The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 34: : Mysterious Monster Egg

Deer Valley.

This is a deep and quiet valley, and the surrounding mountains are green like jade and the high shore is like a dike. The valley is lined with green onions and all flowers bloom. The waterfall hung like a rainbow, and the rainbow rose in the water vapor.

Here the radiance shines, and the qi is transpiring. Everything coexists peacefully, without blood and fighting, and is a rare paradise in the endless forest.

In the depths of Lushen Valley, Chu Yun and others saw the luck monsters of the Beast King.

This is a nine-color deer, he did not manifest the adult form, lying on his knees in the Qingshan stone cave. His antlers, Hundred Degrees, Royal Demon, Supreme, and the fastest update. Presenting a quaint wood color, the branches naturally stretch, elegant and graceful. Nine-color brilliance radiated from his whole body, and they merged into a strange auspicious, like a cloud, flowing ethereally.

When he saw Chu Yun, he opened the deep deer-like deer eyes. The more melodious the voice is, the more pleasant it is: "This is the breath of the map scroll. Young man, are you the heir of the beast king? Very good, very Okay. For hundreds of thousands of years, we finally waited for the first one to pass on. Please accept my test. "

After a pause, Jiu Selu asked solemnly, "How much is one plus one?"

Everyone is speechless.

Chu Yun was silent for a while, shrugging and smiling Xiao: "What if my answer is three?"

"No matter what you answer, as long as our guardian demon believes that the answer is correct, it will be correct." The old **** of the nine-colored deer was there, he chuckled, Xiao, "Master, so smart. It can already be known to everyone in the world." In the answer, I extended it and came up with the second answer. Really not puppet is the heir to the beast king, which made my heart surging and admired very much. The test passed. This is a bronze treasure chest under the guardianship. Please receive it from the master. "

These demon robbers, trapped in the agreement of that year, were trapped in the endless forest for hundreds of thousands of years, and their patience had long been exhausted. No matter what Chu Yun answers or does not answer at all-it will be considered as passed.

Chu Yun took the treasure chest, but was not busy opening it, but asked: 6 There is a question, I have been holding my heart. In these hundreds of thousands of years, is it really only my first secret that is now inherited? "

It's incredible, the demon robbers have been observing for hundreds of thousands of years, and no one has the secret here.

"Of course there are many people who have been here, and there are not many people who are secret. You are the first to be the inheritor. You are indeed the first one. Don't think it is so easy. To get the map scroll, you have to have great courage, great wisdom, great Luck. Some people have courage but no wisdom. Some people have the wisdom and courage but poor luck. To get these secrets, how can we do without strong luck? "

Jiuselu explained a few words, and urged again: "It's still the masters of the young-open it and see. For hundreds of thousands of years, when I was bored, I would guess what treasure is hidden in this treasure chest."

I do n’t know if it ’s the nine-color deer. Others look at this bronze treasure chest with anticipation and urgency.

The nine-colored deer is the most cherished monster of the Beast King and is very cherished. Among the treasure chests he guards, is it the jade slipper of Ten Thousand Beasts?

"It turned out to be a demon egg?" Chu Yun opened it, and it was not a jade jade or a scroll, but a demon beast egg that was stored in the box.

At first glance, this monster beast egg is very common, it seems to be the most common moss stone on the riverside and in the deep forest. But if you take a closer look, it will be very unusual.

It has an elliptical shape with no bumps. Juzao distinguished, and it could be seen that its surface was covered with a very light layer, like a jasper-colored crystal awn.

"Quaint and simple, glorious and introverted, this is a monster monster egg of extraordinary quality!" Hua Mei lighted up and blurted out.

"In the hands of the King of Beasts, there are not a few demon monsters. Why do you want to use this unique monster egg as a treasure of inheritance, and also give it to the favorite luck monster Jiuse deer for storage?" Yi Yan muttered. Mum, looking at the monster's egg with a look of inquiry.

Everyone was suspicious-even the Yunyi Tigers and others were so disappointed. It does not seem to know the details.

Only Ji Selu pondered for a while, with an uncertain tone: "This monster beast egg seems to have been obtained by the old master in his later years. I still remember his divine, ecstatic and lonely Sad, muttered in my mouth: why not get it earlier? Such a rare monster, or leave it to later generations. This monster animal egg, the origin is very mysterious, seems to have a great effect. Unfortunately, the old master in his old age, I feel little time -No incubation ... "

There is no doubt that this is a pretty mysterious monster.

At that time, the King of Beasts should be disappointed. It's so precious that he doesn't even spoil it.

Chu Yun woke up the monster egg and swept away his thoughts, only to feel that the monster egg was dark and dark, if not placed in the treasure chest, it attracted attention. I am afraid he really wants to think that this is a stubborn stone.

"Okay, I'm hatching this monster egg in the future. In the end, I want to see what kind of monster is Jing Jing, which can be worthy of the attention of the Beast King." He carefully put it away and put it into the Xinghai Dragon Palace fairy sac.

"Among Laolu's treasure chests, it is not actually the scroll of the old master's experience. This is a troublesome day, and it is the fastest to update. It is hard to say that it is really in the treasure chest of the crazy monkey?" The cloud-winged tiger frowned deeply without getting the target item. With her ability to rob the demon, they all showed a worried look.

"If it were in the monkey's hands, how could this be good?" The ferris zodiac spread his hands, and he was so sorry for the wolf.

"Don't worry, there are two bronze treasure chests left. Maybe it's in the treasure chest of Leimao Village of Dianmang." The rotten gecko's eyes flashed with a lucky hope in his tone.

"Two treasure chests and eight inheritance treasures left. Brother Chu Yun only charged five, didn't he still have three?" Fei Yan opened his eyes wide and counted his fingers, asking curiously.

"Alas, there were originally eight pieces of heritage treasures. But the bronze treasure chest guarded by Xiaomeng exploded tens of thousands of years ago. The Horn of Panlong inside ran out. He was also a demon cultivator for the old master to **** I have always been in a state of stubbornness. When the situation is too sudden, we have no time to shoot, and he has escaped from the endless forest. "Biluo Dragonfly sighed.

"It's a pity that the baby ran away by himself ... It's a pity." Fei Yan plopped his eyelashes and murmured in his mouth, it was a pity.

"It's okay. The Panlong Horn is the instrument used by the Thousand Beastmasters to command the monsters and open the gossip battle array. I have the blue sea tide that the Sea Dragon King left behind, which can be replaced." Chu Yun waved his hand-and There is no loss of color, "But listening to your tone, it seems that the next guardian monster is a flag and very special?"

"Alas, it's more than special, it makes us crazy!"

"He used to be the master war monster of the old master, and his cultivation style is much stronger than ours. Without the suppression of the old master, his nature reveals, he wants to be unrestrained and lawless. In this endless forest, no one can suppress him."

"He led his own ethnic group, bullied all the beasts and ruled the king. We are all fed up with him!"

"Especially he has a good wine color, likes fine wine, often grabs humans, acts as a pet, and makes wine for him. He also likes beautiful color, even the head of Yunwing Tiger and Xiaomeng want to fight. We want to leave Endless Forest-He is a major reason. "

Several robbery demons, one by one, complained. Chu Yun and others were stunned. stay.

There is such a fierce monster? !

Not only do you dominate the king, but also catch people as pets, you also like beauty, and often harass other female robbery?

"Hahaha, I can't think of monsters and beasts-there are also people from Xiaoxiao." Bei Guangguang has been captured by the cloud-winged tiger, and he heard a big laugh.

However, Chu Yun glanced at the fat, healthy cloud-winged tiger-secretly said: 6 monsters are monsters, this taste is too heavy, it is difficult to use people's eyes to speculate. "

"Alas, in retrospect, it's really unbearable. I was also bothered by the crazy monkey, so I had to retreat to avoid him. These dark days are really not human lives." The tigress wept.

Several robbery demons quickly comforted her.

The blue dragonfly patted her shoulder and said :, (Isn't it all going to pass? Don't cry, don't cry. Later we will go to the electric mangrove forest – look at the bronze treasure chest there. Negotiate, Perhaps the secret of the old master's experience is there. "

"Yeah yeah, not necessarily in the monkey's hand!"

"There is still hope."

The voice of the monsters had not fallen, and at this moment, a cry came from outside the valley.

"Is Grandpa Deer here? I'm Lei Mao. I heard that the inheritors are here with you. I hurried over with the treasure chest."

"Little Lei Mao, that is not the spirit demon of nine thousand years. Is the old Lei Mao repaired to be the deepest electric mang Lei Mao lining?"

"Okay, that's great. Without us rushing past, this little Lei Mao personally brought it up."

The demon heard the words, united the formation of overjoyed.

Little Lei Mao turned into a humanoid figure, thin and weak, and covered with blue hair. From a distance, it looked like a handsome child. It was just a bruise on his body, a swollen nose and blue face, and he was extremely embarrassed.

"Xiaolei Mao, what's the matter with you?" Jiu Selu asked ~ ~ whine ... "Xiaolei Mao wept more than once," Grandpa Lu made the call for me. It wasn't the monkey. He ran over and beat me up and asked me to surrender my grandfather's demon crystal. Where can I get it? Hundred degrees of demon masters supreme, it is the fastest update. He also said that looking at me was kind and would like to incorporate me into his ethnic group, when a yazi drinks wine and eats meat, so that he can show his life. I am Yitou Village. Drinking is just fine. How can I eat meat? "

Xiao Leimao felt that he couldn't mix it up. He happened to hear the inheritor's surprise, and immediately ran over with the treasure chest, seeking refuge.

In many urging voices, Chu Yun opened this treasure chest.

Inside this scroll is placed, which records an endless thunder wash method. This is the fine alchemy handprint. At that time, the Thousand Beastmasters and the electric mangosteen thunder hair tree carried out the alchemy of alchemy. Refining Qingtuodan, Huanranhuahuadan and so on. The value is also very large.

But the demons all seemed to be out of spirits, and even panicked.

"Not good! The general idea, really in the hands of the monkey!"

"Do you really want to meet the monkey?"

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