The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 31: : Suddenly

Chu Yun nodded.

He knew that Feiyan in the previous life has been following the door owner of the Rouge Gate since this time, and really broke his name in the ranger world. In the future, Rouge Gate has become a first-class force. Huamei Gate has become a strong woman and one of the big brothers in the ranger world. She Feiyan has also become the third character of Rouge Gate.

Although I don't know, in the previous life, it was due to such reasons that Feiyan was of such an age that he participated in dangerous martial arts operations. But there is no doubt that it is this kind of tempering that makes Feiyan have future achievements.

As for Beiguangguang, Chu Yun has decided that after Moon Rabbit Cultivation is promoted to Spirit Demon, he will start to solve this poisonous tumor.

However, the fact once again proved that the fate is unpredictable.

"Do you, a little human, think that with some escape, you can escape the chase of the old lady?"

"Yunwing Tiger, this person is not the point. We are looking for a young man!"

"Hmph, you can rest assured that the poisonous gecko, my mother, I have the tracing method taught by the master, who can escape my capture? Look at this human, the master is so proficient, so slippery. As soon as I get out of the mountain, mother , He just got it. Huh! He actually wanted to escape in front of the old lady, it is really not self-control! "

At this time, the sky suddenly flew three figures.

The first one is a middle-aged woman who claims to be an "old lady". She is fat and strong, and she is sturdy. It was Bei Guangguang who had just escaped with one hand!

The other two are not others. It is the two robbery monsters, the Corrupt Gecko and the Sky Purple Vulture.

"Not good, this is already the edge of the endless forest. The three-headed robbery actually crossed the territory of the beast and chased me specially!" The robbery of the robbery came over the sky, and Chu Yun couldn't help changing his face.

Generally speaking, monsters follow the principle of territory. The vast majority of monsters and monsters will not run out of their own territory, cross the territory of other monsters and monsters, and go across the border. But now the three-headed robbery is chasing, this is an indisputable fact!

"Master Huamen, you go. The three robbers are looking for me!" The situation was urgent. Chu Yun didn't have time to explain, only shouted. Immediately wrapped around the body with a colorless rainbow demon, burst out.

"Haha, found it! Where to go?"

The first female demon was surging, her eyes were as bright as a sword, and Chu Yun appeared at once. Reach out immediately and grab a void.

Chu Yun suddenly felt a heavy pressure in the air and enveloped him. It was as if a mountain came flying, and it really hit myself.

In the surging atmosphere of the robbery demon, the colorless rainbow demon was suddenly shot out and was slightly injured. Chu Yun's face was pale, and he had to show his figure from the air. Qiang!

He took out the drunk snow knife, summoned Tianhu and so on to protect his body, knowing that he was invincible, but he still kept his fighting spirit.

"It's him, it's him!"

"Found it, finally found it!"

When seeing Chu Yun, the corrupt gecko and the giant purple vulture looked up and laughed happily. They exhaled a roaring demon breath, deterring the audience. Where did the females at the Rouge Gate expect such a situation to go down?

Faced with a robbery, it is already a situation of nine deaths. Now faced with the three-headed robbery, this is simply no hope of survival.

"Formed!" Huamei gritted his teeth and drank, giving an order. Holding Dongshuang Aomei gun, she stood at Chu Yun's side first and expressed her determination to move forward and retreat with action!

"Form a battle and fight against the strong enemy !!" All the women were united and gathered together, wrapping Chu Yun and Huamei and others into a circle.

Faced with the three-headed robbery, they regarded death as if they were home, but no one flinched.

Rouge door!

This is a group of women who can't let their eyebrows go, and can make many men ashamed! This is a brave and fearless school!

"You 嗮" Chu Yun stunned.

"How can I Huamei betray my righteousness? Since I have cooperated, I should go forward and retreat together!" Huamei looked back at Chu Yun, her Tang suit, her temples slightly chaotic and slightly smiling.

"This situation cannot be escaped at all. Simply let go and leave no regrets." In the face of death, Yi Yan was radiant and beautiful. Even Xiao Feiyan, the mother of the binoculars, shines brightly, showing a fearless spirit.

Chu Yun glanced around for a week, and the people around him all looked the same. Suddenly he realized in his heart: "Yes, this is the ranger."

What is a ranger?

Dance on the tip of life and death, adventure, passion, blood, grace. They may be low in strength, they may be struggling on food and clothing, or they may have a humble status. "They are like weeds, they are full of vitality, and the wildfires are endless.

They are the most energetic group of people in Sin Chau. During the expedition, the vigorous flame of life is burning! They never bow their heads and challenge their destiny unwillingly.

"Yes, I am also a ranger!" At this moment, Chu Yun felt the martial martial king Kun Sheng made the sacred king to kill the God Seal Throne at night. Devil Ao Ninth Heaven Strongest Abandon Shao Zhou Dynasty Royal Martial Universe Qiankun kills God God Seal Throne at night The royal family of Shao Da Zhou had a familiar taste. A free-spirited, courageous and fighting spirit of high resistance.

He belongs to the ranger world. This was the case in the previous life, and it is also in this life.

Even if he is now the master of the Shu family, he never felt how noble he was.

Identity does not mean noble.

He is still the Chu Yun, Chu Yun who is rich cannot be prostitute, and poor cannot be moved. Faced with such a dangerous situation, his mind was like electricity, thinking hard, to find a ray of vitality in the desperate situation!

In desperation, he made his fighting spirit even more exalted.

"There is no desperation in this world, only those who feel desperate. There must be some way to break the situation, there must be!"

"Yes, it's him! Three adults, you let me go, I have nothing to do with them.

Even the enemy! "Bei Guangguang was caught in the hands of the robbery demon cloud-winged tiger, as if it were a chick being held in his hand.

This prostitute master who has been famous for a long time and has the ability to run the road so that the world can't catch up with it is completely planted this time. He never imagined that in the process of running the road, he would hit three robbery monsters head-on!

What a **** luck!

Bei Guangguang was crying without tears. He has been very unlucky now that he has encountered Chu Yun.

First, Xiao Feiyan, who was about to reach her mouth, ran away, fighting Chu Yun with obvious strength, but what kind of heart whip would be used by the ghost to make the **** send. As a result, he not only lost his mental whip, but also hurt his soul. The soul was injured, and it was chased down by Chu Yun. The prestige accumulated in a lifetime is gone. Finally, he was forced to dig into the endless forest and suffered from the mist of loss. Fortunately, the Endless Forest opened soon, he turned back and forth, in order to rest and recuperate, had to give up the great opportunity opened by the Endless Forest.

Fortunately, he had thoughts and thoughts, and was able to see blurred images of targets within a certain range, thus confirming the secret of Rouge Gate's inheritance from the Beast King.

He was injured at the time, and he has not recovered. Also worried that the Rouge Gate escaped and transferred the treasure, so he had to release the news and borrow a knife to kill.

He meditated on the plan to take advantage of the fisherman, but the result was hidden behind the scenes, but he was surprised that Chu Yun's strength was unexpectedly improved. Six-headed spirit demon!

Chu Yun had already caught up with him at the age of 15 years old, which made him a famous expert!

Although he was jealous and resentful in his heart, he had to admit that Chu Yun's combat power had skyrocketed and he already had a qualification for a longer period of time. Moreover, the torrent of tactics, the power, and the power to overwhelm people, even he did not dare to challenge him.

He captured Xiao Feiyan again, but the other party suddenly had a unique grade. Feiyan was left, he made the wisest choice and made a strategic retreat. Remain motivated to attack. But looking at it now, this choice is simply shit!

Why hit the three-headed robbery!

What a bad luck this is!

But these three robbery monsters have outstanding fighting power. They are not wild robbery monsters, but the reliable fighting power once cultivated by the Beastmaster!

This is the existence of the Santou once and for all.

What's more important is that the female robbery demon even has a way to track Dao!

Bei Guangguang's proud method of escape is not easy!

"I knew that I would encounter these three robbery monsters. I'd rather fight with Chu Yun in the end!" Bei Guangguang was imprisoned and could not move. You can only beat your chest in your heart.

He was so unlucky!

Normal demon robbers will hide in the territory without leaving home. Keep up the spirit and fight against the sky-tribulation. But he encountered a robbery that chased after crossing the territory.

Three heads!

your sister!

Bei Guangguang wanted to cry without tears. He felt that he was really panicked and clearly had strength.

It turned out to be this way.

"Chu Yun, it's all Chu Yun's kid! It's all he hurts!" His hatred for Chu Yun is endless, and it is difficult to wipe out the water of the Yangtze River!

"The three of you, the person you are looking for, have found it. I have nothing to do with him at all, no, to be more precise, we are still dead enemies! He robbed you of the demon crystal, I also witnessed it, he was in public It's almost exhausted to use. Kill

Chicken Yan used an ox knife, and let me take the shot to help you kill him. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Between us, we are friends! "Now life and death can't help myself, Bei Guangguang shouts anxiously.

"Shut up!" The robbery Yunwing Tiger frowned, squeezing hard. I heard a crunching moan, as if the snow was being stomped on the foot. Bei Guangguang didn't scream, and snorted. The five smokes protecting his whole body were oppressed and condensed into substance, pressed against his body, and under heavy pressure, he could no longer speak.

"You feel the martial spirit, the Holy King made the sacred king, and the night will kill the **** seal, the throne, and begged for the most powerful abandonment of the young and big Zhou Dynasty. Qiankun will kill the gods and seals the throne in the night to seek the demon Ao Chongtian's strongest abandoning the young Da Zhou dynasty to make gods. Sister Tiger, let's not lie to you! "The Sky Purple Vulture's eyes glared and stared closely at Chu Yun with a fanatical tone.

The cloud-winged tiger frowned deeper, but he didn't answer.

The rotten gecko seemed very excited, shaking with excitement.

"Boy, it's time to rob the demon crystal. You'd better tell the truth. I asked you, did you open the bronze chests of our two tribes? Is there a heritage map of the Beastmaster on your body?" He asked.

The bitter Lord came to the door, ... To this day, Chu Yun also knew that he could not hide it.

He raised his head and said in a loud voice: "It's true that while you are far away from the ethnic group, I used the inheritance map as a key to unlock the bronze treasure chest you guarded, and took two pieces of treasure from the Beastmaster. These have nothing to do with them. Do one thing one by one, you let them go. "

"Okay, okay, okay. You confessed, you confessed!" The Sky Purple Vulture heard the words, and the expression was both grim and crazy.

"Ha ha ha, ha ha ha" "The cloud-winged tiger laughed wildly. She was a veritable tigress. She roared in the mountains, and the robbery of the robbery was so full of pressure that everyone was out of breath. Guangguang almost fainted.

All the girls were shivering and felt the aura of the monster under their hands trembling. This was the suppression of the ranks and represented the absolute strength gap.

This will be a battle without chance.

"Princess Chu Yun, knowing that there is a robbery behind him, but he still chooses to stay and save us. The current situation is that we are dragging him down. This kindness is really indescribable." Hua Mei suddenly said aloud. Road, "Master Chu Yun, we will do our best to hold them back. You go!"

"I can't think of my Yan Yan's path as a mathematician, which will end today. But it's okay to look back at his life, and there is no regret. Master Chu Yun, I asked you the last sentence before you died, you have to answer me truthfully and tell me The mystery of Master Yi. "In the face of death, Yi Yan looked calm.

"Brother Chu Yun, you saved Feiyan once, and Feiyan will save you once. Go away!" Xiao Feiyan's eyes lit up, her lips tightly closed, trying to behave fiercely, but she didn't know how to fall Very cute in the eyes of others.

"Want to leave? Do you still want to leave Chu Yun? Don't be naive! I can't leave Beiguangguang. You all have to die. I Beiguangguang is dead. You also have to die. Give me a funeral, hahaha!" Bei Guangguang was deeply stimulated. As soon as the pressure of the robbery demon cloud-winged tiger was relieved, he screamed.

"Dead? He won't die!" The rotten gecko blinked.

"Yes! Let him survive, not death!" Bei Guangguang cursed viciously.

"No! As long as we are there, no one can hurt Master Chu Yun !!" Yunyi Tiger Fatty is fit and trembling with excitement.

"Master !!! We are finally waiting for you! The rotten gecko (Flying Purple Vulture) meets the new master!" The two robbery monsters suddenly pulled their throats and yelled.

"Why, what?" Everyone at Rouge Gate recovered.

Bei Guangguang's vicious laughter stopped abruptly. In the smoke, he had a pair of green and wolf eyes, obviously stunned.

"I just heard what?" Feiyan turned his head rigidly, looked at Yi Yan and others, and wanted to ask for evidence.

The women were speechless and looked at each other.

The change was so sudden that they could not accept it, thinking that there was auditory hallucinations.


The rotten gecko and the giant purple eagle suddenly planted ~ ~ kneeling down on the ground.

Originally domineering, the magnificent burly purple vulture strong man, at this time tears, crying like a child. Looking at Chu Yun seemed to see the savior: "Master, we finally wait for you to come. We have waited for countless years!"

"Sun Pan Yue Pan, I finally look forward to your coming! Small eyes without beads, eyes without beads!" The gecko, who has always been vicious and cunning, flicked his four mouths out under the stunned gaze of everyone. Heavy confession.

"You have the map scroll in hand and you are our new owner. You must rescue us from the fire and water." The sturdy tigress wept secretly, although he did not kneel, but his nose was full of tears and tears, as if he was wronged Little daughter-in-law.

All the women turned their attention to Chu Yun in the center.

"Master Chu Yun, what the **** is going on?" Hua Mei asked everyone else's doubts.

"..." Chu Yun was silent for a while and smiled bitterly, "I also want to know this question."

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