The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 85: : Brave because of love

Section 85: Courage because of love

"What, the Shuijia army was defeated ?! Even one of the top ten generals, the Confucian general, was captured alive ?!"

"Originally, the two coalition forces of Shu and Tie have been in the doldrums. I heard that it was the joint of small bully Chu Yun and the stars Hu Shutianhao, which only opened the deadlock and finally turned over."

"Tiger's father has no dogs ... Shu Tianhao is all right. I heard that Chu Yun used the ninth spirit demon on the battlefield. This is really talented and rare in a century."

Just after one night, news about the sea battle has spread throughout the entire Sin Chew.

The world was shocked by this result, and the world was shaking!

"War is really unpredictable."

"The Shu family is powerful. In this battle, the little bully Chu Yun's ranking has risen to the eighth place in the strangers list. Not only that, Shu Tianhao not only returned to the vines list, but also rose to the 17th place in the strangers list. Huang Xiao , Replacing the mad Confucian generals and becoming one of the top ten stars in Sin Chau. The Shu family ’s Huaying and Yan Que have also been promoted to the top of the Junjie list. The Shu family is indeed talented and defeats the Shui family army. . "

"The water family is short-lived and unsustainable, and the Star Islands are changing again. Only the Shu family and the Tie family are left to compete for hegemony. From the current perspective, the Shu family's advantage is many times greater ..."

Four days later, when the world ’s various opinions were raging, Tie Ao led all the generals and elites of the Tie family and concentrated them in front of a warship.

"This, isn't this a flying warship?"

"The warship that flew down from the Rainbow Bridge did not expect to fall into the hands of our iron family."

"I didn't use this battleship during the battle with the Shui family. Lord Tie Ao Island, what do we want to call us this time?"

The soldiers looked at this warship and were all amazed.

"Since that naval battle, it has been four days. In the past four days, many of you are asking me, why not go to conquer the water home and expand the territory? Today I will give you this answer." Tie Ao stood up to all In front of people, pointing at this flying warship, the words were amazing, "Soon, we will take this warship, raid the main island of Shu Family, and capture Huode City!"

"Why, what ?!"

"Tear the covenant in this way and fight without declaration?"

"It turned out that the previous inaction was to paralyze the Shu family. Now the Shu family is attacking the Shuijia islands. The main island is the most empty moment!"

The generals exclaimed again and again, their expressions shaking.

"Good." Tie Ao said in a deep voice, "You are the most outstanding figures of my iron family. You should also see the current situation. The Shu family's advantage is too great, if there is no strange move, our iron family is really difficult to contend with. Now the main island of the Shu family not only defends against emptiness, but also has fire morale documents. We **** it and have a great righteousness. At the same time, the Huode city is a powerful city that is not weaker than the main city of the mountain family. The bravest warrior. With intelligence, there is an underground world on Shujia Island, which is extremely rich in resources and not weaker than the main island of the Sen family. The capture of the main island of the Shu family is of great significance. In this battle, we must win! "

"The island owner is wise! Occupy the Shu family's main island and the Shu family's main island !!" Under the initiative of the interested people, some soldiers who were still hesitant were gradually infected by this fanatical atmosphere.

"Let us open up a new era of the Star Islands!"

"This is an absolute hero. No one will think of us falling into the sky!"

"Flying warship, can fly for nine days, no one can notice. We will win this battle!"

"Good, must win! When I failed to attack the main island of the Shu family, I climbed wherever I failed. This time, I will never fail!" Tie Ao's eyes flashed, and the fighting spirit was high. This plan has been brewing in his mind for a long time, and this time finally implemented, he has absolute confidence in this.

The flying battleship carries the fighting spirit of the people, soaring into the sky.

Fortunately, the night and the dark wind were high this evening, which could cover up the flying battleship.

"Moon Dark Wind High Murder Night is a good opportunity for us to kill the Quartet!"

"Controlling the main island of the Shu family means that the throne of the Shenyin directly took the opponent's base camp, which is a terrible blow to the morale of the Shu family."

"Even God helps us, soldiers, kill the enemy and make merits at this moment!"

"Why, there is always a bad hunch?" The general in charge of defending the main island Bai Bai, sullenly put down his rice bowl, but the delicious food was difficult to swallow at this time.

"The naval battle is over. In a short period of time, it is difficult to have a war. If the Shu family unified the Star Islands and brought peace, I should be more happy." He sighed quietly and picked up his rice bowl again. .

But before eating a bite of rice, he saw a personal soldier running over with blood: "Report! Enemy, enemy attack! The master of Tiejia Island leads the soldiers and descends from the sky in a flying warship. It has been suppressed The defenders on the island! "


The rice bowl fell to the ground and shattered.

Bai Nan stood up sharply, with extreme shock and panic on his face.

"How could this be? How could this be ?! Tie Jiaran tore up the covenant, fought without a declaration, and raided! The most important thing is that the island owner, the young island owner, and Huang Xiao all conquered from afar ..."

General Rabbit's face was pale and his body was rocking, and he was dizzy by the sudden news.

"Hahaha, really weak defense!"

"Look, what a martial city, the Shu family is really interesting, actually built such a male city for us!"

"Kill kill, a bunch of things that don't have long eyes."

"It's weird, where did the ordinary people go? Why are there only defenders and no civilian?"

Just as the soldiers of the Iron Family were killing the Quartet, Bai Xian held his war gun and shuddered in front of them.

"Oh, look, who is this?"

"Huh, General Rabbit. What do you want to do when you run out? Surrender?"

"You don't know, I heard that General Rabbit is quite appreciated by the little bully at the Shu family."

"Hahaha ..."

Everyone in the Tie family will know Bai Wan's reputation and laugh out loudly.

"Bai Du, you came just right. This is a great time for you to return to my iron family. You are familiar with the island's defense and quickly led us to capture Huode City."

Unexpectedly, Bai Nan shook his head and said in a very trembling tone: "I, I'm here to stop you. Don't go any further, it's too late to return now."

He was obviously terrified, and his guns were unstable.

The Tie family will be quiet for a while, and then there will be a greater laughter, some people are covering their stomachs, and some people are bursting into tears.

"I am the guardian of Shujia Island. It is my duty to guard here. Don't destroy it, it's a paradise here, a fairyland on earth! People live and work here, and there are laughter and laughter everywhere during the day ... I want to protect here!" The more you talk, the more serious you are.

"Are you serious? My will will not allow disobedience. If you continue to block, you will lose your life." Tie Ao's face was cold.

"I'm serious! I'm Bai Jiu, I want to protect here! Even if I lose my life, I will not hesitate!" Speaking of this, Bai Yi suddenly was not afraid. The war gun in his hand was stable, and the wind and thunder roared to his shoulders, his dark eyes fixed on the people, and the fierce little touch made people gimmick.

"Then you die, General Rabbit!" A general of the Iron Family made a mocking noise and waved his sword to kill.

Bai Wanting resisted with a gun and fought against it.

"Hey, does it take so much to kill a general rabbit general?" After a moment, the generals of the Tie family were impatient.

"You also take action, delay, there may be variables." Tie Ao's face is not good-looking, Bai Fang's combat power surprised him, how could he not see it before?

"Little rabbit, let's unload you eight." A group of people gathered around and grinned.

Then, the next moment ...

An earth-shattering roar suddenly exploded, and the surging sound turned into a gust of wind, piercing through the thick clouds in the night sky and shaking the whole island of Shujia.

The nightmare of the generals of the Iron Family began.


"I can't see it. The weak and timid general Rabbit usually has such a brave side."

"If you have heard it wrong, is it the wind and thunder roar? This monster, known as the king of sound attack, is the best at group attack. Does he know it?"

In the Pavilion of Huode City, Huaying and Yan Que stood beside Chu Yun, looking at the war group from afar, and said.

"If you have something to protect, you won't be afraid. The identity of Feng Leihou, I didn't tell Bai Bai, and I look forward to his explosion in the battle of the sea. Now I realize that our general rabbit is really It's too kind. To make him explode, only this is the case today. "Chu Yun replied slowly.

He did not know the specific situation of the previous life. But now it seems that it should be Bai Bai's breakthrough in self-defense during defensive battle.

Since hearing Yi Yan's speculation, Chu Yun has been pondering the word "great auspiciousness". Darjeel means that there is no danger, and Darley proves that it will gain something. An intuition at the time reminded him of General Rabbit.

Now it seems that ~ ~ secretly sneaked back to the main island from the front line, there is nothing wrong with it.

"It's really brave to stand alone with the generals of the iron family. The roar of the wind and thunder roar can make people and monsters dizzy, and the sound attack method is so biased. No wonder so many people can't get rid of Bai Wai, but have killed and injured countless. "

"Hey, after this battle, Bai Fang's combat power soared, Huang Xiao and us, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with him. No wonder Lord Master would like him like this. Really like a torch ..."

Yan Que and Huaying talked eloquently.

"Okay, don't flatter me. My eight-headed robbery, are lurking on the island, looking after Bai Bian. After fighting for so long, they are already impatient. It's time to come forward and solve everything." Chu Yun stepped out Footsteps.

Yan Que and Huaying glanced at each other for this step. They all know that this step is very meaningful, this is a big step to unify the Star Islands!

(Tired, I do n’t want to write any war anymore. Writing vomited ... Alas, it ’s not enough to write, for the sake of the plot later. But it is finally over ... the next big chapter tomorrow.)! ~!

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