The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 18: : Xide Qingtuo Dan

Section 18: Xing Qing Tuo Dan

Changing the direction of observation, Chu Yun peeped into the rough image of the Demon Tree.

This is indeed a real demon robbery tree.

But it was also a dying electric thunder tree that was seriously injured.

The big tree has been split in half, and only a small part of the dense branches is intact-this is the part that Chu Yun saw for the first time.

The rest of the tree was scorched, and the light smoke rose up.

"It turned out to be like this by Thunder!" Chu Yun was shocked. The electric mango tree is a demon plant of the genus Lei, which has great resistance to the Lei system. The robbery demon tree can be split into such a miserable situation by thunder, the only explanation is only the sky robbery.

That's right, the monsters of the robbery series are endless, and they can come at any time.

Young demon, demon, big demon, spirit demon, robbery demon, these are the five stages of growth of demon beast.

In the first four phases, only the demon robbery, the big demon robbery, and the spirit demon robbery are the demon robbery. But once grown into a robbery, its powerful power has already drawn taboos from the world. Demon robbers are constantly coming, trying to eliminate this kind of threatening existence.

The big tree that robbed the monster in front of Chu Yun apparently had just gone through a monster robber and was split like this. The magnificent atmosphere of the robbery demon, but now if there is nothing, a slight trace.

"This is a dying demon, if I can make a fatal blow, I will get a giant demon crystal of the level of the demon! This is a step to the fortune!" Chu Yun throbbed and his breath was slightly quick.

This idea is really too confusing. If Sky Fox had eaten this demon crystal, it would surely be able to transform into a robbery demon. At that time, he will have a monster robbery!

"But my aura now has reached the limit of control. Even the big demon soldier's whip, I can't conquer it. Sky Fox grew into a robbery, and the first victim is me! Another point, the robbery is high. It ’s unfathomable, and it is the fighting power that occupies the peak of the monster. Especially the demon plant, like a hundred-footed insect dying and not stiff, if I ca n’t beat it, it will provoke the anger of the robbery, I am afraid that I will die without a burial place! "

"Furthermore, even if I successfully killed the Demon Tree, but exposed my own traces, there are hundreds of spiritual demon trees around, and I will never let me go ..."

Chu Yun soon realized that his own plan was really leaking.

But his mood has not calmed down yet, and there is a sudden wave: "Wait, what is that?"

He saw a bronze treasure chest under the root of the big tree. It was quaint and dull, covered with blue patina, and Chu Yun was mistaken for a bluestone at first glance. At the second glance, I can see its identity clearly.

"This is the treasure of inheritance!" Chu Yun shouted in his heart with years of experience.

"Damn! If I want to get the treasure, I will definitely alarm the Demon Destroyer Tree. If I solve the Demon Destroyer Tree first, my own strength will not be able to do it. Damn, Damn!" But it's as difficult as the sky.

His mind changed sharply, and he thought for a quarter of an hour, racking his brain, but he didn't think of a good way.

This forest is simply a large array of iron barrels created by the electric mango tree. Even if he has the ability to rob the demon, he can't break through. Thousands of demon trees, once they burst, the thunder is like a sea like a prison, and it is bound to destroy the world.

"Have to give up, alas ..." Finally, Chu Yun sighed helplessly, the rapids retreat bravely, resolutely withdrew.

This is the literacy of first-class probing.

Many people will be attracted by the treasure in front of them, bursting out the greed in their hearts, leading to reckless actions, not seeing the risks, and even dying for the treasure.

Chu Yun was determined, although he was reluctant, he was wise and could see the situation clearly. He resolutely stepped back and gave up this seemingly possible, in fact a good opportunity for a huge trap.

"It's a pity this big tree that robbed the demon." Chu Yun kept retreating a few miles away, he occupied a hill, looked back at this blue forest, and sighed.

This monster robbery tree has been split into a dying state. It takes a long time to return to the heyday state. During this time, the demon must come again. This big tree is already destined to perish.

The monsters slain by monsters will be transformed into natural monster crystals, which can be absorbed by any monsters. But Chu Yun couldn't **** it too close, with thousands of electric lightning trees.

The demon robbery is too powerful. His current strength can only be watched from a distance. After the destruction of the monster robbery tree, he went deeper into the woods, where Yaojing had been robbed.

"You can only let go. The next stop is the rotten gecko's mountain lair." Chu Yun turned around and left, following the sign on the map scroll, and came out again.

He was in a hurry, because as the date of closure became closer, his time became more and more limited.

But halfway through, suddenly a loud and deafening roar came from afar.

The earth shakes, the sky falls apart! The entire mountain range has a tendency to collapse, countless birds and beasts mourn mournfully, two breaths of demons, vast and majestic, like an invisible tsunami, engulf the entire mountain.

"Actually, there are two demon robbers on the shelf!" Chu Yun's face suddenly turned white, and he retreated from his invisible state. The colorless rainbow demon is just a series of big demon. At this time, the position is suppressed, trembling, and the fighting spirit has collapsed.

"Ah! Isn't it a monster that he grew up with? Xìng is so timid to use." Chu Yun sighed in his heart, but his movements were not slow. He immediately found a ng hole and drilled into it.


After almost three breaths, the two figures in the sky fought all the way, all with a mighty and invincible momentum, tearing the air and crushing it hard.

"Lao Lei was thundered and was seriously injured. He is mine! His gecko is mine! You die, gecko!" A tall and thin man with a purple flutter, a masculine and fierce fist, one Attacking one defense, opening wide, and colluding, domineering.

"Hey, Zi Jiu, you think it's beautiful. Be your net autumn daydream ... Go for the demon crystal to be mine, and go back to your purple mountain nest." The other person was short, ugly, and black. Dark skin. Between the shots, the breeze was blowing, and the eyes were blinking.

While fighting, the two scolded each other, violently clashed away all the way.

Where they passed, the mountains and the earth were dead. For a long time, Chu Yun gradually got the sound of birds and beasts and recovered his vitality.

"The two robbery demons are fighting in the form of human beings. Listening to their words and looking at them, one should be a rotten gecko and a ferris purple eagle. Lao Lei, Lao Lei ... They are going to Dianmang Over there, Thunderwood! "

Chu Yun thought for a moment and immediately noticed the cause and effect. He coveted the demon crystal of the robbery demon tree, but he didn't expect that the other two robbery demon had already taken a fancy.

"This thing has turned around again!" Chu Yun's spirit was shaking, really another village of Liu Anhuaming!

"I will not go there in the electric mangrove forest. In front of the robbery in its heyday state, my invisibility does not work at all. But since both robbery go there, then the treasures deep in their nest ... "

The battle over Dengman Leishu was already too high for Chu Yun to chase. The colorless rainbow demon is just a series of big demon. It is very weak in front of the robbery demon. Fortunately, the two demon robbers just focused on fighting and did not notice the little Chu Yun below.

"Corrupt gecko and ferris purple eagle, these two monster beast groups, both have heritage treasures!"

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Chu Yun no longer hesitated, immediately added according to the picture.

Generally speaking, there are few robbery monsters in an ethnic group. This possibility is small.

Chu Yunguo really got a chance, he first came to the cliff wall where the rotten gecko group lived. In the largest and deepest mountain, he found a bronze treasure chest.

It is placed in the deepest part of the nest, as if it has taken root, and it is connected with the whole mountain.

Chu Yun attached the scroll map to the bronze treasure box according to the method on the scroll. Suddenly the aura flashed, and after five full breaths, the treasure chest Capone sounded a crack in the mouth of the chest.

Chu Yun gently opened the treasure chest. Among the huge treasure chest, there was only a bottle of pill and a jade.

"Is it Qing Qing Dan?" Chu Yun took a look and was both disappointed and surprised. This is not Qing Tuo Dan, but it is Huan Hua Dan!

This is one of the only four types in Sin Chau, a peerless pill that can comprehensively improve the physique, soul and aura of the demon master.

Among the pill bottles, there are three rejuvenating chemical pill. Among the simplifications, it is the remedy of Huanhua Dandan!

This means that as long as there are enough materials for alchemy, Chu Yun's hands will continue to rejuvenate the elixir.

The value of Danfang cannot be overestimated!

Recognizing this, Chu Yun's hands shivered slightly.

He quickly packed his emotions and began to evacuate. Fortunately, in this mountain, the atmosphere of robbery was everywhere, which brought great convenience to Chu Yun's actions.

After half an hour, he withdrew from the gecko lair and rushed to the purple mountain where the giant purple eagle family is located.

Among the highest bird nests in Zishan, he found the third bronze treasure chest.

The bird's nest is filled with robbery, resulting in no purple eagles daring to wander here.

"Qingtuo Dan!" Chu Yun opened the treasure chest and finally found what he was looking for.

"It's really nowhere to break through the iron shoes!" He excitedly packed up the yù Jian that recorded the Dan side, as well as a bottle of Dan.

This time, instead of rushing to other ethnic groups, he found a safer place far away and began to swallow Dan.

The entrance of Huanran Huahua Dan instantly melted ~ ~ Chu Yun immediately felt a refreshing yù liquid, pouring from the mouth into the throat, passing the intestine, and nourishing the internal organs.

Soon, an extremely refreshing breath burst suddenly from the depths of the body. Swept Chu Yun's whole body and mind.

In an instant, Chu Yun fluttered like a dang in Yunding. It also seems to be flowing down from the waterfall on a hot summer day.


Suddenly a loud noise awakened him from the wonderful feeling. He opened his eyes, and the gloomy mountain suddenly lit up, his eyes like lightning, which could make the virtual room glow.

"How come it's the night!" Chu Yun looked at the sky and was surprised that several hours had passed. He clearly remembered that before swallowing Dan, it was a clear afternoon, and there were no clouds in the clear sky.

Today, when you open your eyes again, it is already late at night, and the stars are glorious.

"Cultivation! Cultivation!" Immediately, he stood up and couldn't help muttering in his mouth. He made his own change.

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