The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 72: : Sword waterfall meritorious service

With the sound of the robbery, a spherical cyan ink appeared silently and enveloped the flat boat.

The Daofa torrent poured down and struck this thin layer of cyan ink, but they couldn't get in, but were scattered apart and fell into the sea.

The seawater was devastated, and the surrounding sea of ​​three hundred miles was bombarded with unrecognizable features, forming a huge sea pit with a radius of up to a hundred feet.

Under the protection of Qinghui, Pingzhou was really untouched. Suspended in the torrent of Daofa, it is firm and desperate.

"Is this the strength of the demon demon?" Chu Yun looked dignified. Daofa Torrent was his own killing technique that relied on the characteristics of Tianhu. Now he was hit hard for the first time, with no effect.

"I originally wanted to keep this hole card, it seems that I can't keep it." Chu Yun gritted his teeth and recruited two spirit swords from Yan Dongliu. This is not finished yet, and he took out Bai Diao and the Holy Weapon Spectrum again.

He shook the weapon spectrum, and there were many swords in it. He seized them on the battlefield. Although the spirit demon sword does not exist, the big demon sword has eight handles, and the little demon sword has more than three hundred handles.

"Yan Dongliu exploded with a spirit demon eve, which could disintegrate the gossip battle array. With a spirit demon sword, he commanded nearly six hundred demon swords, and could overwhelm the Dafa torrent. This time I will hold all the swords in my hand. , All self-explosive, use sword waterfall Dao method, do not know the power geometry? "

Chu Yun licked his lips, already looking forward to it. Since he got the sword waterfall method, he was wondering how to make the best use of this **** channel method. Now that he has such a good test subject, he naturally wants it.

"The first move is over. Xiao Bawang, if you know the current affairs, you can completely close in advance ... Uh! This is the sword waterfall method!"

The mad Confucian general had not finished speaking, and suddenly screamed. He was shocked to see the sword light that covered the sky, and the infinite amount, like the ocean of sword light, fell to his head.

There is no language to describe this blow.

Between heaven and earth, there are sword lights everywhere. Endless sword light, row of mountains and sea. The world is ruined and ruined, washed away and washed away.

This is the way of Dao that the sword king has gained through the wisdom of heaven and earth, and is above the best. The strength of this Taoism is so strong that even the Spirit Demon Sword cannot bear the damage once it is unfolded.

This time, Chu Yun was even more ruthless. He blew out all the demon swords in his hand, and he had to give full play to the mighty power of this **** channel.

He is awesome!

The epoch-making pen of the mad Confucian general is only a little robbery for hundreds of thousands of years. It tried its best to support the blue ink light ball, and blood was flowing from the corners of the mouth, eyes, ears and nostrils.

He accepted it!

In order to rob the demon, he must be slightly injured under this sword waterfall. This is two spirit demon swords, eight big demon swords, more than three hundred demon demon swords explode together, and they are exchanged for.

This year, the strong are afraid of ruthlessness, and they are afraid of death.

Chu Yun did not know that the robbery was injured, he took advantage of the sword waterfall to vent, cover the sky and the sky, and when the sky was full of sword light, he had already pulled his legs and ran away.

He urged the colorless rainbow demon, blast wind grass shoes, and supplemented the demon element with the life spring jade as the two moments. With the fastest burst, he broke through the sky and evacuated.

What three tricks, he never minded. He is not a person bound by a promise, not to mention this promise is still made with the enemy. When is it better not to leave at this time?

"How can he control so many demon swords with only one person?" After surpassing the sword waterfall method, the Confucian general froze in place, and Chu Yun had long disappeared.

This doubt surrounded his heart until he thought of the Beastmaster.

"This kid can't let him go!" He woke up in shock, and the murderous boil. Although his own robbery has been injured, according to the agreement to let Chu and leave. But what is the promise?

In the eyes of the mad general, it is just an interesting means of winning and losing. If Chu Yun surrendered, the Shu family would also be able to surrender directly to the Throne of the Indian Seal. How much trouble did this save?

But the result was beyond his expectations.

"In case he collected more demon swords, wouldn't he really be able to contend with my demon robbery combat power?" When thinking of this, the Confucian generals were even more murderous!

But in the end, he did not catch up with Chu Yun. In the vast sea, it is really difficult to find someone. In particular, his Po Tianqing pen was injured and was not good at length. Of course, he also has an auxiliary spirit demon of degree type. But the initial distance between the two is indeed too far.

"Fortunately, this time. But next time, you won't have such good luck. See you on the battlefield!" General Kuangru stomped stompingly, leaving with a sense of unwillingness.

Angrily angry, he returned to the Tiejia battlefield and shot himself personally, killing all sides. Some of the important island towns that the Tie family had tightly guarded also fell under his robber fighting power.

For a time, the Iron Family suffered heavy losses and had to abandon some islands to shrink the defense line.

This gave Shuijiajun Shizhen Talent more room for wielding. He has done a lot of tricks to expand and stabilize his advantages step by step, while at the same time creating a situation and making a layout.

This point is still the first of Yan Que, who is good at sketching: "The other party is creating a situation, just like a Chinese player playing chess and coordinating the overall situation. It is to force us to fight!"

"There is no way at all. It can only be delayed as much as possible, waiting for the construction of the Temple of Heaven to be completed. The key point is that he is an arithmetic operator, and he can calculate the real trend of our army based on a little clues and combining heaven and earth. It ’s terrible, any surprise attack of our army ca n’t be formed. Major military operations are carried out under the eyes of the other party ~ ~ In the deliberative hall, Huaying also felt quite Helpless.

"Now only three temples have been built, and the fourth one will be completed three days later. There are four others that seem to be incomplete in the short term." Master Yu Ya sighed.

"The more robbery, the greater our victory. But the key is that once the Temple of Heaven is built, it cannot be moved. My Xinghai Dragon Palace fairy sac, because of insufficient repair, is temporarily unable to load the robbery. The longer it drags, the water The greater the pressure on the family and the Jianghan Kingdom, the weaker the iron family is, and the more advantageous we will be. "Chu Yundao.

"How to procrastinate. We tried our best, but it could not affect the layout of Zhen Talent." Huang Xiao sighed deeply. Although he is like a god, his generals are not weaker than him in this respect. The most important thing is the wise and talented algorithm. The fastest text is too scary. All the military sentiment, he counted it, he knew everything.

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and knowing each other is a battle. Intelligence is really too important for combat.

At this point, there is no way for the Tang Chinese minister general.

"The mathematician's words, in fact we also have." Chu Yun suddenly said, breaking the silence in the hall.

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