The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 76: : Crazy Lion!

This knife appeared so suddenly that the fairy in red clothes didn't react for a while.

Xueliang's knife light reflected her beautiful face.

The mad lion opened his eyes violently, showing a look of surprise and extreme fear.

He wanted to turn around to defend, but the knife lurked too secretly, came too fast, too suddenly. The blade of light is like snow, sharp and merciless, showing the ice-cold calmness of the person who shot, and the fierceness of the killer, which does not give him any time to fight back.


The blade breaks through the space and draws a stunning silver arc in the dark space, bringing a lethal killing.


At the juncture of crisis, the five-element skywheel automatically guarded, spinning wildly, blocking behind the mad lion.

However, this was Chu Yun's long shot, saving five elements in the sky, cutting the back of the mad lion with a ferocious momentum, bringing out a large burst of blood.

"Ah, one by one!" The crazy lion roared, with a terrible cry.

He was like a king in a beast offended by his dignity. He was angry and his eyes were crimson. He was seriously injured, but he was agitated by cruel ferocity. He did not give in at all, but turned around violently. The golden dragon swallowed the Japanese sword and slammed it in a flash.

Daoman's momentum is extremely powerful, and the power is even more terrifying. Wherever he went, even the dark space was shaken, producing ripples like water waves.

But did not hit Chu Yun.

"Don't hit it ?!" The crazy lion suddenly sank in his heart, which was again beyond his expectations.

Generally speaking, once a blow is successful, it will inevitably be motivated, confidence increased, and a second attack will be made. This is a common sense, but this sneak attacker, after hitting it, decided to close it. What kind of character is this?

Not arrogant and restless, calm as ice. Even his own reactions are counted.

Now terrible mind!

"Who the **** ?!" Mad Lion's face muscles, just turned and attacked, doubled his injury. He rushed into the crown, roaring and roaring. In the Star Islands, someone could actually hurt his crazy lion! ?


The sharp sword lighted up again.

This time, the goal was not the alarming mad lion, but the five-qi catcher.

Among the drunk snow swords, there are five ways of turning fire, turning thunder, turning wind, turning water, turning dark, and turning pieces of Taoism, all of which are superior Taoist methods. Qi collapsed first, and then the whole hand was divided, and the red fairy was free again.

"Chu Yun ?!" She screamed and looked at the young man in front of her. The whirling tears were filled with surprise.

Chu Yun left a deep impression on her and was a partner she had worked with. So even though Chu Yun's image has changed a lot, she still recognized it at a glance.

"Chu Yun? You are the young master of the Shu family ?! You dare to hurt me and dare to offend me? You are going to die! You are going to die! I want to unload you eight, and then cut off your head and give it to Lord Shujia Island! "

Seeing Chu Yun, the crazy lion suddenly ran away from his anger, and the crazy lion was actually injured by a junior.


The deep sense of shame made him attack the violent violently. The Golden Dragon swallowed the blade of the blade, the blade of light hung like the sun, and the golden mandrel shot. In an instant, the whole dark space was suddenly filled with golden brilliance, a golden dragon, looming in the golden mansions.

Chu Yun felt a pain in his face before the unprecedented sharp sword.

"Chu Yun, let's go!" Under such a fierce knife, the fairy in red clothes exclaimed again and again, not daring to be aggressive.

"I'm afraid of something, there is me." Facing the overwhelming, full of golden swords of the world, Chu Yunyi was not afraid, his face was calm, and the tiger's eyes were shining.

Add luster to the big dragon pattern!

Roar only!

This is a terrifying showdown. With dragons to dragons, the sharp blades of light shattered like glaciers, and the avalanches of mountains suddenly came out. The shining faucet, his mouth roared, thunderous roar. Head-on, he slammed into the golden sword.


In the violent explosion, Ssangyong annihilated at the same time. The golden light suddenly disappeared, and the snow-colored awns suddenly gathered together.

"Are you able to withstand my blow?" The crazy lion was surprised. This situation was as expected by him, "Are you really only accounted for?"

"Age does not mean anything. Your golden dragon swallowing the sun sword is the spiritual cultivation of the peak of the spirit demon, and my drunk snow sword is also. You have a great sword method, and you are only one step away from the magic. I am also the same. Chongyue! "

Chu Yun whispered, and the drunk snow blade flashed snow, which was unstoppable. As he slammed the knife, the blade of light suddenly hit the sky, and quickly condensed into a huge half-moon-shaped silver moon blade with a width of five feet.

The sword was fierce, with a loud sound like a landslide and tsunami, penetrating the space and slashing towards the mad lion.

"Huh! I'm afraid you won't succeed, the big round of golden sun cuts!" The mad lion dances violently. As the **** comes, he holds the sword in both hands, and the golden dragon swallows the Japanese sword, like the wind wheel spinning.

He hacked a knife, never less than the previous blow. The sword was extremely violent, ruining the world, hitting Xueyuetian and rushing back and forth.

"Crazy lion, you became famous by the sword technique, but I came later. You can't fight me!" Chu Yun laughed, his body was not weaker than the mad lion, like a wild and wild, containing infinite power.

He urged the snow-tooth knife method to make the drunk snow knife become the size of a door. Stepping on the high wind sandals and striding forward, the sword was fierce and violent, fighting with the mad lion.

Booming ...

Dao Qi is vertical and horizontal, Dao Guang is glorious, snow and golden streamers are entangled and colliding. Every time the swords intersect, there is a thunderous explosion!

The battle was so violent and so fierce that even the fairy in the red dress had to ride the flower boat and retreat into the corner.

"It's hard to imagine that Chu Yun can actually confront the mad lion head-on ?!" Her beautiful eyes widened and she fixed her eyes firmly on Chu Yun with amazing eyes.

She still remembers the scene when Chu Yun cooperated with her in order to avoid the ancestors of Yan's family.

But in a blink of an eye, he grew up to this point. Can be comparable to the crazy lion! Every time the blade hits, the roar bursts sway the fairy's atrium. The heroic attitude of Chu Yun fighting, the domineering and wild swordsmanship, is deeply imprinted on the heart of the fairy.

The fighting style of both sides is very fierce, but there are also differences.

In the mad lion's knife technique, there is a trace of crazy tyranny. Chu Yun's knife technique, however, contains calm and sharp.

Both sides tried their best, without breathing, fighting for more than 50 moves in a row. They all want to suppress the opponent's offensive, and the tip of the needle is against Maimang.

After more than 50 strokes, the snow-colored swords flourished, and the golden swords had been firmly pressed into the wind, and repeatedly failed.

This would have been a close battle. But the injury behind the mad lion seriously dragged him.

Chu Yun's first sword originally wanted the life of a mad lion! However, he was blocked by the five-element skywheel protector, and finally cut his back, splitting a huge wound with deep bones.

Every time a crazy lion swings his knife violently, the wound will burst out with a burst of blood, and sometimes the movement will be larger, and even the spine out of the wound can be seen! There is a deep knife mark on the pale bone.

Chu Yun almost shattered his spine!

But he was fed back by the golden dragon swallowing the sword, black as gold, and a spine as strong as steel. If it wasn't for the Golden Dragon swallowing the Japanese sword, he would have been cut in half by Chu Yun.

"Okay, good! Chu Yun, I remember you. You will usher in the most terrifying revenge of your life. I mad lion, I must cut off your head, in front of your loved ones, as a ball kick . "

The mad lion's face was pale and his eyes were extremely resentful. His hair was scattered and his oozing laughter: "Hey, hey, aren't your Shu family fighting the Shui family? I will go to the army and water family this time. On the battlefield, in the state of full prosperity, harvest your head in front of tens of thousands of people! "

"Humph! Can you still run?" Chu Yun sneered, the fighting spirit was transpiring, the offensive doubled again, and vowed to kill the mad lion.

"I want to go, who can stop me? Little boy, there are many things you have to learn. Five elements boy, Tianlun Wukong!"

As the mad lion roared, the five-element skywheel suddenly disintegrated into five singular lights and turned into five boys, all of which were carved in jade and glorified.

They were surrounded by a mad lion, and formed a peculiar battle array, such as the rolling ferris wheel, the space suddenly broke a mouth, and it was about to escape.

"You think beautifully, gossip battle array!"

Chu Yun's words just fell, whether it was a mad lion or a fairy in red clothes, it seemed that he heard a roar in the ear, and in the blink of an eye, the world changed its face.

In the space of the Emperor's gossip array, Chu Yun stood by arrogance, the black wind danced violently, his clothes were set without wind, and he was as straight as an ancient deity.

"Gossip array method, this is really a gossip battle array! Thousand Beast King's means to spread the world!" Fairy Hongshang dumbfounded, Sakura mouth slightly open, surprised.

"How could this be ?! My skywheel dance sky, can't penetrate the space!" The crazy lion completely changed color, and the voice was full of panic.

He really panicked!

He was seriously injured and was not in a state at all. If he continues to fight like this, he will really be more and more fierce.

Chu Yun didn't keep his hand ~ ~ continued to attack. The mad lion became more and more difficult to parry, and he roared with a hoarse throat, like a trapped beast forced into desperation.

Fairy Hongshang was silent. Not long ago, the mad lion, who was in control of life and death, had no style at this time, only desperate struggles.

"Dao Fa Torrent!" Chu Yun pointed out a fatal blow.

"Tianwu Baolun, protect me!" Mad lion panicked, clutching the only life-saving straw. The Five Elements Skywheel is a kind of demon warrior. When combined, the power is indeed unparalleled, even blocking the Dafa torrent.

"Hehehe, you can't kill me, you can't kill me!" Crazy lion is desperate, laughing wildly.

"Dao Fa torrent! Dao Fa torrent! Dao Fa torrent! Dao Fa torrent!" Chu Yun was furious and continued to display four Dafa torrents in a row.

This is no longer a long river upside down, but a torrent of tsunami, pouring down overwhelmingly!

The lion's laughter came to an abrupt end, the look of despair and fear became his before death, the last touch of emotion

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