The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 5 Chapter 29: : Shi Jiaming's strength

Seeing Shi Jiaming take the initiative to stand up and defend himself against Shi Jie, Chu Yun frowned slightly, trying to dissuade: "Brother Jiaming ...", ... "," Chu Yun, you don't need to say more. You haven't been improving alone these years. Am I not clear about Shi Jie? Shi Jiaming waved his hand to stop Chu Yun from talking.

"Fight, five elements array!" Turning his head, Shi Jiaming patted the fairy capsule, and suddenly there were five mysterious lights, forming a large array.

"Ten phalanxes." Shi Jie shouted coldly, and there were also ten glorious bursts of light.

The two sides soared and collided in the air, suddenly disappearing. This is a duel between the two players in formation space.

"Humph! How can the five elements battlefield be able to withstand the ten square formation? This is what Shi Jiaming is dead.", Li Li suddenly said.

"Yes, the monster beast battle array is of course the more monster beasts that make up, the greater the power. I played with Shi Jie, and his ten square formation is indeed one of his advantages. Even my seven-star formation is not as good as it. ", Cold is inexplicable. The monster battle line is derived from the records in the Star Saint's Legacy. It is divided into one element array, two instrument arrays, three talent arrays, four phase arrays, five element arrays, arrays, seven-star arrays, gossip arrays, nine palace arrays, ten square arrays. They were obtained from ten king-level strongmen who watched Xing Sheng's suicide note.

Among them, the five elements array was realized by the King of Dunhuang, so it was circulated in Dunhuang. The Seven Star Array was realized by King Jiangyue. Spread in Jianghan and get exhibited. The seven-star lore array in the dark pavilion evolved from the seven-star array.

These ten battle arrays, except for the Eight Diagrams array, are widely circulated in the major states of Xingzhou.

The inexplicable words are common sense in Xingzhou. Today, the ten square arrays have more advantages than the five-element array.

"Who is Shi Jiaming? I haven't heard of it at all. I actually took the initiative to challenge Shi Jie, but I have the courage to face death."

"Maybe he has some killer copper, maybe. But at this level of battle between the demon masters, it is like the two armies. The battle array is powerful, that is, the formation of the army is outstanding. Once the five elements battle array loses to the ten square formation This is the collapse of the whole army. This advantage is too great. "

"According to my understanding of Shi Jie, after half an hour, he will definitely win when he appears in front of us, and he will carry the kid's level in his hand.", "Little Overlord, you have now handed over what you got. Why let your friends die for you? "

Everyone in Tieshan Jaipur was full of confidence in Shi Jie, or sneered or arrogantly, you tried to break the confidence of Chu Yun and others.

"Student eyes!" Bai Shasha sneered and looked at everyone's eyes with disdain. "There are always a group of people in this world who like to infer a very different result based on their humble knowledge. Shi Jiaming is our Dunhuang The object of the royal family's training is his talents. How can you mortals wonder, "" Oh, the dead duck's mouth is hard. "

"The facts speak louder than words. When the results come out, see what you say!"

"Mortal? Hey, no one has ever compared me to a mortal. Well, no matter what the result is, I must kill this Shi Jiaming today. Let you see the power of mortals.", Bai Tongling's words, immediately The other party's chuckles were attracted.

Chu Yun was calm, he always felt that Shi Jiaming was not simply a secret person. Moreover, Xiao Xiaoxian has been hidden behind the scenes, and the sky crane can't stop him from the battle. This is also considered an insurance method.

"Why bother struggling again? This kind of waiting is a waste of time. Chu Yun, you stand up and fight me." Leng inexplicably arrogant, glanced coldly at Chu Yun, "You stole our Yan Wang Jianfu I have long wanted to see you for the magical passage method. No matter what the token is, you must die today. "He was very arrogant and disgusted with Chu Yun. Yan Dongliu was a member of Yan Wangjian's mansion, his brother, but died in the hands of Chu Yun.

However, at this moment, Shi Jiaming and Shi Jie suddenly appeared on the field again.

"This is also true of the Ten Square Array, Shi Jie, you evade the battle on your own initiative, I overestimate you. What else do you say now?" Shi Jiaming sneered three times, and the words surprised everyone.

Even Chu Yun was surprised. Shi Jie's strength should be similar to that of Xiao Xiaoxian. How long has it been since then that he has lost to Shi Jiaming?

Shi Jie's face was blue, and he stared closely at Shi Jiaming: "You actually mastered a group of golden jade fairy butterflies, twelve pinnacle spirit butterflies, and nearly a hundred monsters. There is also a unique sound imperial method. Good It ’s really sharp, I look away. Who is your Excellency? Shi Jiaming, it ’s a pseudonym, tell me your real name, and I will pay it back for the shame of failure today. ”He changed his attitude completely. Shi Jiaming's strength made him have to pay attention.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone clamored.

"The golden jade fairy butterfly is the unique monster group of the Dunhuang kingdom. It has been controlled by the royal family. What identity is this kid in his hand?", "No wonder the stone ring will be defeated. The golden jade fairy butterfly, with jadeite The talented Taoism of the dream can drag everything into the dream. This is the Taoism of the mind attribute, which is more difficult to resist than the time and space Taoism. "

"The top spirit demons that make up the ten squares were dragged into the dream one by one, and the ten squares were naturally flawed and destroyed by the five elements."

"With this golden jade fairy butterfly group, it is possible to break all battle arrays! Shi Jie is caught in the five-element battle array.

For a time, everyone looked at Shi Jiaming's eyes carefully. No wonder Bai Shasha is so confident, this is an arrogant man who is absolutely not weaker than anyone.

Although it is not on the list, everything is only a matter of time.

Tieshan Jai and others were murderous, and Shi Jiaming's eyes flashed fiercely. This is a huge threat. In addition to Dunhuang Princess, there is actually a member of Dunhuang's royal family who has such outstanding talent.

This is terrible and must be eliminated!

"What? Prime Minister Tieshan, do you want to fight? Ha ha ha, I will accompany him to the end." Shi Jiaming said without fear.

Although he only has spirit demon, but a group of golden jade fairy butterflies are in hand, so that he also has infinite confidence, and fight against the robbery monster!

"I don't know if the boy is high and thick, it's your glory to die in my hands." The Prime Minister of Tieshan sneered, and the murderous intention was awe-inspiring.

"What are you waiting for? Do you really want to let them go, and wait for these people to grow up and deal with us?"

"Strangling genius, although not what I want. But I can only blame you for being too ignorant of current affairs." The Taishang elder who returned to Mengge also stood up.

This is the fighting power of the three big heroes. After seeing Shi Jiaming's talents, they are all moving. A Chu Yun, plus a Shi Jiaming, let them feel the martial force, the Holy King, the Holy King, the sacred king, the night killing the god, the throne of the gods, and the throne. The Nineth Heaven's Strongest Abandoning the Young Zhou Dynasty's Martial Universe Qiankun will kill the God of the Immortal God's Seal Throne at Night The Zhou Clan is threatening immensely.

With these three people taking the lead, the others are just about to move.

Chu Yun's face is cold, he has Xiao Xiaoxian as a backhand, and he is not worried about these people. The only fear is the secret door in the hands of Leng Yiming, Gui Li and Shi Jie.

The war is at hand.

The atmosphere was solemn. Suddenly, Prime Minister Tieshan's eyes flashed with a fine glow, and he roared: "Fate to come ... uh!"

He was about to start, but suddenly his body was stagnant, his face showing a shocked look.

A majestic and enormity of spirits soared into the sky, and a terrifying sense of crisis rose from everyone's heart.

Roar one!

At the next moment, UU read the book and a roar like a dragon and a lion suddenly exploded. The sound swept across all directions, shaking the world, and countless people were shocked.

Chu Yun and others even moved around and saw the consternation in each other's eyes.

"Mo Qilin, how did it wake up ?!"


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