The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 20: : 0 Dragon Tribulation

Section: Bailong Tribulation

"That method? Are you talking about our former master, Beastmaster, the method taught to us?" Gecko's eyes flickered.

"That's the way." Ziji nodded definitely.

"Okay, just use that method!" Gecko Shen yín for a long time, nodded solemnly.

The momentum of the two sides has surged, bringing two huge pressures. Qi 1ang swept the surrounding space, Chu Yun suddenly felt the pressure rebirth, the space seemed to stagnate a hundred times, struggling.

This is the spirit of the demon, almost condensed into a substance, almost to imprison this space.

"Shoot!" Gecko said.

"You shoot first!" Zijiu shook his head, constantly thinking about tactics in his eyes.

"Shooting together, I count one, two, three. We have a decisive victory." Gecko said.

"Good!" Zi Ji nodded solemnly.

"Are you going to move? Certainly Qiankun's unique move?" Chu Yun looked up, and what kind of law would the Master Beast teach them?

He was both expectant and nervous in his heart, and he was even more worried that the collision of powerful Taoism would affect himself. After all, no evil monster is better than concealment and degree, not defense.

"One!" The gecko spoke suddenly, and the atmosphere doubled again.

"Two!" His voice was a little soft, but at the moment it seemed short and powerful.


Zi Ji couldn't help swallowing a spit, nervous. The gecko's eyes narrowed into a slit, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

The air is almost frozen, everything is silent, there is silence.

"Three!" Gecko drunk sternly, under the eyes of everyone, shot like lightning!

Both sides blushed and snarled in unison while their hands shot: "Stone scissors cloth!"


Chu Yun fell to the ground.

The mountain breeze stopped, and the stars didn't seem to blink anymore.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

All eyes are on the sky. The gecko's five fingers are wide open, while the purple eagle simply stretches out his index and middle fingers.

"Ha ha ha, I won!" After a short silence, the robbery monster purple eagle suddenly smiled with pride.

"I, I lost ..." The gecko's face was disappointed, his eyes lost, and he muttered to himself.

"Let's go! This legendary duel method is really tough and utterly messed up!" Chu Yun covered his face with cold sweat, climbed up silently, and immediately started to run.

The battle ended quickly, and the process was incredible, and he had completely surpassed his imagination. Now that the gecko is defeated, if the Purple Eagle disappears, then he will face the anger of a robbery monster!

Don't run away at this time, when will you wait?

"You can undo the Dafa. The loser." Zi Jiu looked down at the gecko. His opponent, who had just struggled, was already like Frost's eggplant.

"Alas ..." The gecko sighed deeply and swallowed the curtain back into his stomach.

"How about the demon crystal?" The face of the purple eagle changed, and shouted at the gecko angrily, "Gecko little thief, how dare you do it!"

The shock of the gecko's same face shouted incredulously: "Impossible! Impossible! Why is the demon crystal gone?"

Both robbery monsters screamed very loudly. In the mountain range, Chu Yun heard a cold sweat.

"Gecko, the demon crystal!" Zi Ji stared at the gecko fiercely, his eyes flashing fiercely, and he was completely angry.

"Do n’t get me wrong, I never took the demon crystal. You also know that this method was taught to us by the former master. We must divide the victory and defeat between the demon robbers. People harm themselves. The former master's law is so fair, how can I not comply? "The gecko quickly waved his hands to defend.

"You're right!" The purple eagle's anger slightly reduced, and immediately became more angry. "Damn the thief! You must have stolen the uncle's demon crystal. You come out!"

You come out soon ...

come out faster……

come out……


The sound of the Purple Vulture, like the thunder billowing, resounded in this mountain range, thousands of beasts were dormant, flowers and birds were silent, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

"It's the idiot that came out!" Chu Yun suddenly heard the explosion and was shocked. Immediately he cursed fiercely in his heart and ran faster.

"Ahhhhh ..." Seeing no one standing up, Zijiu was furious. He danced wildly with the wind, anger, and burned the ninth heaven, "Dare to steal the uncle's demon crystal, I want you to not die!"

Not to die ...

Good death ...

What a death ...

Die ...


The echoes shook the hills of the valley, the gravel rolled down, and the mountains trembling under the wrath of the robbery.

"This mighty power!" Chu Yun was shocked in his heart, but felt extremely refreshing and stimulating. His whole body was trembling with excitement, stealing in front of the demon, this was never an experience.

"Do you think you can escape this way? You are delusional! Look at my eagle's eyes!" Ziji's eyes burst into two beams of light, sweeping around.

Light purple light column, wherever you go, Qi 1ang flying across, rocks exploding, water splashing.

"Oops!" Chu Yun sinks in his heart. How fast his eyes move, how fast this beam of light moves. Chu Yun didn't respond even if there was a sè rainbow demon, and was rubbed by Guangzhu.

Just wiped it a little, and the demon-less rainbow demon suddenly collapsed. The stealth Taoism was violently cracked, and Chu Yun showed his body.

"It's you, it's you, it's you who stole my demon crystal. Little thief stole, you're too cunning and too cheat!" Zi Ji saw Chu Yun, his eyes were all spitting fire, and his body immediately came out. .

"It's a big game now!" Chu Yun watched Ziji come to fight, and his heart had already mentioned his throat. At this moment he also knew he was alive and dead.

He turned his thoughts and suddenly took out the map scroll and shouted, "Stop it! I am the heir of the Beastmaster!"

"Huh? This scroll is ..." Purple vulture figured out, immediately snorted, and rushed over again. "Even if you are a heir, it doesn't matter. The former owner took care of us before he died. Be careful. Focus on 'care', you inheritors! "

"Damn it!" Chu Yun couldn't help but take out the Lishan Longan flower branch. There are many fruits on it, and nearly a hundred dragon's eye fruits flicker one after another, and the fruity fragrance overflows.

"Dragon's eye fruit!" This time, not only attracted the purple eagle, even the rotten gecko who was watching the show, and his eyes lit up, leaving a spit.

Longan fruit can be taken even by people. Not to mention the monsters. The dragon eye fruit can enhance the physique of the monster, and can also enhance the strength.

"Human, I can't think you have dragon's eye fruit, bring it!"

"These Dragon Eye Fruits are for you to eat, it is just 1ang fee. Mine, all of them are mine."

The two big robbery rushed to Chu Yun at the same time.

Chu Yun sneered and suddenly took out the robbery demon crystal.

"Suck!" He gave a hand and poured chalishan longan flower branch on the demon crystal. All of a sudden, the flowers are swaying, the dragon's eyes blink again and again, and Cultivation is soaring!

"No-! My demon crystal!" Zi Ji looked at the scene in front of her, suddenly screamed in distress.

"This human is too cunning, stop him, stop him!" The rotten gecko saw Chu Yun's plan and shook his heart. Want to rush, but hesitated.

The breath of Lishan longan flower branches is soaring wildly. It was originally a great demon value of more than nine hundred years, but now it only absorbs a trace of the demon crystal, and suddenly breaks through the limit and reaches the spirit demon level.


A sense of heaven and earth, looting the cloud and resurrecting life.

"Damn! Damn!" Zi Ji cursed repeatedly, but Chu Yun had no choice. With a dreadful look, he retreated back. He is a robbery demon, most afraid of sky robbery. If you are implicated, it is really unlucky.

"Aha, this is the Bailong Tribulation! We are waiting here from afar, watching him hacked to death by the Heaven Tribulation!" The rotten gecko is much more dangerous, standing back to a certain degree, standing on the top of the mountain Staring at Chu Yun fiercely.

"Hundred Dragon Tribulation!" Chu Yun looked at the Robbery above his head, his face changed. He had originally planned to rely on some of the Taoist methods of his Taoism, and he was able to contend with the sky-tribulation and escape. But now, at first glance, this day's catastrophe is absolutely a hundred dragon catastrophe, which is not within the scope of the Tao.

Ang roar!

In the robbery, countless dragons are generated. Hundreds of dragons roared again and again, the world shivered, Long Wei Xuan He, fiercely angry eyes, all concentrated on the branch of Lishan Longan underneath.

"Lishan Longan Flowering Branch!"

"The pain of our dragons !!"

"Damn! How many dragons did you kill!"

Among these dragons, there are three huge dragon shadows, the body is dozens of feet long, and the meanders meander in the depths of the robbery cloud. With a huge hill-like head, his eyes could be irritated.

"Wan Zai Qinglong! Polar Ice Dragon! Recklessly Dragon!" Chu Yun looked up at the robbery, his face a little white. According to rumors, the Dragon tribe hated Lishan longan flower branch. This Bailong Tribulation is to summon the Dragon Soul from the Netherworld Netherworld, with the Tribulation Cloud as the body, not in the five elements of heaven and earth. Therefore, we cannot use tricks to make tricks.

"Heavenly disaster, just come here! Let me tell you, I not only killed hundreds of dragon beasts ~ ~ In the future, I will go through the heavenly disaster, but also kill and kill all the dragons in the world!" Laughing, not afraid of danger, bursting out of the air, full of fearless jīng God.

He looked up and looked at the hundreds of dragons in the robbery with a warlike eye, full of provocation.

The dragons were all angry. The three largest dragons were irritated and roared, and the sound shook the world. They vowed to kill Chu Yun, a tiny ant, completely.

"This human being has the temperament of our former master, brave and fearless!" Zi Ji looked at him, but his impression of Chu Yun had changed.

But at the next moment, his impression suddenly changed suddenly, and Chu Yun became the most shameless **** in history in his heart.

Only Chu Yun shouted again, "What am I afraid of? What am I afraid of! I have two demon robbers who have been helping me to kill the dragon beast and strengthen the Lishan longan flower branch. You are just a spiritual monster. , Corrupt Gecko, we all shot together, and bombarded this day! "


Chu Yun fueled the fire, and the dragons were furious.

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