The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 17: : Real inheritance!

Section 17: True inheritance!

Chu Yun's previous life was a first-class esoteric visitor, and later he got the experience book of the earth-moving Shensou, and immediately keenly realized that the bronze statue was inappropriate.

He was stationed under the bronze statue and researched in oblivion. However, two days and two nights passed, and he did not make any progress.

"Is this just my illusion? No, this intuition has been guiding me in my previous life, and it's quite correct. It's just that I didn't find the right way." For other people, I'm afraid I'll be gone long ago. These days, the fog is getting thicker and thicker. If you go on like this, Chu Yun is likely to be trapped here.

The mist is even more dangerous, and the combat effectiveness is greatly suppressed. Many powerful monsters will also reappear from the dormant state. With Chu Yun's current strength, he can't compete, and his survival will be greatly challenged.

But Chu Yun's will was unshakable. Although he had no gains, he felt that he was getting closer to the truth.

He knew he needed to persevere. He is never lacking in patience, that is the most basic psychological quality that first-class tankers must possess.

"A person who can cross the 'destiny mí road' proves that you have luck, and will have further qualifications. A person who can cross the frightened sickle grass hill means that you have the courage and will get the chance to enter the Beast Palace. If you still You can see through the strangeness here, and persevere under the horror of death, proving that you have confidence and resourcefulness. Then ... you will be the one who has truly inherited my king of beasts! "

A voice resounded in Chu Yun's sleep.

Chu Yun woke up suddenly, but the voice didn't stop, but continued: "Come to my statue, have fate. Accept the last test of my king of beasts!"

"This is ..." Chu Yun stepped out of the tent and saw the bronze statue scattered with light under the night, suddenly realized.

"This bronze statue itself is just an ordinary object, but its square base is a peculiar demon soldier. I understand that I have been waiting here these days and unintentionally reached certain conditions. This The message of the Tao is called out by the spiritual light in the cornerstone and sounds from the bottom of my heart. "

Chu Yun's spirit rose, his eyes bright, and his perseverance for many days finally broke the deadlock and won hope. But he was still very cautious, and the more he could not be taken lightly at this moment. He slowly approached the pedestal foundation until it was only three steps away from the pedestal foundation. Suddenly he saw that the pedestal foundation began to rise slowly.

A slight rumbling sound dang through the bluestone ruins.

This organ was launched for the first time after thousands of years, and there was a lot of movement. In the quiet night after the ruins were cleared, Chu Yun gave Chu Yun a sense of shock and deafness.

The newly raised stone platform from the ground is also boxy in shape. It seems to be an enlarged version of the original square cornerstone. The difference is that there are eight scrolls on the stone platform.

"Choose one." That voice was conveyed to Chu Yun's heart again.

Chu Yunxin selected the nearest one and opened it. This is a map that marks all the areas of the endless forest, mountains, hills, peaks, forests, and the gathering place of various monsters and beasts.

"This is a map thousands of years ago, what's the use?" Chu Yun was holding this scroll, looking strange. But soon, he showed up.

"How does this map fully reflect the landforms of today?" He found his familiar area on the map and compared it with his memories one by one. The information on the map soon appeared, and he kept pace with the times!

"In other words, with this map, I know everything about the endless forest?" Chu Yun was overjoyed. The value of this map is too great to estimate.

Because of the endless forest, the resources are extremely rich, and there are tens of thousands of different monsters and plants. With this map, you can achieve resource collection for xìng.

"All along, because of the mí fog, people's understanding of the endless forest has remained on the surface. But I have this map, and I will set up a large gem door in the future, which will be used as a long-term open field for the Shu family. It's not impossible! "Chu Yun was alive.

The resources here are very rich, not only there are all kinds of wild resources, but also the rangers who have died here for thousands of years are no small number. Their legacy is also a wealth of wealth for u people.

"Mining the endless forest ..." A flash of light flashed through Chu Yun's mind, but then he thought again, "But it is not yet the time that the Shujia even the underground world on the main island has not been mined. What's more The large gem door, the maintenance cost, and the cost of guarding are quite huge ... "

He calmed down and carefully read some text messages under this map.

After a while, he looked up, his eyes shining brightly.

"That's what it is." He sighed aloud with emotion. Look again at the statue of the Beast King in front of you, and feel the martial arts. The Holy King made the sacred king to kill the God Seal of the Throne at night. Shaozhou Zhou royal family martial Qiankun will kill the **** Immortal throne in the night to seek the devil Ao Nine Chongtian strongest Shaozhou Zhou imperial **** will kill the **** immortal throne in the night begging the auspicious Nine Chongtian strongest to abandon the young Da Zhou clan to the past A strong king is different from ordinary people's heart and mind.

These eight scrolls are all maps, exactly the same, marking the landscape of the endless forest. It was the King of Beasts that was specifically reserved for the eight later testers.

Passing through fate roads, sickle grass hills, and not being confused by the wealth outside, aware of the doubts here proves that such later people have courage, luck, wisdom and confidence. It is the best choice for inheritance.

But these are not enough.

The Beastmaster divided his true inheritance into countless parts and hid among the monsters and monsters.

These ethnic groups are clearly marked on the map. As long as the tester can obtain the treasure from these ethnic groups, no matter what means is used, he will be his heir.

In other words, when the Beastmaster wanted to come, there were more than one heir.

At least he left eight map scrolls.

"These monster beast groups were originally the monsters of the beast king. Now they have been living in the endless forest for so many years, and they have grown up many times. There are definitely many monsters, there are definitely many spirit monsters, even robbery ..."

When Chu Yun thought of the rumors, he immediately felt very stressed. Many rangers feel the martial arts in the endless forest. The holy king made the holy king, and the night will kill the **** seal. The throne is the strongest abandonment. The young royal family will kill the god, the seal, the throne. Shaozhou Zhou royal family martial Qiankun will kill the **** Immortal throne in the night and seek the devil Ao Nine Heavy strong Demon's horror. Think of it this way, the leader in the ethnic group is most likely to be a robbery demonic.

"Stealing things in the hands of the demon ... This difficulty is not so great!"

On the map, marks the locations of dozens of ethnic groups. These are all ethnic groups that contain heritage treasures.

Anyway, the treasure is there, and whether it can be obtained is a problem for later people.

As for the treasure, he was killed by the monster. It doesn't matter, anyway, there are the remaining seven map scrolls. Under the protection of the stone base, these reels are also very safe. At least Chu Yun tried many methods, and could no longer ng to the second map scroll.

The means of the Beastmaster is unfathomable. Chu Yun can only look up now.

"It's impossible to completely sweep these map scrolls!" Chu Yun gritted his teeth and watched the bronze statue sinking again, returning to its original state.

"It seems that it is only in front of everyone, and the true inheritance treasure of the Beast King is taken into the hand in advance." Chu Yun cast his eyes on the scroll in his hand again.

There are a total of eight pieces of inheritance treasures, and no specific information is clearly stated, which is very mysterious.

"Mí fog is getting thicker and thicker these days, leaving me little time." Chu Yun was anxious, and each time the endless forest opened, it was only a short half month. Now it is more than half of it.

"The location of the nearest ethnic group ..." Chu Yun's eyes flickered, suddenly lit up, "The forest of the electric thunder tree!"

This is the only demon-planted group among the eight ethnic groups. Hundreds and thousands of electric thunder trees grow together. The heritage of the Beastmaster is in the middle of the woods.

Chu Yun used the colorless rainbow demon, wrapped himself, used the invisible Taoist method, and carefully moved forward.

The electric mangrove forest is very dense. The lightning flashed four times, the electrical stretched, and the tingle cheered slightly. If you take a bird's eye view from the air, you will see this forest, which is so unique in the mountains. This is a blue forest. When the mountain wind blows, the trees undulate, as if the sea is dangling.

Of course, there are no birds that dare to fly boldly over the woods. Here is the quietest enemy, once a living creature violates the cordon, countless Thunder Grid will split everything into coke.

Chu Yun gradually went deeper, and when he reached about the middle, he appeared the electric demon tree of the spirit demon series. Then, deeper and deeper into the center, one tree after another of the spirit demon trees was revealed in front of Chu Yun.

The more dangerous the situation, the more calm Chu Yun is.

"Since ancient times, riches and precious dangers! I hope the woods are important, not just a demon tree that robs the demon ranks!" His current stealth Taoist law is only the upper ranks. The colorless rainbow demon is just a big monster. If the gap between the monsters and the beasts is too large, the stealth Taoism will not work.

Chu Yun can deceive the electric demon tree of the spirit demon series, but to deceive the robbery demon tree, it may be quite small.

"Damn ~ ~ It's really a big robbery tree!" After walking cautiously for another half hour, Chu Yun stopped suddenly and cursed fiercely in his heart.

In front of his eyes, between the lush branches, he peeped into a huge electric tree. Although only a part of the branches are seen, if there is nothing but a robbery, the colorless rainbow demon, who has already been frightened, almost collapsed on the spot.

"With this robber demon tree, the treasure is completely hopeless. At least I have to wait until I have the monster robber power, but that should be the year of the monkey year. This is not a good thing. The treasure is hidden here. It's tickling, it won't eat! "

Chu Yun was very disappointed, even slandering the beast king. The test of this inheritance is also too difficult. Chu Yun's strength has already been regarded as the level of the middle and lower reaches of Xingzhou. But this situation, but still helpless.

He just wanted to turn around and retreat, and suddenly there was another move in his heart: "It's not right! How could the robbery's breath be so weak! Could it be said?"

Chu Yun thought of a possibility, and turned in another direction, then secretly looked at the most central robbery tree.

"Almost cheated!" His eyes were bright.

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