Chapter 102 With Ling Ye, there is a sense of security

Xi Ji’s eyes that were originally full of despair stared at the back in front of her.

Then gradually, she realized that this was not her illusion!

it is true!

It’s really Ling Ye!

Is he really back?

And at this time?

At this moment, Ling Ye turned back gently, those blood-red eyes looked at her: “There is something, it’s a little late!”

When I heard this voice, when I saw Ling Ye’s eyes!

In Xi Ji’s beautiful eyes, the mist rolled up instantly.

It’s really him!

Really he is back!

I really… saw him again!


The appearance of Ling Ye caused the entire chaotic battlefield to calm down in an instant!

All the banshees flew over and stood behind Xi Ji.

Xi Ji also put away her self-destruction at the last moment!

All the banshees looked at Ling Ye who suddenly appeared in front of them with shocked eyes.

Blood Shadow Lord?

Lord Demon?

Is he… really alive?

Is he really not dead?

What happened to the death of the soul in the first place?

How did he come back to life?

On the opposite side, Po Yan also suddenly stopped at the first moment.

Behind him, the rest of the Void Kings all flew up!

The entire Void army all over Xihai also stopped fighting at this time, and all flew over!

In the blink of an eye, the two armies split into two sides under the entire evaporating seashore!

The vast and mighty army of the Void Clan was all looking at Ling Ye on the opposite side with horror in their eyes!

In those eyes, there is an instinctive fear!

Is it the Blood Shadow Demon Lord?

how come?

how is this possible?

Isn’t he already dead?

Didn’t Ye Tian kill him already?

Why did it suddenly appear here?

At the forefront, the seven kings of the void, including Poyan, have the most unsightly eyes!

Their eyes were all staring at Ling Ye on the opposite side!

Staring at Ling Ye’s hand, the latent light that was gripped by Ling Ye’s head like an octopus!

At this time, the latent light was struggling frantically in Ling Ye’s hands, his eyes were hideous!

However, he has no fighting power, and of course it is impossible to ask Ling Ye’s clutches!

At this time, the hundreds of millions of Void Clan’s army, the last moment was fiery!

At this moment, no one dared to act rashly!

They really can’t figure out what all this is all about!

How could that man be still alive?

If he is still alive, why has there been no movement for more than four years?

Why does it only appear now?

Also, if he is still alive, Lei Jue and Guishang outside don’t know.

Their knot 05 shrouded the entire sea, but it can only isolate all signal transmission and induction, and cannot isolate the incoming and outgoing people!

So now Ling Ye can come in!

So they can’t even notice what’s going on outside!

Anyway, now that the Blood Shadow Demon Lord has appeared, they will definitely not dare to mess around!

What invades the heavens and the world?

With him, how can the Void family invade the heavens and the world?

It is even possible that today is the day when the entire Void family is destroyed!

The entire chaotic Ming Hai became eerily quiet at this time.

The eyes of everyone in the Void clan were filled with deep fear, staring at Ling Ye.

On the opposite side, Ling Ye’s gaze, then also looked over!

When his eyes glanced at the entire Void army, everyone in the entire Void Clan couldn’t help but tremble!

Even some of them couldn’t help but take a few steps back!

Ling Ye, the invisible majesty, for their Void Clan, is deeply rooted!

No one will forget the fact that Ling Ye almost wiped out the entire Void family!

No one will forget that terrifying figure, that terrifying look!

Ling Ye is the nightmare of the Void family!

Ling Ye’s eyes, glanced at the entire chaotic Minghai, and looked at the remnant souls floating in the sea!

Immediately afterwards, he raised his other hand and took a sharp breath!


All of a sudden, the remnants of that one after another gathered towards him.

This is the remnant of all the banshees who died in the previous battle.

Countless remnants of souls gathered, and finally all condensed in Ling Ye’s palm, forming a faint green ball of light.

Ling Ye then turned around and handed the ball of light that gathered countless remnants of souls to Xi Ji: “It is rumored that after the death of the Xihai Banshee, the souls will return to the sea, this time, I am late, I will do my best to help you revive them! ”

Looking at Ling Ye in front of her, Xi Ji’s eyes were wet and she burst into tears!

Originally a high above, a seductive banshee king, but at this time she cried like a little girl, which made people feel distressed.

She looked at Ling Ye in front of her!

It’s really him, not his own illusion!

He is really back!

The person who has been thinking about it day and night is really back!

He is really alive!

Five years, I searched for five years, and waited for five years!

Even despair has begun.

But at this last moment, he finally showed up!

He is finally back!

Now, he is indeed dead with no regrets.

And… don’t have to die!

Looking at Ling Ye in front of her, Xi Ji was crying, she really wanted to hug Ling Ye tightly now!

Although she knew what kind of person Ling Ye was, she even knew that the relationship between Ling Ye and Luo You Leng was extraordinary!

But her admiration for Ling Ye will never change!

Ling Ye will always be the only one in her mind!

“This is nothing like you!” At this moment, Ling Ye spoke again.

What about the seductive look before? What about the temperament of the Banshee King?

It really looks like a little girl!

Maybe in front of her, she was just a little girl!

Hearing Ling Ye’s words, Xi Ji sniffed lightly, and then sorted out her expression.

Then, stretched out his hands and gently took over Ling Ye’s condensed remnant soul!

She then said in a choked voice: “Minghai Monster Nest, it has nothing to do with Lord Demon Lord! If Lord Demon Lord is willing to take action, it is already an honor for Xihai Monster Nest!

“It’s not irrelevant!”

Ling Ye said lightly: “At least this group of dogs that ran out of the depths of the void, I have to clean up!”

In addition, not to mention that he has to take care of the Void family!

Back then, he took Dinghaizhu from Xiji, which was considered a favor!

Of course he will!

Many thanks, “Master Demon Lord!” Xi Ji held back all the tears in her eyes.

“Take your people, take these remnants, and step back!

Ling Ye then turned around, facing the vast Void army led by the seven Void Kings on the opposite side, and said coldly, “Leave the rest to me!”


Xi Ji nodded heavily, and then planned to retreat with everyone.

The Xihai Banshee is no longer able to fight anymore!

Since Ling Ye is here, leave it to him!

With Ling Ye, all problems will not be problems!

With Ling Ye, there is an endless sense of security!

“By the way, Lord Demon Lord, do you know Luo You Leng, what are you thinking of, Xi Ji suddenly asked.

“I know!” Ling Ye nodded.

“Then…she is actually yours, Lord Demon Lord, isn’t she?” Xi Ji then asked.

“Yes!” Ling Ye nodded again.

It was only once before, but now Luo You Leng will always be his woman! The mother of his daughter!

Although Ling Ye knew that Ling Ye would answer this for a long time, Xi Ji was still a little disappointed.

So, has the relationship between Ling Ye and Luo You Leng been confirmed?

Then between yourself and Ling Ye…isn’t it really impossible?

Can you really just be alone forever?

Although this is fine…

Anyway, as long as he is still alive and he can have a lovesickness in his heart, everything is enough, right?

She then took a deep breath: “Then the rest… there is Lord Lao Demon Lord!”

After saying that, she took all the remaining banshees and retreated to the bottom.

The entire evaporating stream and sea, high above the sky, Ling Ye stood there, clasping Qian Guang’s head tightly in his palm, alone, facing the mighty Void army on the opposite side!

“Kanzhu, in this creek siren nest! Lizhu, in the ancient mirror of residual fire!”

Ling Ye’s indifferent voice then sounded: “The remaining Ganzhu and Kunzhu are in the tomb of my Devil Emperor!”

He directly told the position of the Supreme Divine Pillar to the Void Clan on the opposite side.

Then, he added another sentence: “Take it if you can!”

In this sentence, with that kind of arrogance, with that kind of contempt!

Si did not put the Void family in his eyes at all.

Because he is not afraid of the Void family at all!

With him around, the Void Clan can’t expect anything.

Hearing Ling Ye’s words, all the people in the Void family on the opposite side didn’t have any words to refute!

If Ling Ye is still alive, even if he directly puts the Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar behind him, the Void Clan will definitely not be able to get it!

Also, I didn’t expect that there were actually two supreme divine pillars inside the Devil Emperor’s tomb?

If I had known earlier, sacrificing the three Void Kings would be totally worth it!

Not only can you get three thousand devil emperors, but you can also get two supreme divine pillars!

If I knew earlier, I wouldn’t have to waste time elsewhere, just go directly to the tomb of the Devil Emperor and go to the liquor!

No wonder!

It’s no wonder that Ling Ye would let a peak powerhouse like Baijiu guard the tomb of the Demon Emperor!

On the opposite side, the seven kings of the void, including Poyan, were all staring at Ling Ye.

Ye Tian killed Ling Ye at the beginning, it really happened!

But now, Ling Ye is resurrected!

Ling Ye didn’t really die from the beginning!

That’s why he sent people to guard the three thousand devil emperors.

And now, he’s back!

I should have thought of this long ago, I should have thought of the possibility that Ling Ye might still be alive!

But they still ignored it!

After all, it’s still meaningless!

Now that Ling Ye has appeared again, how can they act recklessly in the heavens and the world?

How else can the Lord of the Void be resurrected?


“Since your entire army is dispatched today, you must… pay the price!”

At this moment, the opposite Ling Ye spoke again.

While speaking, he clasped the head of the hidden light, and raised his hand little by little!

The blood-colored breath diffused from the palm of the hand, and the entire head of the hidden light was crushed!

Under that blood energy, Qian Guang’s eyes were ferocious, struggling frantically, but it was completely useless!


Seeing this scene, Po Yan immediately shouted: “You let him go! Use my life for his life!”

The latent light is the leader of the Void clan today, and many things cannot be done without the latent light!

Therefore, they are willing to give their lives for their lives!

For the current Void family, the last thing that cannot die is the latent light!

However, opposite Ling Ye smiled coldly: “Do you think you have the qualifications to negotiate with me?”

As soon as these words came out, Po Yan was speechless!

Yes, he is the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, negotiate terms with him?

Is it possible?

He has always done what he wants, and no one can control his actions and thoughts!

“His life ends here! Your life… won’t be too long!”

Ling Ye then said something coldly, and then, a little bit of force with the palm of his hand!

The lurking light was in his hands, holding his head and struggling frantically, like a dying octopus.

Finally, under the gaze of Po Yan and others on the opposite side, and under the gaze of the entire Void army.


With an explosion, Qian Guang’s bright head was completely crushed by Ling Ye!

“no no!!!”

On the opposite side, Po Yan and the others all shouted loudly! My heart sank fiercely!

However, nothing can be done!

They could only watch the most wise man of their Void clan, being crushed to death by Ling Ye’s bare hands!

The most useful brain of the Void family just exploded in Ling Ye’s hands!

The body of the hidden light turned into countless light spots and dissipated.

In the end, there were only nine Void Light Eyes left, which were still in Ling Ye’s hands, being played with by Ling Ye!

Opposite, Po Yan and others are extremely angry!

Not to mention one of the Void Kings who killed their Void Clan, but still kept his Void Eyes in his hands to play with?

What an insult to their Void Race?

In the past four years, their Void clan has been rampant in the heavens and the world!

They are never the only ones who play with others, and no one else plays with them!

And now, Ling Ye has appeared!

All their arrogance and arrogance disappeared in front of Ling Ye!

Their Void Clan can make the heavens and the worlds unknown and fearful, but in front of Ling Ye, they are really nothing!

The gazes of the seven Void Kings such as Po Yan, and the countless Void army behind them all stared at Ling Ye opposite.

In his eyes, there is fear and anger!

Among the seven kings of the void, Hei Yue’s row of eyes looked at Ling Ye opposite, and then said coldly, “You seem to only have the strength of the peak of the extreme god realm now?”

She is considered to be relatively calm in the entire Void family, so the moment Ling Ye squeezed the hidden light just now, she noticed that Ling Ye’s strength seemed to be only the peak of the extreme god realm?

If it is just a blood shadow demon master at the peak of the extreme god realm, then what is there to fear?

As soon as Hei Yue said these words, Po Yan and the others also suddenly condensed their eyes!

All are staring at Ling Ye!

The pinnacle of the extreme god realm?

Not bad! Ling Ye’s sudden appearance made them confused for a while!

I only know fear, I only know fear, but I don’t notice that Ling Ye’s current strength is only the peak of the extreme god realm!

if it is like this,


Immediately above the huge body of Poyan, the flames burst wildly in an instant!

“Since you only have the strength of the peak of the extreme god realm! Today, even if I die, I will report the hatred of my Void family for countless years!”

Po Yan’s rude roar spreads out in this stream and sea!


Beside him, the rest of the Void Kings also burst out suddenly!

Behind him, the dense Void army is boiling again!

If Ling Ye is only at the pinnacle of the extreme god realm, then why not work hard with him?

As long as he can kill him, not to mention sacrificing a Void King, even if it is two or three or even more?

Ling Ye is the biggest enemy of their Void Clan!

It is also the biggest fear of their Void Clan!

Kill him, and the Void will be fearless again!

What’s wrong with sacrifice?

At this time, the seven kings of the void are all with a touch of choice!

If Ling Ye is only at the peak of the extreme god realm, then there is a complete chance to kill Ling Ye!

Today, no matter who is trying to kill anyone among them, Ling Ye will be put to death!

As soon as Po Yan said these words, Xi Ji and the others who had already retreated to the bottom suddenly changed their expressions slightly.

On Xi Ji’s coquettish face, there was a hint of worry!

Demon Lord is just the peak of the extreme god realm?

Isn’t it the half-step Promise Realm back then?

If that’s the case, that doesn’t mean… as long as the opponent sacrifices a Void King, he has a chance to kill Ling Ye?

How can such a demon master face the Void family led by the seven Void Kings?

The other party is a full seven peaks of the extreme god realm!

It can definitely kill Ling Ye!

Immediately, Xi Ji gritted her teeth and planned to let Ling Ye go!

Ling Ye can’t die!

There is no need for Ling Ye to sacrifice this for her siren nest!

Although she was very moved that only Ling Ye, who was at the peak of the extreme god realm, would come to save her.

But, of course she didn’t want Ling Ye to sacrifice!

However, at this moment, when Xi Ji was about to speak!

Above the sky, behind Ling Ye, a line suddenly appeared!

A blood red line!

That blood-red line stretched more than a thousand feet across, like a long hole drawn in that space!

“In the Taixu Protoss… the two dogs of the void just cut off are also of the same idea as you!”

Ling Ye’s cold voice resounded throughout the sea.

His voice just fell,


Behind, that blood-red line suddenly tore apart!

Suddenly, a huge blood-red space fissure was formed!


Immediately afterwards, a large army of black armor with blood-red lines all over its body swarmed out from the crack!

These black armored warriors have blood-red fierce light in their eyes, and they are imposing!

Three thousand devil emperors!

And following the three thousand devil emperors,

Luo You Leng, Bai Jiu, Jiang Yuan, Shura Kuang, Shura Kuang’s hunting team, and many god-level powerhouses in Ziyun Immortal Realm all flew out from the blood-colored space fissure!

All stand behind Ling Ye!

In terms of numbers, although it is far less than the Void army on the opposite side!

But in terms of momentum, it is not weaker than the mighty Void army!

After all, they are all top powerhouses!

“Sorry, I didn’t notice the change here in time, it’s a bit late!”

As soon as Luo You Leng came out, his eyes were on Xi Ji who was below.

Below, Xi Ji and all the banshees in the seaside demon nest saw Luo You Leng and others coming, and all of them breathed a sigh of relief!

It turns out that the Lord Demon didn’t come alone?

If you add these, then there will be room for a fight!

Sure enough, with him, there is nothing to be afraid of!

He can always give people that absolutely reliable sense of security!

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