Chapter 103: The Heaven and Earth Alliance scattered unjustly, and Ye Tian was alone

Ling Ye said that I will give it to him next, so I can give it to him with confidence!

Now, Ling Ye, Luo You Leng, Baijiu, Jiang Yuan, Shura Crazy!

The peak of the five extreme gods!

And the three thousand devil emperors that few people have ever seen!

Although the Void Clan still has seven Void Kings, it is still a vast army of more than hundreds of millions overwhelming the sky!

But, you can also fight!

On the opposite side, when Po Yan and the others looked at the three thousand Demon Emperors who appeared behind Ling Ye, their expressions changed slightly!

Now, the other party is the five peaks of the extreme gods who are in their prime! There are also three thousand devil emperors!

Those powerhouses brought by Ziyun Immortal Realm cannot be ignored!

Asura’s mad hunting team, each of them has a weapon made by breaking the air lock, which is also a lot of strength!

And their Void family, the seven Void Kings, although the number of the army is up to hundreds of millions, but if they work hard, what will the result be?

They’re going to kill at least five Void Kings, maybe more!

At that time, the Void family will be powerless to face the current world of heaven and earth!

After all, in addition to Ling Ye, there is also the Heaven and Earth Alliance who are also the great enemies of their Void Clan!

If he is desperate now, Ye Tian will fight with their Void Clan again afterwards, and the Void Clan will be completely destroyed!

Moreover, what Ling Ye said just now..

Are Lei Jue and Guishang who were in charge of the Taixu Protoss dead already?

Was it made by Ling Ye?

No reason!

If Lei Jue and Ghost were wounded and died, then at least the two peaks of the extreme gods could be taken away. Why does Ling Ye seem to be fine, and the people behind Ling Ye also seem to be fine?

Po Yan and the others hesitated!

They didn’t doubt Ling Ye’s ability!

Not sure if Ling Ye is really at the pinnacle of the extreme god realm, he is still a line better than others!

Therefore, this battle cannot be fought!

Although they wanted to kill Ling Ye, they wanted to kill Ling Ye even if they paid the same price!

However, now their Void Clan, there are only seven Void Kings left, if they work hard here!

What’s next for the Void family?

If you fight to the end, even if you win, it is very likely that there will be only two or even one Void King left!

In that case, if Ye Tian, ​​who had been trying desperately for a long time, kills him again, the Void family will really be finished!


Po Yan and several other Void Kings all looked at each other, and then had the same idea!


Retreat first, then think of a way!

Broken Yan immediately said in a deep voice, “Even if you are still alive, the former Blood Shadow Demon Lord no longer exists!”

“How about you who are only at the peak of the extreme god realm, how can you treat my Void family?”

“One day, my Void family will completely wipe you out!”

“One day, my lord will recover!

“At that time, it will be the end of your world again!”

After all, breaking the flame is a big wave!


Behind, a huge void fissure suddenly formed!


He then gave an order!

The Void army overwhelmingly rushed towards the void!

“Come when you say it, go away when you say it?”

However, just as the Void army was retreating, Ling Ye smiled coldly.

The next moment, he threw the hidden light of the void in his hand to Zhuge Qingchan, and waved his palm lightly: “Kill!”


Behind him, the three thousand Demon Emperors instantly charged towards the hundreds of millions of Void army on the opposite side!

The vast blood energy burst out madly!

“Over the years, this is the first time we have met so many Void armies! How could you just leave if you don’t have a good fight today?”

In the back, Shura was madly wielding a big sword, and the fiery red spiritual energy around him suddenly rose into the sky!

Then, kill the King of the Void on the opposite side!

On the opposite side, Killer Cold suddenly grabbed his two knives, and he was greeted by Shura Kuang!


The figures of the two men suddenly collided in front of this army!

-The vast shock wave of ice and fire swept away in this stream and sea!

“Haha, it’s been a long time since I participated in this kind of battle! Have a good fight today!” Jiang Yuan also laughed.

Immediately afterwards, he clenched his hand tightly, and the golden spiritual power all over his body burst out suddenly!


With a loud bang, his figure soared, and finally formed a huge golden body!

The tall golden body, holding the chaos stick in his hand, suddenly smashed it towards the opposite Po Yan!

At the same time, behind Ling Ye, Bai Jiu was also holding the wooden sword in his hand, and the white sword flow turned.

“Between you and me, how is the outcome this time?”

She locked the Black Moon in the Void Lord.

Opposite, Hei Yue is also holding the black sword in his hand: “As you wish!”

Ming… ding!

The figure of the two appeared in the sky above the battlefield in an instant, and the blades collided suddenly!

At the back, Luo You Leng also took out his sword with a wave of his jade hand, and was about to rush up!

But at this moment, Ling Ye suddenly grabbed the jade hand!

“What are you doing?”

When his hand was caught, Luo You Leng frowned and looked back at Ling Ye.

Is this guy really rude?

Holding hands whenever you want?

“Be careful!” Ling Ye looked at Luo You Leng and said lightly.

After all, she is Xin’er’s mother and her own woman!

Of course it can’t happen!

Others can work hard, she can’t!

Ling Ye said these words with a bit of concern, and an inexplicable warmth flowed through Luo You Leng’s heart.

Does he really care about himself that much?

It seems that he will be very happy to be cared by him!

She originally wanted to say “it’s none of your business”, but after hesitating for a while, she just said to Ling Ye: “Take care of yourself!

Ling Ye doesn’t want her to work hard, and of course she doesn’t want Ling Ye to work hard!

After saying that, Luo You Leng held the sword in his hand and blasted towards a Void King on the opposite side!

The corner of Ling Ye’s mouth slightly evoked a smile, and immediately, the vast blood energy around her body burst out instantly!

Then, it was also a frontal attack!

In the back, the brothers of Shura Kuang, as well as the many goddesses of Ziyun Immortal Realm, also shot at the same time!

In this level of battlefield, Zhuge Qingmu’s strength is too weak, there is no need to take action!

She just retreated to Xia Keji and others! Watching the entire battlefield!



In this sea of ​​Minghai, which was already in ruins, in this whole sea of ​​​​surging waves, in this seaside that is madly evaporated!

The battle led by more than ten peaks of the extreme god realm broke out in an instant.

That devastating shock wave instantly drowned the entire coast!

The heaven and the earth trembled, and the creek sea boiled!

The terrifying aftermath of the battle was also the barrier that the previous eight kings of the void had joined together, and it was instantly destroyed!

And with the shattering of this enchantment, the fighting movement in the Xihai Monster Nest immediately spread towards the entire heavens and the world.

At this moment, all the heavens and the world, countless gazes, are all looking at this brook sea monster nest for the first time!

Then, they saw Ling Ye taking the lead in the fight with the Void Clan!

Seeing that it was retreating continuously, but it was the Void army that was constantly cut off by Ling Ye and others!

Suddenly, the heavens and the world are all shocked!

Unexpectedly, the Void Army is actually all in the sea monster nest?

The previous battle in the Taixu Protoss had already shocked everyone!

But I didn’t expect that more Void army would be in the sea monster’s nest?

What a horrible lineup is this?

What a great battle this is?

This is the biggest battle that everyone has seen since the decisive battle between Ling Ye and Ye Tian five years ago!

The Blood Shadow Demon Lord brought three thousand Demon Emperors!

The master of Ziyun Immortal Palace brought almost all the powerhouses above the god realm in Ziyun Immortal Realm!

There are also Sword God Baijiu, Jiang Yuan, Shura Kuang and his hunting team!

And the other side is all the remaining armies of the Void family now!

This is a real terrifying battle!

It’s a real big fight!

Usually, the battle between the two extreme gods is hard to see!

But this time, I saw more than ten peaks of the extreme gods fighting at the same time!

These pictures are amazing!

Taixu Protoss.

Under the leadership of the Taixu Patriarch, and with the help of Ye Tian!

Several world fragments of the dilapidated Protoss were reluctantly gathered together to form a small world!

It is also barely able to let the current Taixu Protoss live!

And the ancient blood sun tree has also been repaired in various ways. Although it has been devastated, it can be regarded as preserved!

The Taixu Patriarch is still there, and all the members of the Taixu Protoss have returned.

Although this time, the Taixu Protoss has experienced unprecedented heavy losses, but fortunately, it was not completely destroyed by the hands of the Void Clan.

“Lord Ye Tian! Thank you~”!”

Patriarch Taixu cupped his hands at Ye Tian.

After all, Ye Tian also helped their Taixu Protoss, and he should be grateful!

“Patriarch Taixu doesn’t need to be polite, this is my duty!” A weak smile appeared on Ye Tian’s haggard face.

All the Void Clan’s business is his business!

At this moment, they seem to have noticed something at the same time!

Immediately, his eyes penetrated all worlds and looked towards the sea monster’s nest!

Then, saw the earth-shattering melee!

“This, the rest of the Void Kings are actually in the sea monster’s nest in that creek?”

Immediately, the Taixu Patriarch was taken aback!

“It’s terrifying! Lord Demon, they are all here!” Behind, Yao Yao’s face was also full of shock!

What kind of battle is this?

Are there so many powerhouses at the peak of the extreme god realm?

Is it true that half of the peaks of the extreme gods are there in the entire heavens and myriad worlds?

The whole of the Void is there too!

Ye Tian frowned at this time.

So the Void family really acted separately?

The rest of the army is really in the sea monster nest?

And looking at it like this, the sea monster nest has been devastated!

Immediately, Ye Tian clasped his fists at the Taixu Patriarch: “Taixu Patriarch, I need to lead the Tiandi Alliance army to support! I’m leaving!”

Although Ling Ye is his own enemy!

However, when facing the Void Clan, he is willing to take action!

Even fighting with Ling Ye!

Ling Ye and the Void family are his enemies!

But these two enemies are different!

Now, he doesn’t mind what happens to him, but he will still take care of the Void Clan to the end!

Once again, “Thank you, Alliance Leader Ye Tian!” Taixu Patriarch also clasped his fists.

Immediately, Ye Tian didn’t stay any longer, turned around and left.

The Taixu Patriarch and others stood there, all looking in the direction of the sea monster’s nest!

“Is that the three thousand Demon Emperors of Lord Demon Lord? So strong! The Void Army is no match at all!” Yao Yao’s face was full of shock.

It was the first time they saw the legendary Three Thousand Devil Emperor!

Really powerful!

“After all, they are all fighting puppets in the God Emperor Realm! Under the Extreme God Realm, there is an unmatched existence!

Taixu Patriarch said slowly: “Although the Void army is huge in number, there are not many who have reached the God Emperor Realm! Even if they reach the God Emperor Realm, the living void creatures and the dead Demon Emperor puppets are of course a battle of death. Stronger!

Three thousand devil emperors do not know what is called damage and what is called fear!

They will only obey Ling Ye’s orders.

Because it is lifeless, of course, there is no fear of desperate work!

This is the real blood shadow demon army!

“Grandpa Patriarch, are we going to take action? After all… Lord Demon Lord saved our Taixu Protoss just now!” Yao Yao thought of something and asked quickly.

As soon as these words came out, the Taixu Patriarch also suddenly came back to his senses.

Yes, Ling Ye only saved them before, and now Ling Ye is fighting against the Void clan army, they should help!

What’s more, this Void Clan destroyed their Void God Clan like this, of course they should take revenge!

Immediately, the Taixu Patriarch nodded his head: “Call all the powerhouses above the God Emperor Realm of my Taixu Protoss to support the Demon Lord!”

“Mmmm!” Yao Yao nodded heavily.

Then act quickly! Summon the only remaining top powerhouses of the Taixu Protoss!

In other words, does this mean that the Demon Lord owes a favor again?


This shouldn’t be a human favor, nor is it that Lord Abandoned Lord asked them to take action, but they took the initiative to take action!

This is not for the favor of Lord Demon Lord, but simply to support Lord Demon Lord and fight against everyone’s common enemy!

On the other side, after Ye Tian left the Taixu Protoss, he first came to the Ancient Mirror of Remnant Fire!

He intends to call up Fanchen to go to support together!

However, when he came to the ancient mirror of residual fire, Ren Fanchen had long since disappeared.

Where did Ren Fanchen go?

It didn’t take long, why did Ren Fanchen disappear?

Did he escape?

The first thing Ye Tian thought of was that Ren Fanchen had escaped!

After all, Ling Ye’s resurrection will not only shock the heavens and the world, but also make the heavens and the world terrified!

And who is the most afraid of?

Naturally, it was Ren Fanchen and others who betrayed Ling Ye!

Now that Ling Ye is back, they are afraid of being revenge by Ling Ye, so they run away!

Ye Tian frowned slightly, if even Ren Fanchen left, there must be a lot of people in the Heaven and Earth Alliance too, right?

Immediately, Ye Tian hurried back to the Qiankun Realm and the Heaven and Earth Alliance!

And when he returned to the Heaven and Earth Alliance, sure enough, the entire Heaven and Earth Alliance was now in chaos.

Under that chaos, there are already many people who have left the Heaven and Earth Alliance!

At this time, the entire Heaven and Earth Alliance has become a lot empty!

Many powerhouses, many forces under the Heaven and Earth Alliance, have left!

Has left the Tiandi Alliance!

Ye Tian came to the main hall of the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

At this time, there are barely a few people waiting there!

“The leader? The leader, you are finally back!”

When they saw Ye Tian coming back, they all hurriedly greeted them: “Leader, I saw that the Blood Shadow Demon Lord was still alive before, and the forces of all parties in the Heaven and Earth Alliance, including the Spirit Race and the former Blood Shadow Demon Army, have already All have left the Heaven and Earth Alliance!”

We “can’t keep them either! They are afraid that the Blood Shadow Demon Lord will take revenge, so they don’t want to wait to die with the Heaven and Earth Alliance!”

“Leader, now my Heaven and Earth Alliance army, the number has been reduced by more than half in this very short period of time!”

“Now, how are we doing?”

The rest of the top leaders of the Heaven and Earth Alliance had solemn expressions on their faces.

They are completely overwhelmed now!

Before, when I saw Ling Ye suddenly appear in the Taixu Protoss, when I saw that Ling Ye was still alive, the entire Heaven and Earth Alliance was in chaos in an instant!

Many people scrambled to leave the Heaven and Earth Alliance, not wanting to have any connection with the Heaven and Earth Alliance!

They can’t keep a single one of them!

“No need to say, no need!”

When Ye Tian heard these words, his heart sank fiercely!

However, he didn’t blame anyone, and didn’t say much.

He just walked up slowly and sat on the first place in front of the hall!

All this…he had just thought of it!

But I don’t want to, it really is!

“The Allies”

The remaining high-level executives all looked at Ye Tian helplessly.

Now, how is it good?

“Let’s go too!”

At this moment, Ye Tian beckoned: “Let’s go! Heaven and Earth Alliance… Disband!”

Although now the Heaven and Earth Alliance has completely disappeared!

However, there are still some people left.

Since everyone is gone, let’s all go!

All gone!

“Lord, this

Everyone’s face changed!

Is the Heaven and Earth Alliance disbanded?

The Heaven and Earth Alliance was originally the most powerful force in the heavens and the world!

A force that has gathered the largest number of troops!

Just like that… disbanded?

Although more than half of the people have left now, it has indeed been dissolved!

But when they heard Ye Tian say this, they were still a little disappointed!

So… have the allies given up?

“The Blood Shadow Demon Lord has returned, and the only thing waiting for my Heaven and Earth Alliance is its destruction! Of course everyone has to leave!

Ye Tian sat on top with a wry smile on his face: “It’s no one’s fault, the enemy of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord is me, and no one is obliged to die with me!”

In the hall, several people looked at each other a few times, not knowing what to do.

“All go! All live!”

Ye Tian waved his hand again: “The Blood Shadow Demon Lord didn’t take anyone from the Heaven and Earth Alliance except me in his eyes at all! If you leave the Heaven and Earth Alliance, no one will die!”

“Leader, we…we are willing to face the leader together!” Several people clasped their fists and said.

Although it is true that Ye Tian is a failure now, but Ye Tian does have something worth following.

They also admire Ye Tian from the bottom of their hearts!

Unlike the spiritual clan and other forces, those people are just down!

“You follow me, it’s just a dead end! There’s no need to make five fearless sacrifices!

Ye Tian waved: “Let’s go! Thank you for your help all the time! Let’s go!”

“But the Alliance Leaders are unwilling to leave.

“Just do it. This is my last order! Go! Let everyone go! The Heaven and Earth Alliance is dissolved!”

Ye Tian then said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s heart was tight!

Looking at Ye Tian’s expression, hearing Ye Tian’s words!

Although they didn’t want to leave, they had to obey Ye Tian’s words!

This is the last respect for Ye Tian!

Immediately, several people looked at each other, then gritted their teeth and bowed to Ye Tian: “All the time, thank you for your leadership! If there is a future, if there is a future, I would like to follow the leader!

Ye Tian smiled lightly: “Thanks a lot, I have had you before, my life, Ye Tian…is enough!”

Several people are very unhappy in their hearts, but there is nothing to do at this time!

Nothing is impossible!

“Leader! I’ll wait, let’s just let it go!”

Immediately, several people spoke loudly.

After looking at Ye Tian, ​​he turned around abruptly!

Reluctant, but determined to leave!

After they left, they also followed Ye Tian’s instructions and began to organize the dissolution of the Heaven and Earth Alliance!

All forces, all armies, all disbanded!

From now on, there will be no alliance between heaven and earth.

A generation of peak power, a generation of glory, this is the end.

In the hall, above the first place, only Ye Tian was left to sit there!

There was an extremely bitter smile on his face!

He shook his head (Li’s Zhao), leaned against the seat lightly, and looked at the entire empty Hall of Heaven and Earth Alliance!

Sensing that everyone outside the Heaven and Earth Alliance is disbanding and leaving.

There is so much bitterness in my heart that I can’t calm down!

All gone, all gone!

Ren Fanchen left, the Heaven and Earth Alliance disbanded, and even his younger sister had long since left!

All is gone!

Do you still remember what you said when you fought against Ling Ye?

It is said that Ling Ye is alone, and everyone betrays relatives and leaves!

What about now?

Ling Ye’s call, many peak powerhouses are willing to fight side by side with him!

what about him?

There is only one person left, sitting here!

He once established the Heaven and Earth Alliance, united countless powerhouses in the heavens, and built the most powerful force in the heavens and the world!

What do people say about the trend of the times!

However, when the catastrophe comes, it is unrighteous and scattered!

There are only a few people, and they are really willing to follow themselves!

How ridiculous is this?

Who is the real betrayal?

He is!

Ye Tian sat alone in the first place, such a feeling, the ups and downs of this life almost made him cry!

In my life, even though I have also bloomed with light!

But in the end, the exchange is for people to take tea and cool, and only one person is left!

With a wry smile on his face, Ye Tian sat on the spot, after a long time, he took a deep breath!

Let go of everything!

Now, what awaits him is Ling Ye’s revenge!

Nothing but death!

So far, why not die?

Now that Ling Ye has come out, at the very least, the heavens and the world will no longer suffer from the chaos of the Void family!

At the very least, the heavens and the world will be completely pacified!

Whatever, whatever!

Ye Tian let out a long sigh, since that’s the case, then get ready!

Enron to die is!

What is there to fear?

Thinking of this, the smile on Ye Tian’s face gradually changed from the wry smile at the beginning to a dull one!

It seems that at this moment, he has seen through it all!

At this moment, he has no desire or desire, and naturally…no fear or fear!

Everything, so be it.

This era of the heavens and the world belongs to Ling Ye after all!

After sitting there for a while, he stood up and planned to go to the sea monster’s nest!

Then.. let’s face Ling Ye now!

Also facing the entire Void family!

Everything….let it be done!

Thinking like this, Ye Tian was about to leave!

But at this moment, just when he was about to go to the Xi Kraken’s Nest!

But it was a voice that suddenly entered his mind!

“Brother Tian, ​​save me, save me!

That was Ye Ziwei’s voice.


When he heard this voice, Ye Tian frowned, and his figure quickly disappeared!

rush towards the source of Ye Ziwei’s voice, step,

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