The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 5 Chapter 28: : Encounter an enemy

Maybe I can use the sky crane to break through the blockade and enter the tower! Xiao Xiaoxian's eyes flashed finely, and his tone was very impulsive.

He wanted to take advantage of the characteristics of the blue sky crane. "

Chu Yun's face sank: "Humph! You can say such stupid things. You are still too tender. It seems that these years, you are used to the wind and water."

"But ..." Xiao Xiaoxian shouted, "clearly in front of him."

"Sometimes, even if you are close to you" is far from the horizon. ", Shi Jiaming sighs quietly" After glancing at Chu Yun, he turned and walked back.

"Master, if you don't enter the tiger's cave, you can get a tiger. There is no cheap thing in this world that does not take risks and gain benefits!" Xiao Xiaoxian stood on the spot and could not move.

"Shut up! You are blinded by your interests. This kind of risk is too great to describe in nine lives. Have you seen robbery for thousands of years?" Chu Yun sneered.

"Uh ..." Xiao Xiaoxian looked stagnant.

"Well, the ignorant is fearless. Keep up with me." I don't want to steal the door, only me, the bare-handed person. "After saying this, Chu Yun turned around and left.

I originally thought that Xiao Xiaoxian is also a master of exploring the secrets and secrets, but now it seems that it is still too tender and needs good teaching.

But stealing the door is not to explore the door. The thieves have always taken big risks and walked the tightrope on the line of life and death.

Xiao Xiaoxian is an excellent heir to the thief, and he is also an excellent visitor. But in the latter aspect, it is still very far away from Chu Yunxiangjing.

"It's really not easy to be able to give up and give up. Among the towers, it is likely to be the hidden possession of the Night Emperor." Even I am heartened. "Bai Shasha looked at Chu Yun's back without hesitation." A feeling of admiration rose involuntarily in her heart.

"No wonder that Jin Bihan can really look at him, and he is indeed a personal hero. But in his opinion, Jin Bihan is just a classmate with deep friendship?" Immediately "Bai Shasha frowned again, worrying for Jin Bihan.

"Ah!" Xiao Xiaoxian stomped fiercely and had to keep up with Chu Yun's pace. Now the true master of the sky crane is not him, or he wants to take risks, without Chu Yun's permission, there will be no capital.

However, after how long it took to walk, Chu Yun and his team encountered a large number of people.

"Xiao Ba Wang! We finally got you!" The elder Tiansha helped Taishang elders. He saw Chu Yun when he saw Chu Yun, his eyes flashing, and he burst out laughing, full of hate.

"Chu Yun, you have a deep mind." Even Zhou Zhengfang was almost fooled by you. "The prime minister of Tieshan has a gloomy tone and looks at Chu Yun up and down with unwilling gaze.

"Not good, something!" Xiao Xiaoxian's pupils shrank, he was walking behind, seeing this scene, and immediately disappeared.

Bai Shasha took a step forward, blocking Shi Jiaming behind. Although she has the ability to rob the demon, she is on the list of heroes, but her face is also solemn at the moment.

The situation is critical, and the other party is in great power. It is simply that all other forces are united together. "We have to deal with this group of people.

Not only are the two forces of the Tiansha Gang and the Prime Minister of the Iron Mountain, but also the many ranger forces such as the Iron-Blood Alliance, Huimengge, and Life and Death Valley, the parties that divide the Dunhuang Kingdom, and even the first-class forces of Yan Wang Jianfu and Nine Youcheng, Kutuo Temple!

Although Chu Yun had also predicted that "the Lord of Suffering would find fierceness. But he did not expect" that so many people would come.

But he thought about it for a moment, and immediately realized what might happen.

I have to say that the Taishang elder of the Tiansha Gang is definitely a personal thing. This Jedi counterattack is really amazing.

In order to find the pass token, Tiansha Gang spared no effort to release this secret of pass token. This news is so amazing that it represents a huge interest that makes everyone jealous. "Attracting so many people to come as enemies" is also reasonable.

Although Chu Yun et al.'S "breakthrough route is complicated, but in the end it left an indelible mark" that made it easy for this group of people to follow. "

"Little Overlord, you kid is too unreasonable to do things. Actually stealing people's things, you have searched nearly 20 palaces along the way." All rely on pass tokens ... so "we are not difficult for you. Take All the things you harvested belong to the original owner. We were invited by the owner to contribute, and we divided these things and left. "The main helm of the Iron-Blood Alliance pointed at Chu Yun and spoke very politely.

He is over a hundred years old, has a very strong strength, has more than ten peak spirit demon, and is currently on the strange person list, ranking second only to Chu Yun.

"Yes, this agreement was agreed upon when we came.

When you group of people think of resistance, compare the strength of our two sides. You have two big heroes, but we have three here. "

It was the elder Taishang who returned to Mengge. In addition to the Prime Minister Tieshan and the elder Tiansha, he was the third hero and had the robbery on hand.

"What are the two powerful heroes? A Chu Yun can kill Shangguan Feng Ye? Don't you think it's a fantasy?" Leng inexplicably dressed in a white robe, holding a sword in his arms, and froze cold. chill. He is unique and there is a lot of space around him. "Many people are subconsciously away from him.

He is the next generation descendant of Yan Wang Jianfu, and he is also a celestial being. He is only 22 years old, but he owns the peak spirit of the old head. His face was expressionless, his tone was cold, and his eyes were examining Chu Yun, which contained a kind of hostility and strength.

"I can kill Shangguan Feng Ye, I still have some skills. Ha ha ha, although I have no demon fighting power, but 19 peak spirit demon, also have the means to leapfrog the enemy. Xiaobawang, you are a late show, I hope today Don't fold it in my hand. "Gui Liyin smiled, looking at Chu Yun with bad intentions.

No one thinks his words are arrogant, because he is the next generation city master in the Nine Nether City. His talent is higher than that of inexplicable, only 21 years old.

Jiu Youcheng and Yan Wang Jian Fu are both first-class forces. "It is the royal bloodline. Their ancestors" one is the sword king Yan and the other is the nine ghost king Jialong.

The ancestors ’divine passages are hidden in their blood. Inexplicable and inexplicable, they are genius characters who have awakened the Divine Pathway and have it in their hands.

Seeing the two of them, Chu Yun couldn't help but look cold. In his previous life, these two were also famous. Although they have not been listed on the list of heroes today, they will be two monarchs in the future.

What's more, they also have a gemstone door of the peak spirit demon series in their hands.

Once they are in distress, "as long as this gem secret door is used", there will be strong heroes of the heroic and junior levels, rushing through the space to the scene. Today, when the lease contract is lost, this is a means for the first-class forces to protect their own people.

There is one more person in the same situation as them.

It is the next abbot of Kutuo Temple, named Shi Jie. He was wearing a gray robe with his head naked, with a plain and unpretentious feeling. In his hand, he was holding a wooden fish that looked like a bluestone texture, holding a golden jade stick, and struck it with a loud sound.

"The prestige of the little bully, Shi Jie has long been heard. See you today" really is the dragon of man. I do n’t know if I am fortunate enough to discuss with Chu Yun? "Shi Jie smiled slightly, but what he said was a more direct seal of the throne than Leng Yiming and Gui Lili.

"If you want to fight, accompany you to the end. But there is no complaint in life and death" Shi Jie you should be careful. "Chu Yun's face was calm and his tone was plain, but in fact his heart was smiling bitterly."

This day, finally came.

Compete with the genius characters in Sin Chau!

Although he is the first person of his age, it does not mean that he has surpassed everything. On this point, Chu Yun is also clear.

He also expected that there would be such a day ", but what he did not expect was that this day came so suddenly," and the crisis and hope, whether it is cold and inexplicable "or ghostly, or Shi Jie, Xiao Xiaoxian, are geniuses among geniuses. . Qualification talents also need to be more Yanqian, H1a Ying and others.

If Chu Yun had the help of various immortals, dragon's eye fruit and psychic snakes, he had long been left behind by people like them. But immediately, Chu Yun's heart gave birth to a sense of pride.

This is nothing terrible.

The future king-level strongmen like Lianning Tianwang are all planted under their own hands. Even Tie Ao, who resisted the court in the Ning Tianwang Chamber, committed suicide by being oppressed by himself.

Collision with these characters is also a passionate event leading to the top.

"Slow down. You want to challenge Chu Yun, but also to see if you have this qualification." Shi Jiaming suddenly stood up.

"Even Master Shijie is not qualified? Boy, aren't you a rookie? Have you heard of Kutuo Temple?" Someone in the crowd immediately laughed. UU reading

"I care if you are a stone ring or a grass ring. The guys who are not even listed in the vines will be picked up by the same me. Kill the chicken with a ox knife!" Domineering.

"Okay, just let me warm up for a while. It's okay. Just like Chu Yun said, life and death do not complain." Shi Jie stood up.


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[... Section 28: The fastest update of encountering enemies ...] a! !

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