The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 36: : Test of the riot ape

The gold-clad giant banged a punch, and the world changed color!

The golden awn blooms as the sun comes.

Vajra set the fist! This punch is full of marvelous might, Xuan Wu's might, and terrifying courage.

With a punch, the incomplete monster array collapsed and the cloud-winged tiger flew out.

With another punch, the venomous gecko spit blood and fell.

The third punch fought again, and the Sky Purple Birds couldn't stop the defeat.

"Xiang Rui's body!" The nine-colored deer spouted three splendors, protecting them one by one. All of a sudden, healed them, and became alive again.

"Vajra's boxing fist, which can lay the world, is really too fierce."

"At that time, King Ku Tuo was relying on this fist to lay the ground and hit a river in a row. Create the first-class Ku Tuo Temple!"

"If the battle is complete, you can resist. But now ..."

The robbers stabilized their positions, but only surrounded them, no longer fighting. I am helpless about this fist Dao method, there is no way. Incomplete battle array-full of mistakes, under such a fist, it is easy to be caught and cracked one by one. If it is a complete gossip battle array, then Xixing will be overcoming.

However, King Ku Tuo is also a strong man of the same level as the King of Beasts. It can be justified to have such a heritage.

"Hehehe, I am the master of King Ku Tuo, the most powerful demon soldier, Vajra Vajra. Now I have been practicing for 30 million years, that is, your 10,500-year-old riot ape, It will not help either. This is accumulation, this is strength. "The golden armor descended like a god, and the whole body was golden, standing out of thin air in the long sea of ​​clouds.

"Hahaha! Well, this is the power of my ancestor King Ku Tuo. What a king of beasts is simply scum. My North Guangguang decided, I will definitely practice my mouth to reproduce the supreme dignity of my ancestor! I will come back to you again, Chu Yun! "Bei Guangguang yelled, his tone very rampant and proud.

The robbers gritted their teeth and stared at the golden armor, all feeling very sullen.

Huamei and others were silent.

"You, he *, who said it's unhelpful?" However, at this moment, a loud roar of arrogance came suddenly from the world.


The air was torn, the sound was exploding, a figure burst out, and a long black line was drawn in the air, and the robbery's momentum was tumbling and fierce and fierce.

"This is what I said. The riot ape, you are not as good as me, and it is useless to come. Look at my Vajrasattva boxing fist!" Jinjia Jucha yelled and punched.


Jinmang shot, and instantly formed a huge golden fist to win. With the movement of the golden armor, he beat the riot ape.

For a moment, the air seemed to be frozen, and the sun was eclipsed by the light of this fist.

This is the fiercest punch from Dali Vajra.

Compared with the huge fist shadow, the riot ape is tiny, as if an ant rushed to the bobcat.

"Fart fist!" Hear the rioting ape roaring, increasing instead of falling-hitting Jinquan virtual shadow with a bang.

"Why?" The gold armor giant roared in shock, and it was updated the fastest. Vajra Settlement Boxing collapsed!

"Cultivation is a fart! Come and try my fist!" The rioting ape has a loud voice, and his roar echoes from the world. It seemed that the big drum was shaking in the ear, Chu Yun and others felt dizzy.


The riot ape punched, hitting the belly of the golden armor.

"Uh--!" The golden glow of Jin Jiaju's whole body burst into disintegration. He was beaten into a prawn with this punch, his tongue sticking out, and his eyes almost glared down.


The rioting ape turned into a black shadow, and he fisted around the golden armor, and he punched like a wind, violently messed up, powerful, and extremely aggressive.

In an instant, the Jinjia giant suffered a cruel inhuman detonation. Blinking Kung Fu-He has already hit hundreds of punches in a row, punching to the flesh, thoroughly penetrating.


The last punch of the rioting ape drove the golden armor from thousands of miles into the sky. Smashed on the ground, hitting dozens of giant pits. Suddenly the mountain was shaken, the rocks rolled, the dust flew, and covered the sky.

"What kind of stuff? Dare to be arrogant on my site!" Among the dust, a figure of Wei An Xiongba came out slowly. He scolded in his mouth while holding the golden armor's feet in his hand, dragging him forward.

At that time, the giant chariot transformed by the king's main battle demon force, Jin Gang Pei, had passed out. The body was puffy, and they were all beaten up by the riot ape.

"Giggle ..." Beiguangguang seemed to be a male duck pinched by his neck-his body trembling, watching the rioting ape step by step, he stepped back in horror.

The riot ape didn't look at him at all. After a few strides, he stopped before Chu Yun.

"You are the inheritor of my old master?" He is extremely tall and has two feet. Black fury, the muscles, and the same upper body, the best update is the best. Black chest hair spread all over from top to bottom. The waist is simply surrounded by gray linen. On the thighs and calves, there are thick black leg hair. All over the ocean, there was a fierce air of lawlessness.

"If you want to inherit the treasure, you must pass my test!" He stared at Chu Yun and said again.


Xiao Feiyan swallowed her saliva and couldn't help but take a step back-shrinking behind Yi Yan.

"Riot ape ..." Several robbery demons flew down together-their faces were very embarrassed.

Chu Yunang, looking directly at the eyes of the rioting ape, was not afraid: "You came very well, and I am also looking for you. What is your test?"

"Don't worry, come to my riot mountain, let's talk about it in detail." The riot ape waved his hand, and his pity was like a cast iron, fierce and majestic.

Zhan (Sister Yunwing Tiger, Sister Xiaomeng, I haven't seen you for a long time! "But the next moment, the riot ape suddenly changed his face. He smiled ripplingly, rubbing his hands, bending his back, bowing to Yun Winged Tiger and Meng Xie Bei Bei greeted the two robbery monsters.

Cloud-winged tiger fat is fat and healthy, and the dreamy thread shell is temperament like a dream, but it has a big cake face. Seeing the rioting ape approaching, he immediately retreated a few steps, a look of alertness. "

These three little sisters, dare to ask Fang Ming? Suddenly the riot abruptly turned around again, and leaned towards the three Huamei girls. Tian smiled, looking at the flower-like three girls—with red hearts in their eyes, their saliva flowing out.

"Aren't you going to test me?" Chu Yun slid a foot in front of the third girl.

"Boy!" The rioting ape burst into anger. When he saw Chu Yun, he suddenly turned into a terrible temperament, and turned back into a brutal evil.


Chu Yun unfolded the map scroll and asked: "Riot ape, don't you know what this is? Have you forgotten Ten Thousand Beast King's orders?"

"Your kid ..." The rioting ape glanced at Chu Yun, but couldn't do it. He was the most loyal to the King of Beasts, glanced at the map, and stared at the three daughters-as a result, Chu Yun blocked most of his vision.

He stomped his feet resentfully and shouted angrily: "Good boy, you come with me. If you pass the test, you are done!"

, 6 Don't even want to run! "He grabbed a big hand and took Bei Guangguang, who had secretly lurked a few miles away, and took it.

"Small gadgets, dare to fiddle with me in front of me." He ripped it in and ripped off Beiguangguang's five-spray smoke. Suddenly revealed the true look of Bei Guangguang.

He was kind-eyed and kind-eyed, and now he was full of horror. He was dressed as a brave monk, with a simple quality. There is no head on the shiny head, which is the sign of Kutuo Temple.

"Master Beiguang!" Huamei and others were completely surprised to see him.

Master Beiguang is one of the four elders of Kutuo Temple. He is well-known in the ranger world and is known for his kindness and generosity. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be one of the four harlots in Xingzhou!

"Are you the only blood left by King Ku Tuo? Very interesting. From now on, let me be my pet!" The riot ape laughed and announced the fate of Bei Guangguang.

Riot Mountain is located in the center of the endless forest.

It is as high as a thousand feet, the iron village is dense, and the rocks are rugged. The mountain peaks into the clouds, rash and magnificent.

Among the mountains, there is only one group of rioting apes, and there are little demon monkeys jumping around.

A group of people followed the riot ape to the top of the riot mountain. A dojo was opened here, which was the holy place where the Beastmaster taught the monsters and beasts.

This is a large Guangyangchang, stone tables and chairs, everything.

"Little ones, have seen the king!" The riot ape returned-immediately dozens of spirit demon-level apes came to bow and bow to worship. These monkeys are all humanoid, with thick hairs and fierce and brave appearances.

Looking at them alone, you know that the rioting ape family is worthy of the endless forest, the number one monster beast group.

"Come here, set a banquet! Go to the heart and drink, I have to test the first inheritor of the old master in hundreds of thousands of years!" The rioting apes arranged for everyone to sit down, arranged their own clan in the upper seat, arranged for Chu Yun and others In the next seat.

Other robbery monsters, sitting next to Chu Yun, changed their faces one by one when they heard "Heart-driving Wine".

"Heart-driving wine, this family is really crazy, even want to fight wine!"

"Heart wine, I can't even drink three jars. Is this a test? It's desperate!"

The robbery demons couldn't sit still, and said to the riot ape: "Change another test, this is too difficult ~ ~ Yeah-heaven and earth, who else can beat you, the monkey head? ? "

"Shut up! This is the bronze treasure chest that I am guarding. It's the fastest update of the 100th degree demon master. The rules are up to me. You all have no right to interfere. Well, boy, dare to fight with me Is it wine? "The riot ape waved, and the field suddenly calmed down.

"So your test is drinking? Why don't you dare?" Chu Yun smiled. He sat cross-legged, his waist was straight, and his smile was very confident.

"Good! Little ones, come on the wine!" The riot ape even said three good times, yelled, and immediately Monkey 6 continued to bring up dozens of bottles of fine wine.

Seeing these wine jars-Huamei and others changed their faces.

Where is this wine jar, it is simply a wine jar!

The third update is here, and it will start a stable update tomorrow. The first one is at B o'clock in the afternoon, and the second one is at night. Potential everyone tells each other. As for bursting, coughing, temporarily there is nothing. No way, no deposit. But everything is slowly recovering ... Well, I am asking for monthly ticket encouragement here! ) (To be continued.—

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