The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 30: : Eye of the Pervert

"Bei Guangguang !!


For a time, there were exclamations.

Beiguangguang's strength is stronger than that of Sleeping Venerable and Yin Lao. Unexpectedly, he drilled out of the ground and concealed his actions from everyone.

"Let me go!" Xiao Feiyan struggled as hard as she could, but Wulu's burnt smoke formed a pink chain that bound her tightly and couldn't move at all.

"Hey, hey" Beiguangguang was still shrouded in pink smoke, and he couldn't see his true face. It was just his eyes, green and bright, even the thick five-flowered smoke, could not hide his light.

This is the famous pervert eye. It was reformed by Zhongshan Wolf ’s refeeding Aura, which caused it.

These pairs of eyes can make the demon master now have a charming opposite **** among the various creatures.

"Release Feiyan!" Huamei's face was dignified, and she had a steady and quiet tone, and at this time, there was a slight tremor.

Only Chu Yun's face did not change color, and his first-class status as a probing guest allowed him to know that the more urgent the situation, the more he needed to calm down.

"Beiguangguang, do you want the inheritance of the beast king? Are you not afraid of my torrent of Taoism?" He stood out from the crowd and faced the great enemy of Beiguangguang.

"Dao Fa Torrent, hey, I have to admit you, this is really a whimsy, purely overwhelming people, bombarded indiscriminately. Even me, I have to retreat. But how many such attacks can you do? "

Bei Guangguang sneered incessantly, "Your attack like this is not good to say, it is a rage! If you have a Tianhu, you have a natural instinct to control the vitality, you can adjust the order of the Taoist law, how can it be Such an attack? "

In Beiguangguang's words, it is impossible for an ordinary demon master to want to debut a torrent of Fa. Only the genius Demon Beast sitting in the town, with nine attributes, is naturally capable of scheduling vitality and arranging the attack order of Taoism to complete such a stunning attack.

Without Sky Fox, all kinds of Taoism and law were in disorder, collided with each other, and before they attacked the enemy, they all exploded and annihilated each other.

But such an attack is also a big burden for Tianhu. The more Taoism, the stronger the power, the greater the loss of spirit.

Chu Yun also knew this. Such a torrent of Taoism, with the power of Tianhu, can only be released twice in a row. You can't spend three times in a day.

"It's really worthy of Beiguangguang, and his eyes are like a torch." Chu Yun was uncovered, but he didn't panic. He even laughed lightly. Feiyan, who had been struggling forever, saw him smile, and immediately felt certain in his heart, and he gave birth to a sense of self-confidence and sense of security.

Bei Guangguang's gaze flickered instead. He tried to crack down on Chu Yun's self-confidence, but now this kid is so old-fashioned. If he pretends to be calm, this disposition is really terrible. If he was n’t pretending, he would certainly have the cards and be able to save people in his hands.

Therefore, regardless of whether Chu Yun was pretending, Bei Guangguang felt a sense of fear.

"I actually had a fearful feeling for a younger junior who was a year old ?!" The long-time master, who was aware of his feelings, was also a little surprised. However, if you think about it carefully, you have to admit that Chu Yun can indeed make him so afraid.

His heart, talent, and strength, Bei Guangguang has never seen such a good young man.

"Tianhu saves people!" At this moment when Bei Guangguang was stunned, Chu Yun saw the opportunity in his eyes, and suddenly burst out of a drink.

Ben Lei switch!

I saw the girl Tianhu turned into an electric light, fleeting. She disappeared in place instantly, and when she appeared again, she already held Feiyan, and appeared in Beiguangguang's dozens of feet behind.

Bei Guangguang was stunned, and even the party's Fei Yan looked dull for a while, only to realize that he was out of danger.

All of this was born so fast that the scene was quiet.

By the time the women reacted, the most difficult problems had been satisfactorily resolved.

"There is no sign when moving, and the demon Yuan is effortless, and the effect is so outstanding. This should be the best way of Dao?" The hostage was taken away, but Bei Guangguang did not panic, settled, and asked in a leisurely manner.

"This is a thunderbolt, and it's a unique way of thunderstrike. I can make the monster move linearly like an electric light." Chu Yun replied bluntly.

"Okay, very good. I made a mistake this time, but next time, you have to be careful." Bei Guangguang smiled, green eyes glanced around, threatening.

Although Chu Yun has six spirit demon, he is not afraid. Only Huamei and Yi Yan had two major combat strengths in the field, so he chose to temporarily abandon it.

"Want to go? Where is it so easy!" Chu Yunburo snorted, holding a drunk snow knife and culling the past. Who does n’t want to let go of Beiguangguang, where is the reason for a thousand-day anti-thief? Moreover, he is a master, and is very threatening to his cooperation.

"I want to go, can you stop me?" Bei Guangguang laughed happily, and the laughter was full of complacency. "I flew into the earth, omnipotent. Many people wanted to chase me down, but they all failed Alright. You ca n’t do it! "

He flew into the sky and was so fast that even the colorless rainbow demon of the spirit demon series would be out of reach.

Tianhu got Chu Yun's order, put down Feiyan, and pursued Lei Lei to kill him. Beiguangguang turned into pink, the male sky turned left and right, and the curve changed. Let Sky Fox fly in a straight line, airing repeatedly.

However, Tianhu Linghui soon became proficient in this unique Taoist method.

The power of the unrivaled Taoism is not overwhelming, and immediately made Bei Guangguang feel a lot of pressure.

He hummed and summoned Zhongshan Wolf. A piece of wolf mouth, he put into it.

Then the Zhongshan wolf fell into the ground, like a fish swimming into the water, and escaped into the ground.

Sky Fox had to stop.

"Beijing Guangguang has always had a good way to escape the tunnel. Not only that, he also has the methods of water escape and fire escape. It is very difficult to kill him!" Yi Yan and Hua Mei both frowned, seeing Bei Guangguang escaped, looking very helpless, no way.

The role of Bei Guangguang is the kind that everyone crosses the street and calls everyone. But for so many years of doing wrong in Xingzhou, he is still alive and kicking. Undoubtedly, his ability to escape is better than his combat power!

"Unfortunately, if I have the Taoist Law, or the true body of Tude, I can also escape into the ground to pursue the kill. Or Moon Rabbit Cultivation to rise to the level of the spirit demon, and use that time to increase ... "

Chu Yun dug into the Chamber of Secrets from the ruins of Bluestone, and took out six pieces of Taoism, all of which are rare. Among them, there are three ways to turn wind, darken and water, and there is also a time method called "Finger Prophet". It is foreseeable that the future will be in time.

It is a pity that Moon Rabbit is not enough to detect the movement of Beiguangguang. Otherwise, with this goal as the target, the Taoist torrent is used to directly bomb the Shenyin throne, and the success rate is quite high.

"Tianhu has grown to an eight-tailed series, and the next is nine-tailed. After the nine-tailed, it is a horrible robbery period. To control the robbery, my aura is not enough. Not only that, robbery is also a huge trouble. It is to go to heaven from time to time. My heritage is not enough to support a robbery demon repeatedly. "

Chu Yun pondered, "However, if you improve the behavior of Moon Rabbit and other monsters, then improve it. The overall strength for me is to improve greatly. It seems that the future goals are these aspects."

Many people of the same age, who are bothering the gods, Chu Yun already has a six-headed spirit demon, and is also considering the problem of robbery.

The inheritance of the Beastmaster is just a matter of Huanhuahuadan, which has made him advance by leaps and bounds, far ahead of his peers.

This is the complete heritage of the king. Unlike the King of the Sea Dragon, who was suppressed by the King of Chu, only the pitiful wealth of the monster is left in the Xinghai Dragon Palace. Unlike the Huo De King, his accumulation was intercepted in advance by the earth-moving Shensou, and finally destroyed in the fire sea cave.

"Unfortunately! Of the eight pieces of heritage treasure left by the King of Beasts, I only got two of the hands of the ferris purple mandarin and the poisonous gecko. The treasure chest in the electric mangrove forest was thundered in the sky. I do n’t know where I left it. I do n’t know what the remaining five inheritance treasures will be? Alas, there is not enough time now, so I have to leave it for later collection. "

When thinking of these heritage treasures, Chu Yun was secretly sorry. The next time Endless Forest opens, it will take a long time. If you can take out these five pieces of inheritance, it will be huge for your improvement.

"Damn, Beiguangguang ran away. What will happen to Xiao Feiyan's safety in the future?"

"This is hard to do. Dian Guangguang has the mind attribute of Zhao Simu thinking, as long as he thinks about the target, the blurred image of the target can appear in front of him. With the eyes of the pervert, it is a perfect complement.

Seeing Bei Guangguang fleeing, all the women at the Rouge Gate stomped their feet resentfully, clenching their teeth, and were very unwilling.

"If my Yi Tian Jing can be promoted to the spirit demon level and cooperate with the Heluotu, this Daoism can be covered. In addition, if I can find the Heart Dao Law or the small invisible technique, It can also avoid this peeping of Taoism. "Yi Yan sighed.

What she said is the way of transforming the mind and heart, which is part of the transforming way ~ ~ The small intangible technique, even the legendary way of Tao, has long been lost.

"How is this good?" Huamei also felt a little difficult. Being stared by Bei Guangguang, Xiao Feiyan is in danger. Who knows when this thief appears?

"I don't have a solution here," Chu Yun said suddenly.


"any idea?"

"It's just actions to take Feiyan next to the two gatekeepers. Isn't that alright?" Chu Yun gave a solution.

Feiyan listened, almost jumped up, and frowned. Does this mean that from now on, can you continue to participate in the large-scale operations of Rouge Gate?

Although she thought of Bei Guangguang, she was still a little scared. But immediately, she was replaced by the sense of security brought by the door owner and the excitement of participating in important actions in the future.

"Alas," I had to do this first. Hua Mei sighed, looking at Xiao Feiyan, who restrained her joy, and shook her head helplessly.

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