The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 30: : Heart whip and meritorious service

"Lei's unique way of doing things?" Chu Yun raised his eyebrows and his eyes lit up, which was definitely an unexpected joy.

Generally speaking, monsters turn into monster crystals. When drawing other monsters, it can not only absorb cultivation, but also absorb some Taoism contained in it.

These Taoist methods are the most exquisite, most used, and most profound Taoist methods of the monster.

Every Taoism is a monster's understanding of heaven and earth.

Chu Yun also wanted to ask more details about this Taoism, but seeing that the big-range Ranger had already rushed up, he had to suppress his doubts in his heart.

"Assault formation, follow me to kill!" Just ten steps away from both sides, Huamei gave a snap, holding Dongshuang Aomei gun, and took the lead, rushing forward.

"Kill!" Chu Yun went side by side with him. Although he couldn't urge Dao Law on this grassy hill, his great series of knife skills were still invincible.

The two form the sharpest arrow, as the tiger goes down the mountain, moving forward!

"What! They actually want to break through!" The other party was all overshadowed, and was shocked by the bravery displayed by a group of women on the rouge door.


Chu Yun's sword was as bright as snow, and he broke into the crowd and set off a **** storm. Huamei is also a heroine, and Dacheng's marksmanship sweeps everything.

Behind them, closely following the Rouge Men's daughters, formed a close impact formation, sincere cooperation, as a whole, bursting out a strong fighting force.

The tigers going down the mountain are already unstoppable, not to mention a group of tigresses.

The aggressive force rushed to kill the enemies who came up and was stunned.

"Stop it, surround them!" Someone yelled and reacted.

Suddenly, as soon as he saw the light, Chu Yun split his sword, making him dead.

The tactical thinking of breaking through is correct. Chu Yun killed the other party by surprise, and they turned around. Soon it broke through, killing the range of the grass mound.

"They are actually heading towards us!" Venerable Sleeper glared, surprised at the courage shown by Chu Yun and others.

"Humph! You can use Taoism in this area! Attack, join forces! Our two first-class martial arts are actually made like this by a little ghost and third-rate forces. Only by killing them can we wash our shame with blood. "Yin and Lao's eyes narrowed into a gap, his tone was violent, and he already had a killing heart.


Chu Fang and Hua Mei teamed up and ran into Yin Lao and Sleeping Venerable.

Yin Lao held the Nine Nether Cables, and the shadowy winds burst between the shadows. The Venerable Sleeper summons the Shadow Dragon, which is a rare dragon monster that has no form and can only be attached to the shadow of a person.

"Nine Nether Life!" Yin boss shouted, Suoying was like a poisonous snake, and Huamei fought to one place.

"Nightmares are lingering!" Venerable Sleeper yelled with a smile, and the shadow of the dragon moved. The shadow behind him suddenly stood up, turned into a two-winged dark dragon shadow, roaring hoarsely, and shot at Chu Yun.

Chu Yun drunk snow knife greeted, but passed by Luo Yinglong.

"Boy, you're lucky!" Venerable Sleeper screamed with pride, and the real goal of Luoying Dragon was actually the shadow of Chu Yun.

The falling shadow dragon shot Chu Yun's shadow, which suddenly made Chu Yun's heart burst, and the scene progression in front of him changed into a dark space.

"This is the nightmare realm of the falling shadow dragon. Here, I am the god! Little bully, die in fear in the nightmare." Venerable Sleeper appeared in the dark, this is not his true body, but the soul incarnation . In this dream, he can control everything, and can play the stronger than his strength between applause.

"Really?" Chu Yun sneered, and a whip appeared on his body.

This is the whip of the big demon soldier.

In this world, only the whip handle can be seen. Only in this kind of special environment can you see its slender black whip body.

"This ?!" The Venerable Sleeper, who was still proud, saw his whip and his face stiffened. His voice was full of disbelief, pointing at the whip, exclaimed, "This! You actually have a demon soldier with a heart attribute!"

In this world, golden wood, water, fire and earth are the basic belongings, and other attributes such as wind, thunder, light and shadow are extended, and there are many types.

In addition to this, there are three quite rare attributes. Respectively, "Yu." Which represents the attribute of space. "Zhou." Which represents the attribute of time. "Heart" which represents the attribute of spirit.

Monsters with these three attributes are quite rare, and monsters with superior qualifications are rare.

Sleeping Sovereign did not expect that Chu Yun had a demon soldier with a heart attribute in his hand. This is the nemesis of his way of making money!


At the next moment, the nightmare suddenly collapsed. Chu Yun had this demon soldier to protect his soul, and he returned to the battlefield without fail.

"Sleep Venerable, you come to your life!" Chu Yun's eyes shot sharply, surrounded by six-headed spirit demon, homogenized into human form.

Sky Fox is a girl in a dress, white as blue, cute and lovely.

The Lishan Longyan flower branch is a dragon robe emperor, and the robe is embroidered with dragon eyes.

Huan Zhuan Yuan Yuanshu is a thin person in a green robe, with a golden ring on her clothes.

Drunk Snow Knife is a white-browed image of Chu Yun, as cold as ice.

The colorless rainbow demon is an almost illusory humanoid, neutral in appearance, like a man and a woman.

The Hurricane Bow is a fluttering and elegant man, surrounded by a whirlwind of blue and black.

These six-headed spirit demon, like the stars arching the moon, surround Chu Yun in the center.

"Dao Fa Torrent!" Chu Yun's beast pointed with a bang, and the world sounded. The Taoism, which is five times more powerful than before, merges into a splendid colorful river, and in a very strong state, swept away madly to the Sleeping Lord.

"Such power!" Rao Shi Chu Yun was also taken aback.

For a time, the entire battlefield was deterred by this torrent of Dao Fa.

People moved slowly, staring blankly at the torrent, flushing everything, and swept in the Sleeping Sovereign who couldn't retreat.

The colored light, like a dream bubble, reflected the blue, green and yellow on everyone's face.

The shocked expression appeared on everyone's face.

For example, today's fox cultivation has risen to more than 8,000 years, and a new spirit demon hurricane bow has been added. The Dao torrent has become a real big river, the Yangtze River. It passed through the sky, washing everything, as if a ruthless flood burst, sweeping all souls.

The torrent is extremely terrifying and tens of thousands of miles has washed the periphery of the endless forest into a red ground. The originally dense trees have completely disappeared, and even the denser and denser mists of heaven and earth have disappeared. Formed a barrel-shaped blank area.

The entire space was completely washed away by the Dafa torrent. The only thing left is nothing but the demon crystals of all sizes. After the death of the monster in the hands of the Sleeping Venerable, the demon crystal formed.

The torrent swept through the Sleeping Lord and countless rangers within range.

As for themselves, they have already been swallowed up by the torrent, and there is no residue left.

"How could this be!"

"Severe Sleeper is a well-known veteran of the ranger world, and he can't stop such an attack."

"How can this kind of attack be stopped? Chu Yun is really a monster, is he really only accounted for?"

"The six-headed spirit demon, all of them attack the Dao, and carry on the bombardment without reservation. This attack is simply arrogant and unreasonable! Who is his opponent of the bully ?!

Waking up from the shock, the morale of the rangers has dropped to freezing point. Chu Yun's attack is simply a salience to power, and it is even more shocking.

"Tiansha help the people, withdraw!" Seeing nothing to do, Yin Lao shouted, turned around without hesitation and ran.

Faced with such an attack, he was also unsure. Where is the life of the Beastmaster important? He is an old fritter in the game world, and he knows more about trade-offs.

"Want to go?" Hua Mei sneered, pulled out the hairpin hairpin, and threw it into the air.

This hairpin of the Lagerstroemia indica, which is very rare in nature, has the qualification to learn the law of space Taoism. It is also matched with the Space Dao Law and the Six Gods Enclosure, which is a perfect complement to each other and is unpredictable.

Yin Lao has been wary of Chu Yun's side, and can't guard against Huamei's display. He was originally flying in the sky, hit by hairpins, and suddenly the aura was sealed, and he lost contact with all his monsters. Suddenly thumped and smashed to the ground.

"Look at the gun!" Huamei caught up, and with a piercing of the gun head, he would immediately fall into the dark and sturdy old man, pricking it through the heart.

"Yin old!" Someone shouted.

"Run, run!" More people shouted in panic.

Thousands of Rangers who had besieged the Rouge Gate were first killed by the frightened sickle and the grass hills, and then partly washed away by Chu Yun ’s Daofa torrent, and then they were killed by the Rouge Gate for a while. .

All of them were frightened by their courage.

"Where to go?"

"Don't you want to **** our treasures? Come on!"

The Rougemen girls are all people who have lived in Daokou soil for a long time. They have already developed a literacy, and will not let this great opportunity to kill the enemy.

They dispersed, pursued and killed countless enemies, and gained even more.

"After this battle, the overall strength of Guimen will be on the next level. Here I will first congratulate Huamen." Chu Yun has already closed his hands at this time. Seeing Huamei coming, he stood up, slightly. And laughed.

Fighting is always the most risky and most rewarding way of practice. Just like Chu Yun's battle, the many demon crystals he harvested were enough to repair the monster in his hands to a new level.

"No matter how many demon crystals are available, you can't use them." Huamei smiled enviously while watching the six-headed spirit demon beside Chu Yun while playing with Jiu Yousuo, "but this time I got ~ www.novelmtl .com ~ is really rich. Just digest it for a while, then recruit troops and become a first-class force, just around the corner. "

"Hehehe ..." Chu Yun laughed out loud. Knowing the implicit meaning in Huamei ’s words, he immediately said, “It ’s true, I ’ve got a remedy for Huanhuan Huadan this time. With Huanran dying, I can improve the quality of the demon master and absorb Yaojing, to upgrade the cultivation behavior of monsters and beasts, is no longer burdened by Lingguang. "

Huamei's eyes lit up suddenly, looking at Chu Yun with surprise and joy: "Lord Chu Shaodao, it seems that you really want to cooperate with us. With the Dan side of Huanhua Dahua, the rise of our rouge door, The rise of Shujia Island is just a matter of time. "

"Hey hey ... I heard it right? Huanran made Tantan! Very good, very good, did not expect you to really have inherited the Beastmaster! Really lucky! Little Overlord, hand me Dan to me in exchange for the Flying Swallow Girl Life, what do you think? "

At this moment, Bei Guangguang's voice suddenly came.

"Feiyan be careful!" Yi Yan reminded, but it was too late.

A big pink hand suddenly emerged from the ground, and one caught Xiao Feiyan who was caught off guard! (To be continued)

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