The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 41: : The Secret of Aura

"The root of the demon master is not other, only aura. All the master demon masters must first call the aura and establish a connection with the aura to control the demon and the demon. However, according to the Xingsheng's suicide book, there are many kinds of aura connection. It ’s diverse. It ’s widely used today—it ’s not one of them ... ”

The beast king's experience scroll, said so.

These words were like opening a skylight window to Chu Yun, opening his eyes.

Ordinary demon masters nurture and command monsters, which is just the most common aura contract. In the scroll of the beast king's experience, it is called the "master-servant contract".

This connection between auras is the fastest to update. So that one party must obey the other party's orders. This requires the master's aura to be far more abundant in the servant's aura.

Just like these monsters controlled by Chu Yun, these are all examples. Chu Yun is the master and the monster is the servant. Chu Yun holds the absolute initiative.

Interestingly, not humans are masters, and monsters must be servants.

The connection between auras depends only on the size of auras.

The riot king of the apes accepted Beiguangguang as a pet. Is the best proof.

He wasn't just talking about it. He really accepted Beiguangguang as a pet. He said what Beiguangguang did, he had to do.

This is because the ape monkey itself is a kind of monster with abundant aura. The riot ape king has reached the level of demon robbery for thousands of years. The aura is abundant and much higher than the northern light. Conquer him easily.

In addition to this "master-servant contract", there is also a "guardian contract".

This contract is less burdensome to the aura than the strict contract between the master and the servant. After the aura communication between the two parties, the monster is often limited to a certain range of activities and assumes the responsibility of protection.

In fact, this kind of guardian contract has already been touched by Chu Yun.

Is the altar of earth.

In the altar, a monster is raised, providing various conditions, such as Taoism and stone coins, for its practice. At the same time, once the foreign invasion, the monster must stand up to defend their homeland.

Now in Shujia Island, there are ancient earth altars who have frightened several spirit demon and protect Shujia Island all the time.

In addition to the "Guardian Contract", there are also "6 Lease Contracts" that allow the demon masters to rent monsters to each other for others to use.

"Alliance contract", the two sides of Lingguang are completely equal and are the relationship between friends. This contract requires very little light.

In the "calling contract", the two parties are completely in a trading relationship, and there is no demerit. Each time the monsters contribute, the demon master must discuss and pay the satisfaction of the monster.

"The King's Contract", this method of aura communication, is complicated. It is prepared for a monster group. After signing, a whole group of demon beasts will regard the demon master as their beast king.

This contract is the most used contract by the Beastmaster. It is also the key secret of his success.

"The finest alchemy recipes-the thunder-washing method of life, rejuvenation of the Danfang, the Qingtu Danfang, the small free aphasia gossip battle array, the mysterious monster beast egg, the Panlong Horn, and the seal of the thousands of beasts controlling the great wasteland. ... "

Now that the eight pieces of the Thousand Beast Kings have been passed down, they are finally unveiled one by one. Chu Yun looked back at this moment, his eyes blinking involuntarily.

This is the complete inheritance of the king, not a trivial matter!

Every piece of inherited treasure will spread out, and it will surely cause an uproar and stir up troubles in the world.

This is not the inheritance of King Hailong. He and Chu Bawang battled each other and died of serious injuries. In a hurry, I prepared this heritage, and many essences were lost.

Nor is it the inheritance of Huo De King. Strictly speaking, King Huo De has already passed on, leaving his descendants. All he left behind was the hidden possession, but was first found by the earth-moving **** Sojie, and most of his wealth was wasted.

"The king-level strongman is really unfathomable. Even if it is passed down, there are still many unintelligible places. For example, in this mysterious monster egg, what kind of monster is bred. The king of beasts is learning the scroll In the middle, I did n’t mention it at all. There was also his Panlong horn. He was so reckless, he ran away himself. By the way, his superior fairy sac is still on the mountain, and it has never appeared ... "

Chu Yun's inheritance of the essence of the Beast King alone swallowed it, which made Chu Yun admire such a king.

There is no doubt that this is the existence he can only look forward to.

Even if the Beastmaster is dead, his figure is still so tall that he can only look up.

"I can only look up to you now, but I will be able to keep up with you in the future. Thanks to your blessings, I will go to the next level and climb to the top of the demon master!"

In the next few days, Chu Yun barely left home. Most of the time, he pondered the scroll of the experience of the Beast King in the cave, understanding and analyzing it one by one.

His body was gradually recovering, and his soul was greatly enhanced by his heart-wrenching wine. This also brought him a memory of the extremely advanced, watching Yu almost never forget.

Three days later, these experiences were deeply imprinted in his heart, and transformed into his own understanding.

On this scroll, in addition to the master seals of the Ten Thousand Beasts controlling the Great Desolation have not been mastered, it is the fastest update. For the rest, he can almost follow the example.

But even so, he still carefully packed the scroll, waiting to see it later.

This experience is really rich and complicated, written in detail and concrete. After a while, read it again ... maybe there will be a new experience.

Three days later, he walked out of the cave and began to sign contracts with the eight robbery demons.

The nature he used is not, 6 master-servant contract ", his aura is not comparable to any of the robbery demons.

He adopted the "Alliance Contract" that requires the least amount of Aura, and both parties of the contract are friends of the same status, and they share points and help each other.

At that time, King Beast also signed such a contract with many extremely powerful ancient robbery monsters.

However, these demon robbers did not dare to get along with Chu Yun equally. They all followed the rioting ape king to call Chu Yun "the boss". They looked at Chu Yun with admiration. Especially the riot King of Apes-Chu Yun was a complete mess of admiration.

Seven million years of robbery and one thousand years of robbery all communicated with Lingguang and signed a contract.

Although Chu Yun took Huanran Taohua this time, the aura has been greatly enhanced. And the alliance contract has the smallest requirements for aura. But Chu Yun still signed very reluctantly.

The demon robbers are too powerful, and they are all terrifying existences that occupy the peak of the monster.

There has never been a demon master, and at this level in Chu Yun, he signed a contract with the demon. And one sign is eight. The truth must be told, and you must not be scared or dumb.

"My aura has reached the limit. There is no room for a turn!" Chu Yun immediately frowned and smiled bitterly. Aura has no spare energy, making him feel that there is a layer of invisible pressure in his heart all the time.

This pressure is extremely large, making him very uncomfortable. It seemed to be crushed by a mountain.

"Boss, you can rest assured. You have drunk so much heart wine, the soul has been greatly enhanced, far from physical fitness. There are Lishan Longan flower branches to provide longan fruit. Your aura will usher in a flying future Ascension period. By that time, you will feel much better. "Biluo Dragonfly comforted.

"Speaking of dragon's eye fruit, boss, I'm drooling whenever I think about it. Can you reward one or two for the small one?" The rioting ape king grinned and smiled.

All other demon robbers were bright. Especially the male robbery, all the spirits are shaking.

"It's nothing wrong, these days, you have to do your best to take care of my daily service of serving tea and water. These should be regarded as rewards." Then, Chu Yun took out the Lishan longan flower branch and picked eight dragon fruit from it.

These dragon's eye fruits were previously cultivated on Shujia Island. Chu Yun has eaten the same kind of food and has no effect on improving physical fitness.

Take it off and give it one by one.

"Xie Boss!" The robbers smiled with joy, holding their respective dragon's eye fruits carefully in both hands, and cherished Ruobao.

"Ha! Now I finally recognize the new owner. Hundreds of thousands of years of hard time have finally passed!" The Sky Purple Vulture suddenly took a deep breath and yelled.

"Yeah, after waiting hundreds of thousands of years, I finally waited for the boss of Chu Yun."

"Sun hopes and hopes that the heavens will not bear the pains. The old master Quan knows, knowing that the boss is powerful, he will inevitably laugh at Jiu Quan."

As soon as the topic comes here, the demon robbers are all about to move, and some can't help it.

Chu Yun laughed, these robbery monsters are very cute, they are not like humans. The old master has died, but he has kept his promises and persisted for hundreds of thousands of years. This spirit deserves admiration.

"Boss, can we go out for a stroll!" The Sky Ziji suddenly asked. "

Boss, please. Let's go back when we go. "

"God, I want to breathe the air outside the endless forest most, and I dream about it!"

The rest of the robbery looked at Bai Chuyun staring.

"Of course. We signed an alliance contract. You are free. You can go where you want." Chu Yun waved his hand-approved.

At the next moment, on the hills of riot, eight rainbow lights burst out. Each Changhong passes through the heavens and the earth, and its momentum is extremely high, which shocks all things in the world ~ ~ Almost in a blink of an eye, they disappear into the white mist of the sky. "

This is the air outside! It's really new. "The venomous gecko took a deep breath and enjoyed the expression.

"This day has finally arrived, and I feel like a dream." Meng Xie's thread shell grabbed the pie's face, eyes blinking.

"This is by no means a dream. At least the dragon's eye fruit in my hand, the most up-to-date update of the 100th degree demon king's supreme son. It's real." The Riot Ape King spread his palms and looked at the dragon eye fruit in his hand, hehe Laugh straight.

The laughter aroused the sympathy of the robbery demons, and the nine-colored deer also threw off their demeanor and said with excitement: "You said, we eat this dragon eye fruit, can it be effective?"

"Dragon's eye fruit can be eaten by human beings, and our demon beasts can naturally enhance their physique after eating it. But it is difficult to obtain the Eight Wildernesses and the only respect for the Wanlong Dragon King." Biluo said with a sigh.

"Yes. Bahuang Weiwu only respects the king of the dragon of all ages, and all the gods in the world. After this matter, I realized that this should be created by the spirit of the Lishan Longyan flower branch feeding back. Maybe we eat more dragon fruit, Can have some effect. "The Riot Ape King said here, a look of hope. (To be continued)

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