The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 43: : The Holy Land of Chrysanthemum

It turns out that this world is actually a free mountain fairy bag!

Thinking of this, Chu Yun suddenly realized.

He also owns a top-notch fairy pouch, which can naturally be done. However, after completely opening the fairy capsule, although it can affect such a large range, his Xinghai Dragon Palace will always stand in a certain place, and can no longer move.

For him, it is equivalent to giving up the Xinghai Dragon Palace fairy capsule.

He immediately thought of the real reason why the robbery demoralized: "In this way, you can only stay here, can't go out?"


"Although there is little free aphasia, it is not a panacea."

"Xiao Zi Wu Xiang Shu only plays a role of concealment. Once the demon spirit is too strong, it will not be concealed and will be noticed by the world."

"Isn't the old Lei Mao dead like this?"

The devil and other monsters sighed for a while.

The riot king almost cried. He is active by nature, and although he is king, he can't stand being trapped here. The person who wants to go out most is either the other person or him.

"I originally wanted to call you to help me deal with some people ..." Chu Yun also felt very sorry. He had originally planned to take these seven-headed robbery and go back to the unified Star Islands, but now it seems that it is just a wish.

"Alas, it would be nice if there was no Heavenly Tribulation. God's **** rules are too much!" The rioting ape king stomped his chest and stomped his chest.

"Heaven and Earth checks and balances, otherwise this world will be messed up? Is the robbery everywhere rampant?" (Provided by the Spread Wing Update Team Purple Sakura Scorpio) Chu Yun quickly accepted the matter. Although he lost the seven-headed demon thug, he was faced with the angry king in the fiery sea cave of Shujia Island earlier, and he took a small life for this reason.

"Everything is in harmony with each other, and the world is balanced. Only in this way can we roll forward and continue to develop. It is too easy to break, too soft, and the ultimate is blind, it is very likely to be extinction. The same is true for national governance. It ’s a kingly style. Your monsters and beasts are powerful, but this is not enough. You must understand the truth between the world and the earth so that you can continue to be strong. ”

Speaking of which, Chu Yun paused and continued: "Hehehe, this truth, I also learned from the scroll of your old master's experience recently."

The Yunwing Tiger recalled it with a feeling: "Yes. There are rumors that there are thousands of years of robbery, and there are thousands of years of robbery. It is said that billions of years of robbery will not only require strength to reach that level. It is even more necessary to enlighten the Dao. However, in this kind of enlightenment, we demon beasts are not good at it. Still human beings can be naturally enlightened, with sufficient aura in the body and wisdom in mind.

"I realized it! I realized it! It's just too easy to break, too soft and weak, so you have to be soft and hard, and apply everything. The ultimate is blindness. This is right. I sprinted too long, and I couldn't support it immediately. Live. Need to go forward and backward. This is the kingly style. Boss, your words are too connotative. More profound than the old master, I didn't understand before. Fortunately, these years have rushed into the cultivation of tens of thousands of years. The aura is full. After listening to the boss, you have learned many things. "

The riot ape king suddenly felt that Daigo was initiating, scratching his ears and scratching his head, thinking that this time he finally knew the boss's long-lasting mystery, he immediately couldn't help himself.

"You are thinking about it, where did you think about it!" Chu Yun shook his head silently, very helpless to the monkey.

"Is there any place I didn't realize? Ask the boss to give pointers!" The Riot Ape King fell to his knees and asked Chu Yun for advice. In his heart, Chu Yun is a man of God. "Strength" is so powerful that he admires him

"You, you ..." Chu Yun could only sigh.

"By the way, these are the unowned monster crystals. It is those who died in our demon robbery. It is dedicated to the boss." Jioselu said, handing over a large bag of monster crystals. .

Speaking of which, the Iron-Blood Alliance, Huimengge, and Tiansha Gang are really bad luck.

Not only did he encounter the robbery, but also seven heads. If you encounter it, it's okay, and you've encountered heavenly disaster again.

This is the catastrophe of the robbery.

It was immediately affected by the pond fish and turned into gray. Their monsters and beasts are naturally not spared, and eventually burst into a hostless monster crystal.

"These demon crystals are of good quality." Chu Yun took a look and said inwardly, "I have reached the limit of the aura in my body now, and I can no longer improve the cultivation of monsters. But Huamen mainly builds the core armament of the rouge door, which is quite Important. I will send them these demon crystals. "

In the next seven days, Chu Yun not only sent the Lordless Demon Crystal, but also personally made the Elixir for Rouge.

Refined panacea is naturally nothing else, it is Huanhua chemical panacea.

This immortal medicine can comprehensively improve the quality of the demon master, including the body, soul and aura. Although many medicines in the Danfang are very precious, but the Rouge Gate has already harvested a large number of medicinal materials, and the endless forest is rich in products, and there is no shortage of natural materials and treasures.

Huanran's refining power of Huadan is very low, only about one-tenth. With a large amount of medicinal materials piled up, Chu Yun has only practiced more than thirty.

This amount is far from enough for all women.

However, he still has a way.

That is the Fang Dan fingerprint.

At the beginning, he was from Mishu of Ningjia Island. Using Di's equally superior alchemy handprint, you can divide the finished elixir into several pieces.

Huanran is a great pill. Even if it is Fen Dan, it is also medicinal. With these immortals, and the unowned monster crystal, the Rouge Gate built the core armed forces in just seven days.

This is almost a small miracle.

Chu Yun stayed for more than a week, and finally said goodbye to the robbery monsters on this day: "Stay here for so many days, it is time to leave."

"Boss, walk slowly."

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo old, boss, we will miss you when you leave."

The demon robbers are very moved. These days, Chu Yun lives very harmoniously, especially the town of the rioting ape king, so that other robber demon experienced a rare calm.

These days, they also relieved from the shock of this world.

In fact, it was the will of the Beastmaster who added pressure to them. Now that the successors have been found, they also feel a little lighthearted.

Only the Riot Ape King sighed and looked very frustrated.

"Relax, I will come back. The endless forest is a treasure. In the future, I will build a gemstone door and send personnel to come in." Chu Yun comforted the riot king.

"Boss, my distress is not this. Since I listened to your preaching, I have realized that my staying power has increased greatly. My wives can't stand it anymore. Now there are no young and beautiful female monkeys in the ethnic group. There is a fire that suffocates in my heart, it is difficult to vent. Please boss to preach again to solve the puzzle. "Riot Ape King complained.

Chu Yun is speechless, how to solve this?

But this matter can't be solved, the riot king of the apes will be scornful, dragging Chu Yun's arm to let it go.

In the end, he thought of a way that was not the way, whispering to the riot king of apes: "Since that is the case, then I will point you. You need to know that the world has given us a weapon for male attack, and also gave away the attacking secret. There is a group of people with very special feelings who call it a chrysanthemum holy place ... "

Between the beeps, the eyes of the riot king are getting brighter and brighter.

"Go try it, Beiguangguang is a good target." Before Chu Yun left, he patted the shoulder of the riot king. Chu Yun did not want him to harm other creatures, Bei Guangguang deserved it.

"I understand, and I will do the same. Thank you, Boss, the more you get along with you, the more you feel great, and the real person does not show his face, which is unfathomable!"

Chu Yun shook his head and left the endless forest with the roar of the Ape King, along with the rouge door girls.

"For more than a month, it just passed like this. The endless forest, I will come back." Finally, I looked back at this vast and vast forest, ancient trees towering, thick clouds entangled, Chu Yun sighed , Turned around and set off for the journey.

"Although it is only more than a month, in retrospect, it seems like it has been more abundant and long after more than a year. Chu Yun Shaodao, there will be a period in the future." After another walk for about half a day, before coming to the first city, Huamei led all the women to bid farewell to Chu Yun formally.

"Good." Chu Yun glanced at the women, nodded and promised them, "The next days are still growing. Please take care of yourself. If you have any difficulties, please contact me at Shujia Island."

"Well. When I was forced, I directed Shujiadao for help." Huamei was very upset, and the four Yus of "Must Forced" bite very hard.

Yi Yan stood beside her. Before leaving, she looked at Chu Yun with a complicated look: "You will come to the master of the island to explore the mystery of the poet and master Yi in the future."

"Brother Chu Yun ..., you need to take care ... Xiao Feiyan leans her head out from behind Yi Yan. Her eyes are like water, her face is red, she is shy and lovely. There are many words hidden in her heart, but she wants to talk stop.

"Everyone takes care too." Chu Yun waved his hand and walked into the city.

Many of the women looked at Chu Yun and stopped at the same place, staring at Chu Yun's back. Knowing that Junjian's back in the eyes disappeared inside the city gate, it was with reluctance that he withdrew his eyes.

"Okay, let's go. The prestige of the Rouge Gate resounded throughout the ranger world!" Hua Mei took a deep breath and took a sip.

"Let's go!" All the women's eyes cleared instantly ~ ~ With a momentum, with a murderous attitude, they walked to another path.

They were awe-inspiring, and their momentum condensed into one, which initially showed the style of ace armed. This return is destined to rush to kill a blood and bones of success.

"The people who returned to the Dream Pavilion also surrounded the Rouge Gate station.

However, their patriarch, as well as the ace armed, have already died in the hands of the demon robbers. The same is true for Tiansha Gang and Jagged Alliance. This time, the Rouge Gate will go back. Who can stop it? I believe that within half a month, the reputation of the Rouge Gate will be heard throughout the ranger world. "

Chu Yun was quite confident in the women at Rouge Gate. In the Riot Mountain, every day I eat Huanran Taohua Dan, devour the crystal of the Lordless Demon, improve the cultivation of monsters, and consolidate my training throughout the day. This force, even on Shujia Island, is also the top card.

Although Huimengge, Tiansha Gang, and Iron-Blood League are first-class forces, they have no dragons and no core strength to fight. They are no longer opponents of the Rougemen group.

Of course, the Rouge Gate cannot destroy these three behemoths in an instant. But they can no longer curb the rise of Rouge Gate.

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