The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 5 Chapter 1: : 5 German wheels

Section 1: Five German Wheels

Tie Ao's mouth full of bitterness, looking at Bai Shenwei in front of Da Shenwei, is almost lost.

He was no longer the young man who had been impulsive because of love, disregarding the persuasion of Long Dao, and attacked Shujia Island.

On this trip, he also expected the possibility of failure.

But he had to take this step. If he didn't, he would definitely fail. After taking this step, I can still take a fight.

However, the result is still far beyond his expectations.

He had never expected that his own group of people were actually blocked by a rabbit general who had looked down upon and mocked and despised.

When Chu Yun commanded the eight-headed robbery to form a gossip battle array and swept them into the formation space, he knew he was defeated.

A disastrous defeat.

The soldiers around him were full of shock, panic, panic and cowardice, but his heart was full of sorrow.

The explosion of General Rabbit is already a fatal blow to him. Change all his expectations into a dream bubble.

Kingship dominance, instantly turned empty.

As for Chu Yun's next appearance with the eight-headed robbery demon, for him, although shocked, it seems to no longer matter.

Failure, and defeat is very complete, for him, it is already the same thing.

When Chu Yun appeared like a **** and appeared in front of him, he didn't even have to look back, he could feel the eyes of the soldiers behind the iron family looking forward to surrender.

Suddenly, he was extremely disheartened.

"If it's you Chu Yun, I want to be able to walk farther than me and see more beautiful scenery than me. Then ... Tiejia will entrust it to you." His tone is ordinary and his expression is very flat, but The action was amazing-he held out his hand, took off the Zhenyao tower above his head, and unlocked the aura contract, and handed it to Chu Yun.

Tie Ao, surrendered.

The soldiers of the Tie family were relieved. The eight-headed robbery demons gave them great shock, and they had already left them without fighting spirit.

Yan Que and Huaying are very excited. The surrender of Tie Ao, the Shu family no longer has any obstacles, the reunification of the Star Islands is just around the corner!

However, under the planning of the two major military divisions, this news did not preach.

All collections are carried out quietly. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, even after the iron family recuperated, they began to send troops to conquer the Shuijia islands. Through some engagements, some diehards of the Iron Family were eliminated in advance. All this is under the exquisite control of the Shu family.

A month later, the Shui family shattered, the Shui dynasty documents fell into the hands of the Shu family, the main city of the mountain family fell, and the main island of the Mori family directly surrendered to the throne of the God Seal.

Just when people in the world were concerned, or expected, or worried about the battle between the Iron Family and the Shu Family, and Jiang Han Kingdom and other parties were ready to step in, Tie Ao suddenly presented Shu Tianhao with a descending form.

Everyone is surprised, this change is too unexpected.

Tie Ao's failed raid was revealed by the Shu family. The eight-headed demon in the Eight Temples of Heaven, but anyone who heard the news for the first time felt quite unreal.

The great powers sent out secret agents at the first time, and the news brought back was how magnificent the Eight Temples of Heaven and how the eight-headed robbery demons soared into the sky.

"This is a conspiracy, a thorough conspiracy! All Xingzhou has been tricked by Shu and his sons!" Jiang Hanguo was badly corrupted. It is said that when he confirmed the news in the study, he even dropped several beloved antiques.

"Hahaha, I knew that the kid was not easy." Meng Yuanguo laughed, "Cooperation, we must strengthen cooperation. In the future, the two countries will attack the Jianghan Kingdom from south to north, and the pattern of Sin Chau will be overwhelming!"

The most overjoyed are the islanders of the Star Islands.

"Am I dreaming? Our Shu family actually became the overlord of the Zhuxing Islands!"

"This is a great undertaking. It is indeed an honor to be able to follow the masters of the island and the young island and personally achieve such achievements."

"A million years! The archipelago has been in the midst of the ancient Five Kings. Peace, how suddenly came."

"From today, will there be no more wandering? Will there be no more suffering from the war?"

The day when the news came out, it became the day of all the people in the Zhuxing Islands. The old people shed tears and kissed the ground beneath their feet. The soldiers of the Shu family cheered loudly. The couples were holding hands, and the children ran out in groups, dancing joyfully and smiling.

"Hegemony is done, but the road of struggle is still long. We have a long way to go to improve ourselves and improve the Zhuxing Islands. However, I am at ease with the Zhuxing Islands, because of you. "At the celebration feast, Chu Yunjiu went through three tours and laughed.

"Your boy, although my body is here, my heart has flew away?" Shu Tianhao smiled boldly.

"Mr. Zhiruo Mo Ruofu, or Dad, you know me." Chu Yun saluted Shu Tianhao with a glass of wine, "I am not interested in any power. I just want to climb the highest peak of the demon master! Dunhuang trachoma, It will be opened in a few days. In my dream, I have heard the treasures piled up in the sand, calling me. "

Chu Yun said interestingly, everyone in the lobby laughed.

"Hahaha, at this point, I have to admire the young master. Seeking the secrets and exploring the secrets, it seems that he is born with natural talent!" Yan Que said with emotion.

"What's more! The Shaodao Master is a real person who doesn't show his face. When he went to the Yaoshan Kingdom, he turned back to a martial art confidant."

The Shu family unified the Star Islands, and the Rouge Gate also rose like a comet, becoming a hot topic in Xingzhou.

"There are quite a lot of beauties in Dunhuang. The face with a tulle, the delicate and delicate waist like a snake ... Gee." The old monkey Qiao always jumped away and was not respected.

"I just don't know how many beauties the young master can turn back this time, let's bet!" Lao Hongqiang suddenly slapped the table and raised his tone.

"I guess at least a martial art."

"Hey, then you underestimated the growth of the young island master. There is more than one martial art, at least two!"

"Now that Dunhuang is in chaos in China, the leader of the largest party is the Princess Dunhuang. As soon as our Shaodao went, was Princess Dunhuang still upset?"

"When it comes to the princess, I remember very clearly. When I was in Xinghai Dragon Palace, I got a marriage contract. The holder of the marriage contract can go to Mermaid Island to win a mermaid princess."

"Oh, did the young master have two princesses as wives?"


The generals made troubles for a while, and they came to tease Chu Yun together, and the cheers thundered.

"You guys ..." Chu Yun shook his head, his expression very helpless, but there was a strong smile in his eyes.

No one knows how violent he is at the moment. The wanderers who were expelled in the previous life have now contributed to the unification of the Star Islands. Really dreamy ...

Looking at the father of the throne, and then looking at the companions around him, Chu Yun's heart was full of warmth.

"The Lord Shaodao went outside and hunted the world, but left us to do the drudgery here. It's unreasonable. Young Master, you have to drink this jar of wine!" Huaying ran staggeringly with the alcoholic smell Come to Chu Yun, actually want to fight Chu Yun wine.

"Young Master, I'll come to toast you. Thank you for your appreciation, this is the lucky one." General Rabbit also followed, and toasted to Yun Yun sincerely.

After that battle, he found his true self, and the whole person also changed dramatically. The impression of Shu Jiazhong on him has changed quite a bit.

Chu Yun patted his shoulder and smiled badly: "Your bravery is acknowledged, but you and I drink, and I don't know what to do."

General Rabbit immediately widened his eyes: "Forget the courage and speak the truth. I'm not convinced if you don't really fight the young master."

This sentence immediately detonated the audience, and the fight began.

General Rabbit became the first victim. Then Wu Datou, then Wang Zelong ...

Huaying, this guy is too bad, always agitating, the oil cavity is slippery. However, Chu Yun was aware of Qiu Hao and pursued closely, and also put him down.

The crowd will have a great drink, and finally in the lobby, only three of them will not lie down.

One is naturally Chu Yun, and the other is Yan Que. He is self-controlled, strict in discipline, and only drinks a little, still personable. The last one is Shu Tianhao. After all, he was also fed back by the drunk snow knife.

Shu Tianhao looked at Chu Yunman with gratification: "It is your father and my son who can reap the greatest wealth in my life. Your parents will be happy if they see such achievements."

"My biological parents, are they still on earth?" Chu Yun said in surprise. Shu Tianhao has rarely talked about his parents.

"Of course in the world, with their strength, who can move my righteous brother and sister ?!" Shu Tianhao glared with a beard, he drank too much, and some could not control the trend.

"It's just ... Alas, although it is strong, but often can't help it. Even if it is all king-level strong, what can you do? If you see them in the future, I hope you can understand their hardships." Shu Tianhao also Sighed deeply.

Chu Yun also wanted to ask again, but Shu Tianhao had waved his hand: “Do n’t ask about this again. When your strength is attained, you can go and find your parents in person. Go, the Star Islands are too small, Sin Chau only It's where you fly! "

"Listen to Dad's tone ~ ~ My parents seem to be king-level strongmen, so big to come! But the strongmen on the Xingzhou king list have few surnames, and the most famous one is Chu. Overlord. No, in addition to these famous strongmen, there must be people hidden in the grass. Among them, there must be no hidden feelings. "

Shu Tianhao's words shocked Chu Yun. He didn't sleep well all night.

Of course, he is now strong in combat, sleep is not good, and he can still be energetic.

Early the next morning, some people were very polite and broke straight into his young master's house.

"Master Shaodao, I got drunk and made a mistake yesterday. Fortunately, you didn't come out. The five-element skywheel you asked me to repair has been refined." It was no one else but Master Yu Ya.

"Uncle Yu Ya, don't worry, I can't go away after a while. I have to raise one or two and make a lot of preparations. Hmm? How has this five-element skywheel changed so much?"

"Hey." Yu Ya rubbed his hands proudly. "I have transformed the five-element skywheel into a frame that combines monster soldiers. The ancient Wudewang's air-transported monster is a component. This monster soldier has been reborn, not called the five-element wheel , And should be called the Five Virtue Wheel. "! ~!

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