The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 54: : Thrilling assassination

"What? Shujia Island Ping Pong, Shenjia Island, attacked me? Is this news true? Are you sure?" As soon as he heard the news, the owner of Shenjia Island jumped up from the recliner immediately, his eyes wide open. Niu, asked aloud geologically. :

"Islander, this kind of military event, how dare you hide it?" The communication soldier was taken aback by the behavior of Shenjia Island's owner, and replied, "Shu Jiabing is divided into three roads, led by General Huang Xiao Wu Datou is the vanguard. The second way is the joint commander of the Shu family veteran. The third route is led by the small bully Chu Yun. Bing Feng points directly to the Wei family, Yuan family and my family. "

"Then! How many soldiers are we on Shenjiadao?" Shenjiadao asked urgently.

"It's the second route, which is jointly commanded by the three veterans. There are three treasure ships, one building ship, fifty warships, and hundreds of small warships such as Mengchong, Gange, and battleships."

"Fortunately-it's not Huang Xiao, the general, and you don't have to face the little bully." Lord Shen Jiadao listened to the previous words with a slack tone and felt very happy. But after hearing the report later, I almost jumped up ... "How come there are so many warships? There are so many warships in the three divisions. Alas, it's good to have a master trainer ... "..."

A military training master Yu Ya can lead a group of military training apprentices. Yu Ya really regards Shujia Island as his homeland, so training these military refining divisions should not be kept as much as possible.

Shu's military manufacturing department has a large lineup, a large number of people, and good craftsmanship. It is among the best in the Star Islands.

When the Shujia Island Lord jumped in a hurry, the Yuan Family Bird Lord and the elders of each family's faces were not good-looking.

"Huang Xiao ..." The name Yu is the word they hung in their mouths, Jingduo.

This name, a few months ago, was still unknown and unknown to everyone. However, changes in the world are impermanent. When the world laughed at Chu Yuntian and Fei Zhangzhang, and when all the waste from Rainbow Island came out of the mountain, Huang Xiao led the soldiers and defeated the Tiejia fleet personally with weak forces.

After the blockbuster in this battle, Huang Xiao was established as General Xi by the Shu family and commanded the army to deter Xiao Xiao. He also strove to marry his soldiers, eating and drinking in the barracks, rectifying his military capacity, and training and training sergeants.

During several small military exercises during the period, he thwarted many pirate gangs that had been in trouble for a long time. This series of movements, like a series of slaps, silenced the people who had just mocked in secret.

"This is a good general!"

"A general who is so dedicated and responsible will be ashamed even of our own people."

"He used his soldiers to fly like a horse, not sticking to stereotypes. This is what makes him terrible."

"His temporary commander was Jane until he reached the level of art.-= Member's hand is playing = * Chu Yun is really lucky, he actually dug such rare materials!"

A series of criticisms made Huang Xiao really establish his prestige. No one dared to come under his name.

"This Huang Xiao, how should we deal with it?" The senior Yuan family was very distressed at the thought of this place.

"Is it better to ask for help from the Chen family?" The elder suggested.

"It's useless. Not long ago, the Shu family planned an island in the Longjia sea area to the Chen family in the name of the Huode document. The Chen family occupies the great righteousness, and they are enemies with the Long family for generations. It's hitting the depths. "

Master Yuan Jiadao finished his speech and sighed, "Fine, let's fight against the enemy first. The matter of asking for help must also be carried out."

At the same time, on Weijia Island.

In the deliberations, there was also an atmosphere of panic.

"How could this be? According to the truth, the Shu family should rest and recuperate. They have the resources and manpower, and the degree of development is more than ten times that of ours. Actually, during this time period, they used troops!"

"Damn it! We only need another half a month to build a perfect defense system with the help of the Iron Family. This Shu family's choice of this time is really vicious."

"The Shu family's warships are terrible. What's more terrifying is that this time the leader was actually a bully. How should we respond?"

Chu Yun's record of one enemy to ten thousand is still deeply imprinted in everyone's heart. Especially, he recently defeated the Little Arrow God in public, and everyone knows that he has the power of the five-headed spirit demon.

Such a horrible figure, still commanding half a hundred battleships and five thousand sergeants, stormed violently. No one will feel relaxed.

"You can only resist it first. Then one hundred thousand is in a hurry, and ask the Iron Family for help. No matter how ferocious Chu Yun is, until the arrival of the Iron Family reinforcements, we have hope!" Road.

After the Wei family was looted by Chu Yun, the wind and rain swayed. Forced to surrender to the Iron Family, now the Shu family is under pressure, and the Iron Family is indeed their only hope left.

The news that the Shu family sent troops was like a boulder, which banged on the surface calmly, and actually undercurrent the turbulent lake water.

One stone stirred thousands of waves.

All parties in the Star Islands are watching this news.

"I sent troops so early? Can't wait to conquer the archipelago?" Tie Ao's face was extremely ruthless, "I expected this day. Around Weijia Island-a fleet has been secretly stationed Ha ha, Chu Yun, your undefeated record is over. "

"Damn, the Shu family calculated it. I didn't expect them to send troops so early."

"Quiet for a while, is the real big turmoil coming? Really excited, the muddy water is good for the fish. Father, you know under the spring-just watch how I lead the flower family to the rich and powerful." Hua Ying listens After hearing this news, he laughed.

These years, he took charge of Huajia Island and also got a lot of exercise. He was once brilliant in the coalition forces of the Tiejia, and he has also developed an extraordinary temperament.

Young people are ambitious and always dream. He Huaying is even more so. "

Fight, fight. As long as you give me time, I can use my mind to wander among forces. The weakness of Huajia Island is only temporary! "

Ephemeris ~ ~ early Q month.

The First Fleet of Shujia Island conducted the tentative first naval battle with the Yuan Family.

"I am the big head of Wu, who dares to come out and fight with me?" As a pioneer, Wu big head is holding a wire-lined dragon rifle, leading the front fleet, like a tiger, rushing forward.

"The kid reading book} will be rampant!" The three generals of the Yuan family, while leading each one, will kill.

The two sides soon fell into a fierce battle, Taoism breathed out, and the swords and guns portrayed one after another. After the 130 rounds passed, Wu Datou retreated.


"Don't run!"

The three Yuan family generals chased after him.

"The whole army is attacking!" Huang Xiao's opponent countered with a big wave, and the whole ship pressed.

e, it's not good-the calculation has been won. "When the three Yuan family generals were shocked-it was too late.

"Quick rescue." Yuan Jiadao was shocked, if he lost three generals, it would be a huge loss.

Huang Xiao's deceitful plan immediately failed the Yuan family's procrastination plan, and the armies of both sides went all out in a fierce battle.

After half an hour ...

"Damn, how could it be so strong!"

"This filial piety is not human. What kind of conducting art is this ... No wonder Tie Ao would also lose."

"This filial piety is too terrifying, our army is in a quagmire, and it will not be far from defeat in this way. The plan must be implemented!"

The Lord Yuanjiadao couldn't hold back anymore. He led the horse and rode the spirit demon's series of riding horses. He directly took the throne of the God Seal to the ship where Huang Xiao was.

This is the only fighting strength of the Yuan family's spirit demon series. In a critical situation, the owner of Yuanjia Island had to work hard. He tried to contain Huang Xiao by himself, distracting him and unable to direct the fight.

"Humph! I had expected it, Master Wang Zhongyuan Banner!" He summoned this air-bearing monster, suspended around him, and scattered the yellow light for protection.

At the same time, they also summoned the blue rainbow demon and the red rainbow demon, both of them turned into two women, dressed in a neon dress, with ribbons fluttering. The two of them work together to block the Yuanjia Island Lord.

Yuan Jiadao Lord roared repeatedly, eager to vomit blood. But neither life nor death can break through the interception of the two spirit demon.

"Victory, it's just a matter of time." Huang Xiao looked far away, as if overlooking the entire battlefield-he was strategizing, using troops like a god, and he couldn't make a big wave with Yuan Jiajun.

However, at this moment, suddenly a murky voice rang in Huang Xiao's ear

"Yes, if there is such a state, it is no wonder that it will be named Sing Chau. Killing you, the Shu family will definitely be bleeding with blood, right? Die!"

In an instant, the wind was strong, and a masked figure as if from Nine Nine Huangquan suddenly appeared behind Huang Xiao. The dagger in his hand was scattered with a glorious glory—breaking through the void, and even torn out the defense of Wangshi Zhongyuan Banner, stabbing Huang Xiao ’s back heart.

If this blow was pierced, Huang Xiao immediately ruptured his heart and died, returning to the sky!

At this moment of life and death, Huang Xiao's scalp exploded and his eyes were glared, only to shout: "Mingyue Heart Mirror!"


A soft whistle, a brisk sound, seemed like a jade hit.

A bright moon-like heart shield suddenly appeared behind Huang Xiao. It's round and round—inviting Hui Yuehua, and the sound of clang—on the occasion of a thousand times, it blocks the masked man in black.

"Why? You still have a spirit demon pressing the bottom of the box!" The man in black exclaimed ~ ~ The figure shook and disappeared again.

Huang Xiao used his flag mirror to protect his whole body, and while practicing Dao detection, he found nothing.

"Who is this sneak attacker? Did he go?" Huang Xiao frowned tightly. The strength of the comers is really palpable.

Only one step away, Huang Xiao is about to die. If it weren't for Chu Yun in the near future, he refined Huanran Cultivation Pills to give Huang Xiao capital and mastered such a demon spirit demon. I am afraid that Huang Xiao will be here today.

It wasn't until this small battle ended that Shu Jiajun successfully occupied the Yuan family, and had always been alert to defending Huang Xiao, and did not wait for the black man to take another shot.

"I missed it and immediately retreated without any attachment. This is a top-level killer style. It is not like rain at night. When will there be such a mysterious power on the Star Islands? Well, they can Come over and assassinate me, and even assassinate the three old generals, and of course the young island masters, you must inform them quickly! "

To be continued, please read the latest chapter at:

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