The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 44: : The Way of the Beast King, ascetic in the mountains

This is a small city, one of dozens of cities in Yaoshan State. Thick bluestone casting walls, vines scattered on the walls, the simplicity and nature unique to the Yaoshan country architecture are undoubtedly manifested in this city.

Because it is closest to the Endless Forest, it has become a transit point for the Rangers. The chaotic and lively here, all kinds of rangers, flocked every day, and brought together the flow of adults from the four gates.

Chu Yun came here, and no throne of the Immortal Imprint left by the precious stone door.

But that night, I chose to live in an inn, watching the rangers eat and drink in the noisy tavern, and listening to the rumors of the parties.

"Have you heard? The heritage of the Beast King was obtained by the Rouge Gate."

"I heard that the three first-class martial arts of the Iron-Blood Alliance, Tiansha Gang and Huimeng Pavilion have gathered their ace armament, and they are led by the three gang leaders to find the trouble of the Rouge Gate."

"The Rouge Gate is over. A third-rate sect, stared at by these three first-class forces, is destined to perish. Just do not know how many treasures are passed down from the Beastmaster."

The Rangers talked the most, of course, the heritage of the Beast King, the Rouge Gate. In addition, it is the Academy Exchange Conference.

"The major academies in Sin Chew, the exchange meeting every two years has already started for some time. The young people who have emerged are really more fierce than others."

"Among this generation of young people, it's really awesome. Many young people, just 16 or 7 years old, have reached a point where we can't be reached.

"I heard that Jiang Wentian from Jianghan Academy has swept through dozens of other academy entrances with his own power. His map of the Yangtze River, Junzi Pei and Xuanfeng Fan are all spirit demon. They are very young. Their strength is unfathomable . It is said that until now, there are hidden strengths that have not been shown. "

"This is a record that is hard to come by in a hundred years. Jiang Wentian didn't ring out, it was a blockbuster, and now it has become famous in Sing Chau. The vines are known as 'Jade Scholar' and 'Little Arrow God'. "

"Who is the Little Arrow God?"

"Xiongtai, you are too ignorant. Little Arrow God, the little prince of Meng Yuanguo's first-hand archery is already accomplished, and his record is not under Yu Shusheng. Together with the exchange meeting, he went out from Meng Yuanguo and picked everything along the way. 'S academy, invincible and invincible. Recently, I have arrived in the Zhuxing Islands, and the name is coming to challenge the little bully dagger. "

"Little Overlord Chu Yun? Isn't he also involved in the legacy of the Thousand Beast King? Can he put an end to the Little Arrow God's winning streak?"

"It's afraid it's very difficult. The little bully has only two spirit monsters on his hands. He can make it to the Ishizu List, and it's even better because he has 10,000 enemies. His record is so sturdy and hard to copy. Little Arrow God has revealed four spirit demon at present, everyone guesses that he must still have the cards. "

"I don't know Xiaojian God and Jade Scholar, which one is better?"

"This is hard to guess. According to the route, Xiaojian Shen went to the Zhuxing Islands, and Yu Shusheng is still in Dunhuang to go to Tieyan. The routes of the two are not the same."

"Little Arrow God, Jade Scholar…. Chu Yun secretly remembered these two names in his heart. This is a master emerging from the younger generation. He has five spirit demon on hand. Through the memory of the previous life, he is better than any Everyone knows better.

These two people were instilled in meticulously cultivated various talents since childhood. One of them is the little prince of Meng Yuan Kingdom and the other is the little prince of Jiang Han Kingdom.

The resources controlled by Guodao forces are too rich, and a lot of wealth is smashed into it. Coupled with their talents, it is normal to get such achievements.

"I'm far from being able to compare with their growing environment. It was the wealth of King Hailong and King Huode that I had previously obtained, and because they were not completely comparable to them. But now I have the complete inheritance of the King of Beasts. People are left behind. "Chu Yun also secretly compared.

This is the benefit of a complete heritage of the king.

Yu Shusheng and Xiao Jian Shen are obviously among the leaders of his generation. Chu Yun could only control the two spirit demon, and there is a clear gap with these people. Now the endless forest and his party immediately turned over, not only catching up with them, but also overtaking them.

"In the course of practice, I am advancing by leaps and bounds. The resources are the first. The Shushujia Island is not a national island force. It needs to be developed itself. There is nothing wrong with the path I chose to find a secret, and now I can not only control the six The head spirit demon, as well as some big demon and little demon. It has even signed a contract with the seven-headed robbery demon, a spirit demon electric lightning Lei Maoshu. What kind of jade scholar and little arrow **** are my opponents? " Purple Sakura Scorpio)

Realize that these people are not their opponents. Chu Yun's original thought of going to the Academy Exchange Meeting was light.

He also heard detailed information about Shujia Island. Today, the Zhuxing Islands are in a state of calm, and the Shu Family, Tie Family, Shui Family, etc. are all recuperating. Especially Shujia Island, which has Yan Que's future goodness itself, has a solid internal affairs. There is also Yu Ya, a master of military training, whose armament has been greatly expanded, and is now firmly in the Star Islands. The Shujiamao horses are strong, and the soldiers are strong, and they can be said to be a lying tiger. Although there is no big move, they have already faintly deterred the surrounding sea area.

"What Shujiadao needs is savings, not a war of poor soldiers and militarism. There is no urgent need for me there. I also need some time to digest these gains ..."

The next day, he came out of this little adult and started walking on foot. He crossed the mountains and deliberately slowed down his journey, in order to digest the harvest of the endless forest in this trekking practice.

When thirsty, he drank the sweet mountain spring. When hungry, play some game. Greedy, pick some wild fruits. The country of Yaoshan is a landform of mountains and forests, and Chu Yun worked hard in the mountains.

Thundering and refining the alchemy tactics, the gossip battle array, the experience of the Beast King, he is thinking about it every day. Sometimes, it is quietly reading. Sometimes, it is fighting, understanding and verifying with monsters in the mountains.

Every day, he can feel his changes.

His soul has been strengthened, resulting in his aura of tens of times longer than before. The pressure after the reluctance to sign the contract was getting lighter. After more than a week, he could hardly feel it.

The most remarkable thing is the change of his body.

His back was thick and heavy, his arms were wide, his bones were thick, and his handsome face was changing towards a simple temperament.

This is due to the feedback of the robbery monsters after signing the contract and transforming his body.

Chu Yun can clearly feel that his strength is getting stronger and stronger. Being as light as a bird, she has a peculiar intimacy with nature.

His figure is more and more like the statue of the Thousand Beast Kings in the bluestone ruins.

The demon's cultivation is too high, and the influence of the aura on Chu Yun's body has far exceeded that of Tianhu, Zuixuedao, etc.

This change made Chu Yun happy. But he knows more that real growth is not just about appearance. His personal experience, experience, and hard work have given him a deeper understanding of the scroll of the beast king's experience.

The way he walked was the way of cultivation of Ten Thousand Beast King. A person integrates into nature and realizes nature. This gave Chu Yun's temperament a qualitative change.

In the past, he was like a battle sword with a sheath, murderous, and fighting intently. With negative feelings from the past life, such as unwillingness, remorse and hatred. At first glance, people feel a sharp edge and fierce. Now he has made up for the regret, but he has been reborn for only two years, and his strength has been far in the past. As the so-called rain blows, it will last forever. The heavy burden in my heart vanished, and I was truly relieved from the decades of hardship and depression in my previous life.

The experience of the king of beasts became his guide

His boring, vigilant edge disappeared. With broad shoulders and thick backs, he walked silently among the mountains, like a tiger.

The tiger is the king of the mountains and forests. He usually walks among the mountains with grace and calmness. Once the culling, immediately violently, all things tremble.

Chu Yun's body was taller than before, his muscles were strong, and there was a faint luster in the sun and rain. Just like the fur of a tiger, the beautiful Taobao women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter coat m is dangerous.

His eyes were wider than before, and his eyes were very dark. On weekdays, it is like the calm blue water in the deep pool. But between the turning of the eyes, the shocking light that can occasionally escape.

His body is twice as strong as before. But the movements were lighter and more clever.

Chu Yun likes this feeling very much.

During walking, you can feel the martial arts. The Holy King made the sacred king to kill the God Seal of the Throne at night. The Zhou Clan martial Qiankun will kill the God of the Immortal Throne in the night to seek the Demon Ao Chongtian's strongest abandon Shao Da With countless powers.

Walking in the mountains, the mountain breeze blowing, Song Tao burst, he often felt the resonance between himself and the world. Every day's progress is remarkable. This makes him feel very fulfilling, and at the same time he has more admiration for the King of Beasts ~ ~ This way of practice has allowed him to adapt to the growth of the body, soul and aura, and he has fused the relationship between the three. Roots. Each strong man has a unique spiritual practice. This is the way that the Beast King broke out, and now Chu Yun walks on it, with the guidance of the scroll of experience, he walks in a stable and stable way, and the scenery is infinite.

Two weeks later, he stayed on an unnamed mountain top.

He took out the mysterious monster egg left by the Beast King from the fairy sac and carefully prepared the eggs for hatching.

When he was in the endless forest, he made full preparations for this. Aura has grown up now, enough to subdue another spirit demon, and hatching eggs is more casual.

He carefully selected and finally chose this mountain. There are no powerful monsters, green and verdant surroundings, picturesque, energetic, green mountains and green water.

"This monster beast egg once made the strong beast like Ten Thousand Beasts. I really don't know what monster will be inside."

Regarding this mysterious monster egg, there is no description in the experience scroll. There is also quite a lot of speculation in Chu Yun's mind, and now the mystery will be revealed.

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