The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 6: : Sky Fox Fights Zhongshan Wolf

Section 6: Sky Fox Fights Zhongshan Wolf

"Boy, if I can use it to see the house monster, it's your job. Take a good look at the powerful Zhongshan Wolf! When you arrive at Huang Quan, don't forget who you died in."

As soon as Beiguangguang's voice fell, a sharp and shrill wolf roared back to the mountains.

A big wolf made a splash. The huge body is like a mountain. Four feet stepped out of the deep pits, its slender body, entrenched between the two mountains. The forelegs rest on the left mountain, and the hind feet stop on the right mountain.

The tall mountain, at this moment in the eyes of this giant wolf, was nothing more than a small mound. If it stands up, the wolf is taller than any mountain around it.

It's all gray, fluttering with the mountain breeze. Little Feiyan was shrouded in its huge shadow, looking up, he saw the wolf's body rolling with the wind, as if it were a large gray grassland, and the magnificent scene of low wind and grass.

"This is a spirit demon Zhongshan wolf who has been cultivated for at least six thousand years!" Chu Yun's face was unprecedentedly dignified. The higher the monster's cultivation level, the larger the volume.

In fact, his Sky Fox practiced to the spirit demon level, and the original volume was as big as a hill. Compared with this Zhongshan wolf, it is dwarfed.

The cultivation of this Zhongshan wolf is very high. The dangling spirit is almost condensed into substance. As soon as he appeared, the violent momentum shocked the mountains and valleys.

In the distance, a swarm of birds rises into the sky, and countless beasts compete for it. But at the prominent peak, or at the bottom of the hidden valley, there were three or two unwilling howls.

This is step suppression.

Only the monsters of the spirit demon series, feel the martial arts, the king of heaven, the holy king, the night king, the **** throne, the throne, the night, the strongest, the strongest abandoned Abandon the Shaozhou Zhou royal family martial Qiankun to kill the **** God seal the throne at night Zhongshan Wolf's breath can calm down.


The Zhongshan wolf screamed like a ghost crying wolf howling. Suddenly, there were overcast breezes in the air, and one was completely dark, formed by the wind sickle where the black wind converged. And with a thunderous thunder, he cut through the sky and almost killed Tianhu in a blink of an eye.

Zhongshan wolf has two lines of wind and darkness. This sickle of Yinyinfeng wind complements its genus. Under the urging of the spirit demon series, the air was torn, wherever he went, and everything was cut, even the mountain could not resist, like the tofu cut by the knife, it was cut in half.

"I actually wanted to compare the method with the Sky Fox ... Meteor Arrow!" Chu Yun sneered, put the Lishan Longan flower branch back, and took out the hurricane bow.

The bowstring vibrated, the arrow was like a meteor, blinked and shot three arrows, and finally shattered the mirror light of delusion.

The Sky Fox girl tweeted, her face flushed, but her eyes were clear like water. She saw that the Yinfeng wind sickle flew, without Chu Yun ’s order, and it also turned into a prototype, changed into a small body, only half the size of a Zhongshan wolf, but also like a hill.


A piece of fox mouth is a red lotus.

Guren collided with the wind sickle blade and exploded again. The smoke was everywhere, covering the sky.

After the smoke dissipated, Beiguangguang landed on the head of Zhongshan Wolf. Chu Yun also fell between the two foxtails of Tianhu. The two sides stared at each other with the same blade-like eyes, striking sparks in mid-air.

In the same way, the two spirit monster monsters also occupy a mountain, and they are facing each other at a distance of tens of feet.

The Zhongshan wolf has grey and green eyes and grinned teeth. Sky Fox snow silk, six tails shaking.

In the middle of them, there is a big pit that just hit a pair. It has a diameter of twelve feet, half of which is burned and roasted, and a piece of red is red. The other half is full of cuts and yin.

"Okay, such a powerful battle! It's like it was sung in the epic ..." Such a magnificent battle scene has already made Xiao Feiyan dumbfounded.

For a time, she looked up at both sides, and she forgot that she was still in danger, her mind was photographed, and she forgot her own safety.

"Look, over there!"

"Who is fighting ?!"

"Such a tremendous movement, this must be a battle of the strong. I did not expect that the endless forest has not yet been opened, and some people have merged!"

The battle between Chu Yun and Bei Guangguang was very dynamic and magnificent. Although they are separated by the mountains, they still attract the attention of some people in the area.

"This is a Zhongshan wolf, a semi-remarkable monster, and it is very high!"

"It's opponent is Sky Fox, God! It's really a legendary superb monster! Six tails, two thousand years of cultivation."

"Look and see, where is the sacred battle! The monsters have turned into their original form and used their full strength. This is a life and death battle!"

Generally speaking, the monsters of the spirit demon series are not completely used to human body combat. Turning into the original form is more conducive to wielding one's own strength.

Among the demon masters, if Bidou reaches the point where the monsters become original, it means that both sides do not keep their hands, which is a real blood fight.

Boom ...

The endless explosion of sounds, various Taoisms in the longitudinal direction of the Tianhu, smashed their heads towards the Zhongshan Wolf.

The Taoist law comprehended by Zhongshan Wolf is absolutely decent. But in front of Tianhu, the use of Taoism is simply a class ng axe.

The two sides first used the Taoist method to fight each other, and soon Beiguangguang appeared bitterly. Although the Zhongshan wolf was cultivated to be higher, the demon was not as abundant as the Tianhu. The degree of urging Taoism is not even half that of Tianhu.

The six-row method converges into a bright and colorful torrent. After a short resistance, the Zhongshan wolf groaned and fell completely into the magnificent power of Taoism, and was beaten up.

"Earth Xuanjia! Golden Light Blade!" Bei Guangguang has rich combat experience and immediately changes his strategy. Zhongshan wolf suddenly appeared a set of armor, covered with mountain-like texture. At the same time, the wolf claw and golden mountain flashed, and the anger rose sharply.

"No, the other party wants to fight!" Chu Yun saw the clue at a glance, and ordered decisively to change the fighting style of the past, "Tianhu, walk away, open the distance, and fight back with Taoism. "

The Zhongshan wolf pounced, and the Sky Fox resolutely retreated. And in the process of retreating, various Dao methods were beaten, and the black armor of the Zhongshan wolf disintegrated.

"Damn boy!" Bei Guangguang was shocked when he saw this. He had heard of the reputation of the little bully. Since his debut, the battle has stood up to be brave and bloody. Unexpectedly, he suddenly changed his strategy and played insidious cunning guerrilla tactics.

"There is still this set!" Bei Guangguang hated his teeth and kept a distance between Zhongshan Wolf and Tianhu, which could not be shortened. The various tactics of Tianhu came over, and the Zhongshan wolf could only bear it. Between the two sides retreating and advancing, the wounds on Zhongshan Wolf continued to increase, and soon they were scarred.

Although Tianhu only mastered the three unique Daoist methods, but due to the increase in the magnificence of this Daoist method, some ordinary superior Dao methods have the power of semi-unique. It is so cumulative that it makes the Zhongshan wolf unbearable.

"Bai Li Fei Teng!" Bei Guang's anxious roar urged another Dadao method. Zhongshan wolf degree surged suddenly, and the distance was shortened at once. Sky Fox is good at Taoism and is very weak in close combat. If the Zhongshan wolf that Xiu Wei surpassed was entangled and had to engage in close combat, there was little hope of victory.

"Beiguangguang is sinister! Keep this Jiadao method and use it suddenly until this moment. I just wanted to beat me by surprise. Unfortunately ..." Chu Yun snorted coldly and was not in danger. With one finger, the colorless rainbow demon wrapped the sky fox, which also greatly increased the sky fox's degree, and shook away the Zhongshan wolf again.

"Okay, great!" Bei Guangguang stomped his feet in rage and anger. Chu Yun's combat experience is rich in drawing his own imagination. He thought he could handle such young generations. Unexpectedly, Chu Yun was so old-fashioned, simply slipped without keeping his hands. This old senior had to admit that Zhongshan Wolf alone could not clean up Chu Yun's Tianhu alone.

Bei Guangguang's face was gloomy, his teeth were crunching, and a row fell on himself, and the younger junior who was only 15 years old fought so long, but he couldn't win each other. If such a record is passed, it will simply cut his face.

He was so angry that he began to take a full shot, and he used his heart to do three things. At the same time, he ordered Zhongshan wolf, delusional acacia mirror and Wulinghuayan three spirit demon. Mirror light 1uan photo, smoke rising, howling wolves, the offensive lingering, bringing great pressure to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun gritted his teeth to resist, this was the most difficult battle since rebirth. Such a strong enemy made him devote all his mind unconsciously. Put all the will into this battle.

Sky fox, drunk snow knife, Lishan longan flower branch, colorless rainbow demon, hurricane bow, and even Huanzhuan Danyuan tree, these monsters took turns in battle. The true body of fire, the true body of water, the red lotus of the world, the three-faced sword of Qimen, the glorious Dao Dao, the meteor archery ... countless Dao methods, such as walking horses and flowers, have been used by Chu Yun.

This is Chu Yun's best fight.

Really put everything into it ~ ~ All the spirit, all the will. Faced with such a strong enemy, he forgot why he realized the joy of fighting, and also realized his true strength.

"I only have two spirit demon, as the main force in hand, it is okay in the Star Islands. But compared with those of the older generation, such combat power is insufficient. But in my hand, there are many big Monsters. The means are varied and the qualifications of monsters are high. It is precisely because of this that they are supported until now. "

"Hahaha, it's refreshing! In the past life, the existence of Beiguangguang, I can only look up. But in this life, he can fight with him for thousands of rounds without defeat! Life is like this, let's take a long song!"

As Chu Yun fought, the fighting spirit was higher. In the face of such strong pressure, he not only persevered, but even gradually broke through himself.

The fighting in his chest was like fire, and he was burning. Between offense and defense, he became more and more proficient.

Although Bei Guangguang had the upper hand in virtue of cultivation, he was more shocked in the heart of the Vietnam War: "This Chu Yun has a terrifying potential! It has been repeatedly improved in battle, and various monsters have been used together. The level of maturity is so mature that it is at the beginning of the war, and it is judged as two people. If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I ca n’t believe it. "

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