The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 56: : 7-star lore, all surrender

The dialogue in the deliberations hall only took less than half a quarter of an hour. Tie Ao's face is very unsightly.

Not only is the tone of the mad Confucian general's tone, expression x expression, it is indeed crazy enough, arrogant enough, let people see an impulse from the bottom of my heart, want to flatten him.

What's more, he secretly dispatched Tie Ao in recent months, and the detailed situation of the ambush circle was very clear.

"Your actions can hide all the people in the Star Islands. But you can't hide me. You can directly tell the Throne of the Seal of India that your iron family does have our spies. Not only your iron family, but even the Shu family. There are also. All the families have our spies and spies among them. Many people are in high positions. The unified husbandry of the Star Islands can no longer be blocked. "

General Confucian raised his head, tilted his legs, narrowed his eyes, and glanced at Tie Ao obliquely.

Tie Ao looked calm, but his eyes inevitably showed extreme shock. The ambush was always kept secret, but the other party knew so clearly. He is almost certain that among the generals of the Iron Family, there is a senior spy of the other party lurking.

"Thank you for telling me. From now on, I'm going to do a big wash of the Tie family's top management." Tie Ao was silent for a while, trying to calm down, and slowly opened. Road.

"It's up to you. Since I can tell you, I'm not afraid of you washing. I said that the unification of the Star Islands has become a trend. Even if you are an iron family, if you want to block, it is also a prickly arm. Today I It ’s here to persuade you. ”General Kuangru took a sip of tea—as if to say another trivial matter. Every move shows his strong self-confidence.

"Master Jiangchao sent you to be a lobbyist, and will certainly be the most failed lobbyist in history." Tie Ao sneered.

"You're wrong, I never wanted to be a lobbyist. I'm an army, and one person can be worth a million troops. This time it's to suppress people with pressure. If you don't agree, I will kill you immediately." Lightly authentic.

Tie Ao finally changed his color and said in a cold voice: "As a Chinese from Jiangchao, an outsider, you actually want to deal with my Tie Ao and intervene in the internal affairs of the Star Islands. Is it fun for you to be a fortune protector for the five kings? ? Even though you have dozens of spirit demon, here is my Tiejia City. My Tiejia has operated countless years, if you want to make a shot, just come and give it a try. "

"Spirit demon? My hand is not only the spirit demon. My strength, I can have been on the list of heroes for a long time, just to cooperate with this plan-to hide it. To tell you the truth, among your ancient five clan, Shuijia, Sen The family and the mountain family have been quietly controlled by us. I will give you half an hour to think about it. Within half an hour, my cronies will come over to inform you and bring the ranks of the Shu family generals. Let me count the gifts I gave you. "

After the Confucian general said this, he kept his mouth closed, closed his eyes, and lay on the seat to relax. The aura that spread out all over him, as if he were the master here and Tie Ao was a foreigner.

Tie Ao's complexion was shaking slightly. It was just that the arrogance of the mad Confucian general aroused the anger in his heart.

However, after all, he refrained, not angry.

If you think about it for a long time, the mad generals are naturally arrogant but can do so, naturally they have great confidence. The Shui, Sen, and Shan families have been controlled by Jiang Chaoguo. This incredible news has been scrutinized by Tie Ao, and it is now very possible.

In recent years, the Mori family and the mountain family have kept a low profile. The various actions of the Shuijia, earning people's reputation, but rarely investing money in armaments, now seem even more suspicious.

Time gradually passed by Tie Ao's forehead unconsciously, already full of cold sweat. The deeper he thinks, the more clues he shows, and these clues are combined, making him feel the other party's powerful terror. It is not his iron family can resist!

"Sin Chau has an old island, and the forces of all parties secretly intervene in the internal affairs of the Star Islands. It is no longer news. I just did not expect that the secret forces of Jiangchao have quietly defeated the tentacles of other forces. Became a behind-the-scenes master. Jiang Hanguo is really a lord of the world, this plan requires the investment of countless resources, hundreds of years, and an extremely high risk ... "

The more Tie Ao thought, the more sighed in his heart. While he was still focusing on the island infighting and aimed at the Shu family, he did not expect that he had become a chess piece on Jiangchao's main chessboard.

One mountain is higher than the other, and he is still too young after all. Needless to say, dealing with the Jiangzhu Lord is the mad general in front of him, and he is not an opponent.

After a quarter of an hour, Tie Ao's will has been shaken.

This is not that his will is not firm, but that the opponent's situation is too big and too strong. Jiangchao is the closest to the Zhuxing Islands, and its national strength is first-class and powerful. Among the five national islands, it is among the best.

Among the Star Islands, no force can contend. Even if the Star Islands are unified, it will take many years of rest and recuperation to have the strength of a fight.


At this moment, a black shadow flicked in from the doorway, and immediately knelt in front of the mad Confucian general on one knee, bowing his eyebrows.

"Dark pavilion member?" Tie Ao was shocked to see this man's dress. There is a dark lion known to all continents in Jiangchao Kingdom. There are a lot of killers in it. They are extremely sharp, and each person has at least the power of a spirit demon series. In the history of Xingzhou, they have been active in the past 100,000 years. It has a long heritage, and every generation of Jiangcao princes has vigorously exhibited it. It has a long heritage, an extremely deep heritage, and a mysterious and terrifying story.

"I am not afraid to tell you that this operation, I have an elite squadron in my hand. I have been guarding Shujia Island for a long time. They have been brewing for a long time, and I have waited for this time for a long time." General Confucian turned his head proudly, looking at the man in black kneeling on the ground, frowning, "What's the matter? The head I want?"

"The action to assassinate the generals and assassinate Huang Xiao and the Shu family veterans all failed. There was a big mistake in the intelligence, and they actually possessed the spirit demon power on their hands." The voice of the man in black was extremely indifferent and paused. Continued— “Now Huang Xiao ’s first squadron has occupied Yuanjia Island, and the three veterans were seriously injured and withdrew halfway. Only the third slack is left, waiting for a good opportunity because of the slowness of the martial arts march.”

"Huh? Suddenly, they have a spirit demon on hand?" General Kuangru frowned and his voice sank. "How did you work in the dark chamber? Actually both actions failed."

"Mad Confucian, please pay attention to your words. Our dark cabinet is only responsible to the head of the country. This time we are also assisting you and being under your command for the time being." The black man's tone is rigid and indifferent. "Insufficient information, there is nothing to fail. The key is that there is no loss of manpower. And it is not a complete failure. On the third road, the Shu Jiajun is personally responsible by the squad leader, and he has set a seven-star lore. That little bully, there must be no return. This general is big. Rest assured. "

"Seven Stars lore array? Hahaha, okay. Killing the little bully, it's not bad. When the little bully dies, the owner of Shujia Island must be furious and irrational, and the big move will give us an opportunity." General Madman As soon as he heard the seven-star lore, his frown was suddenly stretched out.

"Seven Stars Massacre Array ..." Tie Ao couldn't help but feel horrified. The name of this massacre was very loud, and he would never bear the name of "Metamorphosis". His power was terrifying. Every shot had almost success and no failure.

"What genius we hate the most about our squad leader is to slaughter these geniuses. That little bully is a genius among geniuses. The team leader said, killing such handsome characters is more enjoyable. Then the little bully ’s body is incomplete and gone. Do n’t be surprised by the ranks of mad generals. "

After the man in black finished speaking, he directly retreated from the throne of the Divine Seal. No face was given to this crazy general.

But Tie Ao is not surprising. The Dark Cabinet has always acted only on the face of Jiang Jianguo. Not to mention that the mad Confucian general is the concubine, the master of the country, and the prime minister will not give face.

"It turns out that General Kuang's hands actually have a secret squad. No wonder he is so confident! He used the seven-star lore array. This time Chu Yun will die even if he has five heads of spirit demon." Emotional competition is very complicated.

I sighed that the enemy in my life had just died, and on the other hand, it was so embarrassed that he was afraid of the strength of the mad Confucian general ...

"Submit the order and revoke the ambush circle. We don't have to do anything. If any of the generals questioned it, he immediately gave me the 30th leader and hit the door." Painful orders.

The seven-star lore is coming out, and it is also hosted by the spirit demon combat power. That is, the strongman on the strange person list is also likely to fall. Not to mention Chu Yun, a character on the list of strangers.

Well-planned ambush circles are unnecessary.

Of course, Tie Ao didn't think about it. He wanted to take advantage of Chu Yun's sashimi to die, so he would ambush and completely swallow the Shu's army.

But the idea just disappeared with a flash.

As a result, the dark pavilion could assassinate Chu Yun, and even the general of his iron family. Secondly, his biggest enemy is no longer the Shu family, but this mad general who turned out.

However, after another half an hour, Tie Ao did not see the head of the man who was presented by the dark cabinet.

"How can this be? The head I want?" When the man in black appeared again, the mad general also felt that his face could not be held, and asked.

"Chu Yun is cunning and he changed his route. The third army passed by Weijia Island and drove towards Huajia Island. The captain of the team has now put away the seven-star lore array and is sneaking to pursue it. , There will be no accidents this time. "The man in black yelled.

After hearing this, both Tie Ao and the Confucian generals were surprised: "Chu Yun, actually playing with Weijia Island, which is at his fingertips, staying close to him and going to Huajia Island? . Only now has the true purpose been revealed! "

At this time, in Huajia Island.

The soldiers of the Shujiajun army pressed the border and surrounded several important ports of Huajia with a thunderous situation.

The flag is hunting in the wind ~ ~ Jin Gerulin, war drums are countless. Chu Yun took the lead, standing proudly on the boat, with a sharp eye like a knife, penetrating dozens of feet of space, and looking at Huaying at the head of the city.

"Huaying, I am here this time and I don't want to talk nonsense. You are born to be alive, but not to die."

As soon as his words were spoken, the sergeant Huajia, who was already trembling, was pale, and many bodies were trembling in the wind.

For other people to speak out of these overbearing words, the Huajia army would only laugh for a while. But Chu Yun is not someone else. It was a little bully who once fought enemies!

Even if he came alone and said these words, the entire Huajia Island would be tense and solemn.

Countless people's eyes, followed by Huaying.

Huaying's face was like iron, and her expression was cold like an iceberg. He looked at Chu Yun's gaze, but it became more and more complicated.

To be continued, please read the latest chapter at:

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