The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 35: : Battle of the Demons

"Is this monkey really so terrible?" Chu Yun couldn't help but wonder when he saw the faces of the monsters.

"Alas, the young master does not know. Although the robbery is the pinnacle of the monster, it is different. It is divided into 100,000 years of robbery, millions of years of robbery, and thousands of years of robbery. We are only a million. In the robbery of the year, my cultivation level was the highest and deepest, which was only more than 9 million years. And the monkey was already cultivated for 10.5 million years. "Jiuserlu explained Xiao.

His face is bitter, although cultivation is the highest, but he is only good at healing Xiao Fa, and there is not much fighting power at all.

"Ten years of robbery!" Chu Yun felt a shock in his heart, only to understand how horrible this monkey was.

Among the Xingzhou rattan lists, 108 Junjie only needs a big demon to qualify for the list. In the Ishiban, you need more than three spirit demon. The strange person list is at least six-headed spirit demon.

To the higher level of the hero list, there must be a robbery of 100,000 years in hand.

The list is six 100,000 years of robbery, Hou Bang is a million years of robbery.

At the top of the list, there must be at least six million years of robbery.

After the death of the Beastmaster, many monsters are scattered, and the world is going back to nature. The most commonly used eight-headed robbery, cultivated since childhood, loyal, stayed in the endless forest, guarding the treasure.

They are Dianmang Lei Mao Village, Yun Winged Tiger, Venomous Gecko, Sky Purple Bird of Prey, Blue Dragon Serpentine, Nine-Colored Deer, Phantom Thread Shell, and Riot Ape.

This deceitful grandson who has been cultivated for thousands of years is a riot ape. At that time, the main battle monster monster of the Beast King was extremely terrifying, and with a little hands-on, it would collapse, the mountains would collapse, and the river would be diverted.

There is no doubt that he is the overlord of the Endless Forest. Although Chu Yun's strength has skyrocketed, he is still not an enemy of this monkey.

"The riot ape was the main battle monster of the beast king, and it is imagined that it was trusted by the beast king. Did he see me, an inheritor like me, the best bet is the fastest update. It will also turn up. Do you recognize people? "Chu Yun asked with a frown.

"This is not the case. He is absolutely loyal, even when the sea is dry and the rocks are ruined, and the world is broken, he will stick to it. We are extremely worried about his test, and it will not be that simple." Biluo Dragonfly sighed and said with a sigh.

"We talked in this way, and there was no result. It's better to get in touch first and then make plans." Chu Yun nodded and suggested.

"Once ... since the young master is interested, we will go out and accompany the young master."

"This time it's about freedom and happiness, so I have to bite the bullet!"

The robbery demons are all as if they are dead, so it can be seen how heavy the rioting apes are in their hearts.

"Ha ha ha, a robbery for tens of thousands of years. Five cowardly robbery, since that's the case, I won't play with you anymore, it's time to go!" Bei Guangguang suddenly laughed three times, and the whole body was five Luo Lanhuayan fluctuated violently, even trying to get rid of Yunwing Tiger.

"Death!" The cloud-winged tiger snorted and squeezed his palm hard. The reason for keeping him until now is just to wait until you are done and give this person to Chu Yun as a meeting gift. But now, the killing intentions start suddenly, do not want to save his life!

The cloud-winged tiger is a robbery for millions of years. How frightening is it to forgive?

Chu Yun and others felt a suffocation immediately. The cloud-winged tiger is just a humanoid figure, but she angered her hand and squeezed it past, and the space suddenly shattered, even forming a dark and hollow hole!

However, as soon as the incident was unexpected, a roar was heard, and a golden awn suddenly formed, forming a golden bell cover, and the North Guangguang was rigorously covered to resist the attack of the cloud-winged tiger.

"This person is the last bloodline of the old master of King Ku Tuo, and please stay with him." A figure emerged from Bei Guangguang's arms.

He has a strong back and a thick eyebrow. The body is golden and bright, the upper body, the skin is bronze, thick and heavy. Covered with gold armor and golden boots, Xianghui floated.

As soon as he debuted, a breath of magnificent grandeur came out, swept through the world, and set off the vitality, like a magnificent sea-vast and magnificent!

It turned out to be a robbery of tens of millions of years! !

"Hahaha, Chu Yun don't think that only you have adventures! Demon robbery, I also have Laozi. Vigorously Vajra pestle, kill me this group of people." Bei Guangguang restored freedom-hiding behind the golden armor, crying wildly .

"No." The golden armor and the strong man directly rejected the throne of the Immortal King. "I am your ancestor Kudu King's demon soldier, not yours. I will only protect you before you can grow to a king-level strong. You protect your life when you are under a fatal threat. Otherwise, you ca n’t order me. "

"Huh! I knew you would say that." Bei Guangguang sneered unwillingly, "Then you should let me evacuate here, should it be?"

"It's no problem!" Jin Jia replied naked and strong.

"Where to go?"

"Wag and shake and want to run from under our eyelids, just don't put us in my eyes!"

"Is King Ku Tuo amazing? Not yet died before our old master."

"At the endless forest, I want to go out! It's a delusion!"

The five robbery monsters were angry, and they roared one by one, rushing towards the Golden Armor.

Boom ...

A huge explosion sounded from the top of the cloud.

Jiuselu guarded Chu Yun and others and hurriedly retreated. The other four robbery monsters, cloud-winged tigers, blue dragonflies, poisonous geckos, and ferris purple eagles, surrounded the gold-clad strong men in the center and fought against each other.

"What a battle this is!" Shen Wenru Huamei was shocked. Not to mention Yi Yan and Feiyan, each of them opened their mouths slightly, and they were shocked.

This is the pinnacle state of the monster, and it is updated the fastest. The five-headed robbery are fighting.

Although they did not turn into their original form, they fought in human form. But everyone, between raising their hands and throwing their hands, has the power to ruin the world and ruin the river.

"Yunxiao Nine Heavy!" The cloud-winged tiger roared with a slap in the palm, volleying out of the tide of cloud waves, 3,000 miles in the air, billowing like smoke.

"Corrupted sentient beings!" Corrupted gecko smiled incessantly, turning into a dark shadow, and even the white clouds were blackened by raspberry everywhere he went. A trace of black gas blew down the mountain range, and the entire mountain suddenly extinguished its vitality, the vegetation withered, the flowers withered, and turned into a dead ground.

"Thousands of eagle claws!" The ferocious purple eagle is domineering and dancing in black. He hit hard and punched hard, the eagle's claws were sharp and sharp, tearing the world and the air was wailing.

"Ultimate flying cut!" Biluo Dragon Serpent has almost reached the point of invisible to the naked eye. He flew around the golden armor, and the light blue color waved out, cutting the space, which was unfavorable.

Although Dali King Kong Pestle has been cultivated for thousands of years, under such an attack, it has to be in a hurry.

This is a pinnacle.

The five men battled each other in high altitude, and the aftermath of the battle spread over thousands of miles, which still affected the surface.

The earth trembles, all things mourn, and the mountains seem to shudder.

"Is this the battle between the demons? How shocking it is!" Chu Yun looked up to the sky. Although he couldn't see it, he was impressed by the magnificent immense momentum that impacted his soul.

"One day, one day, I will control such a monster and reach this level!" He kept telling himself in his heart.

"Eternal immovable golden bell!" The roar of the golden armor came from various kinds of mountain and sea attacks. Then a ray of golden awn suddenly bloomed and expanded immediately.

The attacks of the cloud-winged tiger and others were weak.

"It's useless. You're just a robbery for millions of years. And I'm a robbery for thousands of years. This is a qualitative gap!" Jin Jiaju yelled, his voice rolling like thunder, shaking the entire endless forest.

"Not necessarily! We shot together and formed a battle front!" This time-a woman flew from a distance. She fluttered like a fairy, with a powder coat, her temperament was like a dream, and she whispered in her mouth.

"She should be a dreamy helical shell. The most defensive demon beast of the Thousand Beast King at that time, she breathed out illusion, combined with the dense fog of the endless forest-that is, the mist of loss, covering all directions, heaven and earth." For a moment, Chu Yun A move in my heart, guessed her origin.

"You be careful, I'm going to battle." Jiuselu placed Chu Yun and others in the depths of Lushen Valley, soared up and formed a battle with other robbery demons.

"War battle? Is this a gossip battle battle?" Dali Vajra suddenly felt the majestic pressure, and could not help but ask.

"Yes, this is the old gossip battle line of the old master! Unfortunately, there are only six of us, and there is no coordinating command of the demon master, and you can't exert one-tenth of the power of the battle line! Otherwise, you can still speak with strength. ? "Meng Ping Jiao was drinking.

All kinds of Taoism ~ ~ such as brilliant fireworks, billowing red dust, hide the world, and will pass. With a bang, the golden bell guard of Vigorous Vajra is defensive and the best way to update it. It was broken.

"Ah, so powerful!" The Jinjia strong man exclaimed, and was immediately submerged in such an attack.

"This is the real torrent of Taoism! After the adjustment of the gossip battle array, it presents the best release method. Not only does it not consume internally, but also follows the principle of mutual complicity of the five elements, it can also increase the power of Taoism!" Chu Yunjian After going through the content of the Eight Diagrams Battle Battle, at this time, I will look at the battle of the six-headed robbery monster.

"If I use Tianhu to participate in the formation of a gossip battle array, and release the Taoist torrent, it must be very powerful. And this method has almost no loss to Tianhu's mind."

"Awesome battle array! Worthy of being the Beastmaster. But it's over. My master, King Ku Tuo, is an older generation of kings older than your King Beast. You have gossip battle array, and I have Kutuo here. The unique method of Taoism taught by Wang-Vajra Dingfu! "

The golden armor was beaten up in awkwardness, which was completely beyond his expectations. Their own strength has surpassed them, but they were forced to do so and had to use the hole cards.

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