The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 40: : The Seal of Thousand Beasts Dominate the Great Waste!

"Sister- didn't you tell Shi Yun Chu Yun?"

"Princess Chu Yun actually remembered nothing, this ..."

A female ranger surrounded Huamei, and Yan Ying said. Their expressions are different, some are uneasy, some are sad, and some are lost.

"There is nothing to say. We are all children of the rivers and lakes. We do things neatly and don't take a dog's head. This matter, since it is born and cannot be changed, let it pass." Huamei said lightly.

"Huh ... this is the best way, as if it was a dream, nothing happened." Yi Yan exhaled lightly, feeling relieved.

"However, this matter is real, how can it be considered a lifeless?" There were tears in the woman's eyes.

"If you want to be more true? You should also thank Master Chu Yun. If it were not for his rescue, your ending would be even more miserable. Everyone knows that Master Chu Yun is serious, and he doesn't remember the best. If he remembers, how does that call him Self-existence? It is embarrassing for our benefactors, contrary to the rules of the ranger's righteousness. I will not allow you to mention this matter again. "Hua Mei snorted.

All the women were silent—if you think about it carefully, it is.

Chu Yun was not intentional, even if it was intentional, would such a young and handsome teenager refuse himself?

The master Huamen is right.

Clarifying things is simply enemies and revenge, embarrassing everyone. Moreover, everything is forced by the situation. The rangers who live between life and death can even belittle life and death. Just think of it as a dream.

"You guys, the same people who have fallen on the horizon, what do you plan to do in the future? It is better to join our rouge door. You should know that this time our rouge door has gained the wealth of the beast king, and it is only a matter of time before we rise. Reached an agreement with Master Chu Yun and became the spokesperson of Shujia Island ... "

Yi Yan stood up at the right moment, and all the women were moved. Some of these captured women are members of the Rouge Gate, and a large part are other ranger women.

"Rouge door, to be honest, I have been paying attention to your school for a long time."

"Me too. A ranger sect composed entirely of women. At the beginning, it was not optimistic."

"However, now there is the heritage of the Beast King, and there is support from Master Chu Yun. Becoming a first-class force is just around the corner."

All the girls, you said one word to me, and the more you said, the more you moved.

In the world of Rangers, competition is fierce and full of conspiracy calculations. As a woman's ranger, their gender makes them inherently in a weak position in the competition.

In many cases, beauty is a wealth, but also the origin of the disaster. Because of its own beauty, it has been secretly calculated by other companions, such examples are not uncommon in the ranger world.

Therefore, many beautiful Taobao women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter coat m ranger women, are scattered, did not join any ranger martial arts, alone.

Rouge door, don't look at it is just a third-rate school. But secretly, it was secretly followed by many female rangers. Even though they are so powerful, they can cope with many things, but they still need a group to help each other.

"I join!"

"I also want to join, but there is a problem.

Will male members be recruited in the future? "

"No. The first rule of the rouge door is to only admit female rangers," Hua Mei said flatly.

"Okay, I want to join too!"

"To be honest, I hoped for a long time ago that there was such a martial art-wholly belonged to our women."

The same experience allows them to merge into each other unconsciously. For a time, the scene was hot. Yi Yan and Hua Mei registered and arranged one by one, and they were very busy with sweat.

"These rangers have very high qualities. After recruiting this group of people, the strength of our rouge door is almost doubled!" Although Yi Yan was exhausted, his expression was very exciting.

Huamei smiled faintly: "This is just the beginning. This time we have endured a forest trip, we have received earth-shaking changes. With those treasures, and Shujia Island behind you, it only takes two or three months, We can become a first-class force in the ranger world. "

"So fast?!"

"Don't underestimate people's hearts. How many female rangers are alone. The appeal of the Rouge Gate is absolutely strong. As soon as the news comes out, we don't need to take the initiative to recruit and buy horses, someone will come from all directions. This is the unique competitiveness of the Rouge Men! "Huamei's eyes flashed brightly and she was confident.

"However, too much personal strength is not a good thing. This will cause trouble for integration. The school is always a whole, and the rouge door cannot be loose. The people recruited today, I plan to cultivate them as the core. With this core in the future, we will slowly expand. With a strong foundation, integration will be smooth. "Huamei looked forward, and then changed his tone, speaking of the future.

"These people can indeed form a rope to form the core." Yi Yan nodded. Needless to say, the same encounter can make people the same. What's more, they also share a dream-like encounter.

To some extent, Chu Yun actually constitutes the foundation of this core.

"Speaking of it, I have to thank him for everything. I don't know what you think of Yi Yan?" Hua Mei asked suddenly.

Yi Yan shrugged and shook his head. His eyes were clear and complicated. "If you care, then you must care. Bi Jing is the one who took my place. But on the other hand, I didn't care. Sister, you also know my dreams. I just want to explore the ultimate secret of the mathematician. To be honest, I also feel anxious after the event. It ’s the fastest update. I do n’t know how to face the future. But Hearing that he did n’t remember these things, he was really relieved. In this way, I am still me, he is still him. I am walking on the path of pursuing my dreams, he is still the Shu Island ’s young master, the limelight Zhengjin Xiaobawang. "

"Sister, what about you?" Yi Yan asked at the end.

"Me?" Hua Mei smiled silently. "I'm not a noble lady. I have been naively dreaming about the real child. I lost my mother since I was a child, and I wandered with my father. I witnessed many life and death. Farewell-better understand the pain and hardship of being a female ranger. So, I want to create a martial art that can really rely on and belongs to our women. "

"I never thought about the way I would live with a man. Chu Yun was my first man and the last one. I will bury it in the deepest memory of this matter. Forever, time The dust will bury it deeply, rot, and vanish. I am me, and he is him. "

Yi Yan nodded, silenced for a moment, and opened his mouth.

"Are you worried about Xiao Feiyan?" Hua Mei knew her well and knew what she wanted to ask. "Don't worry, Feiyan was picked up from the battlefield. I have experienced many things since I was a child, although I am a little confused on weekdays. , But she has learned how to accept reality while protecting herself. "

"It always feels like something happened ..." Chu Yun was lying on the stone bed reel in the carefully arranged dry cave, and something vaguely felt in his heart.

But he couldn't think of it in retrospect. There is a blur in the memory, like darkness.

"Drinking too much this time." He sighed, and his eyes brightened immediately, "but I also got a lot of benefits, and I'm not losing money!"

The growth of the soul alone made him unable to bear the smile, let alone the winning scroll of the beast king's experience.

The scroll in his hand, heavy, was not easy to obtain. Listening to the robbery demons, even when Chu Yun was drunk and pretending to be a hero, he clung to the scroll tightly and did not relax.

This statement is not unreliable.

After Chu Yun woke up, he did show up in his hand, and he held the scroll in a furious way.

"Thousand beasts dominate the secret seal of Tianhuang!" He exhibited scrolls-the first few silver paintings of Daewoo iron hooks, and they rushed into his eyes.

This is a set of handprints, with only four basic gestures, easy to understand. Combined together, eight different sets are derived. The whole set of handprint pictures exudes a simple and remote atmosphere.

Chu Yun went on to read-"The Seal of Ten Thousand Beasts Dominating the Great Waste, obtained from the Star Saint's Legacy. Non-Junior Auras can't be pinched, use the mystery of Xuanqi, and can communicate extremely with the Beast Auras.

"What? This secret seal of the thousands of beasts governing the great wasteland comes from the Xingsheng's suicide note?" Seeing this, Chu Yun couldn't help but be shocked.

He was shocked and happy. This set of fingerprints was so big that it would scare a crowd of people. It must have a magical effect, but unfortunately, with his aura now, it is only the level on the list. Of course, it won't take long before a powerful soul can produce aura, which can push his aura into the list of strange people.

But even so, there is still a certain distance from Junbang.

"Get your hand, but you can't use it!" Chu Yun seemed to have a cat's paw scratching his heart, itchy. He did not dare to try indiscriminately. Aura is very important, and he cannot take risks without the hope of success.

He looked on again.

The reel was spread out, and it was only half-arm wide and one arm long. But it recorded a huge amount of Wenyu. With Chu Yun's mind, one Wenyu read it out-on the blank paper, another Wenyu appeared.

White paper Heiyu, especially eye-catching.

In Wen Yu, he recorded the humorous shape of Ten Thousand Beast King's own practice, and he also had a lot of experience. To Chu Yun, it seems to be a bright light on a dark road, which is very precious.

At the end of Wenyu, the King of Beasts finally revealed the secret that he could control the Thousand Beasts.

Chu Yun read all the examples and read the whole day. It wasn't until the night was heavy that he breathed out a sigh of breath—the reel he had read would be closed again.

"The Thousand Beast King is worthy of being a king-level strong man. The noble character who dominates one side actually has such a deep understanding of Aura! It is really admirable."

This admiration is entirely from his sincerity.

With this secret ~ ~ Baidudu Yuyao Supreme Supreme is the fastest update. He only needs ample time to achieve the level of the beast king.

At that time, he waved his hand, thousands of monsters stretched for thousands of miles, the sky and the water, the sky and the sky, the sky and the sky, swept the world.

Who can resist?

Stallion? Harem? In fact, they are all false. I also struggled with this problem before, because some people wanted to see a stallion, some wanted to see a harem, some only watched killings, and did n’t even want a hostess. These days, I have been thinking about life and death. I feel that life is too vain. Life does not bring death and not take away. All the honor and wealth can only let go at the end of life. We can only pursue the process and the happiness in the process. )

That's right. Is happy. Stallions and harems are actually not the point. Is the point that we feel happy while we live? If you feel happy, you are worthy of your life. After reading the previous chapter, do you feel happy? If you feel happy, it means that my writing is very valuable. Stallion? Harem? Don't be so real. What kind of thing is worth comparing with this? In front of life and death, nothing deserves to be true. )

Hope everyone is happy. This is a sincere blessing. Another: There is no charge for Yuyu in Kuozi. ) (To be continued)

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