The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 19: : Rushing to grab the demon crystal!

Section 19: Rushing to grab the demon crystal!

Chu Yun was standing in the dark mountain with hidden light, but all the scenes in front of him were as clear as day.

As soon as he stared, his eyes suddenly turned in six colors. There are six kinds of vitality in the air, such as steep cash, wood, fire, fire and earth, all of which have unique colors and are colorful and visible.

"Even my six-line eye movements are easier." Chu Yun grasped his hands, and he could clearly feel a stupid power hidden in his body. This was absolutely absent in the past.

Immediately afterwards, he also felt that his hearing, smell, taste, etc. had been significantly improved.

Between thoughts change and change, more agile. Energetic, the world seems to be closer to himself.

"Right!" Chu Yun thought of the key points, sat down and fell into meditation. After a few breaths, he opened his eyes and exuded a thick smile, "Okay! My soul and aura have been significantly improved. Now it is no problem to charge two spirit demon! Heaven and earth are totally new! "

This is a magical pill that can enhance the human body's qualifications. Chu Yun's qualifications were abruptly improved on the basis of the original good.

"But this is not enough!" Chu Yun thought for a while, and sat down again, simply swallowing the remaining two Huanhua Pills in turn.

Due to the superposition of xìng, each effect is decreasing in turn. But Chu Yun's aura improved, still very impressive. In the end, his aura is enough to support four more spirit demon, plus a big demon.

"If I don't have the Huanhua Tao Dan, my qualifications must wait until the age of 278 to grow up in this body. But now, when I am only fifteen, I have reached this level!"

Chu Yun clenched his fists, this time, finally solved the hidden danger of insufficient aura. The road ahead, Yipingpingchuan, bright and vast.

Next is Qing Tuo Dan.

This Qingtuo Dan is the first-class dan, and it is a famous cultivating dan in the long history of Xingzhou. Taking one can support a month's time.

It is full of beauty and color, with a layer of bright glory. It was as big as a glass bead, and as soon as it was taken out of the bottle, a sober fragrance immediately diffused. The Tianhu girl guarding the guard in ng mouth immediately moved her ears, her bright eyes dripped, and she saw the pill in Chu Yun's hands, her eyes narrowed immediately.

"Master ..." Tianhu Maiden gasped softly in her mouth, and came to Ai Ai in expectation. Cherry's small mouth opened slightly, her eyebrows lowered, and the afterglow of her eyes aimed at Qing Tuo Dan from time to time.

Chu Yun Renjun couldn't help but say, "Look again, and then the saliva will flow down."

The Sky Fox girl quickly raised the back of her hand and wiped the corner of her mouth. She was deceived now, she didn't follow her, and the fluffy white fox tail wobbled behind her, smirking and saying: "Master you are bad, deceive others!"

"Ha ha ha." Chu Yunlang laughed, no longer teasing ng Xiaotian Fox, and handed Qingtuo Dan to her, "Give it to you, little cute."

The Sky Fox girl suddenly flashed her eyes, took the Qingtuo Dan, took a small bite, and swallowed it, then swallowed it in her belly.

"It's delicious." Tianhu sucked his lips, seemingly unsure. Suddenly her whole body trembled slightly, and she was sweating dripping in the blink of an eye.

"Okay, okay, okay. Qingtuodan has the effect of removing the debris from the body and purifying the demon body. When you sweat, you are expelling the impurities in the body. But as you take Qingtuodan for a long time, your body will become more and more pure This effect is small. "Chu Yun nodded and solved the puzzle for Tianhu.

"Can you still eat this kind of pill again? Master, you are so good!" Tianhu Maiden heard the words and immediately shouted with joy.

Qing Tuo Dan has a wonderful taste, which made her take one immediately and it was unforgettable.

"Master ..." The girl screamed sweetly and plunged into Chu Yun's arms. She looked up and stretched out her small, fragrant tongue, ann on Chu Yun's face.

This is a habitual movement she had in the previous life. But after changing to the netg figure, Chu Yun felt a little strange. The girl's body is delicate and tender, with a scent of sweat and a refreshing dan incense of Qingtuo Dan. The small tongue is soft and sweet, and an has no taste on the face.

"Okay, okay, it's time for me to continue vigilance." Chu Yun patted the girl's head, soothing softly.

"Yes, master!"

Next, Chu Yun used Qing Tuo Dan to feed the other monster beasts Moon Rabbit and Colorless Rainbow Demon, while waiting for the outside to move.

"Strange, why haven't the two robbed monsters returned yet? Did something happen?" Chu Yun was amazed. After feeding the monsters, he set off again, spared a large circle, and re-entered the electric mangrove forest .

Before he got there, he saw the electric mansions shoot from a distance, the thunder was like prison, and the earth-shattering horror.

"Sure enough, something changed!" Chu Yun moved. Originally according to his expectations, with the strength of the two robbery monsters, the dying robbery tree should be killed, no problem. But now it seems that there has been another change in the exhibition of facts.

Chu Yun approached the battlefield cautiously. He didn't dare to get too close. He just lurked on this mountain and watched from afar.

"This is Heavenly Tribulation! Heavenly Tribulation of the Electric Mang Thunder Tree!" Chu Yun was shocked. I saw thunder rolling in the night, and countless lightning bolts, such as the sword with a thousand handles pierced through the sky, toward the robbery monster tree below. Cleave hard.

The robbery demon tree is also using various thunder and thunder ways to fight back. But the momentum is getting weaker.

Chu Yun observed for a while, his eyes flashing uncertainly: "This is the mirror image of Skylight Tribulation! It can reflect all Dao Laws, and its power will be doubled! This tree of robbery demon is dead!"

To survive this thunderstorm, we must not resist violently and arrogantly. To find a way to procrastinate, the Tao of counterattack cannot be too harsh, and the power of counterattack and defense must be mastered. Otherwise, as in today's scene-the robbery demon tree is working hard, and the power of mirroring the skylight robbery has also increased to a terrible level.

The sooner you try, the closer you are to destruction.

The Demon Tree has reached its own limit, but the Heavenly Tribulation will continue to increase in strength over time.

"Alas, the existence of the robbery demon will also be wiped out under the prestige of heaven and earth. Where did the two robbery demon go?" Chu Yun watched carefully, and finally saw two human figures standing on the other two hills. .

The two robbery demons witnessed this sky-tribulation, and their expressions were very complicated. There is compassion for the same disease, there is indifference and cruelty, there is excitement and bloodthirsty, and there is fear and fear ...

They were all demon robbers, but Xiu Wei didn't have that angry king under Shujia Island. Now it is humanoid again, hiding the breath. But he still dared not get too close to the trees of the electric thunder tree. They guarded each other and stared at the upcoming natural demon crystal.


The apocalypse aggravated, and the power of reflecting Daoism suddenly doubled. Thousands of thunders have changed from azure blue to gold.

It's like a heavenly sword, with sword light like a forest, slamming the body of the robbery demon tree.

After a huge explosion, a circular deep hole with a diameter of nearly ten feet appeared in the center of the forest. Hundreds of spirit demon trees near the robbery demon tree also suffered and turned into fly ash.

"Natural robbery demon crystal!" The purple vulture monster screamed, leaped into the sky, and rushed towards the half-man-shaped cylindrical demon crystal in the middle of the deep pit.

"Thinking is beautiful! The curtain is heavy !!" The venomous gecko spit out violently, spitting out a black mist. The mist increased with the wind, and even the white mí mist was discharged, and the entire electric mangrove forest was enveloped.

This is a superior Taoist law, used in the hands of the demon, the power is even more terrifying. The entire forest was a hundred miles away, and it was easily shrouded in. Even a robbery like Zi Ji, who has to step into it, has to be constantly eroded by the shadows and mí loses direction. It takes a lot of effort to solve this Taoism.

"The demon crystal is mine!" But the poisonous gecko did not want to give the other party this opportunity, and immediately came to fight, fighting with the purple eagle. Both sides come and go, and you are chasing me in the air, extremely fierce.

"Heaven help me too! Really help me too!" Chu Yun was overjoyed, the adventurous spirit made him immediately urge the colorless rainbow demon, and wrapped himself.

He used the colorless rainbow demon to perform the stealth Taoist method, and at the same time, he produced a drunk snow knife, cast the darkening Dao method, and once again sneaked into the electric mangrove forest.

This way of concealing Dao is derived from the superior Dao in the ruins of Bluestone. It is a part of the legendary Taoism, which can turn away all the secrets of Taoism.

But this rotten gecko that robbed the monster series is a dark and poisonous genus. However, he used this "dark curtain" again, the way of the dark.

Chu Yun immediately drilled the loophole and entered the woods again. In front of the law of concealment, the dark curtain has lost its effect. But Chu Yun's actions were not fast.

He felt like he was stuck in a black mud swamp. Everywhere is the force of viscous erosion, as if forming an invisible net. And he himself was a flying insect caught in a cobweb.

He must take advantage of the owner of the cobweb, before he realizes it, retrieve the robbery demon crystal, and then run away.

This is the risk of life.

But Chu Yun analyzed it and found that success was very high.

Sure enough, he spent two quarters of time to find the target location. This is thanks to him who has sneaked in here and had his first experience. Otherwise it is difficult to be so fast.

"Rob demon crystal!" Chu Yun slipped carefully ~ ~ reached the bottom of Dalian pit.

The ordinary demon crystal is only the size of an arm. The largest demon crystal that Chu Yun has seen is the dragon demon crystal transformed by the blue sea dragon in the Xinghai Dragon Palace in the previous life.

But at this time, the demon crystal in front of him had already gone beyond the stone mill, and was simply a shortened palace pillar. It is cylindrical and must be embraced by two adults. The height is half the height of the person, the whole body is light blue, and there are vaguely green flashes in it.

"It's here!" Chu Yun put the demon crystal into the fairy capsule and immediately turned around and withdrew. As soon as he ran out of the woods, he heard the purple vulture above his head say: "Don't fight. We are all afraid of sky-tribulation, so we can only fight in human form. We can't wield half of our own combat power. Fight like this It just does n’t make sense. "

Speaking, avoiding one side away.

"Well, what do you say?" The demon rotten poison gecko also stopped the offensive.

"There is only the legendary method. We will use that method to decide the victory or defeat!" Zi Ji suggested seriously.

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