The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 5 Chapter 31: : Monarch Powerhouse

Section 31: Monarch Power


All of a sudden, everyone's hearts were shaking, like falling into an ice cave.

"Feiyunsha!" At the critical moment, Bai Shasha stood up and urged Feiyunsha to replace the colorless rainbow demon's dominant position, and once again took everyone to flee.

"It's just a way of detecting Taoism, which actually caused the colorless rainbow demon to be seriously injured and dying!" Chu Yun put the colorless rainbow demon into his pocket, and his heart rose involuntarily.

Without the colorless rainbow demon, everyone's degree immediately dropped by 40%, and Mo Qilin stepped on the void with four feet, which shortened the distance of fifty feet in an instant.

Once it is caught up by it and a breath is spit out, everyone will be spared.

It is a robbery for thousands of years. It is too powerful to cultivate. It is simply terrifying. If robbery demon is the pinnacle of monster beast cultivation, then robbery demon for thousands of years is the pinnacle of pinnacle.

As for the robbery of hundreds of millions of years, there is no such thing in this world.

"My gusty wind sandals can only be used for personal use and cannot help the overall situation. Although the emerald dream of the Golden Jade Butterfly can be defended, but the repair of the Mo Qilin is too deep, it cannot be used at all. . As a last resort, I had to abandon some monsters to resist. "

Chu Yun's mind was churning, and he was thinking hard about the countermeasures. He was not a hesitant. He had already made a decision, and he abandoned the car to keep the coach.

"Chu Yun, it's really not working, we will use the Bliss joy ship, the speed will be nearly twice as fast." Fairy Hongshang's voice sounded in his heart.

Chu Yun was very happy that the fairy princesses were only his allies and were not under his command. At this moment, he was moved by his words.

Bliss joy ship is something that cannot be exposed. Once exposed, there is no king-level strength, it is simply to perish. The name of immortality is really too loud. It will surely attract the attention of Xingzhou, even if the Shu family unites the Zhuxing Islands, there is no way to keep it.

Chu Yun also knew the hardships of the fairy princesses, and this was only a last resort card.

Change direction!

Once again, Mo Qilin almost caught up.

"You!" Prime Minister Tieshan was furious and roared. Chu Yun and the others went hand in hand with him, and led Mo Qilin to him.

Instead, Chu Yun smiled and said to him and Yan Yuese: "Sir Prime Minister, thank you."

"What do you want to do? What do you want to do ?!" Prime Minister Tieshan is a magnificent master with demon fighting ability, but Chu Yun smiled like this, and his body and body trembling suddenly, an extremely bad feeling filled his heart.

Golden Jade Butterfly-Emerald Dream!

The Prime Minister Tieshan screamed, and suddenly fell, falling behind Chu Yun and others.

"Dare you dare to do this! Shameless, mean!" Prime Minister Tieshan growled violently, his eyes widened, and the anger in his pupils was almost spurting out.

Shi Jiaming chuckled, Tieshan Prime Minister was his most troublesome opponent, just because he was cruel in nature, was the prime minister of the former dynasty, and also the biggest owl, good at playing all kinds of conspiracy means.

However, such a person is actually anxious and corrupt at this moment, saying that others are shameless and mean. It's really staggering.

Emerald Dream! Emerald Dream! Emerald Dream!

Shi Jiaming urged the Daoist madly, the Prime Minister Tieshan made a terrible cry of sorrow, and landed in the trough and was caught by Mo Qilin.

He had to summon his only robbery to resist.

However, Mo Qilin was shrouded in black ghosts, imposing and powerful, violent and violent.

After three strokes, his robbery was spit on Mo Qilin and turned into gray. He was even shot by Mo Qilin's claws, and shot like a cannonball, hitting the old distance and smashing against a wall of the palace, forming a pool of bright red mud.

This is a generation of owls who split the Dunhuang kingdom and have high weights. It is a heroic series that makes no one dare to underestimate anyone. But now he is tragically dying in Dunhuang trachoma.

Shi Jiaming's expression was complicated, and the Prime Minister of Tieshan was listed as the biggest obstacle to the reunification of Dunhuang, but he died here at this time. This situation she had never expected before.

She even had to thank Prime Minister Tieshan for his efforts. It was precisely because of his resistance that everyone was given a breathing opportunity to change course again.

"Shameless shit, leave me!" Gui Li yelled angrily, watching Chu Yun and others rush to his side, attracting Mo Qilin, and suddenly his face was ugly to the extreme.

"Hey, hey, we will meet again. You have today too!" Xiao Xiaoxian laughed happily, quite like a villain.

"It's you! Xiao Xiaoxian, you dare to frame me!" Gui Li saw Xiao Xiaoxian and was furious. He had an intersection with Xiao Xiaoxian. He fought evenly in several battles. Xiao Xiaoxian was insidious, fierce and fierce, and the two sides had a grudge.

"Look how good I am to you, you can enjoy it." Xiao Xiaoxian smiled very brightly.

Before his words fell, the ghostly monster was pinned by the golden jade fairy butterfly, and the degree began to drop sharply.

"All of you people are not going to die! I won't let you go if I'm a ghost!" Gui Li can't wait to devour Chu Yun and other lives. Under his eyes, Chu Yun and others are far ahead of him, but Mo Qilin has chased to.

"Uncle Master, save me!" The ghost was so forced that he had to throw out the gemstone door. The sapphire blue secret door blooms in the air with a brilliant blue flower, and a tall figure, like a demon, is looming in the Huaguang.

"Don't panic, teacher or nephew! Who is it? Have such guts to dare to offend my descendants of Jiu Youcheng ?!"

Gui Li's identity is very important in Jiu You City. Carrying a secret door of precious stones that can be moved is to help the elders in the school to protect themselves in a desperate situation.

"Bone-bone ghost king is here, who dares to move my ghost master nephew ?!" Suddenly, the guardian of Gui Li passed through the secret door of the gem and really stepped into the night emperor city.

He was tall and skinny, skinny, and dancing in black, with green ghost fire flashing in his eyes. A murky wind surrounded him, he was domineering and awe-inspiring, like a demon god, filled with an overbearing, vicious and vicious atmosphere.

However, at the next moment, his face changed suddenly, his eyes wide with deep fear and horror: "! Ten years of robbery! Mo Qilin!"

"Go!" He originally wanted to kill the Quartet, but when he saw Mo Qilin rushing so fiercely, he immediately turned around and left. His body turned into a black wind, wrapped in ghost spirits, and immediately passed Chu Yun and others.

Although he is one of only 12 king-level strongmen on the vine list, he is only a robbery with six heads and 100,000 years. If you want to defeat Mo Qilin, there is still a huge gap in strength.

"Junior-level strongmen are really not brainless people. They immediately noticed the situation on the court and did not fight hard." Chu Yun sighed. Whenever you practice to the monarch level, the aura of the demon master will get a qualitative mutation, becoming the size of a house, with wisdom far from ordinary people, and has an extraordinary keen grasp of the current situation.

Change direction again.

This time, Chu Yun and others flew to Leng's inexplicable side.

"You guys!" Leng inexplicably kept a cold, ice-like face, and couldn't help changing at this time. His eyes were killing, and he gritted his teeth to Chu Yun and others, "It even counted on my head, you will all die! I want to put you down!"

"You still have to take care of yourself first." Xiao Xiaoxian frowned, and soon as everyone became colder and inexplicable, he moved him in front of the latter.

The lungs exploded inexplicably. He is the arrogant son of heaven, the heir to the Yanwang sword mansion, and he has high hopes, overlooking the sentient beings, and arrogant to the young strong men of Qunlun. This is something that has never happened before, so his eyes almost burst into flames.

"Is it cheap? Well, I remember you. And your little overlord, the royal family of Dunhuang, hum!" His tone was cold, and he threw the secret door of the gem that had been held in his palm for a long time.

"Feiyu Jianjun is here, who dares to move my lover?" A female junior strongman stepped out of the door. She is full-bodied, wearing a white sword robe and making a hunt. A pair of eyes, long and slender like a sword, contains unstoppable sharp edges.

But in an instant, her momentum suddenly stagnation, she saw Mo Qilin.

"His ... Ten thousand years of variation in Mo Qilin!" The aura of the size of the house gave her ordinary people an inaccessible wisdom. Almost instantly, she understood the situation in the whole field.

"Go!" She made the same choice as the white-bone ghost king, the sword light burst up, wrapped in cold inexplicable want to escape.

But Mo Qilin stopped chasing the footsteps, it roared with open mouth, just like the roar of the king of beasts. In an instant, countless monsters leapt from all over the night emperor city.

Countless blood basins open wide, and endless, deafening beasts roar.

This is a real roar of beasts, shaking the world. Thousands of figures in the group of beasts rise up, all of them are spirit demon, and all the demon masters are surrounded by them.

At this moment, the ruins of the ancient city of Dunhuang trachoma fell into an unprecedented scale. But all the demon masters here are under deadly threat.

"How is it possible? These monster beasts are all separate and perched in different places of the ancient city. How can they burst at the same time?"

"Look at that! God, it turned out to be a black unicorn. It's terrifying demon spirit, robbery demon, absolutely robbery demon."

"Kirin, the real dragon, and the phoenix all have talents and ways to command the beasts. I really know today!" Xiao Xiaoxian was also dumbfounded.

This is an ancient record, and nowadays Kirin, Zhenlong and Phoenix are very rare. The sea dragon king Jiang Bo has thousands of years of life, but there is only one blue sea dragon, which can command the beasts in the sea.

However, when Chu Yun opened the Xinghai Dragon Palace, the blue sea dragon had been seriously injured and could no longer urge this talented Taoism. Therefore, Shu Tianhao's current vine rankings are only mid-range on the Yishi list. If the blue sea dragon recovered, it is enough to make him rank one or two ahead of schedule.

At this time, there were monsters and beasts, sand demons, shadow scorpions, mushroom giants, and blood mosquitoes ... densely packed into everyone's vision.


Mo Qilin roared again, and suddenly started a terrifying scuffle.

The screams of countless people, the roar of Taoism, the cries of friends, and the screams of the beastmasters of all ethnic groups are intertwined, forming a chaotic, **** and violent battlefield march.

"Go, let's enter the Golden Sands Palace!" In the glorious Dao Fa explosion, Chu Yun and others avoided the attack dangerously and dangerously, plunged into the air and re-infiltrated into the Golden Sands Palace.

"Close the door and try your best to clear the monsters in the palace!" Chu Yun ordered the order and presided over the overall situation.

The door slammed shut, leaving Bai Shasha and others guarding. Xiao Xiaoxian, Shi Jiaming, Chu Yun and others attacked with all their strength and quickly killed some monsters that had broken into the door.

"Head, now the situation is in chaos, the two monarchs and Mo Qilin are fighting, there is no defense over the tower!" Just settled down, Xiao Xiaoxian shouted with his eyes bright.

[... Section 31: The text of the junior strong is updated the fastest ...] a! !

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