The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 75: : Sad destiny, fairy fairy

The space in the belly of the stone monster is dark, and the light is not obvious. Especially this space. It is not stable, there are many turbulent spaces, it can be said that the undercurrent is turbulent. Even near the edge of the sky, there are more space storms. Once caught in it, they will sink into the mud and become unable to extricate themselves.

Chu Yun uses a colorless rainbow demon to hide his body, and by virtue of his sensitivity to space, he sneaks into a safe position. Suddenly, there was already someone in this stone belly.

"Fairy red dress ..., it turned out that she was trapped here. No wonder she disappeared recently." Chu Yun was surprised to see that in the center of the space, a flower boat was trapped in it. The red dress fairy stood on the ship, with a wound on his body, and his expression was very heavy.

She has obviously gone through a fierce battle, and there are not many women under her. Only five or six are left, all covered in blood, surrounded by her, with a firm expression, hatred in their eyes, staring at their enemy.

"Crazy lion, do you want me to recognize you as your master? Really a fantasy! Stop dreaming!" Fairy Hongshang categorically refused, facing the enemy's surrender, even if the situation was so critical, but there was no trace of hesitation.

There is only one enemy corresponding to her.

He is nine feet tall, with muscles all over his body like stones, and his body is extremely strong. His lion's nose is wide-mouthed, and his gold is thick and long, resembling a lion's mane.

The famous Golden Dragon swallowed the Japanese sword and was held in his hand.

This big knife has a shank as long as eight feet. A golden dragon's lines meandered on the handle of the knife, lifelike, as if flying up. At the end of the handle is the dragon's tail. At the front end, the golden dragon roared and spit out the blade of Xiongba Xueliang.

The blade is as bright as the sun, and the surface of the golden awn is flowing, as if it is a piece of sun, dazzling people's eyes.

Behind his head is a sky wheel suspended in the air, slowly rotating, as big as a wheel.

This is the Five Elements Skywheel of the famous Star Islands!

The Golden Dragon swallows the Japanese sword, and the five-element skywheel. All this shows his identity. He is a mad lion! Among the three major pirates of the Star Islands, the odd person ranked 25th.

This is the legend of the absolute strong living, the nightmare of the nautical caravan.

Even Yan Dongliu can only look up to him under the Yishi list.

"Crazy lion, how could he be here? And because of what is going to be embarrassing, the same pirate tiger?" Chu Yun was secretly strange, approaching quietly, but he wasn't busy.

"Hum! Fairy Red Sang, what's the point of you still talking hard? If you belong to me, I can help you fulfill your wish and find your lost sister. You need to know, if I take your truth Identify your identity and reveal it. You will not be able to move to a large Xingzhou. "The mad lions are both hard and soft, trying to capture the heart of the red fairy.

The fairy in red dress slowly shook her head and smiled miserably: "Crazy lion, you never know the meaning of the word freedom for our sisters. If you are not free, you would rather die! Our sword fairy princess has already vowed. This life will never worship the Lord and live a free life. ! "

"Hum! Stubbornness is not good! Well, this time I will no longer keep my hands to forcibly recognize the Lord, I will let you kneel under my feet and lick my toes. You little dare dare to dare Disobey my will! "Crazy lion is crazy, and gold dances wildly. He stepped out in one step, like an ancient fierce god, wielding a golden dragon swallowing the sun knife and slashing past.

The fairy sleeves of the red dress fluttered and rolled up a hundred feet of red silk to stop it.

The two sides exploded in a great battle, and for a time the brilliance burst forth, the earth was radiant, and the thunderous thunder continued.

"It turns out that the fairy of Hongshang, whose true identity is a spirit demon. Dao Xianfei, I seem to have heard of this name from where ..." From only a few words, Chu Yun got a lot of information, but he was more puzzled.

In his previous life, his level was too low. He only knew that the red fairy was a pirate and a tiger. It was not expected that she would have such an amazing identity.

Now think about it. When I evaded the Yan family ancestors, the ancestor saw the red dress fairy shot, and once exclaimed, "You are not human!"

Moreover, as a pirate scarlet tiger, the fairy of the red dress does indeed behave strangely. What she wanted to collect was not the gold and silver treasures, but all kinds of antiques during the Tang and Jin Dynasties.

"Wait a minute, Tang Jinguo, Dao Xianfei, Bliss joy ship! God! It turned out that her true identity was like this." Suddenly, the light flashed in Chu Yun's mind, his body shocked, and he suddenly understood the causes and consequences.

All of a sudden suddenly bright.

At that time, Tang Jinguo was a first-class power in Sinzhou, prosperous, strong military, and talented. However, although Tang Jinguo has satisfied the rights of the districts, he also wants to live with the sky and the same age as the land.

After enjoying the sweetness of rights, the original owner of the country has always thought so, which is understandable. But the madness of Tang Jin's lord made the world blame.

Heeding the words of Tang Jinguo at that time, he used the force of the whole country, either by coercion or temptation, or forcibly captured, and snatched the most beautiful sword of heaven at the time.

All of them are in their second and eighth years of age, and they are all virgins with outstanding qualifications and talents. Some are descendants of master soldiers, some are new stars in the Danshi world, and some have nine-headed spirits at the age of sixteen ...

He disregarded everything and collected these women, collectively known as Dao Xianfei. Then, under the auspices of the Tang Jinguo division, seventy-two demon soldiers were formed with human refining tools, and they were combined into a bliss ship.

According to what Tang Jinguo said, this bliss ship can sail the bitter sea, reach the other side, get rid of everything and get eternal life.

Ironically, on the day that the Bliss joy ship was released, the heavens and earth descended on an unprecedented rogue demon. Although Tang Jinguo had long expected to resist the sky-robbing with the force of the whole country, he still failed. Although the 72 beauties were successfully refined, it was extremely difficult to combine them. The taboo of heaven and earth attracted the anger of the highway and brought down the endless horror demon robbery, which can be resisted by non-humans.

The road to immortality has reached a dead end. At the same time, because of this incident, Lord Tang Jinguo established many strong enemies and lost popular support.

Victims fought as coalition forces, and Tang Jinguo's strong military power was destroyed because of the Heaven Tribulation, and was eventually wiped out.

Tang Jinguo died of his own life, and Tang Jinguo, who was in the prime of his life, was also annihilated in the long river of history. In the countless years to come, he was sighed by the endless sighs of future generations.

The most critical sword and beauty lady soldier, but whereabouts are unknown. Some people said that it was taken away by Tang Jinguo who fled. Some people say that they have been destroyed in the sky-tribulation ... In short, there are divergent opinions, and there is no agreement. But the fact is that the bliss ship that contains the mystery of eternal life has really completely disappeared.

Unexpectedly, this ship of bliss and joy, after many countless years, actually revealed its trail in the Star Islands.

And the fairy who was admired and obsessed by countless people was one of the original sword fairy princesses!

"The 72 beautiful demon soldiers are said to be the spirit demon series when they are released. That is, the sword demon spirit demon. Not only that, they all have human wisdom, they don't need the demon master to command the battle!" Yun Xin couldn't help but pounded up. He clearly realized that the so-called big chance should be on the red fairy!

"Red fairy, struggle is useless! Without my help, your sisters cannot wake up in sleep. For the sake of your sisters, you should give up resistance and surrender to me!" Roaring mad lion, his eyes flashing Greedy and hot light.

No wonder the crazy lion's heart is moving, first letting out the wind to lure the red fairy to come here, and he spared no effort to lay the formation and trap her.

All of them have grasped the clues of the other spirit demon beauties because they have mastered the red fairy. At the same time, it is more capable of synthesizing, and it contains the bliss ship of the secret of eternal life.

Don't say that he is a strong man on the list of strange people, that is, the king-level strongman, the emperor-level, and the emperor-level strongman should all be moved. Only the Holy Class, because it is already eternal, does not need it.

"I can't think of the final outcome. It turned out to be like this." The fairy in the red dress was defeated by the golden dragon that swallowed the Japanese sword. Faced with death, she smiled bitterly, and in those hot and bright eyes, this time showed deep sorrow, mourning, and utter despair!

Although the past is unbearably painful, the fairy in the red dress has not forgotten her identity.

She is human!

Even if she has become a demon soldier, she has always believed in this.

This is human dignity. This is the reason why she has only a little life left, guarding the only pride left.

It is definitely more uncomfortable and desperate for her to recognize others as the master, than killing her as the proud daughter of heaven. But the cruel reality is that once the master-servant contract is signed, even if she is very unwilling in her heart, she can't violate the master's order.

"Not free, die! Sisters, please forgive Hongshang. I have done my best ... The fairy of Hongshang is desperate, and she knows that she is not an opponent of the mad lion.

In the flying dance, the red dress is like fire, like the blooming flowers before death. A tearful tear dropped from the corner of his eye.

She has made up her mind! Taking advantage of the current ability of self-determination, simply explode, otherwise it will fall into the hands of the mad lion, and life and death can't help it.

"Huh ?! You actually want to explode in front of my eyes? I had expected it, the five-element skywheel, the five-qi catcher!" Mad Lion had already watched out for this scene, and slammed at this moment. The five-element skywheel selected behind the head, with a bang, spewed out a golden stream of water, fire, earth and colorful streamers.

The glory condensed into a big hand, which seemed to be a piece of colorful clouds, and the sky was covered with red fairy.

"Not good!" Fairy Hongshang counterattacked Jedi, but what she did was the Firewalker, and the Taoism and Law were all Firewalking. Hitting the five-qi gripper, like a stone bull into the sea, it made the gripper bigger and bigger.

The big hands seemed to be slow and fast, and they slammed together, holding the red dress fairy who couldn't retreat.

"Hahaha!" The crazy lion raised his head and laughed, "Fairy red dress, you finally fell into my hands. Now you don't want to die anymore, I want you to die better than life!"

The fairy of Hongshang looked miserable, and the demon was instantly absorbed by the five qi catchers. Her eyes were disappointed and she fell into deep despair.

She knows someone's mind, but she has to be enslaved, but she can't resist. This nightmarish day almost suffocated her.

"Miss !!!" Only the remaining three female companions came to the rescue.

"Huh! Even you dare to offend me!" Mad Lion's big sword knife ~ ~ Long Xiao screamed, and a gang of knife swayed with the gas, cutting the three people in half.

"No one can save you! Obediently obey me! Ha ha ha ha ..." After all this, he smiled in the sky, suddenly closed his eyes and entered a state of meditation.

As he just said, to forcefully accept the red fairy.

The fairy of the red dress shocked and felt the martial arts. The Holy King made the holy king to kill the God Seal of the Throne at night. Shaozhou Zhou royal family martial Qiankun will kill the **** Immortal throne in the night to seek the devil Ao Nine Chongtian strong strong As the aura approached, she frowned tightly and her charming face was filled with pain, sorrow, despair, and silent tears flowed on Xue Nen's face.

Fate was so cruel to her, like a mountain, making her delicate shoulders difficult to bear.

However, at this moment, a sharp sword started!

In this dark space, as if the light of hope suddenly shined! ! !

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