The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 21: : Promote the spirit demon again!

Section 21: Promote the Spirit Demon!

"I said how could you have so many dragon eyes!"

"It turns out there are two accomplices!"

"I see, the truth is clear !!"

Three old dragons, one with light scales, is Wanzai Qinglong. A sturdy body is a rough earth dragon. It was the polar ice dragon that was full of coldness.

These three most powerful dragon souls, attached to the robbery cloud, have become the most terrifying three levels. They listened to Chu Yun's words, and suddenly they were fueled by fire, and they were all angry, and they all turned their eyes to the poisonous gecko and the ferocious purple eagle.

"The truth tells you, my sister!" The ferris purple eagle shook with anger, and his face was blue and white for a while.

"Everyone, this is a misunderstanding. We are framed!" The rotten gecko wanted to explain, but now the dragon soul in a rage can't hear any words at all.

The horror of Bailong Tribulation lies not only in its power, but also in the fact that Robust Cloud summoned the dead dragon beasts from the ghost of Huang Quan to let them lead the attack.

This makes Bailong Tribulation become a dead robber, and a change to live robber. Let Heaven Tribulation be able to think about how to fight and how to break through the defensive tricks of the robbers.

This is to borrow the remaining fighting wisdom from the memory of Dragon Soul. Therefore, there are very few successful examples of monsters who died under the Bailong Tribulation.

"The strongest point is the weakest point! This is easy!" Heavenly Tribulation exploded, but Chu Yun was overjoyed. He cleverly used the special features of Bailong Tribulation to bring disaster to the east.

Bailong Tribulation is now divided into three, partly led by Wan Zai Qinglong, surrounding the rotten gecko. Part of it was led by the polar ice dragon and enveloped the ferocious purple eagle. Under the guidance of the reckless earth dragon, another part besieged Chu Yun.

This is the terrible place of Dragon Soul.

The general catastrophes are all carried out in stages, and the power gradually increases. But with the Dragon Soul, with the help of their fighting memory, the Heaven Tribulation became cunning. It accumulates all its power, bursts suddenly, and bangs down without giving any breathing opportunities to the robbery.

"Fortunately, he was divided into most of the robberies and went elsewhere." Chu Yun held Lishan Longan Flower Branch and struggled to resist the siege of more than thirty dragons.

But even so, in the face of the dragon attack, the scene is still precarious.

Hundreds of dragon's eye fruits flickered repeatedly, and a variety of colorful lines appeared. Several of them are the most stout, namely Ice Soul God Light, Thick Earth Mysterious Light, Clutch God Light.

Chu Yun clenched his teeth and insisted that under the strong external pressure, he was absorbed in and entered a strange state of combat.

He discarded all the distractions, and the aura within him and the Lishan longan flower branch established a closer connection. The Lishan longan flower branch seems to be a part of his body, making him use it like a finger, which feels wonderful.

Chu Yun was like a rock, and he stood firm in the wind 1ang, which was rolled up by the Heaven Tribulation. His heart turned freely, and his heart moved with his heart. Between the waving of Lishan Longan flower branch, the burst shè line became thinner. But it is more effective in resisting and killing the attacks of Sky Tribulation.

After half an hour, in front of Chu Yun, there was only one polar ice dragon left. He looked at the other two robbery monsters, but now they are under siege by the dragon robbery, but on the contrary they are far inferior to himself.

"The two demon robbers are 100 times more powerful than me! They are afraid of the sense of the world, so they have not tried their best. I have to delay for the time being. Here. "

As soon as Chu Yun moved, he had distracted thoughts. The strange realm that merged with the Lishan longan flower branch suddenly collapsed.

"What kind of state was it just now?" Chu Yun, while resisting the polar ice dragon's attack, made the illusion that he was struggling to die, with no spare power, but he secretly recollected the battle scene just now.

He wanted to enter that kind of state again, but tried a few times without success.

But he soon realized that he was not without gains. He used Lishan Longan Flower Branch, and even in this time, he has reached the state of Dacheng!

Chu Yun has the sword and arrow techniques of Dacheng Realm, and now he controls the Lishan longan flower branch. After just half an hour, he also reached Dacheng Realm.

This improvement immediately made his Lishan Longan flower branch combat power increase by 20%. Chu Yun kept his defense, and his life was more worry-free.

"What's going on there? Only the polar ice dragon soul is left!"

"Relax, the human kid is over. It's a big deal for the benefit of our children and grandchildren to clean up these two robbery demons!"

Wan Zai Qinglong talked with Mang Tu Tu Long, and then immediately focused on his respective demon opponents.

The purple eagle is spitting out blood, and the poisonous gecko has a sè face. They are tall robbery monsters, but they are given to the face by a small human.

What's more suffocating is that they dare not show their true fighting power. Can only rely on the humanoid state, slowly slowing down the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

This is a spirit demon robbery, and it is not powerful enough to deal with these two demon robbery. But it has caused countless troubles for both of them.

After another hour, they both wiped away the power of the Heavenly Tribulation. Almost at the same time, Chu Yun also made a fatal blow, strangling the polar ice dragon soul.

"You shameless villain!"

"It's too shameless, too cheating! I'm even more dangerous than Gecko !!!!"

The two robbery monsters shook with rage, and the raging anger accumulated in their eyes showed a tendency to spray out.

Chu Yun smiled, watching them about to rush, immediately put away the Lishan Longan flower branch that was already a spirit demon, and took out the no evil rainbow demon.

Wushen Hong Yao is a big demon for more than six hundred years. After absorbing the robbery demon crystal, it suddenly breaks to the level of the spirit demon like the Lishan longan flower branch.

A savage murderous intention has surfaced on the faces of the two robbery monsters, but at the next moment, the face immediately changed and had to retreat again.

This is the spirit demon robbery without the rainbow demon.

The night sky that had just quieted down suddenly became lively again. The robbery cloud rolled and thunder bursts.

"Okay, this is an ordinary thunder robbery." Chu Yun was overjoyed, pouring the law of thunder into the rainbow monster. Then he wrapped the Wicked Rainbow Demon into his body, carrying the robbery clouds moving in the sky, and reversed the two demon demon to rush to the past.

"You don't want to repeat your tricks!"

"Go away! Go away!"

These two robbery demons suddenly changed their faces. Seeing the robbery followed, there was no more arrogance, and immediately fled from the place like lightning.

Chu Yun kept chasing behind him, and the thunder bomb was bombarded, but he was targeted by the thunder law and was completely eliminated.

"Actually chased by a human!"

"Shame, shame!"

The two robbery monsters howled repeatedly, cursing Chu Yun while flying. They hated Chu Yun, and they clearly had a strong fighting power, but in the face of Chu Yun, they became the dogs of the bereavement and were driven around.

Fortunately, they traveled so fast that Chu Yun couldn't catch up.

After chasing for a while, Chu Yun also knew that he couldn't catch up, Suo xìng stopped, and he dealt with Tiankai wholeheartedly.

After the Heavenly Tribulation, his Noble Rainbow Demon was also promoted to the level of the Spirit Demon, which is no longer as bad as the original. Under the breath of the robbery, Chu Yun can also continue to be invisible.

Chu Yun urged no rainbow demon, immediately fled in stealth. The two robbery monsters have been completely irritated by him, and they flew back again to pursue Chu Yun's perseverance.

The purple eagle once again urged the "Eagle Eyes to Look Around" Taoism and swept around. Chu Yun was unlucky and was swept again, showing his figure three miles away.

Watching the robbery hunted down, he had to reapply his skills again.

This time, he changed the cultivation of Huan Zhuan Dan Yuanshu to the level of spirit demon, attracting spirit demon robbery.

"Humanity, you are still here!" The two demon robbers shuddered and retreated.

Chu Yun went through the robbery while chasing and killing. The robbery roared and angered, but he didn't dare to risk fighting. This is not the first Bailong Tribulation. The Cloud has been transformed into a hundred dragons. Now the robbery is on the top of Chu Yun's head, communicating with the world, and exuding the atmosphere of the road that scares the robbery.

Chu Yun chased for a while, but now even though no Hong Hong demon was promoted to the spirit demon, he still can't catch up with the two robbery demon.

"The demon dare not dare to use his real fighting power, but the degree is still very objective. Unless I have a superb method of adding Dao, it is difficult to catch up."

Chu Yun sighed and gave up chasing. After half a year, the spirit demon robbed him, and his Huan Zhuan Dan Yuanshu was successfully promoted to the spirit demon plant.

Seeing the two demon robbers, once again fighting back, Chu Yun quickly disappeared.

At this time, the two demon robbers turned around and started chasing and killing Chu Yun again.

Zi Ji re-applied the old trick, trying to sweep Chu Yun out. His eyes burst out with two columns of light purple light, and as fast as his eyes move, the light column will be as fast.

But this time, Chu Yun seemed to have steamed out of thin air, disappearing without a trace.

"Weird! It's impossible ~ ~ According to the truth, he can be found completely." Ziji was not reconciled, glanced again twice, far and wide eyes, even Chu Yun's one Khan did not see it.

"This human being is too cunning! He must have used some means. Let's go. We went to find the cloud-winged tiger. He has a trace of Taoism taught by his former master. We two big robbery monsters are chased by a small human Strike. All face is lost. It ’s hard to dispel his hatred without killing him! ”The corrupt gecko gritted his teeth and stomped his feet fiercely, breaking the air, and his figure flew into the sky.

"Huh ... I'm finally gone." After the two robbery go away, Chu Yun's face was pale and his figure appeared.

He did not go far at all, and after hiding, he hid under the feet of the two robbery monsters. Zi Jiu glanced in all directions, but only missed his feet.

This is also the wisdom of robbery, no human superior. I did not expect this leak for a while.

"Fortunately, no rainbow monster was promoted to a spirit monster, otherwise the big monster series would not be able to hide at the foot of the robbery monster." Chu Yun took a sigh of relief. After the crisis was lifted, a sense of accomplishment emerged. He faced the two robbery monsters, and finally survived on wit. This result, to be publicized outside, is enough to make outsiders stunned.

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