The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 5 Chapter 30: : The Power of Mo Qilin

Roar one by one!

Mo Qiphosphine woke up from a deep sleep and gave a terrifying roar. In an instant, the wind raged, the demon was so angry, the world was shaking, and the whole night emperor city was shaking.

"This horrible demon spirit almost needs to be condensed into reality! Robb demon, this is a robbery of tens of thousands of years!"

"There is such an existence in the ancient city ?!"

"Quick withdrawal, quick withdrawal!"

For a time, Tieshan Jai and others were shocked and disappointed. They no longer care about Chu Yun and others and just wanted to escape as soon as possible.

Go west!

Leng inexplicably urged a sword of extraordinary grade, turned into a sword rainbow, and went through the sky, breaking through the sky.

Hundred ghosts walking at night!

Gui Li danced in black, and seemed to become a ghost. After a while, he disappeared.

The elder Tiansha Tai flew a battle flag, and the red glow of the sky rose into the sky, rolling up the elite of Tiansha Gang. The elder Huimeng recalled a cloud of light and transformed into a cloud of white clouds, carrying everyone back to the dream pavilion.

But Prime Minister Tieshan didn't even need his men anymore. He stepped on his feet and shrank his feet. He stepped out and disappeared in place, then appeared in front of a hundred meters away. This is one of Xingzhou's top ten famous boots, with excellent results.

Just now, the men who wanted to besiege Chu Yun, but at this time, they showed their magical powers, turned into birds and beasts, and hated to give birth to a pair of wings.

Tens of thousands of years of robbery demons are not something they can resist.

Chu Yun is also madly urging the colorless rainbow demon, wrapping everyone away from her body and flying forward. Xiao Xiaoxian's secret crossing shuttle and Bai Shasha's flying cloud yarn are also urged to help the colorless rainbow demon and evacuate quickly.

The three-headed peak spirit demon, whose qualifications are first-class and superb, and use the method of superb grades, the degree is approaching the limit, and soon Chu Yun and others overtake others and run at the forefront.


Suddenly, another roar was like a thunder, the waves were like waves, and the air was swaying, and the slamming swept over and even drove the few people who ran in the last directly to the throne of the God Seal.

Immediately after a huge mountain like Mo Qi Phosphine, like the ancient demon **** in the Nine Nether Abyss, jumped out from behind a palace.

It has a moose-like body, a dragon-like head, a cow-like tail, strong limbs, and dark gloom on its claws and black scales. The eyes are huge like lions, and this time is full of anger.

"The humble ants dare to invade the night emperor's city. Only death can redeem your sins!" Give everyone a strong shock.

It has four claws, poo poo, and dozens of demon masters have no power to resist, so they are shot into a mass of blood and mud.

It roared with open mouth, suffocating a black gloom, suffocating in the cold, covering a crowd. Wherever he went, everyone was frozen into a black ice sculpture. Then the ice sculpture melted into the darkness, and the erosion melted away without a trace.

This is the horror of the law of panic, which can erode everything. Mo Qi Phosphine is also recognized as the leader among the monsters with dark attributes. Its Daoist attacks are extremely terrifying.

"Run, run!"

"Ah! It's so fast, it attacks Daoism so much, it must not be a wild monster!"

"This is a robbery for thousands of years, killing us like slaughtering chickens and dogs. We can't resist it at all, what should we do? Everyone thinks of ideas!"

"It must be the little bully who made them ghosts. No wonder they are going to chase back these **** cubs!"

The people were extremely frightened, and Mo Qi Phosphine's combat power made them all desperate. The prime minister of Tieshan even swindled and blamed him, pointing all this to Chu Yun.

"Ah! What are you doing?" Suddenly one of the demon masters shouted in panic. He stared at the person who attacked him with a stunned face, and took a slogan. His degree plummeted and soon fell behind.

"Hey, hey, we can't run through Mo Qilin. Isn't it okay as long as we run over some people?" The sneak attacker laughed three times, making the words cold, but at the same time saw the hope of life from despair.

Just before his words fell, three more people shot at the same time and shot down the surrounding demon masters. Then Mo Qi Phosine arrived, opened his mouth, and slammed with a slam, immediately killing these demon masters who had been subjected to secret calculations.

The ugly aspect of human nature is undoubtedly manifested at this moment. For their own survival, they began to calculate the companion who had just been together.

The number of people fell sharply, and a large number of demon masters were caught in secret calculations. They fell sharply and fell to the back. They were shot to death by Mo Qi Phosphorus, or urged by the Dark Way, and were eroded and melted into nothingness.

The demon masters who can reach the Dunhuang trachoma and penetrate the inner walls of the night emperor city are all elite.

Putting them in the outside world is a first-rate good player, but under Mo Qiphosphine, who is a terrifying man, is more fragile than Xuan paper and can't resist a single move.

"It's approaching, it's approaching!" In a rush, a master demon shouted with extreme fear. Mo Qi phosphine is amazing, such as black meteor, four claws stepping on the mysterious pace, often one hundred meters, must have urged a certain degree of degree of Taoism.

"Ah!" The demon master screamed suddenly, and there was no more sound.

The rest of the people were all covered in cold sweat. At the expense of the lives of the same people around, it is just a delay of ‘time. Mo Qilin is the terrible grim reaper, at this time it is close!

These people are the elite of the elite, it is difficult to calculate each other.

"Run apart!" Prime Minister Tieshan yelled suddenly, his direction changed, and he shot towards the front right.

This is no way, almost at the same time, a group of people are blooming like fireworks in all directions.

This is pure gambling, who is chased by Mo Qilin, it is considered bad luck for him.

Mo Qi Python apparently hesitated, but in a flash, his eyes flashed with light, roaring, and chased down in a certain direction.

"Why is it staring at me?" Shi Jie suddenly looked scared, sweating heavily, desperately urging the monster and flying forward.

"Not good! It is not aimed at the stone ring, but it seems to be able to see through the invisible Taoist law, so the most chased all the way." Xiao Xiaoxian said heavily.

Shi Jie can't see the invisible Taoism on the colorless rainbow demon, so he doesn't know that in front of him is Chu Yun and others, leading the mad flight.

"Let's change direction again, try it!"

"Every time we change direction, we are greatly shortening the distance from Mo Qi Phosphine. Maybe we should hide in a palace."

"It's easy to handle, look at me. Emerald Dream!" Shi Jiaming chuckled, urging a golden fairy fairy butterfly of the peak spirit demon.

The emerald dream of the golden jade fairy butterfly is the heart of Taoism, which is rarer than the time and space Taoism, it is really difficult to stop. As long as he goes out, he will be able to drag the object into the dream. Shi Jiaming has a group of such butterflies, so he can break through all monster and beast battles.

Shi Jie suddenly slowed down, and the monster he lived on at the moment was dragged into a dream.

"Sun!" He burst out a swearing expression, and he was so shocked that he couldn't understand how he might suddenly have such an accident. Especially at this critical moment!


Mo Qiphosphon's roar almost sounded in his ear. He shuddered and felt the martial arts. The Holy King made the holy king to kill the God Seal of the Throne at night. Martial Qiankun will kill the God of the Immortal Throne in the night to seek the Demon Ao Nineth Heaven's strongest to abandon the young Da Zhou dynasty Think more and fly wild again.

But suddenly, he fell again suddenly, this is Shi Jiaming urged the second golden jade fairy butterfly.

Shi Jiefei fell down, his face pale, before he died he finally thought of the truth.

"It's insidious!" He let out a cry full of despair, anger, and unwillingness, and then with a bang, he was shot by Mo Qiphosphon's paw!

Witnessing this scene, Chu Yun and others were shocked. Although Shi Jie only has the pinnacle spirit demon in his hand, he can leapfrog the challenge and is a heroic fighting force. The strength is like that of Chu Yun, Xiao Xiaoxian and others. It is such a person who does his utmost to defend, all kinds of demon monsters on his body, and countless defensive Taoisms are overwhelming, and they can't withstand Mo Qiphosphon's claw.

Change direction!

At the juncture of the crisis, Chu Yun didn't have much time to think, and immediately took the opportunity of the Mo Qi thief's meal and changed the flight direction.


Mo Qi Phosphine also changed its direction, its choice seems to be a pot of cold water, pouring everyone cold head and feet.

"It really came according to us!" Xiao Xiaoxian gritted his teeth and felt his martial arts. The Holy King made the holy king to kill the gods and seals the throne at night. The Nineth Heaven's Strongest Abandoning the Young Zhou Dynasty's Martial Universe Qiankun will kill the God of the Immortal God's Seal Throne at Night The Zhou Clan is under great pressure.

"It's time to be loyal to Zaijia." Someone from the accompanying Dunhuang elite said.

"Yes, it's time. Carrying us not only drags down the degree, but also becomes the target of Moqi Python."

"Master Master, Master Chu Yun, please let us down. We all have this kind of consciousness!" Thirty Dunhuang elites all spoke up and died.

"You ..." Shi Jiaming's voice choked.

"Along the way, your family will be properly taken care of. I guarantee with the reputation of the Imperial Guard." Bai Shasha's eyes were red and her voice was shaking.

"Shut up for me !!!" Chu Yun shouted, and everyone stood still.

"I am absolutely!" Just listened to him and said quietly, "Do not give up any companion."

This was so decisive that all people fell silent for a while.

"Listen, it's not that there is no chance. Although these people are not opponents of Mo Qi Phosphine. But in the hands of inexplicably and Gui Li, there are two secret doors ..." Chu Yun said.

At the moment, his face was firm, and UU's reading eyes flashed like a sword, like a sword and a sword, full of earth and earth, taking the chestnut in the fire, and advancing forward.

Shi Jiaming looked at Chu Yun like this, a little stunned.

"Head" Xiao Xiaoxian moved, this "head" was mixed with a trace of admiration.

"Your boy, just give it a risk!" Bai Shasha sighed and laughed again. Mo Qi Phosphine has been approaching, and every time they change direction, they will be full of fatal crises!

"Changing direction!" Chu Yun shouted. He poured all his energy into one direction and urged the colorless rainbow demon.

Xiao Xiaoxian and Bai Shasha both kept silent and tried their best to use their respective monsters to assist Chu Yun.


Mo Qiphosphine's eyes suddenly flashed, his eyes were like black lightning, shining through the void, and he suddenly broke the colorless rainbow demon, let Chu Yun and others fall down, the original form is revealed!

[... Section 1: The prestige of Mo Qilin is updated the fastest ...] a! !

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