The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 5 Chapter 2: :Love me!

Section 2: Love me!

The inheritance of the Five Kings of Ancients has been inherited to this day, and the only remaining fruit is the five lucky monsters.

These five lucky monsters are not only the key to protecting the Zhuxing Islands from outsiders, but also the culprit that has led to the civil strife of the Zhuxing Islands for so many years.

The Shu family first harvested one in the Huohai karst cave, and seized three more in the naval battle. Finally, Tie Ao presented the last one by himself, and finally collected all five of the luck monsters.

In order to avoid competition for luck and civil unrest in the archipelago, these five luck monsters naturally belong to the same person. Shu Tianhao's aura is not enough. The only person left is Chu Yun.

Chu Yun was originally too young to qualify. But he had a psychic snake in his hand, and at the same time he happened to be captured by a mad general. After Chu Yun absorbed his aura, he immediately reached the standard.

Anyway, now Jiose Deer sits in the Zhuxing Islands and is not afraid of no luck covering Shu family. Chu Yun had no choice but to keep these five lucky monsters.

But what he didn't think of was that Master Yu Ya suddenly came to inspiration and constructed these five luck monsters and Wuxing Tianlun into a peerless luck monster.

"Master, don't underestimate these five luck monsters. I have checked a lot of information, and I have personally verified that these five luck monsters have room to rise."

Master Yu Ya then explained: "The reason why the ancient Wude Kings were called 'De Kings' is because they represent the extremes of Xing Zhou's Five Elements. Among these five monsters, the Huo De King's inexhaustible wood can be collected. Fire in the world. King Dee ’s town demon tower can gather the real gold in the world. On the branch of King Mude ’s Taoyuan tree, all the demon plants in the world can be transplanted. The king ’s homecoming altar can hold Xingzhou true water . The King Tude's flying peak, the more special earth spirits collected, the stronger its power. "

"Now these five monsters, after millions of years of internal struggle, all the details have been exhausted. In fact, the power shown is only the lowest level. As long as you will collect the five elements of the world in the future, you Can enhance their power, and finally achieve the five elements of the Thai fighting, the degree of Taoism to return. "

"Oh? There is such a secret?" Chu Yun was surprised, and began to look at the five virtues with new eyes.

This demon soldier is as small as a car. It's like a platinum ring with a broad edge. There are half arms around the width of the ring body, and five hollow round frames are left on the platinum ring, which is obviously reserved for the assembly of the five air transport monsters.

Chu Yun first took out the town demon tower and loaded it into it. Upon hearing a soft whistle, Wudelun automatically floated, shining with golden light. The town demon tower is transformed into a pattern to complete a round hole in the five virtues.

"Jin Shengshui, please Master Master to install Guiliutan again." Yu Ya reminded. The order of this assembly is naturally particular. Jin Kemu, Huo Kejin. If it's the second piece that doesn't have enough wood, the town demon tower will pop up. As for the Taoyuan tree, it cannot be installed at all.

Chu Yun installed Guiliu Tan, Taoyuan Tree, and Endless Wood in turn. On the Five Virtue Wheels, blue ghosts representing water, green green light representing wood, and red flames representing fire were added in turn.

In the end, Chu Yun added Feilai Peak, and the earth's yellow orange light suddenly appeared, and connected with the other four paths, flowing with each other, very gorgeous.

The original platinum ring with five hollow round holes was perfect at this time. The five luck monsters were transformed into five patterns. Through the five-element skywheel, a perfect circle of five-element symbiosis was established. The Wudelun at this time not only floated in the air, but also slowly rotated clockwise.

Almost immediately after the assembly, I heard a boom!

Suddenly, a thunderbolt exploded on a sunny day.

Chu Yun and Yu Ya were shocked in their hearts. They thought that there was a sky-tribulation. They looked up at the sky, but for a while they saw no movement.

"Fortunately, this is the Qiyun monster, which is favored by the world. It almost came down to Heavenly Tribulation." Master Yu Ya spit out a sigh of breath, and finally took care of it, "Young Master, among each Qiyun monster, There is a unique way of Taoism, which is gold, wood, water, fire, and earth morality. If the young master uses these five kinds of Taoism at the same time, he can combine them to form a true morality. According to records It ’s unbelievably mysterious, and the Five Elements Method will become a nutritional supplement. "

"I get it." Chu Yun nodded, splitting half of his mind and looking at the aura in his body.

Now his aura has increased by more than ten times, and his strength has been greatly increased. He needed to meditate before he can see the aura in his body. Today, as long as you are dual-purpose and your mind moves, you can feel the martial arts. The Holy King made the sacred king and will kill the God Seal of the Throne at night. The strongest abandoning the young Zhou Dynasty martial arts Qiankun will kill the **** God seal the throne at night Got.

Chu Yun's aura now is as big as a carriage.

In the middle of the Lingguang, there is still the silent sword gas waterfall, which flows straight down, like Bailong Xiaoao, suppresses the center, and looks around.

Above the Sword Falls, there is the phantom of the Five Virtue Wheels, as if it were a small sun, scattered with red, blue, green, gold and five colors of light and shadow.

Around the sword waterfall, there are eight-headed robbery monsters, guarding all directions.

In the outer periphery, there are peak spirit demon such as Sky Fox, Lishan Longan Flower Branch, and Colorless Rainbow Demon.

At the extreme edge are Moon Rabbit, Psychic Snake, Ancient Whip, etc.

The whole presents a thriving scene of prosperity.

Seeing the book of Weizhi, Chu Yun glanced at it and knew the strong power of Wudelun.

"Five-headed luck monsters, except that the Zhenyao Tower is a spirit demon for eight thousand years, the rest are the pinnacle spirit demon. Now combined, following the five elements, the status can be equal to that of the eight robbery demon. Arm help has great potential for exhibition! "

"However, this is also related to the eight-headed robbery demon only signed an ally contract. The relationship with me is not close. In the future, when the foxes grow to robbery, even if it is a 100,000-year robbery, they will immediately These eight-headed robbery go out to the periphery. "

Chu Yun knew this well, and with the experience scroll of Ten Thousand Beasts King, he was very clear about the road ahead.

"My present aura of sight is already so prosperous. It is unimaginable that the king of beasts controls thousands of monsters and beasts. There is no shortage of enemies. His aura of sight is so magnificent and magnificent!" Fascinated.

He does not have a little pride. He knew very well that he had a long, long journey to climb to the top.

In the next few days, he did not rush out, but while preparing his body and mind, he actively prepared various emergency medicines, abundant stone coins as expenses, and prepared some demon swords as a sword waterfall technique. Cards and so on.

The road is long and long, but the desire is not.

Although he is young, he came here this year and was just 16 years old, but his mind has matured and stable long ago, and there is no restlessness in his youth.

In the past few days, he refined Qingtuo Dan in large quantities. As the monsters in their hands become higher and higher, their demand for food and vitality is also increasing.

Raising a pinnacle spirit demon consumes more than raising an ordinary army of 10,000 people.

Raising a robbery is to raise three teams of elite soldiers, each with thousands of soldiers!

One of Chu Yun ’s previous lives was the lack of aura in his body, and the second was that he had no money to raise Gao Xiuwei ’s monster. A pinnacle spirit demon, swallowing a lot of vitality every day, is equivalent to consuming 5000 devil stone coins. If the vitality is insufficient, the cultivation base will not be maintained and will fall.

This is the usual spirit demon, and the spirit demon who needs it more needs more.

If Chu Yun did not have a lot of funds from the Shu family behind him, where could he afford so many monsters? And there are also military masters like Yu Ya who are their own logistics consultants.

This kind of practice environment is thousands of times better than in the previous life. Coupled with strong luck and constant encounters, he worked hard to achieve what he is today.

"Now that the Shu family owes a huge amount of debt, a man should be self-reliant and cannot rely on his own supply. This will completely drag down the Shu family's exhibition. It happens that this time the Dunhuang trachoma opened, it is a perfect opportunity. There is a wealth of talent. Dibao, there are a few of them, and there are good materials on the market that have no price. "

Just when Chu Yun secretly planned and was about to leave, he suddenly received a news that made him stunned.

"Tie Ao is dead?"

This is not good news. Tie Ao was a general, young and strong, but died after surrendering. I don't know what kind of speculation will be passed on, which has a significant impact on the Shu family's reputation.

"Will it be the third **** who will make a ghost?" Chu Yun thought of someone for the first time.

In the previous life, he and Huang Xiao and Bai Fang were collectively called the three gods. Best at attacking camps at night and assassinating enemy generals. Is the best commander of the assassination force.

The changes in this life are too great. The third god, who was already famous now, has no news at all.

"Return to the young master, Tie Ao died of illness. Since the island owner Renhou, pardoned his crimes and allowed him to continue to live on the island of Tiejia, Tie Ao has been depressed and unhappy. The doctors also judged the cause of death. Suddenly died. "The soldier died.

"Is it like this? Alas, Tie Ao is a good opponent, but unfortunately one of the dragons died, like an eagle that lost half of its wings, how could it not fly high? How can it be the opponent of my Shujia Wenchen general? I Go to honor him. "Chu Yun made a decision.

The death of Tie Ao is not simple. Whether it is personal feelings or considering the overall political situation today, Chu Yun has every reason to attend his funeral.

When I saw Tie Ao again, this young man who had been stalking and arrogant, ignoring the world, this man who had commanded thousands of troops and charged in the battle, this month ’s sole discretion, the well-deserved handsome hero, this Shi was lying in a thick black coffin.

With a sick look on his face and a pale face, there seemed to be a deep grief between his eyebrows. The relatives around me cried incessantly, and a few of the old Tie family were also in the hall, so that Tie Ao's charm during his lifetime could be seen.

The saddest thing weeping is Ning Yiyi. She had been Tie Ao's wife for a long time, and now her belly is slightly bulging. She is obviously pregnant and kneeling **** the ground, crying softly, like a pear blossom with rain, which makes people pity.

"You all go out. Before the death of the husband, there were a few words that told me to tell Chu Shaodao." She suddenly stood up and beat everyone.

"Young Master ..." The soldiers asked Chu Yun for instructions.

Chu Yunang stood upright and waved his hand back: "Are you afraid that a woman is not good for me? Go out."

Everyone withdrew and closed the door. All of a sudden, there were only three people left in the huge hall. One lay in the coffin, and the two looked at each other silently.

"Say it," Chu Yun said.

"I lied to them, there is no last words left to the young island master." Ning Yiyi stared at Chu Yundao. Her eyes were red, and she blew tears on Sai Xue's face, pitifully.

"Huh?" Chu Yun's face sank.

"However, before the death of Fu Jun, he did speak." Ning Yiyi said as she walked the lotus step, approaching Chu Yun.

"What's the matter?"

"He raised his head and shouted: Both Jiyun Yun and Shengao Ao." Ning Yiyi was approaching Chu Yun, and the words were not falling. She took advantage of Chu Yun's stunned words, and suddenly jumped on her side, hugging Chu Yun!

"Love me!" She lifted up the worm and murmured in Chu Yun's ear.

Ning Yiyi's body is close to Chu Yun's chest, soft and elastic chest, with her beautiful and immortal face, and her passionate eyes can make any man's blood boil.

In Chu Yun's heart, there was a shock, then a surprise, and pushed her away: "Huh? Are you pretending ?!"

"I have to pretend. Unless I claim to be pregnant with his flesh and blood, my situation will be more difficult." Ning Yiyi looked at Chu Yun sadly. She suddenly took off her outer clothes, exposing pink silk apron and white arms, Exquisite collar bones, such as the shoulders of flowing water. And the ball-shaped cotton wool tied around the waist.

"Now there are no other people in this hall. I only need you to do a little favor for me. I have always been a perfect person. Tie Ao is very good at all. He lives almost in the study and never touched my finger. If you are dissatisfied with your child ’s surname, you can let him recognize you as your righteous father and change it to the surname of Chu in the future. Please, give me a way to live. The bird was shaking.

She slowly approached Chu Yun and threw him into his arms. He leaned his head against Chu Yun's broad chest, arms around Chu Yun's waist, and hugged him tightly.

This is a different kind of stimulus. In this black and white spiritual hall, Ning Yiyi took off only her apron, took the initiative to give her a hug, and begged Chu Yun's pity in a low voice.

Looking down, Chu Yuncang can see Ning Yiyi's tender white jade ears, the widow-like black bright blue silk, the delicate waist, and the wonderful hips.

Chu Yun sighed quietly, opened her arms and hugged her in her arms. then……

Then he patted her back gently and pushed her gently away again. He picked up the clothes on the ground ~ ~ put them on for her.

"I will give you a way to live, and I will give everyone in the Zhuxing Islands a way to survive. However, this is not the way for you." Chu Yunning looked at Ning Yiyi with a generous and encouraging tone, " Ning Yiyi, I clearly know your talents in business. Compared with the head of the Ning family, it is more than that. Nowadays, the Star Islands are in desperate need of talents like you. "

"Why do you have to rely on the man's arm? Mastering your own destiny is freedom in the true sense. I give you one, and you will become a small official. This is not my malpractice, but you do have this qualification. Work hard, rely on yourself. "

"But, but ... I grew up in the family and was nurtured by the family just for in-laws, family-family alliances. I don't know if I could ..." Ning Yiyi shook his face, shaking with a voice.

"Yes." Chu Yun cuts the nail down, "Yan Queneng, Huang Xiaoneng, Bai Wanneng, you can too."

Ning Yiyi was speechless, looking at Chu Yun's leaving back, a ray of light never seen before, flashing in her eyes.

The more yards the better, there will be a third more later, click around. ! ~!

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