The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 14: : Frightened Sickle Grass

Section 14: Frightened Sickle Grass

"How did you appear in the earth altar?" Yi Yan's eyes flashed, and the first came to Chu Yun and asked.

"This is hard work. I don't know why, I just did it by feeling." Chu Yun's answer was rogue, and Yi Yan burst into breath.

Feiyan ran over and looked up at Chu Yun with admiration: "Is this Brother Chu Yun's arithmetic? Really good! Even Sister Yi Yan didn't show up."

"Oh, fluke, fluke." Chu Yun said modestly. Looking at Xiao Feiyan's eyes staring at him shining brightly, he also felt a little embarrassed. This is the experience published by the rouge door of the previous life, to in turn coax them.

In the previous life, the Rouge Menjiu battled the Mang Lei tree. Under an unexpected Dao bombardment, it broke the ground and exposed the altar below. This was the truth.

The earth altar has the function of condensing the surrounding vitality, which greatly assists the electric mango tree. Without the aid of the earth altar, the demon of the demon tree is not as rich as the sky fox. Various middle and high-level Taoisms are carried out. Immediately, the demon element is not good, even if there is a medium to restore the Taoism, it gradually fades. Eventually fell on the hands of the rouge door.

"This is not a wild monster plant. Who is so badly interested in setting up the earth altar here?"

"This earth altar seems very old."

The women surveyed the battlefield, and soon anomalies emerged. When they showed the unique sign of the beast king from the earth altar, they immediately became excited.

"Inheritance of the King of Beasts!" Xiao Feiyan exclaimed, expressing everyone's heart in one sentence.

"Before the death of the Thousand Beast Kings, the place of inheritance was placed in the endless forest. For thousands of years, it has not been seen."

"The key is that the endless forest stretches endlessly, and there is a mist of magic all the year round. With the inheritance of the Beast King, it has gradually become a slogan that inspires morale."

"Unexpectedly, even today, this clue appeared in front of our eyes!"

"In the past, the king of beasts, all over the world, looked at the world. Known as the king of beasts, there are thousands of monsters in the hands, and there are countless. No one dares to fight head-on with the beasts. What will his inheritance be?"

The girls were so excited that they couldn't help themselves, their faces were filled with fascinating emotions.

"What do you know? This electric thunder tree is actually related to the inheritance of the Beast King?" Yi Yan looked at Chu Yun's eyes, which was twice as hot as before. As soon as Chu Yun shot, she immediately made her look at the "Yi Shi School".

"I don't really know, but I just feel it." Chu Yun touched his nose and smiled bitterly.

"But why are you not surprised at all?" Yi Yan looked at Chu Yun, and always felt that the teenager in front of him concealed many things from himself, which was a little unfathomable.

"It's a little surprising, but I don't think it can be determined to be the inheritance of the Beast King alone by an earth altar buried underneath? Maybe it was the predecessor of the Ranger who was in the same era as him. The means to build a stronghold. "Chu Yun reminded.

These words surprised all the girls in the excitement. What Chu Yun said is not impossible.

"Inheritance of the King of Beasts, whether or not. We will follow this path that we have opened up and continue to advance. Sisters, calm down and move forward!" Huamei behaved quite calmly and calmly. Under her leadership, the team continued to deepen.

This ancient road is not easy to go. Weeds are overgrown, and many places are covered in spiked thorns. There are many wild monsters living on the road.

The advancement of the Rouge Gate was quite difficult. Chu Yun also started to contribute, and secretly rejoiced in his heart, fortunately he and Rouge Gate moved forward together. If he came here alone, he would never be as relaxed as he is now.

Many people are good at doing things. After about half an hour, the team has to stop advancing. Three forks appeared in front of each fork, and at the junction of each fork, there was a monster of the spirit demon series guarding.

The girls couldn't help but feel happy and worried. Fortunately, this obviously bears the trace of artificial design, and the inheritance of the Beast King may add one more point. The worry is that these three spirit monsters are not easy to deal with. Which one of them will the real road be?

"My blood is here, and my intuition tells me that I should take the central road." Chu Yun said.

Later, Yi Yan also put away Heluotu and said to everyone: "The middle road foretells wealth and risk."

The spirits of the women rose, and the two major fortune tellers had unified their calibers. Immediately, the morale was greatly improved. After fighting for an hour, they cut off the monsters and stopped on the road.

Moving forward is getting harder and harder, and every time you travel, there will be three forks. This is not a good choice, and no one knows which path is really right.

But Yi Yan's fortune-telling, combined with Chu Yun's "extraordinary effort", became the indicator light above and below the rouge door.

Yi Yan has been extremely curious about Chu Yun's method of changing teachers. Every time I spent quite a lot of energy, I calculated the result. Chu Yun just got a little thought and got it. This way, falling in her eyes, it was like a word of mouth.

Chu Yun's every result is consistent with his own. This makes Yi Yan curious, but also has a faint sense of frustration.

In fact, she feels right. Chu Yun is indeed open-mouthed, just based on the memories of the previous life.

But even Yi Yan wanted to break his head, and he absolutely could not think of this.

To a certain extent, Chu Yun took their achievements, pretended to be an elephant in front of them, and gained respect from the rouge door.

Is this shameless?

Chu Yun sometimes secretly asked himself. But soon, he dispelled this emotion. Treasures can be obtained by those who are capable, and as for the rouge door, he will not be ill-treated.

Three days and three nights later, after making dozens of choices, everyone followed the ancient road to a high mountain.

This mountain is quite peculiar. Enveloped in a faint mí fog, in stark contrast to the surrounding mountains, its hills are not covered with trees, but are covered with waist-deep weeds.

"This mountain is quite peculiar. Isn't it the place where the beast king is inherited?" Such a high mountain in front of me became the end of the road, and all the girls were speculating.

"Look, look, the road behind is disappearing!" Suddenly someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked back hurriedly, and saw that the mí fog suddenly rose like a surge, surging over and quickly covering the path when he came.

Mí fog is so dense that it is like a thick cloud wall, up to tens of feet, covering in front of everyone.

After a slight panic, all the women calmed down. They all looked at Huamei, Yi Yan and Chu Yun. Traveling along the way, the reliable impression of the three of them has penetrated into everyone's heart.

"The road at the time of arrival has been closed, it seems that only to continue forward." Hua Mei sighed softly.

"This mountain seems to have strange things, can not be underestimated." Yi Yanliu's eyebrows lightly lock, his eyes covered with a layer of sorrow.

Chu Yun exhaled at this moment and said, "These are frightened sickle grasses, not ordinary plants."

"Frightened sickle grass?" All the women were attracted by his words for a time.

Along the way, Chu Yun has impressed them. Everyone knows that the young and vigorous master in front of him generally does not say anything. Generally, it doesn't take a shot, it is shocking and fruitful as soon as it is shot.

"You don't recognize it, it's normal. This kind of frightened sickle grass is a demon plant in the ancient times. It is already extinct now. But I still thought it remained here," Chu Yun introduced slowly.

This is only a moderately qualified monster plant, but it has been extinct for many years. This kind of monster plant is very prosperous and prosperous, and has very low environmental requirements. It can easily spread and spread into disasters.

Its blades of grass are like blades, feel the martial arts, the holy king of heaven and earth, the sacred king, the night will kill the god, the seal of the throne, and the strongest abandonment of the world. Dazhou royal family martial Qiankun will kill the **** Immortal throne in the night and ask the devil to be proud of the Nine-Nine Heavens. After that, it will be crazy to spin and roll. It is a rare melee type demon plant.

All the women listened, and they were all amazed. At the same time, he also admired Chu Yun's eyes. This extinct monster plant, the master and deputy master did not know, only Chu Yun understood. This can't help letting all the girls look at Chu Yun higher, but they don't know that Chu Yun is completely based on their experience, so they know the origin of this grass.

"This kind of grass is very valuable. It was flooded in ancient times and was cleared by others. But in modern times, it is unique. When it is sold outside, there will be a market!" Hua Mei heard Chu Yun's words, but it was the first. I realized this for a while. Immediately ordered people to go out and wanted to conquer some.

"Can't subdue! Their auras, refuse to call. It seems that they are all possessed by the Lord." Those who tried tried to return.

"There is something of the Lord? It seems that there must be an earth altar under the mountain. There is nothing wrong with our path." Hua Mei was excited and lost.

"But how can we get over this mountain? These sickle grasses are countless and spread all over the mountains. Carefully sense, there are thousands of big demon plants." After the scout urged the Dafa of the exploration class, the charming face Pale.

Although it is just a big demon, but this number is terrible.

"Do n’t you think it ’s weird? According to Master Chu Yun, these frightened sickle grasses have very low requirements on the living environment and are prone to flooding. In an environment full of wood and earth like the Endless Forest, they are only in It grows on this hill. "Yi Yan suddenly said something strange.

Everyone was silent for a while ~ ~ There was a little excitement in each other's eyes. What does this situation mean? Obviously the result is artificial.

Will this be the test of the heirs set by the King Beast himself?

"Oops! My Dao Fa has completely stopped responding."

"This place seems to have a demon array, which can invalidate all Taoism!"

At this moment, a serious problem suddenly appeared among the girls. Their Daoist laws actually failed.

"I don't believe, Danding three-legged bird, use the small Danhuo!" Feiyan did not believe in evil, commanding his main battle monster.

However, the red-topped three-legged bird shouted dumbly, unable to touch a Martian.

"How could this be?" Feiyan lost his soul and paled. But the next moment, she turned to Chu Yun for help. In her mind, Brother Chu Yun had more skill than the two sisters, and he would definitely be able to solve this problem.

Sure enough, Chu Yun did not disappoint her this time.

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