The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 45: : Hatching monster eggs

Mountain breezes are blowing, bringing fresh air. The sky is as high as a wash, clear as crystal. This mountain peak was originally tweeted by birds, but now it is quiet after being cleared by Chu Yun's great spirit demon.

Chu Yun bare his upper body, only a clean sackcloth around his waist. He has bare feet, wide shoulders and thick back, and his muscles form a rocky, rustic line. If someone is here, they can feel a masculine masculine rush to the face.

Monsters hatch eggs, very particular. The first step is to cleanse your body, cleanse your body, and remove odors. But if you hatch in the fairy sac, you can avoid this step.

All because of the fairy capsule, filled with the breath of the demon master, pure and rich. Will not let the newborn monster, can not remember the breath of the owner.

The mysterious monster egg, Huaguang is restrained, as simple as an oval-shaped stone covered with moss. But if you look closely, it will appear on its surface, covered with a very pale, jasper-colored crystal awn.

The surface of the monster egg has already been cleaned by Chu Yun. Now lying quietly at the bottom of the fairy capsule, the egg looks round and pure.

Under the monster egg, there is a pile of celestial stone coins constructed into a perfect solid stone nest. Of course, it is also possible to use Disha stone coins. When the Tianhu hatched, it was the Disha stone coins.

The stone coins used are the same. Just make sure that you can provide the newborn monster with enough energy to facilitate the impact repair when it is built.

The monster eggs hatch, the first step is to clean the body, the second step to wash the eggs, the third step to select the land, and the fourth step to build the nest. Now it has been completed one by one, and the layout is light and proper. Chu Yun has memories of past life, and now there are scrolls of the experience of Ten Thousand Beast Kings, which is even more perfect and perfect.

The fifth step is blood sacrifice. Chu Yun took out Yuxi water and took a sip. This kind of hatching material is as precious as pearl tears. He then bit the tip of his tongue, spit out a bit of effort, and fell into the fairy sac, accurately landing on the monster egg.

The monster egg shuddered suddenly, and the jasper crystal gleamed in a flash. The whole process was so fast that it was almost suspected of being an illusion.

Soon, the blood on the surface of the eggshell slowly disappeared and was sucked into the egg.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Chu Yun slowly closed his eyes and entered a state of meditation.

In this dark space, he first saw his aura. The aura is like a big lantern, shining white light.

At the beginning, when he hatched the sky fox, the aura was just a fist-sized white sphere of light, and the light swayed, like a candle in the wind.

Now his aura has expanded to more than a hundred times, such as large lanterns, white flowers are stable and peaceful, shining around the dark space.

In this aura, there are changes. If you look closely, it will not be the pure milky white when you first hatched the fox.

But there are dozens of phantoms, such as water bubbles.

Among these bubbles, the most eye-catching figure is the seven-headed figure. A rioting ape king, centered, thumping his chest and roaring, the most powerful. Around him, the cloud-winged tiger king, the sky-high purple mandarin, the rotten gecko, and so on, are the seven-headed robbery of the endless forest.

The virtual shadows of the seven-headed robbery are connected together, occupying absolutely no space in Chu Yun's aura.

In the other half, the guide is Sky Fox. The whole body is white, with eight tails winding around, and the spirit is extraordinary. Beside her, drunk snow knife, hurricane bow and so on, surround together. Although he can't contend with the robbery demon, but the situation is stable and the potential is huge.

And their phantom is more solid and clear than the seven-headed robbery.

"Tianhu they signed with me is the master-servant contract." The seven-headed robbery monster is only a `` coalition contract '' and no `` master-servant contract.

It's not surprising that Chu Yun saw this. The scroll of Ten Thousand Beast King's experience has already been described in detail.

Next, he urged his aura of light, following the midst of life, leaning on the connection that came from Bingang's blood sacrifice, and slowly drifted towards the depths of darkness.

In this space, time does not seem to exist. I don't know how long it passed. Chu Yun first saw a little light, then as the distance shortened, gradually approached, the light gradually expanded, and finally showed the whole picture in front of Chu Yun's eyes.

"Good, very good. This aura is already comparable to the aura of the original fox!" Chu Yun ecstatic, the aura in front of him was very abundant, and was comparable to the original fox eggs.

Of course, if the fox is a spirit demon today, the aura has been advancing with the cultivation. It is not comparable to this aura in front of us.

However, this is enough to illustrate the qualification of this monster egg.

"Extraordinary! It really is an exquisite monster, and it has plenty of light, occupying the pinnacle of the exquisite monster. Among the monsters, foxes, cats, snakes, and monkeys are often spiritual races. I do n’t know this mysterious monster. What is a beast? "

Chu Yun guessed secretly while urging his aura, slowly approaching the other side.

He called out with aura of light, and at first he entered the sea like a stone bull. But Chu Yun was not restless and persevered very patiently.

Finally, the flash of light in front of him seemed to wake up from his sleep. It is full of spirit and responds in a daze.

This connection is getting stronger and stronger, as if it is an invisible gravitational force, drawing this group of aura into Chu Yun's aura.

In an instant, just like Ruyan returning to the nest, tired birds returning to the forest, Xiaolingguang found a way to rely.

The master-servant contract was signed immediately. An extremely close connection, rippling in each other's hearts.

"Be born, I'm looking forward to you." After Chu Yun issued the first command, he immediately retreated from his meditation state.

With the successful conclusion of the sixth step of spiritual calling, the seventh key step of hatching eggs also arrived.

Break the shell and build the foundation!

Click ... "

The egg swayed further and further away, and trivial fine lines appeared on the surface of the eggshell. The broken lines gradually expanded, and finally the eggshell broke apart.

"What's the matter ?!" At this moment, Chu Yun's eyes widened.

He only saw the broken eggshell, but he couldn't see the monster he was looking forward to. However, relying on the induction of the aura, he knew that the newborn monster was there.

At the moment, it was opening its bright and bright eyes, observing the strange world curiously and nervously.

It "sees" Chu Yun around him. Suddenly in my heart, there was a feeling of joy and joy.

"What kind of monster is this? Why is it like an invisible rainbow demon? I can't see it, but it can see me." Chu Yun smiled bitterly, and was surprised.

This invisible monster is obviously different from the invisible rainbow monster. The invisible rainbow demon is essentially a rainbow of light. It's just that this light is changing anytime, anywhere according to the surrounding environment. So it looks as if it is invisible.

But this newborn monster is really invisible and qualityless. Chu Yun couldn't help but think of that ancient demon soldier's heart whip.

"It's starting to absorb vitality!" Chu Yun couldn't see the specific situation, but was able to respond according to the contract between master and servant.

The vitality in the fairy sac suddenly turned, and after the transformation of Tianzhu stone coins, a vitality that Chu Yun had never been exposed to was formed.

This vitality is plausible and seemingly invisible and qualityless. The violent consumption of the stone coins in Tianli scared Chu Yun a little.

"Mysterious monster, absorbs the mysterious energy. And to transform this wonderful energy, you need to consume more Tianli coins." Chu Yun narrowed his eyes and immediately took out a lot of Tianli coins and threw them into In the fairy sac.

One year, two years, three years ",

The cultivation of the newborn monster is brave, and soars. When it reaches five years of cultivation, the value of Tianshi stone coins consumed is already equal to that of Tianhu stone coins consumed by Tianhu.

When it rushed to ten years for cultivation, the wasted stone coins were more than twice that of Tianhu.


Suddenly, the thunder exploded in a severe dry land, and Chu Yun felt a pressure in his heart. Apparently the little demon was robbed.

"What kind of demon is this?" Chu Yun looked up at the sky, his eyes glared, a little dumbfounded. The sky is blue, there are no clouds in the sky, the sun shines tomorrow, and the wind is beautiful.

"Weird monsters, even monsters are so weird!" Chu Yun was shocked, he could feel the pressure of monsters, but he couldn't see the monsters in the sky.

How to guard against the unseen robbery? !

He hadn't figured out a way, his body suddenly shocked. His heart seemed to fall into a cliff, and he fell into a dream in a flash.

He returned to his previous life!

His righteous father died, and was expelled from Shujia Island, wandering the world, the pain that was buried in the heart of his livelihood, the unbearable past, and one by one.

At the beginning, he was able to resist, but the surrounding scene was like a horse watching flowers, playing extremely, making him dizzy.

All kinds of emotions in my heart came one after another. Pain, anger, sorrow, lament, despair ",

"How could this happen? The monster beast robbery, how is it like the attack of the phantom thread shell, the illusion is overgrown. Fortunately, these days, I have been practicing hard in the mountains and embarked on the road of cultivation that once the king of beasts has gone through ~ .com ~ Realize nature and feel the world. No matter how many emotions there are, I can't shake my heart! "

Chu Yun's heart is like a rock, like steel, firming his heart, and the world is still unshakable. Almost at the same time, the space shook suddenly, and he returned to reality again.

This demon robbery is weird, coming fast and going fast.

Over there, mysterious monsters came to rejoice and relax. Obviously, they also survived the disaster together.

"What kind of monster is this? I can't tell the monster's egg. After hatching, I can't see through it." Chu Yun was speechless. The inheritance treasure of the king of beasts, Xuan Miao mysteriously revealed his understanding.

"Wait, it naturally understands a Taoism." Chu Yun's face suddenly changed, and there was a new appearance, "psychic? Is this how to get Taoism?"

He was about to delve into it, and suddenly a long laugh came from the mountain behind him.

"Magic Heart Tribulation? Yezi, what the **** did you go for! You can even get the extinct psychic snake in the ancient times? Ha ha ha, you present it, and my jade scholar can give you unimaginable glory. Wealthy. "(To be continued)

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