The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 70: : Face the Confucian General

"It's very good, are you healed? Just as I wanted, let's fight, Xiaoba Wang!" Zhang Runfeng tried his best to show his composure, but his trembling voice and pale face had completely betrayed him.

"If you can take me this trick, you will be given a way of life. Bagua array, Daofa torrent!" Chu Yun slapped the fairy sac, and the eight spirit demon flew out, wrapped around his side, forming a gossip war.

The formation space is not included, and the throne of the Divine Seal directly hits the Dafa torrent.

Suddenly, Feixue thunder and violent wind and anger spewed out together. In the fierce roar, Zhang Runfeng tried his best to resist. Only withstand half of the effort, it was completely eliminated in the scouring of the torrent.

Various Taoisms merged together to form a torrent of tremendous torrents, which washed away three hundred nautical miles. Breaking through the air, all the warships, soldiers, and even seawater that were blocked on the way were completely dissipated. In an instant, a blank cylinder with a diameter of ten feet and stretching for hundreds of miles was formed. After a few breaths, the surrounding air and seawater flowed back in, making a tremendous noise like a landslide.

The entire battlefield is silent.

This single blow wiped out the enemy's seventeen warships B. The power was terrifying. When the enemy responded from the shock, the only thought left in his mind was retreat.

Chu Yun's eight spiritual demon are now cultivated for nine thousand years, and there is an increase in the gossip array. Previously, the Dafa torrent can only be used three times a day, but now it can be used up to five times.

Chu Yun took advantage of the chase, killing the Quartet and chasing the enemy 3,000 nautical miles.

In this battle, Chu Yun confiscated as many as 5,000 captive warships with more than 5,000 captives, and he was able to reach the highest level. Among them, there were many generals of spirit demon ranks. There were six captives.

After this big victory, the main defense force of the Shuijia was completely dismantled. Can no longer form an effective defense force.

Chu Yun was therefore recognized for his strength, and was promoted from the strangers list to the strangers list. Zhan Sui topped the list of strange people. For a time, he was recognized as the first person of the younger generation and became Sing Zhou Mei Tan.

The news that the main fleet was dismembered made the mad generals furious and furious. This means that the vast sea area of ​​Shuijia will become the back garden for anyone to ride. Each of his supply fleets will face a major crisis of annexation and destruction.

He had to draw some troops from the Tiejia battlefield and return to the Shuijia base camp.

He found Jun Shizhen talented to discuss with a trace of regret in his tone: "Before leaving, I once boasted to the Jianghan Kingdom Master to Haikou, saying that the Star Islands can be unified in less than a month. But now, one month has passed More time. Alas, I underestimated Chu Yun as a cub. I did not expect that even the descendant of the sword king, Yan Dongliu, could not clean him up! "

"As long as I know this, I should have shot myself. I was cheated by Chu Yun's age!" He sighed.

"In the history of Xingzhou, there will always be some wizards and strangers who are out of the ordinary people's expectations. Obviously Chu Yun is such a character to tell the truth, I also think that Yan Dongliu has packed him up, and he is very stable. Chu Yun is far from common sense. "Zhen Youcai has a thin and long body with a goatee and a tall forehead. It seems to contain infinite wisdom and calculations.

He paused and continued: "The biggest problem today is that we must unify the Star Islands as soon as possible, and do not give any national island forces time and opportunity to intervene. This plan has invested a lot of material manpower for hundreds of years. Only then has such a first chance been created. If it is delayed, it will face the result of failure. Therefore, it is necessary to create an opportunity for a decisive battle as soon as possible, and then win the battle and defeat the two coalition forces of Tieshu. "

"This was originally our plan. Our strong attack on the Iron Man was the first step in the implementation of this plan. But I didn't expect Chu Yun's ability to disrupt the situation, so great." General Kuangru frowned.

"He is a variable. There must be something in his body, I can't even count him. I heard that the Beast King used to have a little free aphasia, which can shield the induction of the world and deal with the monster. It is very likely that his body, There is this Taoism. "Zhen Youcai guessed.

The Confucian general did not speak any more, but got up suddenly and walked out.

"General, where are you going?"

"It's not too late to make up for the dead. This time I personally shot and completely killed this variable!" General Kuangru dropped this sentence and flew into the sky.

Two days later.

"The Shui family finally divided their troops. In this way, our goal has been achieved. It's time to retreat." After receiving this military situation, Chu Yun did not want to fight for greed and ordered to retreat.

The soldiers all breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, even the brave Shu family members gradually felt powerless after repeated hard work. More importantly, there are more and more captives, and the battleships that have been snatched have formed a huge team. The Shu family must divide the troops to suppress the pressure, which puts a heavy burden on the soldiers.

"Young Master, you finally figured it out." General Rabbit burst into tears with excitement. These days, Chu Yun always gave him the lead. For him, every time is a hell-like test, which makes him suffer. The happiest at this time, of course, belongs to him.

"Report one by one! Enemies suddenly appeared in front of us, blocking them in front of our army." During the retreat, a signal soldier suddenly came up anxiously and anxiously.

"Oh? Somehow, the guys, dare to come and intercept our fleet. How many people have come this time? Look at my young master to beat them all down!" General Rabbit is on the sidelines.

"Come on, someone came. The communication soldiers said hesitantly.

"What ?!" General Rabbit's eyes widened and he almost thought he had heard it wrong.

Chu Yun's pupils shrank, knowing that an unexpected enemy appeared.

He walked out of the cabin and climbed onto the deck, and saw a flat boat, sinking and floating on the waves. There were two people on the boat, dressed as a scholar, sitting behind a coffee table and tasting the wine in the glass.

A stern man, holding the boat scull, standing at the stern. From his body, an extremely majestic demon radiated from him, but not condensed. Only those who let Ning Shen observe can feel his power and horror.

"This kind of demon spirit has gone beyond the spirit demon. Definitely the existence of robbery demon!" Chu Yun felt that he saw a big mountain when he saw this man. His heart sank, and his eyes turned to the scholar.

There may be someone who robs the demon, and the most likely novel is here ~ only one person appears here.

"If you want to come, you are a mad general?" Chu Yun said lightly.

"Yes, General Ben has been waiting for you for a long time. Little Overlord, can make the General abandon the military, specifically to eradicate you, you can say that although the death is still glorious." The scholar smiled faintly. The full wine in the back glass was swallowed immediately. The whole movement is full of arrogance, but it does not conflict with the dress of his scholars, but complement each other.

He was originally a madman, and now he has added the temperament of the superior, and the decisiveness of the general's killing. Such a combination of temperaments makes him a charismatic person.

"But before the war I still have something to say to your little bully." He suddenly turned around again, gestured with his hand, and invited, "Dare you come on my ship and drink a glass of wine with me ? "

"Huh! What's not to be afraid of? But I don't look down on your wine. My warship is spacious. There are more than ten times more wine than yours. You dare to come to my ship and have a drink with me. Xiaojiu? "Chu Yun sneered and returned the original words.

The Confucian general heard the words and smiled with his head up: "Hehehe, Xiao Bawang is really not simple. But your ship is a fragile ship, even though it is spacious, but it is fragile. I will fall apart as soon as I step on it. The ship is a raw ship. Although it is small, it is very strong. "

In the name of life and death, he made it clear that he threatened Chu Yun. If he does not follow his pace, he will immediately destroy the Shujia fleet.

"Okay, I want to see what you want to say." Chu Yun snorted and had to march towards the flat boat.

"Young Master, the other party is a mad Confucian general, and has the ability to rob the demon ..." General Rabbit's vision is not weak, and he said with concern.

"Why does this matter? Weak enemies, I also want to fight with the lion. Strong enemies, I naturally do my best. Enemies are strong or weak, it makes no difference to me. You follow me, I walked on the flat boat. "Chu Yun was brave and his eyes were fearless.

"Ah ?!" General Rabbit suddenly panicked, but Chu Yun couldn't help it, so he had to face Chu Yun's grief and majesty, and followed Chu Yun to the flat boat.

"Dare to drink?" General Kuangru poured himself a glass of wine for Chu Yun.

"Don't drink." Chu Yunpan sat down with a scent of wine. After only one glance, he turned his gaze and fixed his eyes on General Madman without giving face.

"It's over!" Bai Bai, who was standing behind him, shivered. Everyone knows the name of the mad general, he is not a good-tempered master.

"Hehehe, I didn't dare to drink, but I didn't want to drink. I knew I had the power to rob the demon, and I was still brave and fearless. Little Overlord, I had to admire you." The general Confucian did not think of the pestle, but opposed Chu Yun. .

"Huh? Is this general Confucian General?" General Confucian's good temper makes Bai Wu doubt.

"Why, am I puzzled? Actually, I don't want to be arrogant, arrogant things are bound to annoy poetry, who wants to be annoying?" General Kuangru laughed, his eyes filled with smoke, full of memories, "but There is no way. I ca n’t be impeached without arrogance, and I ca n’t rise or fall quietly without impeachment. Although I have made a lot of achievements in the Jianghan Kingdom over the years, I am just a general. ”

What he said was strange. Listening to him, it turns out that arrogance is just his disguise, not his nature.

General Madman is no longer arrogant, or is he himself?

He then sighed and continued: "Tell you a secret. Actually, I am also a member of the Star Islands. I was born on Coal Mine Island, which is a village-level island. Like all the islands, it is ravaged by war. I am quite talented, and I took the lead in the adult ceremony. I could have entered the Tiange Academy for retreat. However, the village chief secretly calculated me for his grandson, and would kill me. At the point of life and death, someone was rescued Me, he took me to a secret organization, cultivated meticulously, and gave me another life. "

"There I became a leader, and finally one day, I was received by Jiang Han.

It turned out that Jiang Hanguo had secretly prepared for hundreds of years to secretly train people like me. Born and raised in the Zhuxing Islands, he is loyal to Jianghan Kingdom. The purpose is to one day in the future, with the help of our hands, unify the Star Islands, and avoid the influence of the ancient Five Virtue King's monster. "

"I only knew the whole context. I was not used by people to become hostile. In this troubled world, being used by people means you have a certain value. This is also a certainty. In fact, I am very grateful to Jiang Hanguo. As the old saying goes, the life-saving grace should be reported to Yongquan. But more importantly, the Lord Jianghan can bring the most anticipated peace to the Zhuxing Islands. "

"Peace! It's peace!" Speaking of this, the voice of General Madman could not help but tremble, with a heartfelt feeling. He looked deeply at Chu Yun, "Do you know the meaning of peace? In the Star Islands, millions of years have been turmoil, war, parents watched his son go to the battlefield, couples or couples get the other half of death. In my memory, the Star Islands are always full of sorrow and sorrow. People want peace so much. The word peace means, in people ’s eyes, the desire to reach the limit, the unreal dream B

"However, everything is just a fantasy. The five kings' luck monsters can give a person the luck of a king-level strongman, and they can also expand the territory and build a great cause of a country. Those who have such five luck monsters The demon masters are all kings and dragons among people. No one is willing to surrender to anyone. This is the root of all turmoil. Is it ironic? The five-headed luck that protects the Star Islands from invasion by outsiders The monster is not only the object of gratitude to the people of the Star Islands, but also the true source of all sorrow and pain! "

After a pause, the crazy Confucian general said to Chu Yun in the most sincere and sincere tone: "I want to unify the Star Islands and bring this suffering people to wait for peace that has not been waited for millions of years! The peace and happiness under peace will no longer mourn the pain caused by the war. Everyone will live and work in peace, reunite with loved ones, and loved ones will eventually become dependents. No one will be implicated in the war by innocent people, and will not be forced to leave their homes. People will have a field, and they will have a peaceful life. This is what all the people of the Star Islands hope to hide the deepest desire in their hearts! "

"Little Overlord ~ ​​ ~ You feel the martial arts, the Holy King made the sacred king, and the night will kill the God Seal, the throne. The strongest abandonment of the Shaozhou Zhou royal family martial Qiankun will kill the **** God seal the throne at night Has the royal family been so eager? Peace is in front of you, as long as you close your hand. "Speaking of this, the mad general General fell down and bowed to Chu Yun!

"I urge you to close your hand and don't ignore the suffering of the people for the sake of your own self and the impulse in your blood."

"Mad Confucian General ..." Bai Wan moved completely, and he did not expect that Mad Confucian General would say such a thing. So emotional, so compassionate, so peaceful, the word resonated strongly in his heart.

I hate war, I hate fighting, I have hated it all the time.

But because of the situation, General Rabbit does n’t want to be Wu Brown on the battlefield.

(There was a power outage last night, and it was n’t fixed until noon today. Explain here, count, and there are two more changes. Should there not be a power outage this time? Really depressed ...,)

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