The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 5: : Fighting North

Section 5: Fighting against the North

East, west, west, south, and south are all famous people on the rattan list.

In Sin Chau, not all the strong are well-known and ranked in the top list. But the people on the vine must be strong. Even if they are on the lowest ranks, they have their own unique features.

The four yín thieves in Sin Chau, each of whom is a well-known character. Beiguangguang is known as the "Northern Color" and ranks in the Yishi List. It has three spirit monsters and countless auxiliary monsters. It is an older generation figure and the most mysterious figure among the four yín thieves, with a fighting strength stronger than Chu Yun.

"This will be a hard battle! Although I was promoted from the Junjie list to the Ishizaki list, it was improved because of a record of one enemy to 10,000. Bei Guangguang has occupied the Ishizaki table for many years, ranking me 5 There is a solid foundation. But the battle is easy, and I am just taking this opportunity to weigh my true combat strength! "

Chu Yun saw a shadow on the horizon, cut across the sky, and came in a hurry. He was not surprised but rejoiced, and the fighting in his body was boiling like water.

He has been fighting in the Star Islands for a long time. Although occupying the upper hand repeatedly, the Zhuxing Islands have fallen into civil war since the time of the ancient Five Kings. Too much wear and tear, so that the archipelago's own resources and high-end combat power are much scarcer than other islands.

Spirit demon combat power can be called a general in the Star Islands. But in other islands, it can only be regarded as an ordinary general, or even a teenager.

Chu Yun has the memory of the previous life and has a broad vision. Naturally, there is no arrogance and arrogance, and now the hands of Beiguangguang are also things that he has long awaited.

"Fight!" Chu Yun whistled, lightning up the drunk snow knife in his hand, and then called out the colorless rainbow demon to wrap himself and rise to the sky. Tianhu Maiden naturally followed, and the two figures pierced the sky, ripped open the air, set off a rash spirit, and recoiled towards Beiguangguang.

"This kind of momentum." Bei Guangguang was shocked. His whole body was shrouded in a thick peach-colored mist, only showing a pair of green eyes. Chu Yundao broke some of his foundations, making this mysterious "Northern Color" who has been covering his true face for many years, nervous and fearful, and wanted to immediately capture and capture Chu Yun for further torture.

Where did he know that Chu Yun only fully revealed what he knew by virtue of the memories of his previous life.

"This little bully is the younger generation who has made the most of the limelight recently, and I will be underestimated!" Bei Guangguang saw Chu Yun counterattack, fierce and extremely violent. Immediately, Jing Mang burst into his eyes, his expression dignified, and he regarded Chu Yun as his enemy.

He originally wanted to come out strong, carrying the prestige of fame of the older generation, as soon as he faced it, he pushed Chu Yun, a tender bird, into the wind. I didn't expect Chu Yun's momentum to be more fierce than him. He didn't fear himself, but his eyes were red, his eyes were bloodthirsty, and he couldn't wait to fight himself.

Add luster to the big dragon pattern!

The two sides approached in the high sky, Chu Yun raised his hand, but listened to the dragon yín sound, a huge and sharp dragon sword, broke away. Longkou splayed, dragon teeth gritty, sharp and cold, and swallowed Beiguangguang in one bite.

"Won!" Seeing this scene, Xiao Feiyan hiding in the corner couldn't help but scream with joy.

But at the next moment, she opened her small mouth and opened her eyes, unbelievingly seeing a touch of pink halo, blooming in the snow-colored majestic light.

It is light and greasy, first a little bit, and then swells violently.

With a loud bang, the semi-unique power of the dragon pattern was disintegrated. In the high sky, there is a large piece of pink smoke, which covers the sky and the sky, and the green mountains around it are all red and greasy.

This is one of the five rotten smokes of the spirit demon series, one offensive and defensive.

"Xiao Ba Wang, you are still very tender. This is not the kind of ruined place in the Zhuxing Islands." The roaring laughter of Beiguangguang came from Wulu's burnt smoke.

"Really? Tianhu, use the world-extinguishing red lotus!" Chu Yun whispered, and the voice was not falling. An elaborate demon element sprayed into the palm of the hand, and instantly turned into a delicate flame red lotus.

Guren made a beautiful trajectory in the air, which was Tianhu's full shot. Suddenly, with a geometric degree, the skyrocketed wildly, forming a huge fire-like hill.

"Jiao Pin Dao Fa ..." Bei Guangguang's laughter came to an abrupt end, only to feel an extremely violent heat 1ang, rushed towards himself.

In an instant, he quickly shrank the five-spray smoke and urged a method. The flower smoke condenses as a substance, transforming into a full body armor, covering the whole face of Beiguangguang strictly.


Loud explosions, like thunder. The flames spewed, the heat was hot, and the sky was white. The dazzling light made Xiao Feiyan, who watched the battle, couldn't help covering his eyes with his hands.

The spreading qi 1ang swept around. The wind screamed, the qi 1ang rolled wildly, countless trees on the ground in the vertical direction were lifted by the heat 1ang, and the rolling mountains tremble. Xiao Feiyan exclaimed and hugged the huge tree trunk tightly, which saved him from being blown out.

At the moment when Qi 1ang swept over, she felt almost like a landslide, and the little heart field was full of fear.

This is the first blow Tian Tian has ever made.

After the explosion, the white field of vision gradually became clearer. The forest closest to the explosion center, within a few tens of feet, has become an empty space.

Although the explosion was only born in the sky, the violent Qi 1ang directly threw the Throne of the Immortals directly into the large underground mountains, and the lush trees flew away.

"That bad guy is still alive!" Xiao Feiyan was shocked, looking up at the sky, could not help but take a breath.

Under such a terrible attack, Bei Guangguang was enveloped with a layer of smoke. A peach powder armor, although it has been blurred, is gradually becoming clearer and clearer as the smoke continues to return.

"Hehehe, the superb monster, with the supernatural power, the power is really extraordinary. However, it is over. It's a catch!"

When Bei Guangguang reached out his hand, Wulu burned out a smoke, forming a big hand in the air, like a small hill, and grabbed Chu Yun.

Chu Yun waved drunk snow knife to resist. This big hand is very flexible, it is simply Bei Guangguang's other hand, his heart turns freely, sometimes squeezed into a fist, and sometimes turned into a big palm slap, sometimes turned into a hand knife crosscut.

What's more, Chu Yun's blade is sharp, even though he wears this big hand. Then in an instant, his big hands were like smoke, and he recovered immediately, making all his attacks useless.

Chu Yun was in a bitter fight, and the five smokes of the rotten smoke restrained the drunk snow knife. Many of his attacks have been negated.

This five-story burned-out smoke is only of superior qualification, but the cultivation base is much higher than the drunk snow knife, and the material itself is very special. With Xuan Qi's Taoism, the drunk snow knife is suppressed.

There is a saying in Xingzhou-there is no strongest monster in this world, only the strongest demon master. Because everything is in balance, monsters and creatures interact with each other. The unique monsters are only good in quality, and their strength is easier to improve.

If the Tianhu were not responding, the Six-Road Dharma continued, and Beiguangguang was firmly restrained. Otherwise, Chu Yun's situation will be even worse.

In fact, Bei Guangguang also felt very tricky. Tianhu's Taoist attack was too fierce, giving him a feeling of being beaten up.

"This Sky Fox is so annoying, now there are only six tails, and it has such power that holds me down and can't wield all the fighting power. It's really trouble!"

To solve Chu Yun, only Tianhu was solved first. After Beiguangguang realized this, he immediately took out his delusional acacia mirror.

This is a demon soldier of the spirit demon series, with a semi-unique qualification. Bei Guangguang's big hand condensed with vertical smoke, holding this mirror in one hand, released an incandescent beam of light, covering the Tianhu girl.

The sky fox girl's eyes suddenly mí away, and the deepest love in her heart is excited and magnified by this mirror. Chu Yun's voice and smile appeared layer by layer in her heart, continuous and unforgettable.

Tianhu's fighting intentions suddenly diminished and his movements slowed down.

"Hey, hey ..." Beiguang smiled again and again, and Guangzhu doubled again.

The Sky Fox girl couldn't help but groan and fell into a boundless illusion. In this white world, she and her master Chu Yunchi met each other and snuggled up with each other. Chu Yun caressed her fox tail lovingly and kissed her fox ears with a wonderful feeling of bliss that struck her all over her body. The endlessness made every cell in her body tremble.

Sky Fox's originally intensive Daoist attacks became sparse at once.

"Xiao Ba Wang, your Sky Fox, and Drunk Snow Sword let me laugh." Bei Guangguang couldn't help laughing.

"How could this be?" Xiao Feiyan's eyes were red with anxiety ~ ~ Hiding in the treetops, his hands subconsciously pinched into a pair of small fists, seeing Chu Yun's precarious state, his strength was not good To get started, I was extremely worried.

"Bing Soul Light!" Chu Yun suddenly changed his tactics, swayed with a knife, and took out the Lishan longan flower branch. The white, frost-like ice spirit flew all around. The big hand that was shot by the five-flowered rotten smoke suddenly received a strange effect, and the movement of the big hand caught suddenly.

Chu Yun's spirit was revitalized, and the sword was violently split, splitting his big hand into five or six pieces. Bing Soul Shine kept shooting, and with the combination of the two, he not only broke open the big grasper, but even nearly broke Bei Guangguang's armor.

Ice Soul God Light is a talented way of the polar ice dragon, which claims to be able to freeze everything in the world. Chu Yun's glamour, although only fake, was still derived from the polar ice dragon dragon fruit. Reluctantly restrained Wu Luohuahuayan.

"This Chu Yun is really a bit of trouble." Against a younger junior, Bei Guangguang has been fighting for a long time, but he still can't take him, and can't help being impetuous.

He originally suppressed the Tianhu with a delusional acacia mirror. I didn't expect Chu Yun to use the Lishan longan flower branch again, breaking through his Wuluohua smoke. The two sides have transformed from one stalemate to another.

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