The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 71: : 3 strokes

Suddenly Bai Bai felt that he seemed to be the first to truly recognize the mad general. The man in front of him not only had the combat power that he admired, but also felt compassionate for the people. The pursuit of peace also attracted his deep resonance.

"This mad Confucian general is really awesome!" Chu Yun's face did not change color, but in fact he secretly stunned and surprised.

"Mad Confucian general, mad Confucian ... Arrogant is just a layer of disguise. I did not expect his Confucian eloquence to be so sharp and scary. It is really black and white upside down, referring to the sting deer as the sting. It is clearly the invasion of Jianghan Kingdom. War, in his sting, has become the righteous way to save the sting born in water and fire! If I was a past life, I am afraid that my heart has already been shaken at this time, and the fighting spirit has been lost? "

Chu Yun also encountered such a strong opponent for the first time.

For the first time in his life, he felt that human beings are more powerful than monsters to some extent.

He can resist the Great Sword Waterfall of Yan Dongliu, but it is difficult to parry the tongue of the mad Confucian general. It's all because of the madness of the generals. Once you make a move, you will lose your fighting spirit, and you will even feel that you are a sin. Only by following the other party is the bright way out.

Although Chu Yun did n’t look back, he had heard Bai Bian ’s movements and felt the martial arts. The Holy King made the sacred king to kill the **** seal at night. Throne Devil Ao Nine Heavens Strongest Abandon Shaozhou Zhou Royal Martial Universe Qiankun Night Kill God God Seal Throne Qiu De Aoshi Nine Heavens Strongest Abandon Young Da Zhou Imperial Clan Gods Kill Night God God Throne Seek Devil Ao Nine Heavens Throne The strong abandonment of the young Zhou Dao to his heart was shaken, and he could not help crying out.

He felt quite tricky. This attack, ingenious, made it almost impossible to fight back. Chu Yunkong has a spirit demon with a peak of eight heads, but it feels very weak.

"You must fight back in the same way." "" He secretly gritted his teeth, feeling the martial arts, the Holy King made the holy king, and the night will kill the **** seal, the throne, and begged for the world. The royal family will kill the god, the seal, the throne, the night. The Zhou Clan martial Qiankun will kill the God of the Immortal Throne in the night and ask the Devil Ao Ninth Heaven to be the strongest to abandon Shao Da Zhou, the King of the God of Immortals will be the strongest abandon the Shao Zhou Clan in the Night.

"So, how does General Madman think of Jiang Han Kingdom?" While the flash of electricity flashed in his mind, he searched the dry intestines, while Chu Yun calmed down and said slowly.

"He is a generation of owls, different from the monarch of the Yuan Dynasty. The latter knows his fierceness at first glance, but the former is kind, and the longer he spends time with him, the more he can feel the sacredness of the Holy King of Martial Universe. Wang Jiangye kills the gods and seals the throne and seeks the demon Ao Nine Heavens strongest to abandon the young Da Zhou dynasty. Ao Shijiu Zhongtian is the strongest to abandon the Shaozhou Zhou royal family to create a god, and will kill the God of the Immortal Throne at night. Ao Shijiu Chongtian is the strongest to abandon the Shaozhou Zhou royal family to his unpredictable. He looks like a river's appearance looks turbulent. Surprised, in fact, it has profound implications. The most important thing is 'He is an outsider who possesses the luck monsters and can resist the luck of King Wu De. He is the only one who can save the archipelago.' Lord Jianghan is full of respect.

His tone contained a resonant enthusiasm. After listening to his words, General Rabbit had no reason in mind and immediately had a yearning for Jianghan.

"Hehehe." Chu Yun's lips were raised, and he suddenly laughed lightly, "So you have to pretend to be arrogant, don't you? You were carefully cultivated by him, in order to one day be able to dominate all the star islands for him, Seized the luck of the ancient Five Kings. But the credit for unifying the Zhuxing Islands is too great. The area of ​​the entire Zhuxing Islands is already comparable to that of the Jianghan Kingdom. How can you give such a big credit Your reward? "

"So you have to pretend to be arrogant, so that the merits of the war won't get the corresponding status and glory. Only after the unified archipelago can you have room to get rewards, and you wo n’t be overwhelmed by the merits of the Jianghan Kingdom. The suspicion of the Lord. At the same time, you have offended a large number of people because of your arrogance, and you will not give the impression that Jiang Han Guo has become a party private. Is that true? "

General Confucian's complexion is a bit ugly, and the word is like a golden way: "This is the way to protect yourself."

Chu Yun suddenly said an allusion: "One day, the Lord of the Han Dynasty summoned General Confucian Confucianism and asked," I save your life and raise you as a stupid person. Why do you repay? "General Confucian Confessor said:" The Zhuxing Archipelago offered a report. How? The Jianghan Kingdom Lord smiled happily and asked again: "How many soldiers and horses will I help you by then?" The Confucian General said: "You can lead a million soldiers" Jianghan Kingdom Lord asked again : 'How many soldiers and horses will you welcome? Then, the Confucian general laughed and said, ‘Duoduoyishan! ",

"This is a secret conversation between me and Jiang Hanguo. At that time, there was no third person present. How did you know ?!" The mad Confucian general moved with horror, staring at Chu Yun, his eyes filled with incredible emotion. He was so aggressive, he almost couldn't help but shoot!

This is of course what Chu Yun passed from Jiang Han Kingdom when he was in his twenties. It seems that in the previous life, Jiang Hanguo's overwhelming plan was unsuccessful, but failed to see through.

Chu Yun has changed many things in this life, and even this incident has also changed. Chu Yun did not want to delve into the various changes and influences among them.

The brighter his smile was: "Okay, you admit the best. Your kindness is not the kindness of the people of the Star Islands. For the sake of your own secrets, you offer the Star Islands to the Lord of Jianghan. The career is bright and pretending to be arrogant. What qualifications do you have to say for the sake of the people of the Star Islands and for peace? "

"Hehehe, you are just for the sake of your own selfishness, but you have to occupy the position of big meaning.

If it is really a mouth of Confucianism, it must be reasonable without reason. Although your body was born and raised in the Zhuxing Islands, a heart already belongs to the Jianghan Kingdom. Now you actually want to lead an outsider and capture our home. No matter how beautiful your words are, you can't change this fact. "

Chu Yun's words were deaf, Bai Bai listened, his heart was shocked, and his eyes were clear again.

"Help Jiang Han, I admit that this is true. But for peace, it is also true. You are not my fault, the most important thing is that luck is on our side. The luck monsters in the three families of water, forest and mountain, we have already Take control. You see, heaven and earth all want the unification of the Star Islands. "General Kuangru said.

"Qi Yun monsters, we have more here. The Tie family's Zhen Yao tower, Yan family's endless wood, I Shu family learned that the two dragons of the sea dragon and the beast king transported monsters. One more than you. General Madman, you might as well give up your secrets and rely on me. Unifying all the star islands and bringing people the long-awaited peace is also my dream and expectation. "Chu Yun counter general.

"It's useless. You don't understand the Jianghan Kingdom. When you are really close to the unity, the million-strong army of the Jianghan Kingdom will definitely be here. The Star Islands will be in chaos for too long, and the internal consumption will be too much. It is simply not an opponent of Jiang Han Kingdom. "General Kuangru shook his head.

Instead, Chu Yun laughed: "Then, at that time, are your Confucian generals standing on the side of their hometowns and defending against the outside world. Or should they help Jiang Han in turn and occupy here?"

The mad Confucian general's tone was stagnant and he was speechless for a while.

At his level, he had long disdain to lie. For a long while, he suddenly looked up at his mobile phone * and laughed: "Hahaha, it's really a little bully. He has a strong character and a stubborn heart. He used to think that he can avoid trouble and take control as soon as possible. It seems that I have to shoot. "

He put away his laughter and shook his head again, "It's a pity, I have the demon robbery in hand, and I have an absolute advantage. The dazzling little bully, such a talented young man, will die in my hands."

"This case is not necessary. No one knows the real result without fighting." Chu Yun didn't move.

"You don't have a robbery, and you don't understand the horror of robbery. I used to have more than fifty spirit demon, but in the past few years, the only one who has gone through robbery has become such a monstrous pen. The terrible horror of the robbery, you have not touched it, it is absolutely difficult to imagine that you want to fight through the robbery, relying on a few broken pieces of the Dao in your hand, but only to kill yourself. The robbery demon controls the supreme power, Occupy the pinnacle, arrogant of the sky, you have no hope of victory at all. "General Kuangru once again used words to fight Chu Yun's fighting spirit.

"Then there is nothing more to say. Only battle. I am very much looking forward to this battle and will devote all my spirit and fighting spirit. Gamble on everything! But before that, I hope my soldiers can stay away from the battlefield. "" Chu Yun said.

"Young Master!" General Rabbit wanted to persuade, but Chu Yun waved his hand to stop, "You take the fleet, away from here as quickly as possible, and withdraw to Shujia Island. I believe that General Madman will not stop. "

"The soldiers will not affect the dog bureau. Sooner or later, it will be the ghost of our army's sword, or the captive." General Kuangru disdain to move to these people and open his mouth.

The military order was like a mountain. With the order of Chu Yun, the entire fleet quickly moved away and soon disappeared under the sea level.

"Do you know why I let them go? This is because you are a good commander and you can love soldiers before you die. I really do n’t want to start with you, so, as long as you can take my three strokes, I will let you go Go. If you ca n’t take it, you will surrender voluntarily, how? ”General Madman ’s eloquence was unprovoked, and every sentence was disintegrating Chu Yun ’s fighting spirit. If Chu Yun had the memory of the previous life, and his perseverance, he had already given up surrender.

"Three strokes? Yes, but I made three strokes. If you can resist it, and the robbery is not injured, I will surrender. If I am injured, I will leave, how?" Chu Yun said.

"Hahaha! You are too underestimated by the power of the robbery ~ ~ With your eight-headed spirit demon, casting a magical way?" The mad general shook his head, and he knew the information of Chu Yun Very detailed. With a very firm tone, "I'm sitting on the flat boat, not to say you hurt me, but to let me move half an inch, you win. You can leave, I will never stop."

"Okay, let you see my Daofa floods!" Chu Yun's eyes flashed, and he didn't hesitate, soaring into the sky.

The sound of flute sounded, gossip array, the eight-headed spirit demon once again exhibited Dao Fa Hongjiu.

Hong Jiliu washed the world, enveloping the tremendous sound of landslides and tsunamis, such as the broken sky, the Tianhe poured, and bombarded the mad generals on the sea.

"It's actually a spirit demon who has reached its peak with the eight-headed cultivation base. No wonder you are so confident. It's useless not to go shopping. Po Tianqingshan pen?"

"Master, I have always been." The skinny old man who had been standing behind the mad general, spoke for the first time. His voice is very low-key, but the whole world is echoing!

(Well, there will be a chapter around nine o'clock, if nothing unexpected ...)

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