The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 55: : General Madman

The battle situation is certain, and Huang Xiaoxin is keenly aware of other aspects of this dangerous assassination. [Full text] /// yd / bsp; "Quick, emergency military service, notify the other two armed forces. At the same time, they must also submit military letters to return, so Shujiadao should also be strictly guarded!"

Huang Xiao was very impressed by the killer this time-he had to act cautiously, like a big enemy.

However, it didn't take long for the military letter to be sent out—there was a messenger immediately, with a worried expression on his face.

"What? Are you saying that the military letter was intercepted ?!" While dealing with the affairs, the division of troops to suppress Huang Xiao from all over Yuanjiadao had to put aside the things in his hands and ordered the expression solemnly: "Quick! Convene six elite men and women, as communications soldiers, divided into two shares, three out of each share. Personally inform this army to all directions. "

Military letters are generally loaded with white feather albatross. Once the white feather albatross is killed, its demon master will naturally feel.

As soon as the white feather albatross dies, the military letter stored in its space will also be destroyed. Although there is no need to worry about military leaks, the delivery of military conditions is delayed, and the other party has achieved its goal.

"The Yuan family needs me to stay here and can't get away. I only hope that the three old generals, the master Chu Shaodao will be fine ... The assassin of the spirit demon Qianli, hum-have those great powers begun to interfere so early? "Huang Xiao looked cold, but the seriousness was beyond his expectations."

After about three quarters of an hour, he saw three people with heavy casualties and elite blood communication.

These elites are not the six he sent earlier. It was sent by the Second Fleet.

"Report to General Huang that the three old generals were assassinated on the way. Fortunately, the three old generals had recently mastered the spirit demon, and they were able to survive seriously. Now my second army is already on the retreat. Hope that General Huang will be alert!

This elite team was originally sixteen. All are elite. On this way, there were three levels of interception, three divisions of troops, and only three people remained here.

And when reporting, one of them actually passed out on the spot.

"You are all excellent fighters. This army is very important, and you have to retreat well. This time, your credit has been recorded." Huang Xiao let them back after a few words of relief.

Then he frowned, pacing in the room.

"The situation is really tricky. The originally perfect combat plan has been disrupted because of the sudden emergence of this force. This killer force has powerful intelligence gathering and calculation capabilities, as well as terrible communication capabilities. The general was assassinated, very close to my time. Now the second squadron has been defeated without a fight and retreated to Shujia Island. I do n’t know what happened to the young master ’s side? "

Although Chu Yun's combat power has already surpassed him, but Huang Xiao's uneasiness in his heart has not decreased by a few points.

He knew that the young master's combat strength was strong, and the other party must also know that if it was really an assassination, it would definitely send more staff and make corresponding adjustments.

"Weijia Island ..." Huang Xiao narrowed his eyes, stopped, and came to the table, looking in detail at the military map in front of him.

Now that the Second Route Army has retreated, the tactical structure of the Three Routes echoing each other is missing.

"Don't worry about victory, consider losing first. If the young master is stabbed and the army is chaotic and defeated, how can I respond from here, minimize the loss, and rescue the young master?" Huang Xiao's thoughts flashed like lightning.

This assassination, like a heavy punch, smashed the original situation.

Huang Xiao knew that he needed to use a sharp eye to see through this layer of fog and make corresponding adjustments.

"This time Chu Yun, even if he doesn't die, has to peel off the skin. There is no doubt about this." In Tiejia City, Tie Ao looked at the map of the sea in front of him, and his eyes flashed with coldness and awe-inspiring momentum.

Beside him, stood a military commander standing around the military sand table.

"This ambush circle, we have operated for so much time, it can be said to be intact.

"Yes, Weijia Island is the best springboard for attacking my Tiejia waters. If the Shu family counterattacks, it must be taken first. The island owner Yingming, realized this a few months ago, so he has the good situation today. what."

"This ambush circle, I don't know how much effort we have spent. Doing it without knowing it, every battleship is secretly added under the unknown situation. The entire ambush circle-by Weijia The island is only 13 nautical miles. But Weijia Island has not known it yet. "

"Since the Weijia Island was looted by Chu Yun's soldiers, it has collapsed. If it wasn't for bait, it would have been swallowed up. As long as one-tenth of the troops in the ambush were drawn out, it would be eliminated in one night island."

Many military commanders, you said one word to me, you said happily, and your eyes were dancing.

Throughout the field, only Tie Ao was always calm.

People will change, not to mention Tie Ao who is known as a genius?

Tie Ao is not only a genius, but also a hero who will occupy half of the archipelago in the future. For Xiaoxiong, failure can only be wealth. A genius owl has much more nutrients from failure than success.

Tie Ao grew up.

It is not only his fighting power that has expanded from the original two-headed spirit demon to three heads. And after so many hardships, his mind has become unsurprised, and he has developed a strategic attitude.

Since these days, he is no longer the owner of the Tiejia young island, but a true island owner. At the same time, he also married Ning Yiyi. Although the Ning family's wealth suffered a major blow from Chu Yun, it still had residual contacts and surplus, attached to the Tie family, and immediately resurrected, bringing significant income to the Tie family.

However, the situation is getting better and better, but Tie Ao has no trace of slack. The beautiful name of the wife is very popular, but he has never encountered it, and has been working hard to practice it. The purpose is to secretly accumulate, once shameless.

Chu Yun and the Shu family are his targets for shame.

This ambush plan is that he has been arranging, every small step, every link has personally reviewed and coordinated the layout.

"Chu Yun, although you have mastered the five-headed spirit demon, you have adventures. If you are heads-up, I admit that it is not as good as you. But this time, I plan ahead and make arrangements early. As long as you enter my ambush circle, If you do n’t die, you will come to read the book.

Your fleet will surely be wiped out. At the same time your undefeated myth will end in my hands. This is also my iron family, the first step to return to the top of glory! "

Tie Ao shouted excitedly in his heart, but his expression was very calm.

"Where is the little bully's army now?" He asked, and immediately the correspondent stepped forward to report the latest information. "

Oh, it turned out to be the march here. His march was unpleasant. "Tie Ao listened to the report and moved a mark on the sand table.

"Hey-it's slow and fast."

"Today's fleet of Xiao Bawang is only imaginary from the Weijia Island."

The generals laughed, excited. The eyes looking at the sand table of the map are all bloodthirsty. All hope that time will pass a little faster, Chu Yun marching a little faster.

"Report! There is a demon master who came to name to see the island owner-saying that there is a military necessity to discuss business. This is the worship post he submitted." At this moment, suddenly a domestic servant came to inform and send On a list of exquisite and beautiful worship post.

"Oh?" Tie Ao became interested when he saw this prayer. This is not an ordinary worship post, it is actually a little demon soldier! This kind of worship cannot be forcibly opened unless it is handed over to the designated person.

"This is !?" Tie Ao is the person with the designated identity. When he opened Baitie, he suddenly changed his face.

"This person came to my deliberate hall and entertained with the best tea." Tie Ao closed the post-immediately asked in a serious tone.

After he left, the generals all blew up the pot, guessing who this person was, with such a big tone and so mysterious origin. It actually allowed Tie Ao to walk out of the military secret chamber and go to meet him immediately.

"General Madam, you are the general of Jiangchao. At this time, you came here in small clothes. What are you going to do?" I came to the meeting hall and saw the coming person. Tie Ao is also polite, and directly questions the Throne of the Immortals.

Lai Ren was wearing a black scholar robe, even sitting on a chair, he was also seen to be extremely tall. He looks like a young man, with high nose and star eyes, white face and red lips, but he has been alive for more than 100 years.

There was a arrogant air in his eyes all over him. Even sitting in a chair at this time, drinking tea quietly, it made people feel the arrogance in his heart.

He is a mad Confederate general, and even the old man on the list of strange people has passed the sleeping man. He is also a brilliant generation of geniuses, young in the limelight, and the first person of his generation. At the age of thirty, he had mastered the ten spirit demon. By the age of fifty, the spirit demon had twenty combat powers. Now more than 100 years old, no one knows how deep his strength is.

He is arrogant, but he has capital. Not only the force group, but also more familiar with military books, good at using troops. Appreciation for Jiangchao.

One day, Lord Jiangchao summoned him to drink with him alone. He asked him when he was up: "How many soldiers can the widow get?"

General Confucian put down his wine glass, thought about it carefully, and responded to Xiao Xiao seriously: (The lord can lead a million soldiers.)

"How many soldiers and horses can the general get?" Lord Jiangchao asked again.

He suddenly picked up the glass and swallowed it with his head up. He laughed and said, "Well, I will benefit more!"

"Hahaha." Lord Jiangchao didn't think it was a pestle, and smiled and said good.

The dialogue here is well known to Sin Chew. General Madman is famous in this world. He was indeed able to conquer good wars. His performances in several national battles were quite amazing, and he was quickly hailed as a famous general.

It is a pity that he is too arrogant and arrogant, even though the Jiangao Kingdom Lord can tolerate him, other military officials and generals do not have this mind and try to exclude him in every possible way.

The mad general General did not live well. Many times he was wearing small shoes and was crowned as unnecessarily charged. Even if there is military merit, it also rises and falls. But he was still doing his own thing, and his character and style remained unchanged. Over the years, due to the scarcity of war, he has gradually faded out of the world.

Tie Ao did not expect that he would be visited by him at this time.

In fact-this is the first time Tie Ao has seen this famous star of Sinzhou ~ ~ but he is not polite, he needs to be straightforward when dealing with mad Confucian generals. He can't give him a good look, this is almost the truth of Sin Chew.

"Mad Confucian, I know a little bit about your intentions. If you represent Jiang Jianguo, come to me to cooperate and intervene in the internal affairs of our Star Islands, I advise you to shut up." You're welcome. He also knows that he is now the owner of the Tiejia family, representing the Tiejia family—absolutely not to be polite.

Only a strong attitude-can win to respect.

"Hahaha, I'm here to persuade you to represent Jiang Jianguo. I'm not afraid to tell you that Jiang Yuanguo has invested hundreds of thousands of resources in the Star Islands and carefully planned for hundreds of years. Now it's finally the turn I ’ll come to the palace. To prove what I ’m saying, I ’ll show you the rank of General Shu ’s three-way general later. Do n’t be surprised. That little overlord, Chu Yun, is also inevitable. It's a shocking word.

To be continued, please read the latest chapter at:

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