch with you! Ziwei, I will live, and you must do your best to protect yourself!” Ye Tian comforted.

Hearing Ye Tian’s words, Ye Ziwei had no choice but to nod her head: “Mmm, ah! Brother Tian, ​​you must live, definitely!

In the mid-air of Ming Hai, Ye Ziwei stood there, and after a while, she could only turn around and leave.

Now, she is completely helpless!

You can only follow what Ye Tian said and wait to see if Ye Tian can come out.

With Ye Ziwei’s departure, now, there is only the whole shattered seaside world, and Xiji and others below.

“It’s really true that you two brothers and sisters can get to this point…

Xi Ji shook her head and said nothing.

Just then ordered to the remaining banshees in Ming Hai: “Get ready, resurrect everyone!”

Although this battle suffered heavy losses, it was fortunate that most of the remnants of the banshees were preserved.

As long as there are enough materials and enough time, everyone can be resurrected!

At that time, the creeks and seas will be rebuilt!

On the other side, deep in the void.

Here, it is still blood red.

It’s just that under this blood red, there is a huge black crack!


At this moment, Ling Ye took Luo Liu Leng and others and appeared here.

Behind him, there are more than 2,000 Demon Emperor troops, as well as many goddesses of Ziyun Immortal Realm!

“You don’t plan to deal with the person Ye Ziwei said just now?” Luo You Leng asked immediately.

She was worried after all.

That is the threat of the Four Promise Realms!

Ling Ye now only has the peak of the extreme god realm, how to deal with it?

“It’s not your turn to worry about me!” Ling Ye just said to Luo You Leng.

Luo You Leng glanced at him suddenly: “I’m not worried about you!

Ling Ye just smiled lightly and didn’t say anything more.

Then wave your hand!

In the depths of this void, the entrance to the huge black nothingness world was condensed and closed again, forming a small pitch-black distortion.

Next, “You guard here, block the retreat of the Void family, and leave the rest to me!” Ling Ye said to Jiang Yuan and others.

“Are you alone?” Shura looked at Ling Ye wildly.

Ling Ye is only at the pinnacle of the extreme god realm, although he is indeed a little bit stronger than others!

But… it’s hard to deal with the seven Void Kings, isn’t it?

“You only need to block the road, I am enough!” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

Shura nodded madly.

OK! Since Ling Ye said so, of course they believe Ling Ye!

Ling Ye’s gaze, then looked at Chao Baijiu: “Anyway, you have nowhere to go, why don’t you help me clean up this Void family for now!”

“I am more worried about the one you mentioned just now, Rain Break!

Bai Jiu said lightly: “How do you deal with it?

“You are also worrying about it?” Ling Ye smiled.

The four “Don’t you care about the threat of the Promise Realm?” Bai Jiu continued.

“Threat? With him, he is not qualified to be considered a threat to me!” Ling Ye smiled.

Baijiu was immediately puzzled, that was the realm of four infinites!

Is this not eligible?

“Since the Lord Demon said so, then don’t worry about it!” At this time, Jiang Yuan smiled.

He knows Ling Ye better than the average person.

Ling Ye said don’t worry, then don’t worry!

Ling Ye has a way to deal with it.

“Whatever you want!” Bai Jiu then only said lightly: “I will only work hard for you for free this time, don’t think of calling me again next time!”

Ling Ye just smiled lightly, next time she wants to call you..

What kind of temperament is Baijiu, Ling Ye naturally… has already pinched it to death!

Ling Ye then turned around and said to Luo You Leng, “Let’s go!”

“Go? Where to go?” Luo You coldly looked at him with beautiful eyes.

Of course, “I’m going back to see my daughter!” Ling Ye smiled lightly and rushed towards Ziyun Immortal Realm.

Luo You Leng suddenly frowned, do you really think my Ziyun Immortal Realm is your home?

She then followed with everyone from the Ziyun Immortal Realm!

Then, Jiang Yuan and the others were left with a stunned expression.

What did Ling Ye say just now?

see your daughter?

what daughter?

“He’s talking about his daughter?” Shura Kuang suddenly looked at Jiang Yuan and Baijiu.

“How much do I know? He also has a daughter?” Jiang Yuan also had no idea about this.

“It’s cold with Luo You?” Bai Jiu was also surprised.

Ling Ye and Luo You Leng have a daughter?

When did this happen?

How come they don’t know anyone?

Zhuge Qingchan raised her hand, she actually wanted to go see Ling Ye’s daughter with Ling Ye.

But before they could speak, Ling Ye and Luo You Leng left.

“Girl, you seem to know?” Jiang Yuan and the others looked at Zhuge Qingmu.

“I just heard from the Banshee King! They do have a daughter!” Zhuge Qingfeng replied.

After receiving Zhuge Qingmu’s confirmation, Jiang Yuan and the others were all taken aback!


Baijiu’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, Ling Ye and Luo Youlen’s relationship has reached this point?

Have kids?

How many secrets are there between them?

At this time, there are 507 inexplicable complexities in Baijiu’s heart!

Ling Ye, who counts himself as a friend, suddenly has a child with another woman!

Does she feel like she cares a lot about this?

Why do you care so much?

Do you have something wrong with Ling Ye?

Thoughts that you don’t even notice?

A friend was taken away by someone else, it should be nothing, right?

Why would you care so much?

Is it because it was a woman who stole him, so you care?

Purple Cloud Immortal Realm.

As soon as Ling Ye, Luo You Leng and others came back, Luo Xin flew up immediately.

Daddy, “You are finally back!”

There was a bright smile on that little face, and the moment it came up, it was hugged in Ling Ye’s arms.

The Xizhou aura of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord on Ling Ye’s body also disappeared in an instant.

He held the little guy in his arms, and a soft smile appeared on his face.

Now, he is no longer the Blood Shadow Demon Lord who suppressed the heavens, but the father of a child.

“Daddy, why have you been gone for so long? I thought you didn’t come back, Daddy!”

Luo Xin held Ling Ye in her small hands, and her milky voice filled Ling Ye’s heart with a touch of gentleness.

“Daddy said that he will always accompany Xin’er in the future, and he will do what he says!” Ling Ye smiled softly.

“Then let’s pull the hook, hee hee!” Luo Xin immediately raised her little hand.

Seeing her little hand, Ling Ye did not refuse, and completed this childish action with her.

Outside, he is the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, but in front of Luo Xin, he is a gentle father!

It’s okay to be childish!

Beside, looking at Luo Xin who was tired of being with Ling Ye, Luo You Leng let out a sigh of relief.

My daughter has not had a father since she was a child, and now that her father is back, even her mother-in-law has been ignored?

“Mother! Hee hee!”

But at this moment, Luo Xin flew over from Ling Ye’s arms and hugged Luo You Leng’s arms.

The sudden little hug also warmed Luo You Leng’s heart, she also hugged Luo Xin gently, and then a smile appeared on her face.

This was also the first time Ling Ye saw Luo You sneer.

Very intoxicating!

When he noticed Ling Ye’s playful and appreciative gaze, the smile on Luo You Leng’s face suddenly disappeared.

She just glared at Ling Ye fiercely and didn’t say much!

“Dad, you’ve already hugged me, and you’ll hug your mother too, okay?”

At this moment, a word suddenly came out of Luo Xin’s mouth.

While speaking, she broke free from Luo You Leng’s embrace.

The meaning is very simple, give up your arms to Ling Ye!

This sudden remark suddenly shocked everyone!

For a moment, Xun Ruyue and others all looked at Ling Ye and Luo You Leng.

Although Luo Xinyu is amazing, but I have to say good job!

Will Ling Ye hug their palace masters?

At this time, Ling Ye’s eyes looked at Luo You Leng, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

On the opposite side, Luo You Leng’s beautiful eyes were also looking at him at this time, her eyes were a bit complicated!

At this moment, Ling Ye suddenly stepped forward!

Seeing Ling Ye’s action, Luo You Leng took a step back: “What are you doing?”

You don’t really want to come, do you?

In fact, deep down, she might also want Ling Ye’s hug! She really wants Ling Ye’s Ahu!

There is really nothing between her and Ling Ye.

It was the first time before holding hands, not to mention hugging!

But.. she doesn’t want to give in like this!

I don’t even want to admit defeat in front of Ling Ye!

“You want to reject me?” Ling Ye looked at Luo You Leng.

“I have the right to refuse you!” Luo You’s cold and beautiful eyes stared at him.

“In front of my daughter, I want to be gentle, so you’d better not force me!” Ling Ye stepped forward again, walked to Luo You Leng, and looked at her.

“A person like you also understands what gentleness is?” Luo You Leng suddenly felt some ripples in his heart.

Do you have the nerve to say gentle?

What did you do to me when you first came here?

“Of course I understand! I hope you understand too!” Ling Ye’s mouth curled into a smile.

The next moment, get started!

Luo You Leng suddenly wanted to back away, but Ling Ye grabbed her jade hand.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Ye’s other hand grabbed her waist, which is to put her in his arms…

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