The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 13: : Electric Mangosteen

Section 13: Electric Man Ray Tree

"One team stabilized, three teams healed quickly." Huamei continued to order, she sat in the center of the town, very calm, like a set of gods, as long as she was there, the team would not be surprised.

This accurate command immediately stabilized the scene. Just a moment later, the cloud-winged tiger whimpered, seriously wounded, and finally fell back to death.

"Won!" Fei Yan yelled happily, and she just did a lot of fighting in the battle just now. She was very excited to participate in such a large event for the first time.

"Organize the battlefield, Feiyan came over." Huamei narrowed her brows, and was not satisfied with her standards. Especially Feiyan and Hu 1uan attacked, which affected the attack pace of the entire team.

She called Feiyan to the side and whispered a few times.

After Feiyan returned, he lowered his head and looked depressed.

"Trained ..." She walked to Chu Yun's front, her mouth muttered, and her eyes were full of tears.

Chu Yun patted her little head melon and comforted a few words. Listening to Chu Yun's gentle words, Xiao Feiyan felt better immediately. In the afternoon, she smiled again and became alive and well.

The team continued to move forward, and the teamwork of Rouge Gate definitely occupied the top level. Various commands were accurately delivered, all parts of the team acted at their orders, the formation changed like a cloud, and tactical changes were even more stagnant.

Most of the monsters such as the cloud-winged tiger, the soul-eating anaconda, the swallowing refined pith willow, etc., are mostly big demon, and even one or two wild spirit demon, all fall under the coordination of rouge gate.

Chu Yun also saw the combat power of Huamei and Yi Yan, absolutely no less than himself. It is absolutely impossible to have such a master among the ordinary third-rate forces. Rouge Gate is an organization with unlimited potential, even if there is no inheritance of the Beastmaster, it will rise.

At Hua Mei's request, in order not to affect and destroy the coordination of the rouge door, he rarely shot. At most, it is the role of treatment. He used the long-tailed ginseng dragon's eye fruit on the flowering branch of Lishan longan to shoot out the eternal light. Half a day of kung fu has already won the deep favor of the rouge door, especially the three shieldmen who were taken care of by Chu Yun. The eyes looking at Chu Yun are extremely hot and quite enthusiastic.

"Mr. Chu Yun and his sisters have a good time together. How about showing their hands again, how about fortune-telling?" Yi Yan was quite curious about Chu Yun's teacher. Along the way, Chu Yun was not let go, often coming to trouble.

The female intuition is really terrible. She believes that Chu Yun has reservations and would like to learn more about the mysterious school of mathematicians like Master Yi.

Chu Yun was suffering, and Master Yi was completely fabricated in his mouth, and could only be pushed away.

"How did you fail again?" Hua Mei smiled as Yi Yan walked out.

"Huh, this son of Chu Yun, at first glance is calm and straightforward. In fact, he has a lot of thoughts, and he must have concealed it. I think he looks down on me, a half-doctor. Sister Huamei, you do n’t think he looks Is my eyes weird? "Yi Yan exhaled, thinking of Chu Yun's appearance, and felt the itchy roots.

Huamei thumped and laughed.

"Sister, what are you laughing at?"

"I'm happy, so smile." Hua Mei smiled like a nightmare, her skin bullied Frost Sai Xue, hairpin shivered slightly on the coiled green silk when she laughed, as if the flower branch was swaying in the wind.

"What are you happy about?" Yi Yan wondered.

"I am happy that this is like a girl of seventeen or eighty years old. You are usually calm and wise, indifferent to the world, don't care about foreign objects, always give a sense of distance. Now look at your eagerness, this makes People think you are a real person with blood and u. My sister likes you like this. "Hua Mei smiled and reached out to squeeze Yi Yan's hand.

"Sister said, I will pay attention in the future." Yi Yan was said to have a red face, knowing that this was Huamei's subtle exhortation to her. In fact, she didn't care about everything, but only things related to the mathematicians in this world could arouse her interest. She has too much enthusiasm for fortune-telling.

"Sister Yi Yan, Brother Chu Yun is looking for you. He said he suddenly counted something and asked you to talk with him." At this moment, Xiao Feiyan jumped up and down and acted as a microphone.

Yi Yan's eyes suddenly brightened, turned and left: "I'm here!"

"Alas, it's difficult for Jiangshan to change the book ..." Hua Mei looked at Yi Yan's back and rushed away, shook his head helplessly and smiled wryly.

As soon as he saw Yi Yan, Chu Yun opened the door and went straight to the point.

His old **** is in the tunnel: "There are three forks in front, a mountain path, the road is narrow, and the mist is thicker; a cloud-winged tiger with three big demon levels leading to the valley blocks the road. There is also a forest road, There is an electric thunder tree of the spirit demon series blocking it. I suddenly worked hard, and gave me guidance, telling me to take the third path, which is the most suitable and will have a lot of benefits. "

In fact, along the way, he has been paying attention to the detectors in front, constantly sending back the information. When I heard the word "Electric Lightning Tree", I was excited.

In the previous life, the Rouge goalkeeper was kept secret by the Thousand Beast King's heritage. Until he became a first-class force, this expedition experience was publicized and its influence was expanded.

In this expedition experience, the details are slightly correct, the truth is very high. The second mention is an electric thunder tree.

This is a spirit demon with two lines of thunder and wood stuck in the road. You have to cut it before you can move forward. Before this, no one has been here. It's just that most of them saw this tree of spirit demon and chose to push it.

"Electric Lightning Thunder Tree is very difficult to capture. It has a strong attack power, and it displays the lightning thunder law, and understands the wood path law. It can absorb the earth's vitality and is very suitable for protracted warfare. How is it determined? What kind of income will there be? "Yi Yan frowned when he heard Chu Yun's words.

"I've told you too. It's hard work and close to talent. It's as if the human eye can see and the human ear can't explain." Chu Yun shook his head and answered.

"Is this really just an intuition?" Yi Yan looked at Chu Yun very unwillingly, expecting him to say more.

"Believe it or not, I believe it anyway." Chu Yun spread his hand, which looks very rogue in the eyes of Yi Yan.

"Electric Lei Shue, indeed this is a good opponent. It is suitable for training the team's responsiveness and enduring combat ability. Regardless of whether there will be benefits, I have decided to fight." Huamei came over at this time, she was in a beautiful splendor In Tang suit, the body is bumpy and full, and the whole body is full of capable and mature temperament.

Chu Yun gave her a glance and couldn't help but feel respect.

Ordinary rangers are mostly based on immediate interests. Similar to the electric bone thunder tree, such a difficult bone, the profit is small, and many rangers do not like to engage in such a thankless battle.

Huamei is far-sighted and does not care about his immediate interests. But for the exhibition of the entire martial arts, this alone will compare many people.

No wonder a few years later, she became one of the most important characters in the ranger world. The style of the Rouge Gate Master has also been widely circulated, and there are many admirers.

The electric mango tree is quite tall and has a height of three feet. It has a strong backbone, and five or six adults can't hug it. The branches are rare, but straight like guns. Most of all, the bark is covered with blue growth.

This is "Thunder". A sharp electric gleam flashed on the tip, a crackling sound, reminding outsiders of the extreme danger of this big tree.

"Kaiguai!" This is the jargon of the ranger world. With Huamei's order, the three demon masters of the first team immediately put on the big shield and went up to attract firepower.

At the same time, behind them, as the output of the second team, urged all kinds of Dao Fa La La La to show up, hitting their heads with their faces covered.

The sound of explosions is endless. The dazzling Daoist effect is as brilliant as fireworks.

Suddenly, a bright blue thunder exploded in the fireworks and swelled violently. The "offensive" electric lightening thunder tree was awe-inspiring.

All of a sudden, there were blue lightnings all over the place, blasting, covering a range of tens of feet, forming a terrible scene of thunder and electricity prison.

There were cries, and the Rouge Gate's offensive suddenly stagnate, and even the three most outstanding defenders had to temporarily retreat.

"This electric mangosteen thunder tree actually realized a superior thunder method. Damn, hateful." Fei Yan was struck by lightning and hugged his head, completely unable to lift his head.

At the juncture of the crisis, it is easy to smoke to resist and resist.

"The third team stepped up treatment, the second team adopted three-stage attack tactics, and the first team stuck to it!" Huamei's tone also hurried slightly. The situation in front of her is somewhat unexpected.

However, the electric Man Ray tree, the next performance, is even more surprising. Not only does it have many high-level lightning system laws, but also the woodwalk laws are at least medium. There is even a medium restoration Taoism.

Rouge Men suddenly fell into a bitter fight. In order to take care of the safety of the doormen, not only did they easily smoke, but even Huamei also appeared on the gun.

"It's not right! This electric mangosteen thunder tree is likely to have been cultivated by the demon master. Its fighting style is well-documented, and it has both offensive and defensive nature. It is naturally formed when it is impossible." Smoke's complexion gradually dimmed, and there was something wrong.

"Continue to fight, the fourth team is going to replace the second team ~ ~ Huamei is frowning. At this point, he has already ridden the tiger and has no choice but to continue the fight. She has a strong view of the overall situation. With her command, the scene came to a standstill.


At this moment, suddenly a sharp flash of light struck the roots of the electric lightning.

With a bang, the knife gas was submerged into the soil, the earth shook, and the solid land was directly split into a crack by the throne of the God Seal, exposing the altar hidden in the ground.


"It turned out to be the altar!"

The cries of the women continued, Chu Yun urged Qimen Sancai's sword, hacked three swords, and destroyed the altar. Without the support of the earth altar, the electric mango tree suddenly lost most of its geographical position, and it became weak.

The morale of the Rouge Gate shook and shook, breaking the deadlock, and immediately pushed the electric mango tree into the wind. After a while, the big tree collapsed into a long blue and blue demon crystal.

The women all breathed a sigh of relief, and then all turned their eyes to look at Chu Yun, the biggest hero of this battle.

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