The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 53: : Using troops

In the eyes of everyone, Chu Yun pondered for a while, and then nodded slowly: "General Huang's words are very reasonable. It is necessary to use troops."

As soon as he said this, the atmosphere with a little stagnation was Yisong.

Huang Xiao even raised her lips and smiled. He just said not to be nervous, that's fake. He has a sharp eye, and has already seen through the fog of world affairs, and found this good fighter.

If Chu Yun refused and missed the fighter plane, it would be a great regret and loss.

Shu Tianhao also nodded at this time, agreeing: "Shujia Island needs a lot of resources if it wants to develop faster. These things can only be obtained as soon as possible through war and plunder. These island forces will one day meet Becoming a huge encircling net has become our strong enemy. It is also quite wise for us to start by being strong. "

With the nods of the two fathers and sons, the matter of sending troops has already been determined.

"However, what about the finance? I heard that it is a bit tight?" Chu Yun asked again.

Yan Que stood up and told him: "In fact, we have been carrying out armaments. Although the financial aspect is tight, it is not a problem to support one or two small battles. Once you have captured other islands and have their resources, you can Fight with war. Like a snowball, get a benign exhibition. "

"Okay, I'm at ease when you do things. But here, I have one more suggestion that the Huohu Defu book is in our hands. This is an extremely powerful advantage that can be applied flexibly." Chu Yun nodded.

Everyone exchanged their eyes and smiled.

"It's really the same as the heroes. Hahaha." Master Yu Ya laughed loudly. "We are also planning to use this as a father chapter."

The five ancient kings are the orthodox of the Archipelago of the Stars, and the Huo De Fu Shu is in hand, just like holding the emperor to command the princes, is a huge diplomatic advantage.

After two full hours of negotiation, this is the end. Of course, this is not finished yet. The major use of troops, the deployment of various materials, the transfer of personnel, the transfer of the army, the disguise of real intentions, etc. all require detailed planning.

There is still a period of time before the troops are actually dispatched.

At this time, Chu Yun was just used to refine Huanran Cultivation Pill, and at the same time, he continued to refine and used Shu's forces to collect soul crystals as much as possible.

The little prince Mengfei was awake the next evening. This drunk, he slept all day and night.

"I didn't think that I was fighting against Xiao Bawang's opponent, even if he was drinking, he couldn't fight him!" Little Prince Mengfei lay in bed, froze for a while.

After being depressed, it was a surprise.

"How come my soul, so condensed, has gained considerable growth ?!" He immediately realized that Chu Yun asked him to drink the fine wine.

"Is it the legendary, fascinating wine full of Sing Zhou? But the winemaker who can make this wine has not disappeared in the endless forest in the early years?" Little Prince Mengfei certainly does not know that this winemaker, currently Right in the mountains, the identity of the person who is the king of the apes

"The foundation of Shujia Island is imagination, and even the heart has wine." Sang Fei sighed, raising the level of Shujia Island in his mind.

"Brother Chu, you are really well-deserved. This time I got your good, let me drink such a precious wine. My soul crystal, long-term wear, also has the effect of nourishing the soul. Our gift is coming and going, this is given to you. "He looked for Chu Yun, and after greeting him, he gave a slap-sized soul crystal to Chu Yun.

Soul Crystal is translucent, with a glimmer of light, like a small inkstone, square and flat. Touching it in the hand makes people feel a sudden coolness.

Chu Yun did not expect that the other party took the initiative to send this soul crystal. Immediately followed immediately.

Meng Fei was even more delighted to see that he accepted it very simply. In the hearts of Mongolian Yuan people, gifts are given between friends, but the other party does not accept it, and pretends to postpone the guest set, which is hypocrisy and does not take friends in the eyes.

Chu Yun did so, obviously he recognized his friend.

"Cool!" He praised him with a happy smile, and for him, Soul Crystal still exists in the Treasury of Mongolian Yuan, and this Soul Crystal is worth it.

"It's worthy of being a little bully, appetite for me! Congratulations, you have defeated me this time, and you are the first person in the younger generation." Although he was lost in his heart, he still sincerely congratulated him.

"The first person? Isn't there another jade scholar?" Chu Yun's eyes flickered and said.

"What is he? It won't be my opponent." Meng Fei shook his hand, and he didn't look up to Yu Shusheng. "Although he is a prince, he was born of a court lady and is not treated by others. The situation is worse than mine. Far away, Jiang Hanguo's elite monster beast family, he did not have a head. The strength is not as good as me, you can rest assured, the first person of the younger generation deserves it. "

Chu Yun nodded in his heart, and Yu Shusheng's strength was indeed not as good as Meng Fei.

"If you don't gossip, it's time to say the right thing." Meng Fei's face cleared, "You also know about the surrounding net? In the history of the Zhuxing Archipelago, there are also a large number of powerful island forces with unified opportunities. But every time At a critical moment, the other islands will unite and form a powerful fence, attacking in groups to kill this dangerous bud. "

"Of course I know this. And I also know that there are shadows of your great power in the siege of all dynasties." Chu Yun was outspoken.

The Archipelago Islands have fallen into civil war since the fall of the ancient Five Kings. For millions of years, it has never been unified. There are naturally many reasons for this. One of the biggest is that other islands do not want to watch the unification of the Star Islands.

Although the Star Kings are guarded by the five kings of luck monsters, any large military operations will fail due to various accidents.

But this does not hinder outsiders from entering the Star Islands. Just like the battle between Chu Yun and Meng Fei, there were many people outside the archipelago who came to Zhitian Mountain to watch the battle.

Most of them come to do business and trade. The rest of the people were sent by various forces to contain the spies who exhibited in the Star Islands.

Millions of years are enough time for many forces to figure out the bottom line of luck protection. As long as it does not pose a huge threat to the Star Islands, and at the same time is dominated by the people in the islands, it will not fail.

"I came this time to represent Meng Yuanguo and support you to unify the sea of ​​stars in Shujia Island." Meng Fei finally confided the true meaning, "Why are you not surprised?"

Chu Yun's face was calm, in fact he had expected it. In the previous life, Meng Yuanguo also secretly reached a covenant with Tie Ao, but now Tie Ao was replaced with Shu Family.

"What's so strange? Your Mongolian Yuan State has been gradually suppressed by Jianghan State in recent years. Jianghan State's greatest advantage lies in its excellent sea location, making it the most important maritime trade route in Sin Chau. various

If the Star Islands can be unified, this situation will change. Because it is more convenient to conduct business here from the Zhuxing Islands. At the same time, they are far from each other, and between the Star Islands and the Mongolian Yuan State, separated by the Jianghan Kingdom, are natural allies. "

Chu Yun's words surprised the little prince Mengfei again.

There are very few young people who have such a gaze. It was Meng Fei, and it was also brought by the Mongol Yuan Dynasty around him for years, and was formed by the ears. With Chu Yun's background, a small local power, it is really not easy to see such a broad horizon.

"He's just 'years old. Yushu and I are both old. What a freak is this? God is really biased." Even an open-minded person like Mengfei couldn't help but feel a bit jealous. Emotions.

However, this emotion soon disappeared.

Because Meng Fei thought again: "But this is also good. With such a foresight, his Shu family may really have a unified hope. If it fails in the end, it will be a good thing to contain most of Jiang Han's energy."

With the deepening of contacts, Meng Fei paid more attention to Chu Yun and Shujia Island.

In the end, the little prince Mengfei signed a secret covenant with the Shu family in secret.

The Mongolian Yuan Congress secretly funded Shujia Island, and also hoped that the Shu family could fulfill specific obligations at the right time.

The covenant is made in two copies, signed in two scrolls of the big demon series. Signed by Shu Tianhao, Chu Yun and Meng Fei, the allies contract was adopted.

One of these scrolls will be taken back by Meng Fei, so that the Master Yuan Yuan will sign it. Then send it back in secret in exchange for another copy.

On the second day of the signing of the covenant, a large number of materials were secretly transported to Shujia Island.

"This batch of materials is very rich. With it, we can use our troops and be more comfortable." The high level of Shujia Island are very happy, especially Yan Que.

If you want to start a soldier, you have to temporarily sacrifice the local expansion. But now with such a sum of materials, we can do both.

This is really a timely rain.

Three days later, Chu Yun refined the first batch of Huanhua Chemical Pills. These immortals have just been refined and immediately digested at the top level of the Shu family.

After that, Chu Yun continuously refined the second batch and the third batch. Until some of the medicinal materials in the medicine have been extracted.

The auras of the Shu family's high-level officials have all been greatly enhanced by the aura of the aura, allowing many people to be cautious and begin to boldly improve the cultivation of monsters in their hands.

Soon, Huang Xiao had the fourth spirit demon ~ ~ Yan Que's original Thunderbolt was already promoted to the spirit demon when he was in Chuyun Islands, and now he has added another spirit demon mouth There is still room in the aura.

Master Yuya ’s monster has always been stuck at the peak of the big demon, and the spirit is full, and he has passed through three demon robbers at once, and has three heads of demon.

Shu Tianhao's missing left arm has too much influence, but Rao is so, and can now control the two spirit demon.

The value of Huanhua Taohua Dan is huge. The value of Danfang is even more invaluable. With it, there is a steady flow of panacea.

The promotion of high-level combat power and the support of Mongolian Yuanguo, like two mind-boosting agents, set the military action originally scheduled for a month later, abruptly advanced by a week.

The beginning of the month 754 in the ephemeris.

Shu Jiadao, in the name of Huo De Fu's book, provoked the conflict between the Chen family and the Long family and brought it into a state of war. At the same time, they divided the three ancient, Fang, and Wang families, so that they would form an array and guard against each other. Lang Mo, under the shocked watch of the archipelago, the Shu family bravely sent troops and divided the troops into three groups, occupying the great righteousness, and began the journey of unifying the star islands.

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