The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 46: : Shengqiyushushusheng

With this sound, three figures flew from a distance.

One of them, lupin fan towel, Yushu Linfeng, red lips and teeth, handsome white face. He was dressed in a soap-white student costume, and his clothes rolled in the wind.

He held a folding fan in one hand, fanning out of the cloud as he fluttered, with a high expression and extreme spirit.

But what is striking is that he wears a pair of ragged straw shoes on his feet. It doesn't match with his whole suit.

Seeing Chu Yun's eyes focused on his feet, the jade scholar's smile was stagnant and somewhat unsightly.

"Wild boy, didn't you hear me? Looking up at me." He looked down at Chu Yun. There were two women beside him, flowers and branches, one snuggling on the side, and the other holding his arm, and the bird was on the side.

Chu Yun looked away, and knew that the two women were not human beings, but demonized. In other words, it is two spirit demon. However, his eyes were more focused on the feet of Jade Scholar.

Disregarding the image, Yu Shusheng wore this pair of straw shoes, which is naturally different.

"This is the sturdy sandals. It is the second of Xingzhou's top ten footwear with Huamei's snowless boots. It is very famous." Chu Yun secretly recognized the origin of these shoes.

He raised his head unhurriedly and said in a deep voice: "Jade Scholar, do you know the origin of my monster? The psychic snake ... is this its name?" (Provided by the Spread Wings Update Team Purple Sakura Scorpio)

"Humph!" Yu Shusheng raised his eyebrows, his face sinking. "Ye Boy, you're a little bit of nonsense. I'm not obliged to tell you these secrets. Do you still not dedicate this monster to me? I am Jiang Hanguo." The prince can give you a fortune. "

His tone was superior and he looked at Chu Yun with a disdainful expression. In his view, Chu Yun is a mountain village pariah. In Yaoshan High School, this kind of young people mostly like to go trekking in the mountains. This trend began to prevail in the era of the beast king.

"Is the way of Ten Thousand Beast Master's practice learned by following the trend? That king-level strongman is too worthless. You people are numb to worship and pretend to be, what's the use? Unless Thousand Beast King comes alive and personally directs you Otherwise, it would be useless at all. I have seen too many characters like you in this journey. "Yu Shu snapped and closed the fan. Point at Chu Yun with a fan tip. Said with a lesson.


"Chu Yun smiled a little, his voice was calm, and he wasn't angry at all." I'm pretending to be, what does it have to do with you? " Are you a prince, what does it have to do with me? Since you don't want to say, forget it ... "

"How could it be forgotten !?" (Provided by the Spreading Wings Renewal Team Purple Sakura Scorpio) Yu Shusheng's tone sharply interrupted Chu Yun's words. His eyes flickered and pointed to Chu Yun. "I see that you have gone into the wrong place and kindly pointed you. You didn't appreciate it? You didn't know it in the mountains. You went out to inquire about the name of my jade scholar. My experience is There is absolutely no wrong way to speak. In return, you put the psychic snake to me, such a superb monster, and put it on you, it is a mortal thing! "

"If I don't give it to you?" (Provided by the Spread Wing Update Team Purple Sakura Scorpio) Chu Yun's tone was cold.

"I don't know anything good or bad. My host is very affectionate, do you actually not appreciate it?" (Provided by the Spread Wing Update Team Purple Sakura Scorpio) A female spirit demon next to Yushusheng gave a sharp and mean irony.

"Humph! Your vision is so bad. Even our two real identities can't be seen. Our sister is not a human, but a spirit demon. Do you understand the spirit demon?" A female demon looked at Chu Yun with contempt.

"No need to say more, the son's patience has run out. The two of you shot together and killed the kid, snatching the psychic snake!" Yu Shusheng frowned and vomited, looking back and looking around.

He walked this way to challenge the domestic academy in Yaoshan, but the content of the challenge was to go deep into the mountains and carry out the hunting password. What he did not expect was that on the way, he received the influence of the psychic snake demon robbery.

After he was annoyed by the indiscriminate disaster, he immediately rejoiced that he remembered that there were relevant records in the royal book of Jiang Han Guo. This is illusion, specially dealing with strange monsters such as psychic snakes.

"The value of the psychic snake is simply unparalleled. If I get a hand and become a king, it's just a matter of time. This is a great adventure! I have to kill this savage as soon as possible, and then seize the time to hunt. Yaoshan I am going to pick the academy! "Yu Shusheng roared in his heart, looked at the second daughter, and culled the past, as if he had seen the **** picture of the next moment, and he was immediately very happy.


Two loud noises, the tumbling waves, his two spirit demon were caught off guard, and suddenly flew back.

"Uh, what's going on?" Yu Shusheng's complexion changed suddenly, and he was shocked to see Chu Yun's side, and a spirit demon suddenly appeared in a circle.

One, two, three, four, five, six ... Six-headed spirit demon!

"Oops, kicking the iron plate!" The cruel reality, like a heavy hammer, hit his heart at once. His heart suddenly tightened, his face changed suddenly, and he shouted in a sudden retreat, "Seniors forgive sins, juniors don't know Taishan with eyesight, and hope ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was shocked to see Chu Yun expressionless, and extended his index finger toward him coldly. The six-headed spirit demon, like a wolf like a tiger, blasted and killed himself.

This momentum was so fierce that Yushu Sheng felt himself like a small sampan, bumping in the stormy waves.

His face was pale and he felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Damn, I looked away!" In a hurry, Yu Shusheng pulled off the jade pendant at the waist and threw it forward.

This is a gentleman's wear, also a spirit demon level, but his defensive monster. Flying into the air, Yu Pei suddenly bloomed a cyan brilliance, dazzling. Qingmang condenses as a substance, forming an enlarged version of jade brick, which is blocked in front of jade and scholars.

Tianhu sneered contemptuously, spitting it out, it was a world-famous red lotus.

Guren traversed a bright arc in the sky, like a meteor catching the moon, and immediately hit the jade brick.

I heard a loud bang, a violent explosion, tumbling waves, and raging flames. The jade brick was beaten and collapsed at once, and Junzi Pei was flicked aside.

"Jiao Pin Dao Fa ?!" Yu Shusheng's face was more shocked, but at the critical moment of life and death, he could only gritt his teeth.

The two female spirit demon, no longer play ridicule, all expressions condensed like frost, turned into light, thrown back into the hands of Yu Shusheng.

One of the spirit demon, turned into the original form, is a jade seal, which was put on top of the head by the jade scholar.

Another spirit demon, turned into a single scroll scroll, was held in the hands of Jade Scholar.

"It's not easy to kill me! Wanli Changjiang Map!" He yelled, swiping and unfolding the picture.

In the picture scroll, there is a magnificent river rushing to the sea and breaking waves. At this time, the picture came out, forming a huge wave, and washed over.

"Xuanfeng Fan!" Yu Shusheng shouted again, unfolding the fan in his hand, and violently fanned.

On this face, there are rolling mountains. At this time, a peak flew out, suddenly formed an entity, cast a huge shadow on the ground. In the huge roar, hit Chu Yun.

"There are two things." Chu Yun did not panic, and took out Bihai Chaosheng Xiao. This flute, now has more than 900 years of cultivation, is only one step away from the spirit demon series.

He leaned into his mouth and played in the wind. The six-headed spirit demon such as Sky Fox immediately joined together to form a battle array. The six monsters joined forces to explode a powerful attack fire.

The branches of Lishan Longan shoot into the sky, the eight genera in the hands of the sky fox are endless, the leaf blades of the world are turning around, the drunk snow knife and the wind are freezing, the hurricane bows and arrows are like meteors hitting the sun, and the colorless rainbow demon is secret. , Making people unpredictable.


In the turbulent fire, the Yangtze River and the peaks of Yu Shusheng were bombed into pieces by the throne of the Immortal Immortal, and the earth collapsed.

"This is the sound imperial method, and there are monsters and beasts!" Yu Shusheng shivered, feeling that the already huge pressure immediately turned over several times!

The light wheel blasted, the different awns were colorful, and the six demon surrounded the net, striking the dazzling brilliance, directly regretting the sky, and violently suppressing Yu Shusheng.

"Seniors, juniors are wrong, really wrong. Please see Jiang Hanguo's sake, spare the juniors!" Yu Shusheng tried his best to resist, the jade seal on his head was very extraordinary, and he shot countless fine jade and brilliance. .

Yuguang not only has a protective effect, but also has a communication effect. Turned into a rolling demon yuan, it is constantly added to the Xuanfeng fan, Wanli Yangtze River map, Junzipei, and the wind and wind grass shoes.

Chu Yun's expression was indifferent, deaf to Yu Shusheng's begging for mercy. These days he has been working **** music and art, studying gossip battle arrays, and is lacking an object to practice his hands. Nowadays, Jade Scholars take the initiative to come to the door, preferably.

He became more and more comfortable with the war, and the battle array became stronger and stronger. Yu Shusheng was disgraced and felt more and more stressed. He was still screaming for mercy, but soon he could only resist, and there was no room for it.

After an hour, Chu Yun consciously tempered these gossip battle arrays. Suddenly, the tone rose, and he exerted all his strength.

With a bang, that piece of Yangtze River map could no longer withstand it, was submerged by the surging fire, burst into a demon crystal, and fell.

"Ah! My map of the Yangtze River!" Yu Shusheng screamed, his voice extremely sad.


Again, his gentleman Pei also burst.

"Gentleman wears!" Yu Shusheng's eyes were broken, and his heart was bleeding with blood.


Once again, his fan of Xuanfeng could not be kept and was completely exploded. The colorless rainbow demon cut in and caught him at once. Then Tianhu and so on, all shot together, suppressed him firmly, and escorted him to the front of Chu Yun.

"Kneel down!" Drunk Xuedao slammed the jade scholar down to the ground.

"My spirit demon! Do you know how much effort these three spirit demon spent? You, I have nothing to do with you!" Yu Shusheng kneels on the ground ~ ~ covered with blood , Shaking with distress, he growled at Chu Yun.

"I don't know the current affairs." Chu Yun snorted coldly, his heart moved, Zuixue's face was cold, and his fingers pinched like dough.

"Ah!" Yu Shusheng raised his head in a terrible scream, his right shoulder was completely squashed, revealing the fragments of bones, and the blood was flowing.

"You can't kill me, you can't kill me! I am the prince of Jianghan Kingdom, do you want to provoke the war between Jianghan Kingdom and Yaoshan Kingdom ?!" Yu Shusheng exclaimed in panic, he was originally graceful and **** at this time , Painful teeth grin, his face is extremely distorted.

"I didn't want to kill you. Tell me the secret of the psychic snake, and I will let you go." Chu Yun said.

"Okay, okay. I tell my seniors everything I know!" Yu Shusheng saw a trace of hope of surviving, and quickly nodded, bringing out what he knew.

Chu Yun heard, and the voice inevitably brought a trace of tremor: "What? You mean this psychic snake, can swallow the aura of others, and feedback to the owner?" (Unfinished. If you like this work, you are welcome to come From the starting point to vote recommendation, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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