The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 37: : Dou Jiu!

, "This young man actually wants to fight wine with Dahu?"

"I heard it right? Haha, I really don't know that the sky is thick!"

"The king can drink ten altars. How many altars can this kid drink?"

"It's enough to choke on the altar, haha, just wait to watch the show."

Hearing Chu Yun's promise to fight wine with the rioting apes, the monkeys of the spirit demon series all laughed, and there was a burst of mockery.

"Okay, I can agree so neatly, you are the first one. Very courageous, if you win, I will recognize you as a friend, do it here!" Riot ape smiled with his head, pointing his finger The nearest seat next to it.

"Master, it's impossible ..."

"Heart wine is not an ordinary wine, it also has a special effect!"

"Not only to drink alcohol, there are other conspiracy methods for this dead monkey."

Several robbers advised with a worried face.

"You are not allowed to speak, this test, you are just witnesses. If anyone reveals a word, even if he takes the initiative to admit defeat." The rioting ape is quite overbearing, preventing the robbery monsters from continuing to speak.

"Alas ..." The six robbery demons sighed one by one, shaking their heads more than once. Obviously none of Chu Yun will pass this test.

Start to fight wine.

A wine jar was lifted to the front of Chu Yun by three riot monkeys.

Dozens of sea bowls are placed on the stone table in front of Chu Yun, each of which has the size of a grinding disc. Immediately after pouring the wine, there was a strong and strong aroma of wine.

"Good wine!" Although Chu Yun doesn't usually drink alcohol, he smelled the aroma of the wine, and it immediately became a supreme taste.

"That's for sure! My heart-wrenching wine is the favorite of dozens of people who have caught it, night and day, using all kinds of natural materials and hard work, and the more you bite out, the more you can drink, the more you can detect it. To its magical effect. Hey, hey ... Come on, let's go to this altar first! "The rioting ape is magnificent, he sits on the throne, and directly takes the throne of the God Seal to lift his neck. The throne of the Indian throne continues.

"Okay! Majesty is the hegemon in wine!"

"The great king Yingming Shenwu, a heart-warming wine in every field, is simply a small test."

Soon, the rioting ape drank a jar of wine without dripping, which attracted all the spirit demon apes to applaud.

"Look, that kid has finished drinking!"

"Oh, it's amazing. For the first time I can see a human who can drink a pot of exciting wine."

"It doesn't matter, the king's strength is unfathomable. If you want to fight wine, this kid is still far away."

Seeing Chu Yun also holding the sea bowl, he drank the wine. The monkeys were a little surprised.

"What kind of wine is this? Can actually condense and strengthen my soul!" Chu Yun drank the wine, and suddenly felt that the wine had turned into a warm stream flowing through the body and poured into his soul, Constantly strengthen and nourish his soul.

He could not help but be surprised and happy: "This is really good wine, good wine. My physical fitness is very strong by taking dragon eye fruit, far beyond the soul. Now the soul is strengthened and the short board is made up. The aura in the body will be improved again! "

There is a spirit in the body and a soul in the soul, and both are indispensable for the aura to grow.

Chu Yun's physical qualities benefit from the dragon's eye fruit, which is already very strong. It seems to be a water tank. But the soul is like a small-caliber faucet. It takes a long time to fill the water tank with aura.

When Chu Yun ate Huanran Taohua Pill, his body, soul, and aura increased at the same time, and this dilemma could not be changed.

But now, this exciting wine can!

After drinking this altar, Chu Yun's soul grew tenfold. It is equivalent to magnifying the diameter of the faucet ten times. The length of the aura has gained flying strength

"You also feel the martial arts, the Holy King, the Holy King, the night killing the God Seal, the throne, and the strongest abandonment of the young and big Zhou Dynasty. Move the heaven and earth to kill the gods and seals of the throne in the night to ask the devil to be proud of the Nine Chongtian strongest to abandon the young Da Zhou dynasty. Hahaha, its beauty is more than that. Come to the second altar! "The riot ape smiled deeply. Immediately, he picked up the second wine tank and poured it down.

"The great king is invincible!"

"The king's wine volume is rich and magnificent, and the little ones admire the five bodies."

"Huh? That human kid actually drank it!"

"A little skill, but he is definitely not the opponent of the king."

The spirit demon monkey heads present smelled of wine, drooling, whispering while whispering.

"Where is the third altar?" After drinking the second tank of wine, Chu Yun immediately felt that his soul had skyrocketed, and on the basis of the original, he had increased fivefold!

The heart-wrenching wine is so wonderful that it has such advantages. Now his soul, although there are still some gaps with the body's qualities, but has drawn a great distance.

He couldn't resist the excitement in his heart and started to ask for a drink.

"This kid, it's amazing. He actually drank the third altar."

"He became more and more fierce, and he took the initiative to drink!"

The spirit demon apes all looked over in surprise.

"Alas, the delicious wine is delicious, but the stamina is very strong. We have all been in the state of the young master, but it is just a flash in the pan."

"Yes, I drank this wine at first, and I had something terrible. Then I slept for three days and three nights,"

Several demon robbers were still not optimistic about Chu Yun, lamented in their mouths, and all were downcast.

"Good wine, good wine. Is there any, there is still!" Chu Yun drank the third jar of wine, feeling full of strength. The spirit is refreshing, which is due to the great increase in the soul.

The demon were really surprised.

"He didn't actually fall down. The third jar of wine is a level, and he didn't bother him."

"Look at his eyes, his eyes are as bright as new, it's just that the more you drink, the more spirit, the more courageous the battle!"

"Your kid, there is indeed some wine." The riot ape also looked over and nodded. However, the expression was still unconcerned, the Santan wine was nothing.

But then, the fourth, fifth and sixth altars!

"What! My eyes are spent. This human kid actually drank Liutan Liquor."

"It's really amazing. I have never seen such a drinkable human being!"

"Is this our young master? The first person in hundreds of thousands of years, it is really not easy. Maybe this wine fight can really win!"

All the demons were excited, and they all looked at Chu Yun with incredible eyes.

"Not bad, very good. I finally met a decent opponent." The riot squinted his eyes, really regarded Chu Yun as an opponent, and his eyes lit up.

Seventh Altar, Eighth Altar, Ninth Altar!

"Careful, carefree!" Chu Yun raised his head and laughed very happy. His soul has been greatly enhanced, not only has he caught up with the physical qualities, and even has a part of Vietnam.

Nine-cylinder wine, let his soul quality, and later came to the fore, over the body in one fell swoop.

This is a adventure.

Chu Yun was very satisfied with this harvest alone. Even if you can't pass the test, such gains are enough to comfort.

Instead, the demon calmed down from the trouble.

Already the ninth altar, the two sides have reached the most critical moment.

The atmosphere of the whole square is dignified, and everyone's eyes are concentrated on Chu Yun and the riot ape.

"This kid really can't see it. It's so drinkable, bad, my head is already dizzy. He seems to be a okay person!" The rioting ape was flushed, and his heart secretly shouted.

After the Jiutan wine, Chu Yun was still alive and well. This situation was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Oh, they don't know my physical quality, far beyond the soul. Most of the alcohol is consumed, nourishing my soul. At the same time, I have a drunk snow knife, my body is not only hardy but also drunk! It is a pity that this heart wine is also a kind of panacea. It is resistant to drinking too much. My soul growth has been very small. "

The spirit recharged by the drunk snow knife can transform the body of the demon master and resist cold and drunkenness. It has the reputation of "thousands of cups are not drunk and thousands of cups are not examples ...".

Although Chu Yun doesn't drink normally. But Erliang is scary and does n’t fear anyone.

"However, there is still more goodness in this exciting wine. It's a little bit to grow a little!" Thinking of this, Chu Yun waved his hand and yelled, "What about wine? Come on quickly, the more the better, the more the better!"

"Young Master, invincible!"

"It's massive! The young master is brilliant and surprising. It's unpredictable.

"The first person in hundreds of thousands of years, we have no illusions. The inheritance of the old master is expected!"

The Yunwing Tiger and other robbery monsters are screaming with excitement and shaking with excitement.

"Unexpectedly, Master Chu Yun could drink so much!" Hua Mei's eyes widened, and he looked shocked.

"Yes, he has drunk snow knife beside him. Han Yan's aura of drunk snow knife ... Ha ha ha, this rioting ape just hit the muzzle." Yi Yan's eyes flickered, flashing a strange glow.

"Brother Chu Yun is so powerful, he is not only a good fight, he is also a mathematician. He is not only resourceful, but also able to drink so much." Xiao Feiyan's eyes flickered and his face was full of worship.

"This man is too fierce! I don't see it. He is playing a pig and eating a tiger!" Seeing Chu Yun's vigorous momentum still drinking, the riot ape's heart suddenly shook, and his morale dropped. He is a veteran of the winery and immediately knew that he was not Chu Yun's opponent!

"You can't go this small again ~ ~ You have to think of a way. If you lose, I'll lose my face." He rolled his eyes dizzyly, and thought.

He is a robbery of tens of millions of years, his aura is similar to ordinary people, and his wisdom is equal. It's just usual, used to use fists to solve problems. Now that the situation was forcing him to move his mind, he came up with a solution.

"Yes!" He screamed suddenly, "What do you mean by drinking alone? Come, come and dance!"

"Yes, just follow the order of the king!" Immediately, his men ran down, and almost a moment later, they came to a large group of female monkeys.

They were covered with black hair, teeth were grinning, and their muscles were strong, forming a dance formation. With a creak, he walked over while dancing.


Chu Yun glanced at it, and suddenly a sip of wine came out. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (Zhoubi.u ~~) to vote for recommendation, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation) Happy Singles Day! Send it old!

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