The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 28: : 8-tailed fox

The natural demon crystal is also called the unowned demon crystal. Mainly refers to the demon robber who died in the robbery and died tragically, and the demon crystallized after the destruction.

This kind of demon crystal, condensing the essence of the monster, can be absorbed by any object.

"With such a robbery demon crystal, I can make Yi Tianjing and be promoted to the spirit demon level!" Yi Yanbingxue was clever, and Chu Yun didn't even explain anything, she already knew what he meant.

Fighting monsters, if they have one or two magical powers, it is generally easy to improve. But for others, such as alchemy, or special monsters such as Moon Rabbit, their particularity makes their cultivation practices difficult to improve.

Yi Tianjing and He Luotu are Yi Yan's main enemies, and they have no significant attack power. Therefore, cultivation is always difficult to rise. As a result, Yi Yan has only the Luoluo series of the spirit demon, but Yi Tianjing is still only the big demon series.

Anyway, for this robbery demon crystal, Chu Yun calculated, after he used it up, there are still some residual crystals left.

Chu Yun decided to use this wealth that he could not use in exchange for a personal relationship with Yi Yan. What's more, their rouge door will become the Shu family's endorsement force in the ranger world in the future. It is necessary to deepen cooperation.

Huamei heard what Chu Yun meant. He wanted Yi Yan to cross the spirit demon robbery. And use the robbery to counter the enemy and establish an advantage.

"Inappropriate." Huamei immediately dissuaded, "The demon robber changed randomly. Although Chu Shaodao's master has five ways, he can target the celestial robber. But no one can be sure what the celestial robber will be. Well, it is self-defeating. "

"This is no problem. The monster robbery, its cloud robbing, will always be related to its own attributes. For example, my Lishan Longan flower branch is Bailong Tribulation. The Hurricane Bow is the windstorm cutting Heavenly Tribulation. There will always be a connection. What attribute is your Yi Tianjing, we can take a look at it. "Chu Yun waved his hand.

The situation today is actually very delicate.

He and Huamei teamed up enough to curb the combination of Yin Lao and Sleeping Venerable. But also consider variables. For example, Gu Guangguang, who guessed it, never appeared. Among these scattered rangers, perhaps they also have good hands, but they just didn't do anything.

Under such circumstances, it is best to increase your own strength. Supporting the Rouge Gate will also be very beneficial to Chu Yun's future exploration.

"My Yi Tianjing is a wood attribute. He Luotu is a water attribute. This is a set of demon soldiers. When they are combined, Mizuki and the woods grow together, which can greatly increase their power." Yi Yan's eyes flickered.

"Mu Xing" Chu Yun frowned slightly, sighed, "I don't have the way of wood. "

Without the Wood Law, it is impossible to target the demon of Muxing.

Chu Yun's blood is full of adventurous factors, but it does not mean that he will be blind and reckless regardless of the consequences.

Although he has repeatedly used demon robbery to fight against powerful enemies. But he was also very cautious about such a method.

He has Moon Rabbit in his hand, but he never planned to use Moon Rabbit's monster robbery to fight the enemy. All are due to the time attribute of Moon Rabbit, leading to the associated Sky Tribulation. It must be very unique and difficult to resist. It is very likely that it will not be used, but it will hurt yourself and become a joke.

The more qualified and unique monsters are, the harder they are to resist the sky-tribulation, so the fewer they are. This is the law of balance in the world. The strong are always in the minority, and the weak are always in the majority.

"Even if you have Master Chu Yun's way of making wood, I think about it carefully, or you shouldn't force you to go through the demon robbery." Yi Yan's eyes suddenly sighed.

Chu Yun slapped in doubt.

Yi Yan said in an envious tone: "Because I don't have a monster of the luck type. The robbery was born at random, and encountering a sky-tribulation that is easy to survive is the greatest luck of the demon master. This is entirely dependent on Luck. Master Chu Yun should have the luck monster of King Hailong. Otherwise, he wo n’t come again and again.

She is a fortune-teller, the demon master's profession, and is best at guessing the mysterious profession of fate. After listening to her, Chu Yun suddenly realized that she realized: "There is still such a thing!"

He has repeatedly used heaven-striking to fight enemies. As a card game, he actually has the credit of his own luck monsters, and he can always get a random disaster to his own advantage.

Chu Yun suddenly remembered something, and immediately asked, "Yes, I have a doubt in my heart, and I have kept it in my mind for a long time, and I have not solved it. Yi Yan, you also know that my Master Yi is different from the ordinary calculator. . I really want to ask you this time. "

He is outspoken and will get the news of the Dragon Wish Tree in the Xinghai Dragon Palace and confess to Yi Yan one by one.

"Dragon wishing tree?" Yi Yan heard the words, Liu Mei lightly locked, and shook his head gently, "I don't know this. In fact, the lucky monster is the only monster that is not too much. Are all unique things in the world. Almost everyone gets it, they will keep it secret, lest they be guilty, and lead strong enemies to fight. Even the king-level strong men will conceal their luck monster , Afraid of being targeted. "

After a pause, she continued: "However, my fortune teller is only halfway. I don't know if you have heard of the person" Guxian "? He is the master of the three major schools of abacus, astrology, dream language, and hexagram. He may know the bottom of the Dragon Wish Tree, even if he doesn't know it, he should be able to figure it out. However, he has a cloud and a crane, lives in no fixed place, and travels across the world. It is not easy for you to find him. "

"Guxian ..." Chu Yun nodded. He also heard about this person, but he was not too familiar.

"This place can't stay for long. For a long time, it is inevitable that people will see the flaws of the frightened sickle grass. In this case, Tianhu.

"He threw a hand and gave this natural robbery demon crystal to the Tianhu girl beside him.

"Eat it, increase our strength, we break out." Chu Yun continued.

"Yes, master!" Tianhu girl smiled with both hands on the robbery demon crystal. There is no monster, and I do n’t like to improve my cultivation. This is based on the primitive survival instinct in the bloodline.

The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the strength, the easier it is to survive.

It's just that the Tianhu girl also knows that her owner has her own plans. Although she is greedy, she doesn't dare to speak. At this time, the demon crystal was robbed, and he was very happy. She immediately opened her mouth and made a spit. With a degree visible to the naked eye, the demon crystal shrank sharply, and turned into a blue-blue color of sperm, which was swallowed by the girl.

This robbery demon crystal, although already provided for many monsters to use for repair. However, due to its rich heritage, most of it is left to Tianhu.

"Not good! This is a robbery demon crystal! He is improving the cultivation of Tianhu!" Under the grass hill, he has been paying attention to the old Yin here in Chu Yun, and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Where did this kid get the robbery demon crystal! He actually has a natural robbery demon crystal!" Venerable Sleeper originally looked at Chu Yun to take out the demon crystal, and was a little puzzled. After recognizing the demon crystal at this time, it almost felt like a dream.

This natural robbery monster crystal can only be produced by dying from the power of heaven and earth. Moreover, such a demon crystal is extremely difficult to preserve. After a period of two or three days, it will disappear in the air.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to obtain. The piece of robbery demon crystal on Chu Yun's hand is even more ample. Placed in the auction house, it will lead to the rare treasures of the auction storm.

"This boy, good luck! Not only did he get the treasure of the Beastmaster, but he also picked up a demon crystal!"

"Offensive! Offensive! Never let his Sky Fox improve again!"

For a while, Yin Lao and Sleeping Venerable couldn't see it anymore, and couldn't hold back anymore.

Most rangers were very hesitant, looking at the grass mound in front of them, very hesitant. The terrifying power of frightened sickle grass has been deeply imprinted in their hearts.

"Don't be afraid! This is frightened sickle grass, and it will only attack people who are terrified."

"Bold forward, no matter who it is, killing one person will get a hundred Tiangang stone coins! Killing two people will double! Killing three people will become the elite captain!"

Encouraged by Yin Lao and Sleeping Sovereign, there were countless desperate men with their red eyes and armed with various weapons, which merged into the most ferocious attack wave, and rushed to Chu Yun and others at the top of the mountain.

"Be careful! This time are the elite of Tiansha Gang and Huimengge!" Yi Yan and others were all dignified.

On the contrary, Chu Yun and Hua Mei both had bright eyes.

"The strongest broad point is the weakest point. This is an opportunity!"

"You can't die! You can break through!"

Among the art of war, pay attention to surprise. The enemy stormed over, and it was not expected that the Rouge Gate would choose to break through at this time.

"Wait a second, listen to my orders, and follow me to assault forward!" Hua Mei's eyes burst into light, and her vulgar face seemed to be shrouded in glory. She is in danger and calm, calm and free, so behaved, giving the women a strong sense of security.

Tianhu's cultivation practices are skyrocketing!

One year, two thousand years, three years ...

A thousand years of spirit demon, a thousand years of robbery demon.

The monster crystal of the robbery gathers the essence of the robbery's life, and at least there are thousands of years of cultivation. Although drawing, there will be a part of waste.

But because the amount is too large, this waste is also insignificant.

"Hurry up!"

"Go up!"

Watching the robbery demon crystal in the hands of the Sky Fox girl ~ ~ in just a few moments, it has shrunk into a fist size. Both Yin Lao and Sleeping Venerable are anxious to jump.

They and Chu Yun knew the terrifying power of Tianhu. The torrent of tactics, a big part of it, was done by Tianhu.

"Ha." The Sky Fox girl exhaled gently, and the demon crystal in her hand had disappeared. At this moment, she was radiant and her eyes were shining like gems!

"Late!" Yin Lao and Sleeping Venerable sink in their hearts.

"Master, I have grown two new tails!" Tianhu Maiden happily completed two meniscuses with her eyes, and invited a report like merit.

"Good." Chu Yun nodded, which was originally his expectation.

How do you know the Tianhu girl said: "I also learned from the demon crystal a unique way of thunder."

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