The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 12: : Endless Forest Cloud-Winged Tiger

Section 12: Endless Forest Cloud-winged Tiger

With the passage of time, the thick white mist of the endless forest began to gradually disappear. Especially in the last two days, this phenomenon is even more prominent.

Two days later, the dark shadows of the tall trees had already appeared in the dense fog that was originally white. It is absolutely impossible for the mist to completely dissipate. Now that the fog has been reduced to a minimum, it is possible to explore further.


"The heritage of the Beast King must be ours!"

"I hope the gain this time will be greater than the loss ..."

Within two days, the endless forest ushered in the largest peak of people. All kinds of forces, all kinds of demon masters, all appeared colorfully, rubbing their hands.

In this case, the rouge door of the third-rate forces has become a small role that everyone subconsciously ignores. Although Chu Yun is good at fighting, in such a mixed situation of dragons and snakes, he is also very simple and rarely makes public appearances.

However, he and Bei Guangguang were naturally unable to hide well-informed people. His existence is also invisible, becoming a sign of Rouge Gate. So that the Rouge Gate was stationed in the place closest to the endless forest, and no one came to provoke this third-rate school.

However, trouble is always inevitable.

"You are Chu Yun? Recently, you've been in the limelight! I dare to come here alone, and I'm not guilty. I'm a sign of the Iron-Blood Alliance. Be careful, don't block my way." A young man, copper Color skin, extremely delicate. Before going out, he took the initiative to walk in front of Chu Yun. He was tall and thin, staring at Chu Yun with his condescending gaze, and his words were very polite.

"I heard that you defeated Beiguangguang? Really good skills, I look forward to fighting you." Another young man, about the same age as Chu Yun. He looks ordinary, but the twinkling starlight in his eyes obviously possesses a strange monster, and the reflexive aura has transformed his eyes.

"Hehehe, is that the little bully? You are out of bounds, this is not the Star Islands. Remember my advice, be careful." The third young man, covered with an invisible air, was more proud.

"The three of them are Li Zheng, Xiao Xing, and Tang Jinghan, and they are the best young generations in our Xingzhou Ranger World. Master Chu must be careful. They have spirit demon fighting power on hand, and they are trained as heirs or top beams. The fighting power should not be underestimated. "Huamei came to Chu Yun's side after they left and reminded him kindly.

Chu Yunning looked forward: "Compared to them, I am more curious about the forces behind them. I am not a lonely man. Without the shackles of the forces behind them, the three of them will not take the initiative to provoke them."

"Li Zheng is the youngest envoy of the Iron-Blood League. Xiao Xing is the only heir to Huimengge. As for Tang Jinghan's identity on the surface, he is a freelancer. In fact, he is the illegitimate child of Tiansha Gang. This is already public in the ranger world. 'S secret. "Huamei confided in detail.

"The Iron-Blood Alliance, Huimeng Pavilion, and Tiansha Gang, these are first-class forces, well-known behemoths!" Chu Yun couldn't help but smile bitterly. These three forces are even stronger than the Shu family today. Various sub-rudders are built on all national islands, and a network of distribution points is established in Xingzhou.

Chu Yun stared at this moment, these three forces have extremely strong lineups. The three young men who were not good at Chu Yun were not the leaders in their respective teams.

Each of the three major forces has its own leader. They are all spirited and have different visions, and there is a momentum all over them, let people know at a glance that they are not easy to mess with.

"The momentum of these people is by no means weaker than Beiguangguang! The vines are really only representative, not universal. There are too many dragons and snakes hidden in the grass. How can a vine be calculated? ? "Chu Yun felt a huge pressure. Bei Guangguang's battle made him understand his limits. To fight these masters in the ranger world alone, he only has two spirit monsters, and there are still deficiencies.

"Besides that, the three young masters who came to provoke must not be underestimated. The Star Islands are still a bit smaller. My qualifications in Xingzhou are not particularly outstanding. This time outsmart Foremost. "Chu Yun looked at it secretly for a while, and quietly made up his mind.

"Fifty-five steps, southeast orientation, mountain and water, great fortune!"

Under Yi Yan's fortune-telling, the Rouge Gate did not follow the trend, but chose a special position to formally enter the endless forest. This is actually to deliberately avoid some conflicts.

Even at the time when the hot sun was high, the mí fog in the endless forest still did not disperse, beyond five hundred steps, it was impossible to see. Within five hundred steps, it was a little vague.

"Scout team, go to explore the situation."

"Use the third formation and move forward slowly."

"Logistics team, pay attention to the map and leave a unique sign to facilitate our evacuation after half a month."

"Team, pay attention to the surrounding grass. The endless forest is a rich place to cherish demon plants. What you gain in this trip will depend largely on your performance!"

One by one, orders were given in Huamei's mouth. The entire rouge door team was in an orderly and orderly manner, which made Chu Yun sigh with admiration.

Although he had been with them for some time in his previous life, it was after leaving the Endless Forest. Did not see this rigorous teamwork.

Although Rouge Men are all women, their literacy is quite high. Together, there is no sense of obstruction. They are like a piece of components, combined into a precise and rigorous instrument. Everyone is part of the group, and everyone has found their place and worked together.

"All of this should be attributed to the leaders of the Rouge Gate to a large extent. They have a foundation, and they can rise even without the inheritance of the Beastmaster." Chu Yun gradually saw mí. This kind of teamwork makes him can't help but compare with the memory in memory.

In comparison, the cooperation between the military is more rugged. The teamwork between Rangers is more elaborate, focusing on tactics and formation.

In large-scale wars, the corps counted by tens of thousands of people pays more attention to strategic strategies. Like Chu Yun's surprise attack, this is a strategy.

The strategy succeeded, and tens of thousands of coalition forces were defeated by him alone. This is also due to the large number of people, which makes it difficult to control at the leadership level. Otherwise, how to say, "Thousands of soldiers will be hard to find"?

But this is not the case between the Rangers. This kind of team usually has a small number, and at most a thousand-person team. Leaders can take care and direct with great care. Even an excellent leader can know everyone's strengths, strengths, and skills, and assign them to do what they do best according to the specific situation.

There is no doubt that Huamei is such a ranger leader, so Chu Yun can not help but look at each other.

"Report! There is a big monster beast cloud-winged tiger in front, cultivated for about a year." At this moment, a person from the reconnaissance team in front returned and succinctly announced.

"The cloud-winged tiger is a variant of the water line belongs to xìng-the monster of cloud line. The annual cultivation is already close to the level of the spirit demon. Generally speaking, this wild monster will understand the real body of cloud fantasy, tiger roar The three basic Taoisms of mountain forest and Chuanyunbu ... "

Yi Yan Shen yín a moment, then spoke. She deserves to be a famous mathematician in Sinzhou in the future. Not only did she tell the details of the cloud-winged tiger, but also explained the classic beheading tactics in a thorough manner.

An arithmetic operator, often acting as a think tank in the ranger team.

"The team has just arrived, and it really needs a battle to make everyone really enter the state. The cloud-winged tiger is a pretty good object." Hua Mei moved, his bright eyes glanced at the whole unit. Then he asked Yi Yan, "The war affects morale, which is very important. Please count your troubled sister, this war situation."

Yi Yan nodded his head and unfolded Heluotu. He said, "It's flat and bland, and there is no risk. But for the sake of insurance, you might as well ask another arithmetic operator in the team to do the best."

The so-called another operator is naturally not someone else, but Chu Yun.

"Well? She still didn't plan to let me go easily." Chu Yun was stunned, thinking that Yi Yan had already passed that night. I did not expect Yi Yan to be so attached to himself.

Seeing the dozens of beautiful eyes around him, they all turned their attention. Chu Yun quickly shook his head: "It's not that I don't want to count, but this school of mine is different from other people and has no hardships. Last night It has already been explained to Yi Yan girl. "

"Why don't you have the hard work, Master Chu Yun?" Yi Yan's eyes were bright, he looked directly at Chu Yun, his tone faint.

Huamei looked at Chu Yun and Yi Yan, and suddenly took a step forward, blocking the two, and said to Yi Yan: "Princess Chu Yun is the life-saving benefactor of Feiyan, and we should treat each other with courtesy He knows why Yi Yan is so bitter, why did n’t he say it early? "

"It's me outsider ~ ~ I also know that the mathematician is very mysterious. Sister Yi Yan, you can't bully Chu Yun's brother." Xiao Feiyan also emerged a small head from the side, chucking for Chu Yun.

"Okay, this battle is mainly a warm-up. The sisters are all moving and ready to fight!" Hua Mei turned around, unwilling to entangle this matter. With her order, the women of the Rouge Gate immediately responded, each with bright eyes and a rising of fighting spirit. Follow the reconnaissance line and drive forward.

About half a quarter of an hour later, the team finally came into contact with the cloud-winged tiger.

First, the agile members control their respective monsters and disturb. Attract the angry cloud-winged tiger.

"One team, come forward to withstand." With the order of the rouge gate master, the three gatemen, each holding a large demon soldier shield, moved forward to block the cloud-winged tiger's attack.

"The second team is attacking the Taoist Taoism." Yun Xing is a variant of Shui Xing, still restrained by Tu Xing. All kinds of earth-walking methods smashed past, screaming the cloud-winged tiger, anger in anger.

The tiger's angry roar really urged the self-understanding "Tiger Roaring Forest" Taoism. The whole team was shocked and many people felt dizzy.

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