The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 38: : All my wives

Watching Chu Yun startled, the riot ape laughed: ‘Little brother, you drink well. Come take a look at the beauty of my family. Look at the dark fur, look at the soft monkey tail, look at their tender muscles ", Gee, is it beautiful?"

Chu Yun's strong wine volume made him also impressed. Therefore, the promotion from "little boy" to "little brother" changed. In the title.

"Beauty !!!" Chu Yun hadn't had time to answer, and the group of spirit demon order riot apes suddenly shouted. Looking at the female monkeys in the field one by one, their eyes flashed, and some of them shed. water.

"It's really beautiful." Chu Yun wiped cold sweat from his head.

"Hey, hey," the Riot Ape King smiled deeply and said, "What fun is it for us to fight wine? It is better to be alone than everyone, come here and give everyone a drink!"

"Thank you, King!" The monkeys had long been greedy, and shouted one by one.

"This," on the contrary, Jiushilu and other robbery monsters, seeing the heart-wrenching wine presented, seemed to recall some painful lesson. All faces are very ugly and weird.

"Little brother, sit next to me. Let's fight again!" Ape King roared excitedly.

"Good!" Chu Yun was not afraid, strode vigorously, and sat down to the nearest position beside the riot king.

The tenth altar, the eleventh altar, the twelfth altar!

The two sides fought Santan wine again, the riot king turned red, his head dizzy, his eyes blurred, leaving only a trace of wise light.

Chu Yun was also full of alcohol and felt dizzy. Drinking to this extent, his soul has grown tremendously, and at the same time has reached the limit. The drug resistance is very high. If you drink it again, the growth will be minimal.

Both sides are desperately insisting, relying on perseverance to see who will fall first.

"This kid, why haven't he fainted yet? Impossible, I used the beauty of the whole family to distract him. He didn't move at all. Was this kid's heart hit by iron?" The riot king was secretly shocked and felt Chu Yun's horror strength.

"Little brother, look at the beauties of my family again. Are they beautiful?" The king of the apes was not willing to fail, and made a final effort with a tempting tone.

Chu Yun had no interest in these black-haired female monkeys. Because of the scene, a quick glance. His eyes were dim and his head dizzy.

From this perspective, he was surprised.

Seeing these female monkeys, Zhejiang gradually turned into a person he knew well in his eyes.

Among these people are Huamei, Yi Yan, Xiao Feiyan, and Hongshang Fairy. The one who is merged is not someone else, and it is Jin Bihan!

She had taken off the men's clothing at this time, a dance dress, covering the chest and crotch, exposing a large area of ​​white skin. She danced a tempting dance, her eyes hooked to the extreme, Chu Yun glanced at it, and felt that her own soul was about to move!

"Hey, hearty wine, hearty wine. Your kid is hearty, and I'm doing it, hahaha! When the heart moves, if you want to be together, the wine power will double. This fight against wine I won!" Smirking.

This heart talk wine can increase soul, stimulate more, and arouse the most secret emotions in people's hearts.

Chu Yun drank too much wine, it was simply sensational. Even the tiniest traces on weekdays are magnified infinitely.

"Oops! Young master, I've done my work!"

"This heart-wrenching wine, alias wine. It's over, it's over, young master is going to follow us."

"This dead monkey is uneasy and kind. He can't fight alcohol, so he cheats!"

Several robbery monsters were shocked and sighed when they saw Chu Yun's eyes blurred. They all remembered the past, and the expression on their faces was more complicated. There are regrets, regrets, hatreds, sympathies.

"The long night is long and I don't want to sleep. How about picking a little brother and spending a good night together?" The Riot Ape King proposed slowly.

"Pick one?" Chu Yun had a chaos in his head, looking forward, and could not help thinking, "I should pick the graceful and mature Huamei, or the elegant and flamboyant smoke, or the lively and lovely little flying swallow The fairy in the red dress is as gorgeous as the fire, which is not bad. Brother Jin is even more like a face, spending a good night with him, it must be a beautiful enjoyment. "

"Wait! What's going on ?! Why am I thinking this way? Brother Jin and I are both men, what am I thinking?"

Suddenly, Chu Yun was horrified. The increasingly blurred eyes suddenly shone with clear light.

His surprise was no small matter.

Suddenly sweating all over, realizing that this is the trick of the riot king.

Looking at it again, it is still a black and lush female monkey, jumping wildly. Just think about it, he almost promised Ape King, to choose one.

Chu Yun's heart was suddenly terrified, and at the same time he was very happy: "Well, Brother Jin, you helped a lot. At the most critical moment, you played the role of defeating defeat. Just why are you the first to lead the dance?"

"Is it ..." Chu Yun burst into his heart, feeling a very bad feeling. Immediately to stop the overflowing thoughts, I was frightened by myself and dared not think about it anymore.

"Forget it, such a beauty, leave it to you. I dare not expect it." Chu Yun shook his head and refused firmly.

"Huh ?! Young Master, it is clear now."

"He has overcome what is in his heart, what a firm will!"

"Rare, it's so rare. I thought I was awkward, and the past is unbearable. No wonder he was the first person to receive the inheritance in hundreds of thousands of years!"

Many robbery demons, at this moment, gave amazing amazement. Chu Yun's refusal to act was a miracle in their hearts. Let them feel heartfelt admiration!

"You are not tempted by beautiful colors!" The riot king yelled, his voice full of incredible. He stared at Chu Yun and looked at him carefully. His eyes were horrified, and he felt like watching a monster.

"It's nothing. Let's drink the bar again!" Chu Yun saw through his track and chased after the victory.

Thirteenth Altar!

Chu Yun drank dizzy, and the riot king even knotted his tongue, and his speech was unfavorable.

Fourteenth Altar!

The riot king was crumbling, and Chu Yun almost fainted. He did his utmost to take out the Lishan longan flower branch, tremblingly picked a longan fruit, and ate it.

The dragon's eyes fell into abdomen, and suddenly turned into a heat flow, flowing all over the body, increasing his physical fitness.

This is the fruit he cultivated from the dragon's eye from the ruins of Bluestone. It is the first time to take it, and it has a very impressive effect immediately. Chu Yun suddenly felt awake, as if a clear and cold stream suddenly struck his sultry head.

"Long Qingguo!" The riot king of apes saw this branch of dragon eye fruit, widened his eyes in vain, and screamed in surprise. He originally wanted to fight a stalemate and his fighting spirit was completely broken up.

"Hahaha, I lost. You are really powerful, you take this scroll. The records are all the experience of the master of the beast king." The king of apes recognized the game and lost, and immediately threw a scroll. At the same time, he shouted again, "You guys, listen, from today on, this little brother will be my friend. You should treat him like I did."

"Yes! Take part in the king, take part in the second king!"

Chu Yun became somehow the second owed king in the monkey group.

"Great, great!"

"Really won. That's the old master's experience scroll. If the young master learns it, it will make us recognize the master!"

Several robbery demons were very excited, looked at each other, tears in tears.

"Come here, put all the women who have been captured recently for our pleasure." The Riot Ape King asked again.

A group of women was immediately escorted by their men.

"These human women, although a little ugly. But the little ones, just take a look. Each one picks one to play!" Cried the king of the apes.

"Wait a minute!"

"Stop it all!"

Huamei and Yi Yan looked cold and stood up with a brush: "You can't do this!"

"Master! Master Chu Yun!" Among the women, there were members of the Rouge Gate. When they saw Chu Yun and Huamei, they saw hope in despair.

"Master Chu Yun, save us."

"Master, we just want to go back, we encountered a group of spirit demon monkeys. Most of the sisters were captured."

The members of Rouge Gate cried.

"How can this be? Ape King, these people are my friends, let them all go." Chu Yun sighed.

"Can't let it go, King, we caught it hard. How can we just let it go?" The spirit demon monkeys were yelling.

"This is all ugly women. Since I have agreed to the small ones, I can't say anything. Friends, like this, I will give you some of my women as compensation. These are all great beauties of my family. "Ape King said slowly.

"No! I must not let my friend suffer such harm." Chu Yun waved his hand, and his attitude was more determined.

"Are these women ~ ~ all your wives? Friends wives, don't be fooled. If they are all your wives, we won't say anything, but will want to punish you. But if not, forgive It's hard to kill! "Ape King shouted, his mouth full of alcohol.

"You," Chu Yun is about to make.

"Nothing wrong. We are up and down the rouge door, all are the wife of Young Master Chu Yun." Hua Mei burst into a sudden, suddenly said.

"Master Huamen" Chu Yun turned his head and saw Yi Yan shaking his head slightly to himself. He suddenly realized that this was the only way to save. Facing the drunken Ape King, he couldn't reason, he could only follow him Ideas come.

"Nothing wrong. Now I confess to you, these women are my wives." Chu Yun nodded.

"It's all your brother's wife?" The king of the apes opened his mouth, very surprised. After a while, he suddenly spit out a sentence, "I'm not saying you, brother, your taste is too heavy, right?"

As a bachelor, I wish you a happy Singles Day! ) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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