The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 74: : Lost in the reef

The charts of the Baxing Haili in the northeast direction have been deeply engraved in Chu Yun ’s mind. At this time, when he recalled, he immediately blinked his eyes. ”Was n’t it just the lost reef zone? The reefs are overgrown, and ships have nowhere to enter. They are a forbidden place on the chart. The lost reef zone is the same as the sea area of ​​snake algae. It is one of the biggest dangerous places on the Star Islands. Where is there a chance?

Chu Yun referred to the memories of the previous life, but got nothing.

There should be no treasures or wealth in the lost reef zone. "But today's world has been tampered with by my face. The Shu family had long existed in name, but now it is one of the biggest forces. Ning Tianwang, one of the two hegemons of the Star Islands, has not yet risen. I was killed. The forces of the Iron Family were even more crushed by me. The military wizards like Long Daozhi also died long ago. "

"There was no such thing in the previous life. Jiang Hanguo carried out a special aggression against the stars and birds. However, Yi Yan's calculations would rather trust him or not."

Thinking of this, Chu Yun made a decisive decision and decided to go out immediately and go alone to the Lost Reef Belt.

He stepped on the wind-stricken grass shoes, wrapped in a colorless rainbow demon, turned into a colorless light rainbow, and flew away all the way.

At this time it was night, the moon was like a plate, hanging in the sky. The night is gentle and the vision is clear.

Chu Yun rose to a high altitude, overlooking the sea. I saw many islands, which had shrunk into exquisite models. The islands were brightly lit, and the sea around the island was surrounded by a fleet of patrols and guards. This is the front line and the natural atmosphere is tense. At 15,000 nautical miles, it is the waters of the Shuijia, the frontline island positions.

Of course, it is not calm on the central blank sea.

Encounter battles are inevitable in large and small contact battles. This is where the Shu family and the Shui family army scouted their talents.

"Have you heard any sound?" On a hidden uninhabited island, a scout of a Shui family suddenly raised his head and looked nervous.

The other listened in a vertical voice, not sure: "It seems that there was a roar just now?"

The two immediately looked subconsciously towards the night sky, and saw that the moonlight was like water, shining through the surrounding sea. There is no cloud in the moon sky, and the vision is very clear.

"No one."

"Ah, it seems that I was making a fuss."

"Hehehe, nothing. It's okay to make a fuss about what we did, it's because of the paralysis and the important military situation."

The people beside encouraged the companions a few words, but they did not know that they had missed the important information of "Shu Family Bird Owner Leaving the Island Alone".

The colorless rainbow demon has now reached nine years of spiritual demon cultivation, not only a surge, but also a secret. Chu Yunyin disappeared and flew along the way, even if someone was on the way, he could only hear the sound of the sky breaking from the sky, and could not see Chu Yun's figure.

As Yi Yan once said, Shuijia has already been dispatched.

Chu Yunma kept on moving and used his maximum power to reach his destination half a quarter of an hour later.

In the moonlit night, this lost reef belt is shrouded in thick gray mist. At the edge of the mist, a faint reef can be seen, layered, dense and dense. Going deeper, the vision is severely obstructed, and the fog is almost black.

Chu Yun slowed down and entered carefully.

In the lost reef zone, there is a unique monster.

Call it a hollow stone monster. These rock monsters, similar in appearance to the reef, are not easy to distinguish. But the heart is hollow and can devour everything and enter the stone belly for digestion.

This is a monster with dual attributes of earth (earth) and universe (space). But its internal space is not stable and tends to be destroyed. Therefore it cannot be used as a storage item.

And this kind of hollow stone monster is particularly difficult to conquer. Faced with a tough enemy that is difficult to confront, these stone monsters usually choose to explode. The power of self-detonation is terrifying and often produces small space cracks. A trapped stone monster with a large demon series explodes, and may even drag the spirit demon to death.

"From the southeast direction, enter the lost reef zone, go straight for 500 steps, and then sneak to the north for 350 steps, and then walk 666 steps in the southwest." According to Yi Yan's path, Chu Yun quietly Sneaking, while calculating the distance in the heart, while carefully guarding the further you go, the thicker the fog is, containing the cold air. The visibility is extremely low, and Chu Yun can only see the distance of ten steps in front of him.

Front, back, up, down, left, and right are mists. Even the sea surface underneath my feet was separated by fog. I can only vaguely hear the sound of tidal waves hitting the reef.

As I got deeper, I was able to see the vision of ten steps, and gradually reduced to five steps.

Looking around, the world is full of fog and mist.

If Chu Yun is not determined, he has Yi Yan's calculation path, and he has long lost his way and has fallen into a collapse.

This is still his use of the colorless rainbow demon, and it was a coincidence. Hidden from the figure, it avoids the attack of hollow stone monsters around and saves a lot of trouble.

"No wonder it is a forbidden place for ships in the Archipelago. This place is absolutely the sea area of ​​snake algae, and it is not too much." Chu Yun can feel the martial arts. The Royal Family of Shao Da Zhou will kill God God Seal Throne in night The Throne of the Gods and Gods, the Demon King, the Nineth Heaven, is the strongest to abandon the rich demon spirit of the young Zhou Dynasty. The number of these hollow stone monsters may not be as great as that of the snake algae, but each stone monster is at least a big monster series.

Along the way, the spirit of the spirit demon, Chu Yun felt the martial arts, the Holy King made the sacred king, and the night will kill the God Seal, the throne. The Nineth Heaven's Strongest Abandoning the Young Zhou Dynasty's Martial Universe Qiankun will kill the God of the Immortal God's Seal Throne at Night The Zhou Clan has reached more than twenty times. This is just a corner of the reef belt.

It is conceivable that once Chu Yun's traces are exposed, he will be attacked by at least twenty spirit demon and countless demon.

Even if there is a gossip battle, it is definitely a place where there is no burial.

Switching to a rabbit general, I am afraid that my legs are already soft and I can't move.

However, Chu Yun has been trained to have a firm mind, and his previous life is more dangerous than it is now. He is very calm. When he sneaks all the way, he is still thinking: "So many spirit monsters, I do n’t know if there will be a robbery The existence of a demon? "

These trapped stone monsters, whose qualifications are only first-class, can only be practiced until they reach the spirit demon. However, there will always be some examples of monsters and beasts, because of adventures, and qualifications that have broken through the original limit and improved. This case is often the king of the monster beast group.

As far as the computer is concerned, for example, the sea area of ​​snake algae. Snake algae is just a demon plant of the highest quality, able to practice spiritual demon. But the king of snake algae is a superb qualification, and can practice to the demon robbery.

Similarly, in the Endless Forest, the riot ape is only a superior qualification, but the riot ape king is a superb qualification, and now it has been practiced to rob the demon for thousands of years.

This is also the case for cloud-winged tigers, poisonous geckos, and so on. Their own ethnic groups are only superior qualifications, but the king can cross the ranks and possess excellent qualifications.

As for the monster beast group which is a unique qualification, these monster beasts are often difficult to reproduce, the clan members are scarce, and there is no ethnic beast king.

"Huh? How can there be storms in front of me?" Chu Yun stalked for a moment, and Chu Yun stopped suddenly, wondering.

The whispering wind swept through, and the fog formed a huge vortex group, continuously rotating around a center.

What will be in the fog of fog? Chu Yun was curious about this inexplicable existence, but wanted to avoid it. His keen instinct smelled a dangerous breath. But it just stopped in the direction of its own progress.

Chu Yun was extremely careful and had to grind his teeth to force him into the air mass.

The wind was furious in the air mass, and the wind was so strong that he was unstable. Surrounded by gray fog, constantly sweeping through the scouring, it is impossible to see the Jingli in front at all

Chu Yun opened his eyes, but felt useless. It seemed that he was walking in the dense forest in the dark night, and the fog was so thick that he could not reach his fingers.

He gritted his teeth and moved forward step by step. Silently calculating the number of steps, suddenly the pressure around him lightened, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

This is a space.

The gray fog is discharged, forming a dark and dense spherical shady curtain.

It was very quiet here, and the original roaring wind was also cut off, as if it were another world.

Chu Yun looked back and saw that behind him, the dense fog still roared, swept, and rotated, but was blocked by an invisible wall and could only be raged on the other side.

"This is the wall of space." Chu Yun was well-informed, and suddenly thought of the gods of the earth-going gods. The Sojingong had a layer of space walls, which cut off the flames. And his own Xinghai Dragon Palace fairy sac was also hidden in the sea, and the sea wall was separated by the space force wall.

It is the free mountain fairy bag of the King of Beasts. Because it is fused with nature, the space force is close to melting, and it cannot be obviously felt.

In the center of this quiet space is a huge reef with a height of two feet.

The trapped stone monster of the spirit demon series!

Chu Yun recognized it all at once, no wonder he felt a very close spirit spirit. Walking on this road, he felt the martial arts, the Holy King, the Holy King, the night king, the God Seal, the throne, and the night, the strongest abandonment Dazhou royal family martial Qiankun will kill the **** Immortal throne in the night and ask the devil to be proud of the nineth heaven. It has the spirit of a spirit demon stone monster, but it is the first time it has come into close contact with a spirit demon stone monster.

It has a dark surface, resembling an ordinary reef. At this point it fell into a deep sleep and had no sense of everything around it. The force of the space that spread out inadvertently forms a wall, isolating and writhing the gray mist.

Chu Yun carefully bypassed it and moved on. Once the trapped stone monster slept, they all slept very badly, that is, standing on its head and stomping and shouting, it would not wake it up.

But once there is hostile targeting, or a powerful attack spreads, it will immediately wake up and explode a powerful counterattack.

On the way down, Chu Yun came in close contact with three other spirit monsters ~ ~ However, what surprised him was that when he finally reached his destination, he showed it to him It was actually a spirit demon stone monster. This stone monster is obviously repaired to be taller than any hollow stone monster he saw. Chu Yun estimated that there must be at least eight years of spiritual demon cultivation.

This situation is easy to smoke, and it is not counted.

"At the end of the road, there was a stone monster. Is it the so-called big chance, is this hollow stone monster ?!" Chu Yun frowned, thinking hard.

He felt something was wrong, there must be something he overlooked.

The rich experience of exploring the past in the past life has given him considerable help. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, his figure flashed, and he hit the boulder directly.


The next moment, he entered the fasting boulder.

"Hongchang Fairy! Don't be ignorant of you, recognize me as the Lord, and I will give you freedom." Immediately after he did not see the scene in the stone belly, there was a grand phosphoric mad voice, which passed on his ear in.

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