Chapter 101 Farewell, Lord Demon

She then stabilized her emotions, and then said: “I hope you know that I will not forgive you for the past! As for the future…we have no future!”

Ling Ye smiled again: “Do you think there are some things that you have the final say?”

Luo You’s cold and beautiful eyes glanced at Ling Ye again, and then replied: “You always think that everyone is under your control?

“If you can’t control it, force it! You should understand what I mean!” Ling Ye also looked at Luo You Leng.

The two looked at each other and were silent for a while.

Immediately afterwards, Luo You Leng retracted his gaze: “There is always someone who can destroy your self-confidence!”

“Do you think you can?” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

“You think I can’t?” Luo You Leng asked back, “You can try it!”

“I’m trying now, but it doesn’t seem like you can!” Ling Ye’s mouth curled into a wicked smile.

As soon as these words came out, Luo You’s cold and pretty face changed slightly!

Can’t you?

Are you under his control?

Absolutely impossible!

I will never let him succeed easily!

No! Even if it is not easy, he will definitely not let him succeed!

Let’s see “!” Luo You Leng then replied coldly.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Ling Ye’s mouth.

He knew Luo You Leng’s temperament and knew that Luo You Leng couldn’t just admit defeat to him casually!

However, with this arrogance of hers, since she now has the kind of heart that she wants to conquer, she will definitely win it!

The two didn’t say anything more, and they rushed towards the tomb of the Devil Emperor with the many goddesses behind them.

At this time, in the tomb of the Demon Emperor.

Baijiu, Jiang Yuan, Zhuge Qingmu, Shura Kuang and his hunting team are all waiting!

At this moment, the space ahead sent out a distortion.

Ling Ye and Luo You Leng’s figures appeared first!

Afterwards, there are many goddesses army of Ziyun Immortal Realm!

“So many beauties?”

Jiang Yuan looked at it: “Ziyun Immortal Realm really deserves its reputation, it’s all stunning!”

Baijiu also raised his head at this time, and then said directly: “If you always like to misunderstand my relationship with him, now let’s clarify it face to face! There is no relationship between me and him that you think!

After all, she is a person who uses a sword, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is heartless!

She and Ling Ye have always been very serious!

It was a complete misunderstanding before!

“Five Zero Three” Luo You Leng, but it was a misunderstanding twice!

“Whether you have that kind of relationship is your own business! I don’t care!”

Luo You looked at Baijiu with cold and beautiful eyes.

Baijiu shook his head immediately, don’t care? Don’t care that you keep doing this again and again?

“I didn’t intend to hurt you before, I apologize again!” Luo You Leng continued.

The relationship between Baijiu and Ling Ye is indeed very light!

It’s really not right to misunderstand people twice!

“I said no harm! It’s not even an injury!”

Baijiu smiled lightly: “As long as you don’t misunderstand me in the future!”

Luo You Leng said no more.

Ling Ye smiled lightly and didn’t say much!

Then the figure flew up and stood in front of the huge stone gate of the Devil Emperor’s Tomb!

“You asked me to guard this place back then, but now… I hand it back to you as it is! My promise has been completed!” Bai Jiu said lightly.

Say it, wave your hand!


The white sword formation that enveloped the entire Demon Emperor’s Tomb instantly dissipated!

“Between you and me, it’s clear! Baijiu” continued.

He once said that whoever can defeat himself, he can do one thing for him! Anything!

Now, she does it for Ling Ye!

And Ling Ye, it is indeed two clear!

“If there is nowhere to go in the future! I may be my home here!” Ling Ye looked at Baijiuchao and said lightly.

Such a strong man can use it himself.

As soon as Ling Ye said this, Luo You Leng’s eyebrows, who were standing in the air behind him, moved slightly again.


Can’t you put it another way?

You let a woman take you as her home?

Dare you say something weirder?

But this time, she wasn’t obviously angry!

Because the relationship between Baijiu and Ling Ye is indeed not what I thought!

They really can only count as friends!

At most a confidant!

“Home?” Bai Jiu smiled faintly: “I don’t need any home! In addition, you can never use the word “friend” again, you just want me to work hard for you for free!”

As soon as these words came out, Ling Ye smiled and continued: “Then… the sea monster nest is in trouble, how about making a move?

Bai Jiu nodded: “Xi Ji also helped me when she was in trouble, so naturally I should do it!”

“Oh? She even helped you?” Ling Ye was slightly curious.

“They all helped me!” Bai Jiu said lightly.

“They?” Ling Ye looked at Chao Luo You Leng with slightly curious eyes.

Luo You Leng and Xi Ji both took action?

“It’s just to prevent the Void family from getting these three thousand Demon Emperors!” Luo You Leng said coldly to Ling Ye.

Not for you!

Just to deal with the Void Clan!

“Speaking of which, Xi Ji is infatuated with you!”

Luo You Leng then looked at Ling Ye with strange eyes, and said, “The day you fell, she took all the banshees in the sea monster nest to fight Ye Tian desperately, wanting to avenge you, with the attitude of dying with you! You But don’t let down the infatuation of others!

As soon as these words came out, Ling Ye frowned slightly.

Is there such a thing?

Na Xiji, is she still working hard with Ye Tian?

That woman is really indescribable!

Nothing really happened between me and her!

Why be so obsessive?

Also, this kind of words came out of Luo You Leng’s mouth and felt somewhat strange.

Do you really hope I don’t live up to her infatuation?

Are you still warning me about something?

Is this taking care of me?

With a slight smile, Ling Ye didn’t say much and walked forward!

Put your palm lightly on the huge tomb door!

If you waste any more time, maybe Xiji will really be finished!

Now the enchantment of the Xi Kraken’s Nest has not been opened, indicating that the battle is not over, and it is still too late to rush!

After placing his palm on the huge stone gate, in Ling Ye’s palm, the blood-red spiritual power burst out suddenly!


At this moment, the entire huge stone gate made a loud noise!

Then I saw that the dense ancient lines on it seemed to be instantly activated, emitting a dazzling blood-colored light!

Immediately afterwards, under the gaze of everyone, Ling Ye gave a slight push with the palm of his hand!


This tomb, which has been closed for an unknown number of years, finally slowly opened in front of everyone!

In fact, apart from the US dollar, few people present have really seen what the Three Thousand Abandoned Emperors look like!

Even Jiang Yuan has only seen two thousand devil emperors!

Although they were not Ling Ye’s subordinates back then, and although Ling Ye despised them, they were considered to have dealt with the Void family together with Ling Ye!

To put it mildly, it can be regarded as fighting side by side!

At that time, two thousand devil emperors were comparable to the peaks of the two extreme gods!

Can compete with the two Void Kings!

Ling Ye’s ace army is really powerful!


Under everyone’s attention, the door finally opened completely!

The inside of the door is blood red!

And between the blood red, you can see that the black armored bodies are quietly eating and standing!

Some are thousands of feet tall, while others are the size of a normal person.


Although there are only three thousand, that ancient and heavy aura is something that no army can compare to in the heavens and the world!

What billions of blood shadow demon army?

These 3,000 Demon Emperors, these 3,000 sleeping warriors, are the true core of the Blood Shadow Demon Army!

It is the real Wang faction army in Ling Ye’s hands!

Ling Ye’s figure slowly walked into the ancient tomb, and then, the vast blood energy around her body suddenly burst out!


When the blood energy invaded, the three thousand puppet army that was standing quietly in the same place, the pair of eyes that were originally extinguished, suddenly burst into blood-colored light at this moment!

Then, one by one, they all clenched their weapons!

On the dark armor on the body, blood-red lines are also permeating!

At this moment, the three thousand devil emperors all recovered!

This is a group of real fighters, real fighting machines!

On the battlefield, the existence that really swept thousands of troops!

After awakening the army of three thousand Demon Emperors, Ling Ye turned around and flew out of the gate.

At the same time, behind the back, the three thousand devil emperors big and small, the pitch-black armor with the blood-red lines all over his body, moved at the same time!


One by one, together with Ling Ye, they flew out of the gate.

The three thousand devil emperors have different body shapes, but each of them has a powerful blood aura that is comparable to that of a god emperor!

Although there are only three thousand, the majestic momentum is unmatched!

Facing Zhi Luo You Leng behind him, although there were tens of thousands of goddesses in the Ziyun Immortal Realm gathered, but at this time, when he saw the three thousand devil emperors on the opposite side.

They instantly felt that they were simply children!

These three thousand devil emperors are called battles!

The people are real, and the three thousand are all beings in the God Emperor realm, and they are all crazy fighting machines!

And what about them? Although there are many people, there are only about 500 God Emperor Realm, and the rest are God King Realm and God Realm!

It can’t be compared at all!

After bringing out these three thousand Demon Emperors, Ling Ye stood in front of the Demon Emperor army!

The next moment, the palm waved suddenly!

A huge blood-colored space distortion suddenly formed!

Today “As many as you can kill!”

Ling Ye glanced at everyone present, and after speaking lightly, her figure first stepped into the distortion.

At the rear, the three thousand devil emperors followed in a mighty manner!

“I’ve always killed as many as I can! Today, I’ll have a blast!”

Shura madly slapped the sky-breaking mad knife, led the hunting team behind him, and followed.

“I didn’t expect that one day I would actually be able to fight side by side with Lord Demon Lord! And it’s not the kind that is disliked!” Jiang Yuan also smiled and followed.

Later, Bai Jiu followed without saying anything.

Finally, Luo You coldly glanced at Zhuge Qingmu: “Supreme Realm, you want to go too?”

“Yeah!” Zhuge Qingfeng nodded heavily.

Although her strength is indeed at the bottom of the battlefield at this level!

But she’s still going!

She can observe the situation of the Void family.

Since he was going to be Ling Ye’s counselor, of course he had to understand everything.

“Since you are her counselor, I will try my best to protect you!” Luo You Leng continued.

“This… thank you!” Zhuge Qingfeng quickly thanked him.

“If you are interested in the future, you can come to my Ziyun Immortal Realm!” Luo You Leng continued.

This Zhuge Qingchan’s cultivation talent is average, and if he joins the Ziyun Immortal Realm, it can be improved slightly!

It should be regarded as the strategist who trained him for free for Ling Ye.

“Thank you!” Zhuge Qingfeng nodded lightly.

Let’s go “!” After Luo You coldly said a word, he flew in with the many goddesses of Ziyun Immortal Realm behind him.

Zhuge Qingchan followed!

On the other side, the creek siren nest.


At this time, the sea monster’s nest, one after another shock wave swept away, a melee!

The Void army led by the eight Void Kings and the banshee army of the entire seaside demon nest fought a battle!

The battle between the vast armies of the two sides made the entire boundless sea of ​​​​Minghai roll wildly and evaporate like crazy!

Under the great evaporation of the stream and sea, the entire Demon Nest has been destroyed in ruins, with heavy casualties!

The scene is magnificent!

Naturally, there is no suspense in this battle.

The sea monster’s nest was defeated terribly!

In the beginning, Xi Ji reluctantly delayed for some time by pretending to admit defeat.

She is willing to give way, and she is willing to let the Void Clan get the Supreme Divine Pillar, so as to avoid the death of hundreds of millions of banshees in the entire sea monster nest!

However, the Void Clan is not going to stop there!

They not only want to get the Supreme Divine Pillar, but also destroy all the banshees in the entire Minghai Sea.

Xi Ji had to lead all the banshees in the entire seaside demon nest to fight to the death!

However, the gap between the two sides is really too big, and the sea monsters continue to fail miserably!

In the beginning, it was just Keiji taking the lead, trying to defend with all his strength and not fighting back!

Although it lasted for a while, it was useless in the end!

In this sea of ​​brooks, the sea banshee does have a certain advantage, the right time and place:

However, the disparity in power between the two sides is too great!

The Void family quickly broke through the defense of the sea monster nest, and then killed it in pieces!

Under the battle, the entire Minghai kept evaporating and boiling.

The army of sea monsters is completely unable to resist the Void family!

It was horrific!

Under the countless casualties, the remnants of the banshee wandered in this endless sea of ​​misunderstandings!

After all the banshees in the Xi Kraken’s Nest die, their souls will return to the sea, and they will be condensed by the sea!

If the remnant is properly protected, it can be resurrected…

However, today’s battle is destined to be completely destroyed by the Xihai Monster Nest, so how can we hold on to the wisps of remnant souls?

Seeing the whole tragic sea of ​​​​Ming Hai, Xi Ji finally gave up the defense, only desperately!

Today, she leads all the banshees in the entire Minghai Sea, and will dedicate the lives of all banshees, and she will also make the Void Clan pay the price!

She is the pinnacle of the extreme god realm. If she has the determination to die, she can kill at least one king of the void!

And she chose to dive in!

Because she is just not pleasing to the eye, maybe it is because the hidden light is ugly.


There was another explosion, and the coastal center under the chaos broke out!

The vast green shock wave swept the entire coastal area!

At the center of the shock wave, the figure of Qian Guang and Xi Ji was submerged in it.

At this point, the two have done their best!

With this move, Xi Ji has reached the limit. On her charming face, she is full of paleness and despair!

There is a trace of blood on the corner of the mouth!

She is powerless to fight!

On the opposite side, Qian Guang was also seriously injured at this time, and the tentacles on his neck had been broken off a few times, and his body was also covered with scars!

“Haha, if it were someone else, maybe you could really take one! It’s a pity that you’re not very good at picking!”

Dingguang sneered at this time.

Xi Ji really doesn’t know how to pick, he is the one with the most means among the entire Void Clan, and now everyone!

Although now, like Xi Ji, he has reached the limit, and he has lost his combat effectiveness at this time.

But he is still alive after all!

And Xi Ji, who has reached the limit, is no longer able to fight, and the rest of the Void Kings can kill her!

If Xi Ji’s move was replaced by another Void King, maybe he would actually kill the other party!


There was a hint of unwillingness on Xi Ji’s glamorous face at this time!

This move, she originally planned to perish with Qianguang!

Unexpectedly, he tried his best to only seriously hurt him?

Her icy eyes looked at the hidden light on the opposite side, and then, the green spirit energy around her body condensed again!

The entire Minghai seemed to be drawn by her at this time.

She will condense the power of Xihai and explode the last power!

She knew that this final self-destruction would not have much effect, but it was the only thing she could do at the moment!

That might even kill the lurker!

Her despairing beautiful eyes stared at the entire tragic sea of ​​​​Minghai.

I can do nothing about it, so that the entire sea monster nest is destroyed!

After his death, the sea monster nest will be completely powerless to fight again!

It’s all over!

She slowly spread out her hands, and her spiritual power gathered frantically, causing her entire body to turn a dark green.

It seems that the whole body is burning with a faint green light!

Opposite, Qian Guang is also aware of the motive of Xi Ji!

At this time, Xi Ji’s self-destruction, of course, will not burst out with much power, but maybe it can really kill him when he is seriously injured!

Immediately, he hurriedly roared: “Save me!”

At this time, the remaining seven Void Kings who are on the battlefield behind are all looking at it!

Xi Ji just blew up the last bit of spiritual power, and has a chance to kill the seriously injured latent light!

But when they are in their prime, they will naturally be able to block this self-destruction and save the hidden light!

Po Yan’s thousand-zhang flame body bears the brunt, flying towards Qian Guang!

As long as he blocks Xi Ji’s self-destruction, none of their eight Void Kings will sacrifice!

Xi Ji’s icy eyes looked at the hidden light on the opposite side, and then glanced at the whole tragic sea of ​​​​streams.

In those eyes, now there is only despair left!

everything is over!

I failed to protect the sea monster nest, and I failed to protect the supreme divine pillar!

Finally, in 4.2, I can’t see Ling Ye again!

At this last moment, Xi Ji naturally thought of Ling Ye.

I still don’t know if Ling Ye is still alive!

Anyway, whether he is still alive or not, he can’t see him anymore.

From the corner of her desperate eyes, a crystal tear slowly drifted down,

I really want to see him again, even once, I will die without regrets!

Unfortunately, everything is not as you wish!

The last time I saw Ling Ye was five years ago.

I didn’t expect it to be the last time!

“Farewell, Lord Demon Lord!”

She then slowly closed her beautiful eyes, if Ling Ye is still alive, I hope Luo You Leng can find him!

Now, she’s really… it’s over!


Around Xiji, the faint green brilliance became more and more dazzling, and it seemed that it was about to reach the limit of eruption!

“You really don’t know how to pick! Even if you die today, you won’t be able to take any of us with you!”

Po Yan sneered, that tall figure kept approaching here!

Looking at it, he is about to come to the side of the diving light.

But at this moment, beside Qian Guang, and in front of Xi Ji, a blood-red distortion suddenly formed!

Then, a figure appeared instantly!


As soon as he appeared, he grabbed the glowing head of Hidden Light with a big hand!

The blood-colored aura instantly diffused from the palm of the hand, and the entire head that was almost pinched by the latent light was about to explode!

Immediately afterwards, an icy voice that shocked everyone in the entire Void Clan rang out in the entire chaotic stream and sea!

“I think she’s very picky!”


When this voice sounded, in the entire melee scene, everyone in the Void Clan suddenly trembled!

It was as if the voice had awakened something deep in their hearts in an instant!

That is fear!

That was the fear that should have disappeared from the depths of their hearts!

And this sound also made many banshees in the Sea-Monster Nest in Xi stunned, and their eyes hurriedly looked at them.

It was also at this last moment that Xi Ji suddenly opened her eyes!

Then, she saw Ling Ye who was standing in front of her with her palm clasping her head!

This voice is the voice that I think about day and night!

This back is also the back that I think about day and night!

Are you hallucinating yourself?

He is back?

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