The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 15: : The New Way of Dao

Section 15: New Talent Law

When Chu Yun saw the time was ripe, he coughed and said: "Fear of sickle grass. Only when you feel the feeling of panic will you attack. In ordinary times, even if you walk in front of it and fold its leaves, nothing happens. . We can go through this mountain directly without looking at the Throne of the Immortal Throne. "

"It can be like this?" All the women heard the words, their eyes lit up.

Along the way, their thinking has formed a habit. Chu Yun ’s words opened a new way of thinking for them.

"But if walking on the halfway, if these demon plants are suddenly difficult ..." Hua Mei objected, not that she did not believe in Chu Yun, but that as a leader, she must certainly consider all aspects.

"This is the most critical place." Chu Yun sighed, his expression turned serious, "Frightened sickle grass, once aware of the feeling of panic, will attack all foreign objects wildly. If on the way, someone panic, the consequences will be unimaginable . "

"This grass is taller. Where is it so terrible?" Xiao Feiyan didn't take it seriously.

Chu Yun shook his head and smiled, and suddenly saw a little demon **** flying in the sky.

"You guys look good!" He suddenly turned his hand and showed Lishan longan flower branch. Ice Soul God Light splits through the sky and freezes the little demon **** into ice at once.

In the ice cube, the **** fluttered its wings, and his eyes were full of panic. Chu Yun directly threw the ice block far away on the mountain.

Brush brush!

Suddenly, the entire hill exploded. Frightened sickle grass feeling martial Move the heaven and earth to kill the gods and seals the throne in the night and ask the devil to be proud of the Nine Chongtian strongest to abandon the young Da Zhou dynasty In general, the grass blades of Xinchang that had been laid down softly and suddenly turned into straight swords, standing upright one by one.

In an instant, the entire green hill, like a sleeping beast, opened his eyes violently and roared loudly, exposing the spiky and sharp teeth!


In the cool voice of the collective girls, the ice falling in the grass was cut into pieces instantly by the blades of grass flying around.

In the sound of scrubbing, ice cubes and blood u are all cut into scum particles in the blink of an eye. The red blood stained a small patch of sickle grass red.

Xiao Feiyan was frightened and took two steps backwards unconsciously.

All the women's faces were not good-looking, but Yi Yan's expression also turned dignified. Chu Yun used **** facts to truly show the horror of this grass in front of them.

"If it's not too early today, it's better to stay there and rest for one night." Chu Yun looked at the sky and suddenly said.

Huamei nodded, and the decision made all the women feel relieved.

That night.

Chu Yunduan was sitting in the tent, his fingers flying like a weaving shuttle. In front of him, the Xinghai Dragon Palace fairy pouch was placed on the ground, with the bag mouth half open.

He was practicing alchemy, but the magic formula he used was not the skillful eight-step Jinlian alchemy handprint, but the Dunhuang Feitian seal presented when Jin Bihan left.

In the pocket of his monograph, as the seals were printed out one by one, new shoots gradually emerged from the trunk of the Huan Zhuan Dan Yuan tree, and red flowers and bones grew like agate.

The flower bud grows to the extent that it is visible to the u's eyes, and then blooms suddenly.

In the heart of each flower, a round and smooth pill is carried. On the surface of Dan, dragon-shaped ghosts flashed from time to time. This is Shenglong Dan.

This side of Thanglongdan is his harvest on Rainbow Island. This is the best Danfang for the monster. Can make the monster's fighting power soar in a short time. But after the effect, it is a long time of weakness.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Shenglong Dan in the heart of the flower suddenly exploded one by one, and suddenly Dan Qi overflowed, and everything turned into useless work.

"Failed again." Chu Yun sighed in his heart, not surprised. The first-class Dan is extremely difficult to refine, even if Master Baimei's success rate is not high.

These days, Chu Yun spent a total of u time training alchemy. Refining the first-class Dan, although all ended in failure, but the improvement brought to him is quite considerable.

But this method also has huge flaws. That's too much material.

"If I were in the previous life, how could I have the capital to make alchemy? Fortunately, the Shu family in this life is so powerful that it has such financial resources to support my cultivation. If this goes on, it will not take long, and it should be possible to produce Shenglong Dan."

"Huh? There is still a residual Dan left?" Chu Yun suddenly yelled, and now the Huan Zhuan Dan Yuan tree left a Dan the size of the thumb.

"Looking at the volume of this residual pill, the effect should be one-tenth of the finished pill. Fortunately, this time is not a harvest." Chu Yun took out this residual pill and collected it.

Just about to continue the alchemy, but from the tent came the voice of the rouge door master Hua Mei: "Master Chu Yun, can you come out?"

"What is the Huamen Lord looking for?" Chu Yun sorted out the fairy capsule and walked out of the tent. I saw the Chinese Meiting stand at night, standing in front of myself.

Her Tang suit is in her body, showing classic elegance. A pair of phoenix eyes, bright and translucent. Meiyujian vaguely with a strong and capable taste.

She is a prestigious woman in the future, the master of the rouge door, like the plum blossoms of Ao Xue in the cold wind.

"I'm here to thank you, thank you for your actions today. If we rush into the mountains hurriedly, we suddenly have an accident, and seeing the **** scene, I'm afraid that the consequences will be unbearable. Everyone will adjust their mindsets tonight. Psychological preparation, and then through the hill, it will be much easier. "Huamei came straight to the mountain and admitted his intention.

"Hehehe, in fact, I did it for my own sake. If Huamen's main thanks, you might as well give this time more points." Chu Yun smiled, half-jokingly.

He has no politeness, and there is no ordinary son-in-law's hypocrisy. Speaking of benefit division, it is quite practical.

But his equal tone made Huamei feel comfortable and relaxed. The smart and capable woman couldn't help laughing: "In this way, Master Chu Yun has been sure that the heritage of the Beast King is hidden in front of him? Is it a result that has already been calculated?"

She smiled deeply, her eyes were bright and moving, and she seemed to be able to see the depth of Chu Yun's heart. Chu Yun felt overwhelmed.

The master of the rouge door is really more difficult to deal with than the deputy master. All of a sudden, Chu Yun's details were pierced out.

"At the beginning, I felt that following you together would be a great success. Now that I have walked along the road, it is indeed a lot of hard work. The more sure I will be the inheritance of the Beast King." Chu Yun gritted his teeth and bit himself "Ishi" identity, disguised to the end.

"The school of Yi is really different. Yi Yan has just calculated the same result." Hua Mei smiled.

"Is it?"

"How does Master Chu Yun think of Yi Yan?" Hua Mei asked suddenly.

Chu Yun was stunned and hadn't spoken yet, but Hua Mei said again: "Ah, in fact, you also saw it. Yi Yan is very infatuated with the way of fortune-telling. She really wants to communicate with other mathematicians. Of course, I also know that every genre of mathematicians has its own secret biography, and it is not easy to show people. However, please ask Master Chu Yun not to look down on Yi Yan, who is a monk, she is indeed very talented. This yù simple, There is a special way of Taoism, please accept Master Chu Yun with a smile. "

Looking at the Jane Huamei handed over, Chu Yun knew the real purpose of the other party.

He shook his head and smiled, pushing his hands away, pushing away Jane: "It's not that I'm cherishing myself, but I've already told the truth. Master Yi, together, is indeed near talent, and it's really difficult to express in words. I won't lie to you, this I ca n’t accept the unique way of Taoism. "

Huamei's face remained the same, but there was a smile in his eyes: "I believe in you, the little bully made his debut, and he has faith and never swears. Please also accept this simple, thank you for today's matter Lie. "

This said Chu Yun's face was hot. He just wanted to refuse, but this yù Jane has been plugged in.

"Let's go." Huamei left quite sternly and open-mindedly, and could teach most men in the world to be ashamed. A copy of the masterpiece of Dao Dao Fa was just sent out.

"It's okay, just accept it. Write down this relationship first, and give it back to them in the future." Chu Yun looked at Huamei's leaving, thinking about it, and finally decided to accept the door.

"This glory?" Chu Yun Shennian throws in, and immediately reveals that this is a wood-based peculiar Taoist method, which has a very peculiar effect and can damage the enemy and self.

"Okay, with this Taoism, Tianhu's combat power will be improved by two at once!"

The next day.

"Tell everyone a piece of good news. Both of our two great fortune-tellers have already figured it out. The land of the beast king is in front of us! You can reach it across this mountain! What else can stop us? Is it sickle grassland? "Huamei Yingshuang was stern, and her mouth was full of excitement.

"No!" The girls shouted in unison. Originally, after a night of rest, he was already mentally prepared, and now he was mobilized by Huamei before the war. All his spirits were surging and his fighting spirit was high.

"Come out!" Hua Mei said no more, just pointed forward. In the morning breeze, she is like a goddess of war ~ ~

The women marched up the mountain, the sickle grass grew very lush, and the green grass was slender. Clumps of clumps grow very densely. There seems to be an invisible giant hand, squeezing them together.

The grass blades at the foot of the mountain are already waist-deep. Near the mountainside, the grass is as high as a person's forehead.

The deep green sea of ​​grass, blocking the view, makes people feel very small, it is easy to lose direction. Fortunately, there are many people at Rouge Gate, holding hands one by one and encouraging each other.

Suddenly a hare rushed in bravely and was quickly cut into mud by sickle grass. Fortunately, all the women were fully psychologically prepared and no accidents occurred.

"Don't be afraid." Chu Yun held Feiyan's little hand and felt her little hand tighten, and quickly warmly encouraged.

"Brother Chu Yun is here, Fei Yan is not afraid at all! I just think his brother's hands are so warm ..." Xiao Fei Yan looked up and looked at Chu Yun with a smile.

"Look, there is a ruin!" At this moment, the first woman who walked to the summit suddenly cheered with surprise.

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