The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 32: : "Difficult" test

The killing that Yuan Ben expected had not appeared. On the contrary, what makes people fall through the glasses is that these three robbery monsters voluntarily came to recognize Chu Yun as the master!

Robbery recognizes the Lord!

Still three heads! !

"Giggle ..." Beiguangguang was like a male duck holding his throat, shocked to the extreme, making such a weird voice.

Huamei and others felt like dreaming, which was too unreal.

Is this a myth?

The three-headed robbery voluntarily came out to recognize the Lord!

No one will believe this news. But by the way, it is a fact, and it was born in front of everyone.

"What the **** is going on?" As a party, Chu Yun was also very confused, and asked the three robbery monsters in front of him.

The gecko and the purple eagle looked at each other, and they both looked at the cloud-winged tiger.

After the tigress explained it, Chu Yun suddenly realized: "So it turns out, the original meaning of the king of beasts is like this."

He originally felt that the Thousand Beast Kings kept the eight key treasures of inheritance in eight powerful monster groups. This arrangement seems very unreasonable.

Under the eyes of the robbery, opening the bronze treasure chest without drawing attention is really a very difficult thing.

If he happened to encounter two big robbery monsters leaving the nest on their own initiative, even ten Chu Yun could not solve this dilemma.

In this way, the standard of Ten Thousand Beast King to his inheritors is also too high.

But after some explanations from Yunyi Tiger, Chu Yun knew that things were not what he thought.

"Before the old master passed away, we handed over eight bronze treasure chests to our custody, and left eight map scrolls. Later, the inheritors who mastered the map scrolls will appear. As long as they pass the test given by us, they can open the treasure chest and receive the inheritance. Bao. "This is the original saying of the Yunwing Tiger.

"But I didn't pass the test of the two of them. It was a treasure chest opened by myself. Does this count?" Chu Yun asked suspiciously.

"Of course!" The ferocious purple vulture kneeling on the ground immediately yelled, "This performance is so good that it has made us speechless. The reason why the old master didn't understand it is to let the inheritors try it first. . After the failure, we will guard the monsters to come forward. I did not expect you to succeed in a sudden master! "

"The two of us were also confused and stunned by anger. Looking back on the road afterwards, we finally noticed the breath of the map scroll. Ooo ... Waiting for the endless years, and finally waiting for the first inheritor. Master , You are already the masters of both of us. Please be sure to accept us! "The rotten gecko shed tears and kowtowed.

Everyone is speechless, all this is incredible. It was like seeing an elephant submitting to the cat.

"Why am I so stupid that this situation can be encountered ?!" Bei Guangguang was already paralyzed. He thought about what he had just said and felt that he was dead. The heart is empty, the future is dark, and there is no hope.

"However, I haven't opened the treasure chest of the cloud-winged tiger. At the same time, it didn't pass her test." Chu Yun said again.

"Am I just here for this?" The tigress slapped her thighs. "The test is here. How many is one plus one?"

"Two." Chu Yun blurted out subconsciously.

"The test has passed!" The tigress was very excited with tears in her eyes.

Everyone is down!

Is this the test?

Is this still a test?

The eyes of the women looking at Chu Yun were a little demented. This conquered the three-headed demon? !

"The young master has no idea. At the beginning, we also prepared a lot of extremely difficult tests. But five thousand years later, we reduced the difficulty to half. After ten thousand years, we reduced the difficulty by half. In the past and now, our patience has long been exhausted. If we had promised the old master, who would want to stay in this **** place? "The corrupt gecko complained to Chu Yun with a snot and tears.

The skyscraper Ziyue sighed quietly, the past was unbearable, and his face was full of bitterness.

Chu Yun and others felt sympathetic. Anyone who stays in one place for tens of thousands of years without moving is also suffering.

Monsters are not like humans who promise to do one thing, they will definitely do it. This is an absolute commitment. Especially the will of the old master, Beastmaster, is an order and must be obeyed.

"Please, Master Master, move to my group and open the bronze treasure chest. In this way, we will be truly free." The tigress wiped her tears.

"The ups and downs of this life really came too fast, too suddenly. My luck is so good!" Chu Yun looked with emotion, he did not expect it, and this was the case in the end.

Guardian monsters, will guard the treasures to their hands.

This situation also made all the women stunned and unbelievable.

"We tell the old deer and silkworms this good news, they may not be so happy.

"Yes, yes! The heirs of the old master finally appeared. They guarded the treasure chest and watched for many thousands of years? Now the result is finally here!"

The purple eagle and the gecko get excited ... The dialogue is like another bomb, and everyone else is stunned.

"It seems more than the three-headed demon to recognize the Lord ..."

"I finally understand that a person can be so powerful."

"The strength of Master Chu Yun has reached such an unbelievable level. It has been beyond the superficial level of power, ingenuity, etc. No wonder he is called‘ diao, overlord, and really has the luck of the king! ”

All the women burst out of praise, twitter, and the eyes looking at Chu Yun were all bright.

Chu Yun frowned gently.

"You have to recognize him as the Lord? Hey, hey ... You are so naive. He is just a year old, even if he has taken the natural treasure, where is the aura? How can it be that the three of you are just one head? He can't bear his aura to rob the demon! "Bei Guangguang thought of the flaw and immediately got up again, as if he found a glimmer of hope for survival.

He shouted: "But I am different! I can abandon all monsters, so that my spirit can support a robbery. You tell me where the remaining map scroll is, and I will take you one."

"Too ..." All the women stared together, sinking in their hearts. Bei Guangguang's words struck them from the joy with a glance. This is indeed an indisputable fact.

"My aura, even if I abandon all the monsters, there is a small distance from supporting a robbery. And I don't want to abandon them. So it is almost impossible to contain you." Chu Yun admitted frankly, but not anxious.

"Okay! Don't abandon the original monsters, don't abandon the chaos, okay!" The Sky Purple Vulture thumbs up.

"Huh! You are not a good person, but you want to take advantage of the gap left by the old master. Are we so fooled? Reduce the difficulty of the test to the lowest level, which is already our maximum level. Do you want us to guard against theft?" Binocular, looking northward.

"This man himself admits that he is the enemy of the young master. Young master, if you say, my old lady, I will pinch him to death!" The cloud-winged tiger is even more sturdy and has no affection for the little man Bei Guangguang.

"The young master is at ease. The old master can command thousands of monsters, and naturally keeps his experience in the bronze treasure chest for later generations. As long as the young master learns this secret, I believe it will be able to accommodate us." , Clenched fists.

"The secret of commanding thousands of monsters ..."

"The key heritage of the Beast King's fame!"

Everyone couldn't help hearing it, and dazzled.

"If it can't be accommodated, we can afford to wait for tens of thousands of years, are we afraid to wait another ten or twenty years? The young master lives here, and we are welcomed by the clan!"

Chu Yun shook his head: "I will not stay here for so long. I still have a lot of things to deal with."

In his memory, there is more than the treasure of King Beast. There are also many dangerous places. Staying here is a huge waste. Moreover, although the Shu family is currently beautiful, in fact, one careless, the end will be miserable.

The cloud-winged tiger suddenly changed color: "This is not possible, we waited for so many years, and finally waited for you! An inheritor, self-digging into the map scroll. You are our hope, can't just leave!"

"The outside world is too dangerous, and the endless forest is so good. It would be safest for us to protect you, the young master." The Sky Purple Eagle also advised.

"Hey, hey ..." The venomous gecko's eyes flashed suddenly, suddenly shot, and took a shot, he caught Xiao Feiyan, "Young Master, offended. Please move the endless forest, otherwise ..."

The wisdom of robbery is no different from ordinary people. Seeing that Xiao Feiyan was protected in the center, and seeing that Chu Yun repeatedly maintained the rouge door, he immediately shot and captured Feiyan.

Roar! Roar!

With two roars, the cloud-winged tiger and the ferocious purple eagle immediately followed, and each captured a rouge gatekeeper.

"Let go!" Chu Yun and Hua Mei yawned at the same time.

"Please transfer less to each other!" The three-headed robbery is even more resolute ~ ~ You ... "Chu Yun's eyes narrowed into a line, and some could not laugh or cry. These three robbery monsters are really muddy balls, actually Thinking of such a way.

"You let them go, we can substitute." Hua Mei and Yi Yan looked at each other and made the request together.

"Master of the door!" "Master of the door, you can't do this." "I have replaced it."

"It's okay. Our strength is the most outstanding. At the same time, this trip is also unsurprising. You retreat immediately and return to the squad station to wait for us to return." Hua Mei asked.

"You?" The cloud-winged tiger hesitated, looking at the rotten gecko. Although her strength is outstanding, she knows that the gecko is more poisonous than her own.

"Okay! But you only have two people, and you can only change two people. This person in my hand can never be changed!" The gecko's eyes are indeed sharp, and the three most important members of the Rouge Gate can be seen at a glance.

"Let's go, take me to the endless forest." Chu Yun sighed, it seems that he had to go to the endless forest, and walked again. (To be continued

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